▼OGS CTests—Project Files | |
►Elliptic | |
►circle_radius_1 | |
circle_1e1_axi.prj | |
circle_1e2_axi.prj | |
circle_1e3_axi.prj | |
circle_1e4_axi.prj | |
circle_1e5_axi.prj | |
circle_1e6_axi.prj | |
►cube_1x1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
cube_1e0.prj | |
cube_1e0_neumann.prj | |
cube_1e0_newton.prj | |
cube_1e0_processed.prj | |
cube_1e0_quadratic_hex.prj | |
cube_1e1_neumann.prj | |
cube_1e1_newton.prj | |
cube_1e1_processed.prj | |
cube_1e2_neumann.prj | |
cube_1e2_newton.prj | |
cube_1e2_processed.prj | |
cube_1e3_bottom_neumann.prj | |
cube_1e3_bottom_neumann_newton.prj | |
cube_1e3_calculatesurfaceflux.prj | |
cube_1e3_neumann.prj | |
cube_1e3_neumann_calculatesurfaceflux.prj | |
cube_1e3_newton.prj | |
cube_1e3_processed.prj | |
cube_1e3_top_neumann.prj | |
cube_1e3_top_neumann_newton.prj | |
cube_1e4.prj | |
cube_1e4_anisotropic.prj | |
cube_1e4_neumann.prj | |
cube_1e5.prj | |
cube_1e5_neumann.prj | |
cube_1e6.prj | |
cube_1e6_neumann.prj | |
cube_2e3_prism_surfaceflux_front_back.prj | |
cube_2e3_prism_surfaceflux_left_right.prj | |
cube_2e3_prism_surfaceflux_top_bottom.prj | |
cube_2e4.prj | |
cube_2e4_neumann.prj | |
cube_3e4.prj | |
cube_3e4_neumann.prj | |
cube_4e4.prj | |
cube_4e4_neumann.prj | |
cube_5e4.prj | |
cube_5e4_neumann.prj | |
drainage_excavation.prj | |
►xdmf | |
cube_1e4_anisotropic.prj | |
►line_1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
line_1e1.prj | |
line_1e1_neumann.prj | |
line_1e1_robin_left_picard.prj | |
line_1e1_robin_right_picard.prj | |
line_1e1_time_dep_dirichlet.prj | |
line_1e1_time_dep_neumann.prj | |
►nonuniform_bc_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
dirichlet_nonuniform.prj | |
inhomogeneous_permeability.prj | |
neumann_nonuniform.prj | |
►quarter_circle | |
quarter_circle_neumann.prj | |
quarter_circle_nodal_source_term.prj | |
►quarter_disc | |
quarter_disc_neumann.prj | |
►square_100x100_ComponentTransport | |
square_1e4_heterogeneity.prj | |
►square_1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
►FixedTimeSteppingFixedOutputTimes | |
square_1e1-fixed_timestepping-fixed_output_times.prj | |
square_1e0.prj | |
square_1e0_neumann.prj | |
square_1e2_GMRES_GML_output_xdmf-hdf5.prj | |
square_1e2_GMRES.prj | |
square_1e2_axi.prj | |
square_1e2_volumetricsourceterm.prj | |
square_1e3_volumetricsourceterm.prj | |
square_1e3_volumetricsourcetermdataarray.prj | |
square_1e4_axi.prj | |
square_1e6_with_nodal_sources.prj | |
wedge_1e2_axi_ang_0.02.prj | |
wedge_1e2_axi_ang_0.2.prj | |
wedge_1e4_axi_ang_0.02.prj | |
►square_1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion_Python | |
square_1e3_laplace_eq.prj | |
square_1e3_poisson_sin_x_sin_y.prj | |
square_1e5_poisson_sin_x_sin_y.prj | |
►wedge_1x1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
wedge_1e3_prism_surfaceflux_diagonal.prj | |
►EllipticPETSc | |
►ReorderingInputData | |
steady_state.prj | |
cube_1e3_XDMF_np2.prj | |
cube_1e3_XDMF_np3_2files.prj | |
cube_1e3_XDMF_np3_3files.prj | |
cube_1e3_XDMF_np3.prj | |
cube_1e3.prj | |
cube_1e3_neumann.prj | |
►cube_1x1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
►2 | |
cube_1e4_anisotropic.prj | |
►gml_output | |
►3 | |
cube_hex_27.prj | |
quad_20x10_GroundWaterFlow.prj | |
square_1e1_neumann.prj | |
►HMPhaseField | |
►Beam | |
beam.prj | |
►Consolidation | |
consolidation.prj | |
►KGD | |
KGD.prj | |
►LiquidFlowInFracture | |
fractureflow.prj | |
►Mechanics | |
bar.prj | |
►HydroMechanics | |
►A2 | |
A2.prj | |
►AnchorSourceTerm | |
one_anchor.prj | |
one_anchor_cube.prj | |
two_anchors.prj | |
►EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
cube.prj | |
square.prj | |
►ExcavationNiches | |
excavation_niches2.prj | |
excavation_niches.prj | |
►FailureIndexDependentPermeability | |
quad_with_half_hole.prj | |
►GroundEquilibrium | |
simHM_ground.prj | |
simHM_ground_python.prj | |
simHM_ground_quadBCu.prj | |
simHM_ground_quadBCu_python.prj | |
►HydraulicDeactivation | |
simHM_deactivate_H.prj | |
►IdealGas | |
►flow_free_expansion | |
flow_free_expansion.prj | |
►flow_no_strain | |
flow_no_strain.prj | |
►flow_pressure_boundary | |
flow_pressure_boundary.prj | |
flow_pressure_boundary_python.prj | |
►Linear | |
►Confined_Compression | |
cube_1e3.prj | |
square_1e2.prj | |
square_1e2_linear.prj | |
square_1e2_quad9.prj | |
square_1e2_tri.prj | |
►DrainageEexcavation | |
HMdrainage.prj | |
►Gravity | |
►RotatedAroundVerticalAxis | |
flow_gravity.prj | |
flow_gravity.prj | |
►Unconfined_Compression_early | |
square_1e2_UC_early.prj | |
square_1e2_UC_early_python.prj | |
square_1e4_UC_early.prj | |
►Unconfined_Compression_late | |
square_1e2_UC_late.prj | |
square_1e4_UC_late.prj | |
►NodalSourceTerm | |
nodal_source_test.prj | |
►OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
disc_with_hole_anisotropic.prj | |
disc_with_hole_anisotropic_rotated.prj | |
disc_with_hole_quasiisotropic.prj | |
unconfined_biot.prj | |
x_strain_y_flow.prj | |
y_strain_z_flow.prj | |
z_strain_x_flow.prj | |
►ParallelComputing | |
►SimpleHM | |
►MultiMesh | |
drainage.prj | |
drainage_staggered.prj | |
►SingleMesh | |
drainage.prj | |
drainage_staggered.prj | |
►Principal_Stress | |
►Hollow_Sphere | |
sphere.prj | |
►Tube | |
tube.prj | |
►SeabedResponse | |
seabed_response_200x100.prj | |
►StaggeredScheme | |
►ConsolidationBenchmark | |
consolidation_benchmark.prj | |
consolidation_benchmark_mono.prj | |
►InjectionProduction1D | |
InjectionProduction1DMono.prj | |
InjectionProduction1DMono_python_Neumann.prj | |
InjectionProduction1DMono_python.prj | |
InjectionProduction1D_MFront.prj | |
InjectionProduction1D.prj | |
InjectionProduction1D_python.prj | |
►MandelCryer | |
MandelCryerStaggered.prj | |
►StrainDependentPermeability | |
gas_loading.prj | |
►TotalInitialStress | |
total_initial_stress_HM.prj | |
►Verification | |
hm1_1Dbeam.prj | |
hm1_2Dsquare.prj | |
hm1_3Dcube.prj | |
hm1_3Dgravity.prj | |
hm2_1D1bt.prj | |
hm2_1D2bt.prj | |
hm2_1Dbiot.prj | |
hm2_1Dcolumn1.prj | |
hm2_1Dcolumn2.prj | |
hm2_2Dmandel.prj | |
►LIE | |
►HydroMechanics | |
►GreatCellWithBBar | |
point_injection_embedded_fracture_F.prj | |
►GreatCellWithTrianglularMesh | |
great_cell_2d_HM_LIE_embedded_fracture.prj | |
TaskB.prj | |
single_fracture_3D.prj | |
single_fracture_3compartments_flow_CHZ.prj | |
single_fracture_3compartments_flow_CHZ_sigma0.prj | |
single_fracture_3compartments_flow.prj | |
single_fracture_3compartments_flow_linear_aperture0.prj | |
single_fracture_3compartments_flow_linear_aperture0_e.prj | |
single_fracture_CZ_kf_const.prj | |
single_fracture_CZ_kf_cubic.prj | |
single_fracture_LE_kf_const.prj | |
single_fracture_LE_kf_cubic.prj | |
single_fracture.prj | |
single_fracture_constK.prj | |
►Mechanics | |
►GreatCellWithBBar | |
mechanics_embedded_fracture_F.prj | |
cohesive_zone_load_path.prj | |
coulomb_load_path.prj | |
elastic_push_pull_two_fractures.prj | |
mohr_coulomb_load_path_nu0p3.prj | |
sfrac.q.prj | |
single_joint_3D.prj | |
single_joint.prj | |
single_joint_displacement_controlled.prj | |
single_joint_inside.prj | |
single_joint_negative_aperture.prj | |
two_cracks_branch_pull.prj | |
two_cracks_junction_pull.prj | |
two_joints.prj | |
►LargeDeformation | |
►CooksMembrane | |
►3D | |
CooksMembraneLD_3D.prj | |
CooksMembrane.prj | |
►Indentation3D | |
Indentation3D.prj | |
►RigidBody | |
square_1e0.prj | |
►RubberIndentation | |
RubberIndentation.prj | |
►ThickCylindricalShell | |
ThickCylindricalShell.prj | |
►Torsion | |
bar1to6_torsion.prj | |
►Mechanics | |
►AxisymmetryBbar | |
axisymmetry_bbar.prj | |
►Burgers | |
cube_1e0.prj | |
cube_1e0_mfront.prj | |
cube_1e0_mfront_mod.prj | |
cube_1e3.prj | |
►CooksMembrane | |
►3D | |
CooksMembrane_3D.prj | |
CooksMembrane.prj | |
►CreepWithHeterogeneousReferenceTemperature | |
arehs-salt-M_gravity_only_element_refT.prj | |
►Ehlers | |
►MFront | |
cube_1e0_dp.prj | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs.prj | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs_restart.prj | |
two_material_ids_single_solid.prj | |
axisymmetric_sphere_pl.prj | |
cube_1e0_SNES.prj | |
cube_1e0.prj | |
cube_1e0_dp.prj | |
cube_1e1.prj | |
cube_1e3.prj | |
►EhlersDamageNonLocal | |
►CrackedSolid | |
griffith.prj | |
►bar | |
►coarse | |
bar.prj | |
►coarse_elastic_tangent | |
bar.prj | |
►fine | |
bar.prj | |
►medium | |
bar.prj | |
►p1 | |
bar.prj | |
►p2 | |
bar.prj | |
►p3 | |
bar.prj | |
►t1 | |
bar.prj | |
►t2 | |
bar.prj | |
►veryfine | |
bar.prj | |
►beam | |
►3D_hexa | |
beam.prj | |
►3D_tetr | |
beam.prj | |
►coarse | |
beam.prj | |
►coarse_quad | |
beam.prj | |
►coarse_tria | |
beam.prj | |
►fine | |
beam.prj | |
►medium | |
beam.prj | |
►holed_beam | |
holed_beam.prj | |
►notched_beam | |
smallbeam_3D.prj | |
►EvaluatingBbarWithSimpleExamples | |
simple_b_bar_test.prj | |
►Excavation | |
time_linear_excavation.prj | |
►GuentherSalzer | |
model_triaxial_test.prj | |
model_uniaxial_test.prj | |
►HoekBrown | |
load_test_hb_nonassociated.prj | |
►InitialStates | |
equilibrium_restart.prj | |
into_initial_state.prj | |
non_equilibrium_initial_state.prj | |
soil_column_nonequilibrium_sigma_elementwise.prj | |
►Linear | |
►DiscWithHole | |
disc_with_hole.prj | |
►DiscWithHole_convergence_study | |
disc_with_hole_idx_is_16.prj | |
disc_with_hole_idx_is_240.prj | |
disc_with_hole_idx_is_24.prj | |
disc_with_hole_idx_is_40.prj | |
disc_with_hole_idx_is_60.prj | |
disc_with_hole_idx_is_80.prj | |
disc_with_hole_idx_is_8.prj | |
►ElementDeactivation3D | |
element_deactivation_M_3D.prj | |
►MFront | |
►axisymm_ring | |
ring_plane_strain.prj | |
cube_1e0_orthotropic_xyz.prj | |
cube_1e0_orthotropic_yzx.prj | |
cube_1e0_orthotropic_zxy.prj | |
cube_standard_elasticity_brick.prj | |
►disc_with_hole | |
disc_with_hole.prj | |
square_1e0_orthotropic_45xy_z.prj | |
square_1e0_orthotropic_xyz.prj | |
square_1e0_orthotropic_y-xz.prj | |
►MaterialForces | |
bar_3D.prj | |
bar.prj | |
►Orthotropy | |
cube_1e0_orthotropic_xyz.prj | |
cube_1e0_orthotropic_yzx.prj | |
cube_1e0_orthotropic_zxy.prj | |
m3_3Dshearz.prj | |
m3_3Dshearz_rot.prj | |
m3_3Dtopload.prj | |
m3_3Dtoploadlc.prj | |
square_1e0_orthotropic_45xy_z.prj | |
square_1e0_orthotropic_xyz.prj | |
square_1e0_orthotropic_y-xz.prj | |
►PressureBC | |
axisymmetric_pipe.prj | |
axisymmetric_sphere.prj | |
hollow_sphere.prj | |
►PrincipalStress | |
sphere.prj | |
►PythonHertzContact | |
hertz_contact.prj | |
►PythonPiston | |
piston.prj | |
cube_1e0_SNES.prj | |
cube_1e0.prj | |
cube_1e0_simple_shear.prj | |
disc_with_hole.prj | |
plain_strain_pipe.prj | |
ring_plane_strain.prj | |
square_1e0_SNES.prj | |
square_1e0.prj | |
square_1e2.prj | |
square_1e2_quad8_traction_top.prj | |
square_1e5.prj | |
square_with_deactivated_hole.prj | |
►test_ip_data | |
square_1e2_test_ip_data.prj | |
two_material_gravity_Emodulus.prj | |
two_material_gravity.prj | |
►ModifiedCamClay | |
square_1e0_biax.prj | |
square_1e0_shear.prj | |
triaxtest.prj | |
triaxtest_original.prj | |
triaxtest_original_abs.prj | |
►MohrCoulombAbboSloan | |
►PetscMpi | |
slope_hexa.prj | |
displacement_load.prj | |
load_test_elastic.prj | |
load_test_mc.prj | |
load_test_mc_nonassociated.prj | |
oedometer.prj | |
oedometer_fixed_timestepping.prj | |
slope.prj | |
►MohrCoulombAbboSloanAnisotropic | |
triax_1e0_47.prj | |
triax_ORTHO_original.prj | |
triax_aniso_1e0_47.prj | |
triax_aniso_original.prj | |
triax_original.prj | |
triax_ortho_1e0_47.prj | |
►PLLC | |
uniax_compression.prj | |
►Simple3DBbar | |
simple_3d_bbar.prj | |
►TransverseElasticModel | |
m_e_transiso_2D.prj | |
►m1_1Dload | |
m1_1Dload.prj | |
►m1_1Dlozenge | |
m1_1Dlozenge.prj | |
►m1_2Dload | |
m1_2Dload.prj | |
►m1_3Dbottom | |
m1_3Dbottom.prj | |
►m1_3Dgravity | |
m1_3Dgravity.prj | |
►m1_3Dload | |
m1_3Dload.prj | |
►m1_3Dsquare | |
m1_3Dsquare.prj | |
►m1_3Dtopload | |
m1_3Dtopload.prj | |
►m3_3Dshearz | |
m3_3Dshearz.prj | |
►m3_3Dshearz_rot | |
m3_3Dshearz_rot.prj | |
►m3_3Dtopload | |
m3_3Dtopload.prj | |
►m3_3Dtoploadlc | |
m3_3Dtoploadlc.prj | |
►Parabolic | |
►ComponentTransport | |
►AdvectionDiffusionSorptionDecay | |
1D_AdvectionDiffusionSorptionDecay.prj | |
►ClassicalTransportExample | |
classical_transport_example.prj | |
classical_transport_example_full_upwind.prj | |
►ConTracer | |
ConTracer_1d.prj | |
ConTracer_2d.prj | |
►DiffusionSorptionDecay | |
1D_DiffusionSorptionDecay.prj | |
►FCT_test | |
1d_step_func.prj | |
►HTCWithFracture | |
2D_single_fracture_HTC_Monolithic.prj | |
2D_single_fracture_HTC.prj | |
►InclinedElements | |
►Inclined2DMesh | |
inclined_2D_mesh_HC.prj | |
►MassConservation | |
mass_conservation.prj | |
►MassFlux | |
grad_c_and_grad_p.prj | |
grad_c_and_grad_p_and_r.prj | |
only_grad_c.prj | |
only_grad_p.prj | |
►MultiLayerDiffusion | |
1D_MultiLayerDiffusion.prj | |
►OpenBoundaryWithTets | |
box_flow.prj | |
►ReactiveTransport | |
►CO2Injection | |
calcite_pwp.prj | |
calcite_simple.prj | |
cl.prj | |
►CationExchange | |
exchangeAndSurface.prj | |
exchange.prj | |
►DecayChain | |
1d_decay_chain_OS.prj | |
1d_decay_chain_smaller_ts.prj | |
►GlobalImplicitApproach | |
1d_decay_chain_GIA.prj | |
►MPI | |
►4Processors | |
1d_decay_chain_GIA.prj | |
►8Processors | |
1d_decay_chain_GIA.prj | |
►EquilibriumPhase | |
calciteDissolvePrecipitateOnly.prj | |
calcitePorosityChange.prj | |
calcite.prj | |
calcite_phreeqckernel.prj | |
►KineticReactant | |
1d_isofrac.prj | |
1d_isofrac_flag_formula.prj | |
1d_isofrac_phreeqckernel.prj | |
1d_isofrac_small_domain.prj | |
►KineticReactant_AllAsComponents | |
KineticReactant2_2d.prj | |
KineticReactant2.prj | |
►RadionuclidesMigration | |
Cs.prj | |
U.prj | |
►SurfaceComplexation | |
►LookupTable | |
RadionuclideSorption.prj | |
►ParallelTest | |
RadionuclideSorption.prj | |
RadionuclideSorption_SitesMoles.prj | |
RadionuclideSorption.prj | |
RadionuclideSorption_fixed_pe.prj | |
►Wetland | |
Wetland_1d.prj | |
►SimpleSynthetics | |
ConcentrationDiffusionAndStorage.prj | |
ConcentrationDiffusionOnly_3Components.prj | |
ConcentrationDiffusionOnly.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvectionAndDecay.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvectionAndDispersionHalf.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvectionAndDispersion.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvection.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndGravityAndDispersionHalf.prj | |
open_boundary_component-transport_cube_1e3.prj | |
open_boundary_component-transport_cube_1e3_advective_form.prj | |
surfaceflux_component-transport_cube_1e3.prj | |
►StaggeredScheme | |
ConcentrationDiffusionAndStorage.prj | |
ConcentrationDiffusionOnly.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvectionAndDecay.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvectionAndDispersionHalf.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvectionAndDispersion_3Components.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvectionAndDispersion.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndAdvection.prj | |
DiffusionAndStorageAndGravityAndDispersionHalf.prj | |
surfaceflux_component-transport_cube_1e3.prj | |
►Theis | |
theis.prj | |
►ThermalDiffusion | |
TemperatureField.prj | |
TemperatureField_transport.prj | |
►TracerSimulation | |
TracerSimulation.prj | |
►VariableNeumannBoundary | |
vdbc_input.prj | |
►elder | |
elder-python.prj | |
elder.prj | |
►goswami | |
goswami_input.prj | |
►heterogeneous | |
►ogs5_H_2D | |
ogs5_H_2d.prj | |
►ogs5_H_3D | |
ogs5_H_3d.prj | |
►HT | |
►ClassicalTransportExample | |
classical_transport_example.prj | |
classical_transport_example_full_upwind.prj | |
classical_transport_example_full_upwind_staggered.prj | |
►ConstViscosity | |
square_5500x5500.prj | |
►FaultedCube | |
Ra_795_fault_bcgs_jacobi.prj | |
►HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow.prj | |
►LowerDimensionalFracture | |
2D_single_fracture_HT.prj | |
►SimpleSynthetics | |
CoupledPressureParabolicTemperatureParabolicStaggered.prj | |
CoupledPressureParabolicTemperatureParabolic.prj | |
IsothermalFluidFlowStaggered.prj | |
IsothermalFluidFlowWithGravityStaggered.prj | |
IsothermalFluidFlowWithGravity.prj | |
IsothermalFluidFlow.prj | |
PressureDiffusionTemperatureDiffusionStaggered.prj | |
PressureDiffusionTemperatureDiffusion.prj | |
PressureParabolicTemperatureParabolicStaggered.prj | |
PressureParabolicTemperatureParabolic.prj | |
►XDMF | |
CoupledPressureParabolicTemperatureParabolicStaggered.prj | |
calculatesurfaceflux_ht_cube_1e3.prj | |
calculatesurfaceflux_ht_cube_1e4.prj | |
►deactivated_subdomain | |
HT_DeactivatedSubdomain.prj | |
►StaggeredCoupling | |
►ADecovalexTHMCBasedHTExample | |
th_decovalex.prj | |
►HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow.prj | |
►LiquidFlow | |
►AxiSymTheis | |
axisym_theis.prj | |
►BlockingConductingFracture | |
block_conduct_frac.prj | |
►BuildupTest | |
buildup_test.prj | |
►DrainageExcavation | |
drainage_LiquidFlow.prj | |
►Flux | |
►2D | |
square_1.8e1_calculatesurfaceflux.prj | |
square_1e1_calculatesurfaceflux.prj | |
►3D | |
►Hex | |
►MultipleOutputsDifferentVariablesSections | |
cuboid_1x1x1_hex_27_Dirichlet_Dirichlet.prj | |
►Parallel | |
cuboid_1x1x1_hex_27_Dirichlet_Dirichlet.prj | |
cuboid_1x1x1_hex_27_Dirichlet_Dirichlet_Python.prj | |
cuboid_1x1x1_hex_27_Dirichlet_Dirichlet.prj | |
►Pyramid | |
cuboid_1x1x1_pyramid_6000_calculatesurfaceflux.prj | |
cube_1e3_calculatesurfaceflux.prj | |
►GasFlow | |
gas_flow.prj | |
►GravityDriven | |
gravity_driven_XZ.prj | |
gravity_driven.prj | |
►GravityDriven3D | |
anisotropic_gravity_driven3D.prj | |
isotropic_gravity_driven3D.prj | |
►InclinedMeshElements | |
►1Din3D | |
line_fractures_in_3D.prj | |
►FractureIn3D | |
fractures_in_3D.prj | |
►Inclined2DMesh | |
hydrostatic_flow_in_inclined_2D_plane.prj | |
transient_flow_in_inclined_2D_plane.prj | |
►LineDirichletNeumannBC | |
line_dirichlet_neumannBC.prj | |
►PressureBCatCornerOfAnisotropicSquare | |
pressureBC_at_corner_of_anisotropic_square.prj | |
►RasterParameter | |
GroundwaterModelWithRasterBC.prj | |
►SimpleSynthetics | |
FunctionParameterTest.prj | |
►PrimaryVariableConstraintDirichletBC | |
cuboid_1x1x1_hex_1000_Dirichlet_Dirichlet_1.prj | |
cuboid_1x1x1_hex_1000_Dirichlet_Dirichlet_2.prj | |
cuboid_1x1x1_hex_1000_Dirichlet_Dirichlet_3.prj | |
►XDMF | |
FunctionParameterTest_XDMF.prj | |
►XDMF_compression_off | |
FunctionParameterTest_XDMF.prj | |
constraint_bc_1e3.prj | |
►TimeDependentHeterogeneousBoundaryConditions | |
TimeDependentHeterogeneousBoundaryConditions.prj | |
►TimeDependentHeterogeneousSourceTerm | |
TimeDependentHeterogeneousSourceTerm.prj | |
►TimeIntervalDirichletBC | |
TimeIntervalDirichletBC.prj | |
►Unconfined_Aquifer | |
►BC_BC | |
TestSet_01.prj | |
TestSet_01.prj | |
TestSet_01.prj | |
TestSet_01.prj | |
►Verification | |
►h1_1Dsource | |
h1_1Dsource.prj | |
►h1_1Dsteady | |
h1_1Dsteady.prj | |
►h1_3Dhydstat | |
h1_3Dhydstat.prj | |
►h2_1D1bt | |
h2_1D1bt.prj | |
►h2_1D2bt | |
h2_1D2bt.prj | |
►Richards | |
RichardsFlow_2d_compare_ogs5.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_large.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_small_PID_adaptive_dt.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_small.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_small_iteration_adaptive_dt.prj | |
flow_fully_saturated.prj | |
►RichardsComponentTransport | |
►Padilla | |
►Padilla_NaCl1 | |
Padilla_NaCl1.prj | |
Padilla_NaCl1_quadratic.prj | |
►Padilla_NaCl6 | |
Padilla_NaCl6.prj | |
►T | |
►1D_Two-phase_Stefan_problem_for_ice_melting | |
Two-phase_Stefan_problem.prj | |
►1D_dirichlet | |
line_60_heat.prj | |
►1D_dirichlet_source-term | |
►2 | |
line_1_line_1e2_source_term.prj | |
line_1_line_1e2_source_term.prj | |
►1D_freezing_column_Stefan | |
Stefan_problem.prj | |
Stefan_problem_homogen.prj | |
►1D_line_source_term_tests | |
line_source_term.prj | |
moving_source_term.prj | |
►1D_neumann | |
newton.prj | |
newton_masslumping.prj | |
petsc_newtonls.prj | |
picard.prj | |
picard_masslumping.prj | |
►2D_BHE_array | |
bhe2d.prj | |
►2D_Ice_melting-forming_manuf_solution | |
ManSol3_IceWaterMix_Scaled.prj | |
►2D_Robin | |
square_1e4_robin.prj | |
►2D_Soil_freezing_round_BHE | |
m16m15projectB.prj | |
►2D_axially_symmetric | |
square_1e2_axi.prj | |
wedge_1e2_axi_ang_0.02.prj | |
►2D_freezing_disk | |
circle_disk.prj | |
►2D_source_term_tests | |
►line_source_term_left | |
source_term_left.prj | |
source_term_left_r.prj | |
►line_source_term_x_0.5 | |
line_source_term_x_0.5.prj | |
►line_source_term_x_0.5_restricted_to_middle | |
line_source_term_x_0.5.prj | |
►3D_2U_BHE | |
3D_2U_BHE.prj | |
3D_2U_BHE_powerBC.prj | |
►3D_3BHEs | |
3bhes.prj | |
3bhes_id_1U_2U_1U.prj | |
3bhes_id_1U.prj | |
►3D_3BHEs_array | |
3bhes_1U.prj | |
►3D_3BHEs_array_python_interface | |
3bhes_1U.prj | |
►3D_BHE_GW_advection | |
BHE_GW_advection.prj | |
►3D_BHE_Sandwich | |
sandwich.prj | |
sandwich_fixed_power.prj | |
►3D_Beier_sandbox | |
beier_sandbox.prj | |
fixed_power_constant_flow.prj | |
►3D_Beier_sandbox_python_interface | |
beier_sandbox.prj | |
►3D_deep_BHE | |
3D_deep_BHE_CXA.prj | |
3D_deep_BHE_CXC.prj | |
►3D_line_source_term_tests | |
►3D_line_source_term_in_cylinder | |
►286k_prisms | |
line_source_term_in_cylinder.prj | |
►49k_prisms | |
line_source_term_in_cylinder.prj | |
►3D_line_source_term_in_cylinder_axisymmetric | |
line_source_term_in_cylinder.prj | |
►3D_line_source_term_middle | |
line_source_term_x_0.5_y_0.5.prj | |
►3D_line_source_term_middle_restricted | |
line_source_term_x_0.5_y_0.5_restricted.prj | |
►BHE_1P | |
BHE_1P.prj | |
BHE_1P_newton.prj | |
►t1_1Dsource | |
t1_1Dsource.prj | |
►t1_1Dsteady | |
t1_1Dsteady.prj | |
►t2_1D1bt | |
t2_1D1bt.prj | |
►t2_1D2bt | |
t2_1D2bt.prj | |
►TES | |
►1D | |
tes-1D-zeolite-discharge-large.prj | |
tes-1D-zeolite-discharge-small.prj | |
►2D | |
tes-inert-axi.prj | |
tes-inert-wedge.prj | |
►ThermalTwoPhaseFlowPP | |
►HeatPipe | |
Twophase_HeatPipe_quad_curve_large.prj | |
Twophase_HeatPipe_quad_curve_small.prj | |
►TCEDiffusion | |
Twophase_TCE_diffusion_1D_small.prj | |
►TwoPhaseFlowPP | |
►Liakopoulos | |
TwoPhase_Lia_quad_large.prj | |
TwoPhase_Lia_quad_short.prj | |
►McWhorter | |
TwoPhase_mcwt_line.prj | |
►TwoPhaseFlowPrho | |
►MoMaS | |
Twophase_MoMaS_quad.prj | |
Twophase_MoMaS_quad_adaptive_dt.prj | |
Twophase_MoMaS_small.prj | |
►PhaseField | |
►Kregime_Propagating_jupyter_notebook | |
Kregime_Propagating.prj | |
►PForthotropy_jupyter_notebook | |
shear.prj | |
►beam | |
AT1_iso_tensile.prj | |
AT1_vd_tensile_2core.prj | |
AT1_vd_tensile.prj | |
AT2_iso_tensile.prj | |
bar_COHESIVE_exponential.prj | |
bar_COHESIVE_linear.prj | |
►voldev-ortho | |
AT2_vd_tensile_VZ.prj | |
►beam_jupyter_notebook | |
beam.prj | |
►k_regime_HF | |
2D_bm_0p01.prj | |
►kregime_jupyter_notebook | |
Kregime_Static.prj | |
►single_edge_notched | |
►masonry-ortho | |
shear.prj | |
►surfing | |
surfing.prj | |
►surfing_jupyter_notebook | |
surfing.prj | |
►tpb_jupyter_notebook | |
TPB.prj | |
►RichardsMechanics | |
A2.prj | |
►LiakopoulosHM | |
liakopoulos_QN.prj | |
liakopoulos.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_quasinewton.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_richardsflow.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_small.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_small_masslumping.prj | |
alternative_mass_balance_anzInterval_10.prj | |
bishops_effective_stress_power_law.prj | |
bishops_effective_stress_saturation_cutoff.prj | |
confined_compression_fully_saturated.prj | |
confined_compression_fully_saturated_restart.prj | |
deformation_dependent_porosity.prj | |
deformation_dependent_porosity_swelling.prj | |
double_porosity_swelling.prj | |
flow_fully_saturated.prj | |
flow_fully_saturated_anisotropic.prj | |
flow_fully_saturated_coordinate_system.prj | |
flow_fully_saturated_linear.prj | |
gravity.prj | |
mechanics_linear.prj | |
mfront_restart_part1.prj | |
orthotropic_power_law_permeability_xyz.prj | |
orthotropic_swelling_xy.prj | |
orthotropic_swelling_xyz.prj | |
rotated_consolidation.prj | |
►StokesFlow | |
►2DPlanarPermeableFracture | |
2DPlanarPermeableFracture.prj | |
ParallelPlateWithBodyForce.prj | |
ParallelPlate.prj | |
►TH2M | |
►H | |
►diffusion | |
diffusion.prj | |
►pressure_PengRobinson | |
pressure_preos.prj | |
►H2 | |
►dissolution_diffusion | |
bourgeat.prj | |
continuous_injection.prj | |
►mcWhorter | |
mcWhorter_h2.prj | |
►H2M | |
►Liakopoulos | |
liakopoulos_TH2M.prj | |
►OrthotropicSwelling | |
square.prj | |
►StrainDependentPermeability | |
Strain_Dependent_Permeability_Test.prj | |
►HM | |
►Confined_Compression | |
HM_confined_compression_gas.prj | |
HM_confined_compression_liquid.prj | |
►compression_PengRobinson | |
compression_preos.prj | |
flow_fully_saturated.prj | |
flow_fully_saturated_gas.prj | |
►M | |
►M_2d_neumann | |
M_2d_neumann.prj | |
►MultiMaterialEhlers | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs.prj | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs_restart.prj | |
►T | |
►T_1d_dirichlet | |
T_1d_dirichlet.prj | |
►TH | |
►Ogata-Banks | |
ogata-banks.prj | |
►idealGasLaw | |
compression_gas.prj | |
►temperature_PengRobinson | |
temperature_preos.prj | |
►TH2 | |
►heatpipe | |
►PETSc | |
heat_pipe_strict.prj | |
heat_pipe_rough.prj | |
heat_pipe_strict.prj | |
►unicube | |
unicube.prj | |
►TH2M | |
►Ansicht_Simple_1e2 | |
A2_THM.prj | |
A2_TRM.prj | |
►THM | |
►Confined_Compression | |
THM_confined_compression_gas.prj | |
THM_confined_compression_liquid.prj | |
►slab | |
THM_1d_dirichlet.prj | |
►sphere | |
point_heatsource.prj | |
►TotalInitialStress | |
total_initial_stress_H2M.prj | |
►submesh_residuum_assembly | |
base.prj | |
►ThermoHydroMechanics | |
►1D_freezing_column_Stefan | |
Stefan_problem.prj | |
►9percentWaterFreezingExpansion | |
UnitSquare.prj | |
►A2 | |
A2.prj | |
A2_heating.prj | |
►BGRaCreepAndInitialStressAtIP_AREHS | |
arehs-salt-THM01_0.prj | |
►ColumnDeformationFreezing | |
TM.prj | |
►HeatingHomogeneousDomain | |
hex_THM.prj | |
►Linear | |
►Beam_sealed_bimaterial | |
square_1e2.prj | |
►Beam_unsealed_bimaterial | |
square_1e2.prj | |
►HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow.prj | |
WithFreezingPhase.prj | |
►Point_injection | |
pointheatsource_linear-mesh.prj | |
pointheatsource_quadratic-mesh.prj | |
►Square_sealed_homogeneous | |
square_1e0.prj | |
►Storage | |
cube_incompressible_fluid.prj | |
cube_isochoric_heat-up.prj | |
►TH_ClassicalTransportExample | |
classical_transport_example.prj | |
classical_transport_example_full_upwind.prj | |
►ThermoOsmosis | |
Column.prj | |
►anisotropic_thermal_expansivity | |
cube_ortho_phi0.0.prj | |
cube_ortho_phi0.183.prj | |
cube_ortho_phi0.183_petsc.prj | |
square_ortho_phi0.0.prj | |
square_ortho_phi0.183.prj | |
►verification | |
►thm2_1Dfixd | |
thm2_1Dfixd.prj | |
►MultiMaterial | |
►DP_Ehlers | |
►M | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs.prj | |
►TM | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs.prj | |
►DP_MCC | |
►TM | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs.prj | |
►RestartMCC | |
mfront_restart_part1.prj | |
►TotalInitialStress | |
total_initial_stress_HM.prj | |
►ThermoMechanicalPhaseField | |
beam3d.prj | |
cube_1e0.prj | |
slab_5.prj | |
tes_hx3_iglu.prj | |
►ThermoMechanics | |
►BDT | |
cube_1e0_bdt.prj | |
►CreepBGRa | |
►CreepAfterExcavation | |
CreepAfterExcavation.prj | |
►SimpleAxisymmetricCreep | |
SimpleAxisymmetricCreepWithAnalyticSolutionMFront.prj | |
SimpleAxisymmetricCreepWithAnalyticSolution.prj | |
SimpleAxisymmetricCreep.prj | |
►Verification | |
►m2_1D1bt | |
m2_1D1bt.prj | |
►m2_1D2bt | |
m2_1D2bt.prj | |
►m2_1Dcreep | |
m2_1Dcreep.prj | |
►m2_1Dlozenge | |
m2_1Dlozenge.prj | |
►m2_1Dlozengebt | |
m2_1Dlozengebt.prj | |
►m2_1Drelax | |
m2_1Drelax.prj | |
►m2_2Dload | |
m2_2Dload.prj | |
m2_2Dload_ym45.prj | |
►m2_2Dloadbt | |
m2_2Dloadbt.prj | |
►m2_3Dload | |
m2_3Dload.prj | |
►m2_3Dloadbt | |
m2_3Dloadbt.prj | |
►InitialStates | |
equilibrium_restart.prj | |
into_initial_state.prj | |
non_equilibrium_initial_state.prj | |
►LinearMFront | |
cube_1e0_lin.prj | |
►StaggeredScheme | |
►CreepAfterExcavation | |
CreepAfterExcavation.prj | |
►TM_Quad | |
iglu_quarter_plane_strain_quad.prj | |
cube_1e3.prj | |
iglu_axisymmetric_plane_strain.prj | |
iglu_axisymmetric_plane_strain_quad.prj | |
iglu_quarter_plane_strain.prj | |
iglu_quarter_plane_strain_quad.prj | |
►tm1_1Dbeam | |
tm1_1Dbeam.prj | |
►tm1_1Dfixa | |
tm1_1Dfixa.prj | |
►tm1_1Dfixb | |
tm1_1Dfixb.prj | |
►tm1_2Dbeam | |
tm1_2Dbeam.prj | |
►tm1_2Dsquare | |
tm1_2Dsquare.prj | |
►tm1_3Dcube | |
tm1_3Dcube.prj | |
►tm1_3Dgravity | |
tm1_3Dgravity.prj | |
►tm1_3Dorigin | |
tm1_3Dorigin.prj | |
►tm1_3Dsquare | |
tm1_3Dsquare.prj | |
►tm2_1D1bt | |
tm2_1D1bt.prj | |
►tm2_1Dfixc | |
tm2_1Dfixc.prj | |
►ThermoRichardsFlow | |
►HT | |
►HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow.prj | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow_lin.prj | |
►SimpleSynthetics | |
PressureDiffusionTemperatureDiffusion.prj | |
►RichardsFlow2D | |
RichardsFlow_2d_compare_ogs5.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_small_Picard.prj | |
RichardsFlow_2d_small.prj | |
►SimplifiedMechanics | |
TRcustom_unsaturated.prj | |
TRhyd_saturated.prj | |
TRhyd_unsaturated.prj | |
TRhyd_unsaturated_bishopstest.prj | |
TRuni_saturated.prj | |
TRuni_unsaturated.prj | |
TRuni_unsaturated_bishopstest.prj | |
►TaskCDECOVALEX2023 | |
Decovalex-0-TRF.prj | |
►WithPicardNonLinearSolverAndPETSc | |
Decovalex-0-TRF.prj | |
►ThermoOsmosis | |
Column.prj | |
►ThermoRichardsMechanics | |
►A2 | |
A2.prj | |
►BodyForce | |
square.prj | |
►CTF1 | |
CTF1.prj | |
►FullySaturatedFlowMechanics | |
►PETSc | |
flow_fully_saturated_petsc.prj | |
flow_fully_saturated.prj | |
►HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow.prj | |
►LiakopoulosHM | |
liakopoulos.prj | |
►LiakopoulosPETSc | |
liakopoulos_mixElem_mumps.prj | |
►LinearMechanics | |
mechanics_linear.prj | |
►MFront | |
►A2 | |
A2.prj | |
►BentoniteBehaviourGeneralMod | |
►0d_confined_compression | |
confined_compression.prj | |
►0d_resaturation | |
resaturation.prj | |
►1d_column_resaturation | |
bentonite_column.prj | |
►1d_column_restart | |
bentonite_column.prj | |
►ThermoPoroElasticity | |
uniaxial_isothermal_drainage_imbibition_extended_mfront_model.prj | |
►Mockup2D | |
mockup.prj | |
►MultiMaterialEhlers | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs.prj | |
square_1e1_2_matIDs_restart.prj | |
►PointHeatSource | |
point_heat_source_2D.prj | |
point_heat_source_2D_gml.prj | |
►RichardsFlow2D | |
RichardsFlow_2d_small.prj | |
►Simple3DThermoMechanicsFromTM | |
cube_1e3.prj | |
►SimpleAxisymmetricCreep | |
SimpleAxisymmetricCreep.prj | |
►TaskCDECOVALEX2023 | |
Decovalex-0.prj | |
►ThermoOsmosis | |
Column.prj | |
►anisotropic_thermal_expansion | |
aniso_expansion.prj | |
aniso_expansion_x45.prj | |
aniso_expansion_y45.prj | |
aniso_expansion_z45.prj | |
►Utils | |
quadratic_mesh_assembly_test.prj | |
►WellboreSimulator | |
1Phase_wellbore_small_newton.prj | |
2Phase_wellbore_small_newton.prj | |
OGS Input File Parameters—Quality Assurance | |
▼OGS Input File Parameters | |
List of all known OGS input file parameters | |
►[tag] curve | |
[tag] coords | |
[tag] read_from_file | |
[tag] values | |
►[case] gml | |
[tag] name | |
►[tag] points | |
►[tag] point | |
[attr] id | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] x | |
[attr] y | |
[attr] z | |
►[tag] polylines | |
►[tag] polyline | |
[attr] id | |
[attr] name | |
[tag] pnt | |
►[tag] surfaces | |
►[tag] surface | |
[attr] id | |
[attr] name | |
►[tag] element | |
[attr] p1 | |
[attr] p2 | |
[attr] p3 | |
►[tag] material | |
►[case] adsorption | |
►[tag] reaction | |
►[case] CaOH2 | |
[tag] ode_solver_config | |
►[case] Sinusoidal | |
[tag] reaction_enthalpy | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] fluid | |
►[tag] density | |
►[case] ConcentrationAndPressureDependent | |
[tag] fluid_density_concentration_difference_ratio | |
[tag] fluid_density_pressure_difference_ratio | |
[tag] reference_concentration | |
[tag] reference_density | |
[tag] reference_pressure | |
►[case] ConcentrationDependent | |
[tag] fluid_density_difference_ratio | |
[tag] reference_concentration | |
[tag] reference_density | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] IdealGasLaw | |
[tag] molar_mass | |
►[case] LiquidDensity | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
[tag] p0 | |
[tag] rho0 | |
[tag] temperature0 | |
►[case] TemperatureDependent | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] rho0 | |
[tag] temperature0 | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] specific_heat_capacity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] thermal_conductivity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] viscosity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] LinearPressure | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] mu0 | |
[tag] p0 | |
►[case] TemperatureDependent | |
[tag] mu0 | |
[tag] tc | |
[tag] tv | |
►[case] Vogels | |
[tag] liquid_type | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] fracture_model | |
►[case] CohesiveZoneModeI | |
[tag] fracture_toughness | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] peak_normal_traction | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
►[case] Coulomb | |
[tag] cohesion | |
[tag] dilatancy_angle | |
[tag] friction_angle | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] fracture_properties | |
►[tag] permeability_model | |
►[case] ConstantPermeability | |
[tag] value | |
[case] CubicLaw | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] porous_medium | |
►[case] capillary_pressure | |
►[case] BrooksCorey | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] pc_max | |
[tag] pd | |
[tag] sg_r | |
[tag] smax | |
[tag] sr | |
►[case] Curve | |
[tag] curve | |
[tag] type | |
►[case] vanGenuchten | |
[tag] has_regularized | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] pc_max | |
[tag] pd | |
[tag] sg_r | |
[tag] smax | |
[tag] sr | |
►[tag] permeability | |
[tag] permeability_tensor_entries | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] porous_medium | |
[attr] id | |
[tag] permeability | |
[tag] porosity | |
[tag] storage | |
►[case] relative_permeability | |
►[case] Curve | |
[tag] curve | |
►[case] NonWettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas | |
[tag] krel_min | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] smax | |
[tag] sr | |
►[case] NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten | |
[tag] krel_min | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] smax | |
[tag] sr | |
►[case] WettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas | |
[tag] krel_min | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] smax | |
[tag] sr | |
►[case] WettingPhaseVanGenuchten | |
[tag] krel_min | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] smax | |
[tag] sr | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] solid | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] ice_constitutive_relation | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] ode_solver | |
►[case] CVODE | |
[tag] linear_multistep_method | |
[tag] nonlinear_solver_iteration | |
►[case] prj | |
►[tag] chemical_system | |
[attr] chemical_solver | |
►[tag] chemical_reactions | |
►[tag] chemical_reaction | |
[tag] first_order_rate_constant | |
[tag] reaction_type | |
[tag] stoichiometric_coefficients | |
[tag] database | |
►[tag] equilibrium_reactants | |
►[tag] phase_component | |
[tag] initial_amount | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] reaction_irreversibility | |
[tag] saturation_index | |
►[tag] exchangers | |
►[tag] exchange_site | |
[tag] ion_exchanging_species | |
►[tag] kinetic_reactants | |
►[tag] kinetic_reactant | |
[tag] chemical_formula | |
[tag] fix_amount | |
[tag] initial_amount | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] parameters | |
►[tag] knobs | |
[tag] max_iter | |
[tag] relative_convergence_tolerance | |
[tag] scaling | |
[tag] step_size | |
[tag] tolerance | |
[tag] linear_solver | |
[tag] mesh | |
[tag] number_of_components | |
►[tag] rates | |
►[tag] rate | |
►[tag] expression | |
[tag] statement | |
[tag] kinetic_reactant | |
►[tag] solution | |
[attr] fixing_pe | |
[tag] charge_balance | |
►[tag] components | |
►[tag] component | |
[attr] chemical_formula | |
[tag] pe | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
►[tag] surface | |
[attr] site_unit | |
►[tag] site | |
[tag] mass | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] site_density | |
[tag] specific_surface_area | |
[tag] use_high_precision | |
►[tag] user_punch | |
[tag] headline | |
[tag] statement | |
►[tag] curves | |
►[tag] curve | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] geometry | |
►[tag] insitu | |
►[tag] scripts | |
►[tag] script | |
[tag] name | |
►[tag] linear_solvers | |
►[tag] linear_solver | |
►[tag] eigen | |
[tag] angle | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] l | |
[tag] max_iteration_step | |
[tag] precon_type | |
[tag] residual_update | |
[tag] restart | |
[tag] s | |
[tag] scaling | |
[tag] smoothing | |
[tag] solver_type | |
[tag] triangular_matrix | |
[tag] lis | |
[tag] name | |
►[tag] petsc | |
[tag] parameters | |
[tag] prefix | |
►[tag] local_coordinate_system | |
►[tag] basis_vector_0 | |
[attr] implicit | |
►[tag] basis_vector_1 | |
[attr] implicit | |
►[tag] basis_vector_2 | |
[attr] implicit | |
►[tag] media | |
►[tag] medium | |
[attr] id | |
►[tag] phases | |
►[tag] phase | |
[case] AqueousLiquid | |
[case] FrozenLiquid | |
[case] Gas | |
[case] Solid | |
►[tag] components | |
►[tag] component | |
[tag] name | |
►[tag] properties | |
►[tag] property | |
[case] AverageMolarMass | |
►[case] BishopsPowerLaw | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] BishopsSaturationCutoff | |
[tag] cutoff_value | |
►[case] CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] maximum_capillary_pressure | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] ClausiusClapeyron | |
[tag] critical_pressure | |
[tag] critical_temperature | |
[tag] reference_pressure | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] triple_pressure | |
[tag] triple_temperature | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] CubicLawPermeability | |
[tag] fracture_aperture | |
►[case] Curve | |
[tag] curve | |
[tag] independent_variable | |
►[case] Dupuit | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
[case] EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
►[case] EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
[tag] fracture_normal | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_xy | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_yz | |
[tag] initial_aperture | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeability | |
[tag] jacobian_factor | |
[tag] mean_frac_distance | |
[tag] threshold_strain | |
►[case] Exponential | |
►[tag] exponent | |
[tag] factor | |
[tag] reference_condition | |
[tag] variable_name | |
[tag] offset | |
[tag] reference_value | |
►[case] Function | |
►[tag] dvalue | |
[tag] expression | |
[tag] variable_name | |
►[tag] value | |
[tag] expression | |
►[case] GasPressureDependentPermeability | |
[tag] a1 | |
[tag] a2 | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] minimum_permeability | |
[tag] pressure_threshold | |
[case] IdealGasLaw | |
[tag] IdealGasLawBinaryMixture | |
►[case] KozenyCarman | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
►[case] Linear | |
►[tag] independent_variable | |
[tag] reference_condition | |
[tag] slope | |
[tag] variable_name | |
[tag] reference_value | |
►[case] LinearSaturationSwellingStress | |
[tag] coefficient | |
[tag] reference_saturation | |
[case] LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | |
►[case] LiquidViscosityVogels | |
[tag] liquid_type | |
►[case] OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
[tag] fracture_normals | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_xy | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_yz | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeability | |
[tag] jacobian_factor | |
[tag] mean_frac_distances | |
[tag] threshold_strains | |
►[case] Parameter | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
►[case] PengRobinson | |
[tag] acentric_factor | |
[tag] critical_pressure | |
[tag] critical_temperature | |
►[case] PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | |
[tag] cohesion | |
[tag] fitting_factor | |
[tag] friction_angle | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] reference_permeability | |
[tag] tensile_strength_parameter | |
►[case] PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
[tag] exponents | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeabilities | |
►[case] PorosityFromMassBalance | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[tag] maximal_porosity | |
[tag] minimal_porosity | |
►[case] RelPermBrooksCorey | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[case] RelPermLiakopoulos | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPower | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityUdell | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityUdellNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] minimum_relative_permeability_liquid | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationBrooksCorey | |
[tag] entry_pressure | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationDependentSwelling | |
[tag] exponents | |
[tag] lower_saturation_limit | |
[tag] swelling_pressures | |
[tag] upper_saturation_limit | |
►[case] SaturationExponential | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] maximum_capillary_pressure | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[case] SaturationLiakopoulos | |
►[case] SaturationVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] pressure_exponent | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[tag] saturation_exponent | |
►[case] SaturationVanGenuchten | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] d_diff | |
[tag] e_0 | |
[tag] e_m | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | |
[tag] dry_thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] mean_type | |
[tag] wet_thermal_conductivity | |
►[case] SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
[tag] specific_latent_heat | |
►[case] StrainDependentPermeability | |
[tag] b1 | |
[tag] b2 | |
[tag] b3 | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] minimum_permeability | |
►[case] TemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
[tag] activation_energy | |
[tag] reference_diffusion | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
►[case] TemperatureDependentFraction | |
[tag] characteristic_temperature | |
[tag] steepness | |
►[case] TransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[tag] maximal_porosity | |
[tag] minimal_porosity | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionDeVries | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionFEBEX | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionPMQ | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VermaPruessModel | |
[tag] critical_porosity | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[case] VolumeFractionAverage | |
[tag] WaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterThermalConductivityIAPWS | |
[case] WaterVapourDensity | |
[tag] WaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[case] WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | |
[tag] WaterViscosityIAPWS | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] properties | |
►[tag] property | |
[case] AverageMolarMass | |
►[case] BishopsPowerLaw | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] BishopsSaturationCutoff | |
[tag] cutoff_value | |
►[case] CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] maximum_capillary_pressure | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] ClausiusClapeyron | |
[tag] critical_pressure | |
[tag] critical_temperature | |
[tag] reference_pressure | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] triple_pressure | |
[tag] triple_temperature | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] CubicLawPermeability | |
[tag] fracture_aperture | |
►[case] Curve | |
[tag] curve | |
[tag] independent_variable | |
►[case] Dupuit | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
[case] EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
►[case] EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
[tag] fracture_normal | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_xy | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_yz | |
[tag] initial_aperture | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeability | |
[tag] jacobian_factor | |
[tag] mean_frac_distance | |
[tag] threshold_strain | |
►[case] Exponential | |
►[tag] exponent | |
[tag] factor | |
[tag] reference_condition | |
[tag] variable_name | |
[tag] offset | |
[tag] reference_value | |
►[case] Function | |
►[tag] dvalue | |
[tag] expression | |
[tag] variable_name | |
►[tag] value | |
[tag] expression | |
►[case] GasPressureDependentPermeability | |
[tag] a1 | |
[tag] a2 | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] minimum_permeability | |
[tag] pressure_threshold | |
[case] IdealGasLaw | |
[tag] IdealGasLawBinaryMixture | |
►[case] KozenyCarman | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
►[case] Linear | |
►[tag] independent_variable | |
[tag] reference_condition | |
[tag] slope | |
[tag] variable_name | |
[tag] reference_value | |
►[case] LinearSaturationSwellingStress | |
[tag] coefficient | |
[tag] reference_saturation | |
[case] LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | |
►[case] LiquidViscosityVogels | |
[tag] liquid_type | |
►[case] OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
[tag] fracture_normals | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_xy | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_yz | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeability | |
[tag] jacobian_factor | |
[tag] mean_frac_distances | |
[tag] threshold_strains | |
►[case] Parameter | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
►[case] PengRobinson | |
[tag] acentric_factor | |
[tag] critical_pressure | |
[tag] critical_temperature | |
►[case] PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | |
[tag] cohesion | |
[tag] fitting_factor | |
[tag] friction_angle | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] reference_permeability | |
[tag] tensile_strength_parameter | |
►[case] PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
[tag] exponents | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeabilities | |
►[case] PorosityFromMassBalance | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[tag] maximal_porosity | |
[tag] minimal_porosity | |
►[case] RelPermBrooksCorey | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[case] RelPermLiakopoulos | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPower | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityUdell | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityUdellNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] minimum_relative_permeability_liquid | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationBrooksCorey | |
[tag] entry_pressure | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationDependentSwelling | |
[tag] exponents | |
[tag] lower_saturation_limit | |
[tag] swelling_pressures | |
[tag] upper_saturation_limit | |
►[case] SaturationExponential | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] maximum_capillary_pressure | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[case] SaturationLiakopoulos | |
►[case] SaturationVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] pressure_exponent | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[tag] saturation_exponent | |
►[case] SaturationVanGenuchten | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] d_diff | |
[tag] e_0 | |
[tag] e_m | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | |
[tag] dry_thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] mean_type | |
[tag] wet_thermal_conductivity | |
►[case] SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
[tag] specific_latent_heat | |
►[case] StrainDependentPermeability | |
[tag] b1 | |
[tag] b2 | |
[tag] b3 | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] minimum_permeability | |
►[case] TemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
[tag] activation_energy | |
[tag] reference_diffusion | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
►[case] TemperatureDependentFraction | |
[tag] characteristic_temperature | |
[tag] steepness | |
►[case] TransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[tag] maximal_porosity | |
[tag] minimal_porosity | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionDeVries | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionFEBEX | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionPMQ | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VermaPruessModel | |
[tag] critical_porosity | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[case] VolumeFractionAverage | |
[tag] WaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterThermalConductivityIAPWS | |
[case] WaterVapourDensity | |
[tag] WaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[case] WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | |
[tag] WaterViscosityIAPWS | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] properties | |
►[tag] property | |
[case] AverageMolarMass | |
►[case] BishopsPowerLaw | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] BishopsSaturationCutoff | |
[tag] cutoff_value | |
►[case] CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] maximum_capillary_pressure | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] ClausiusClapeyron | |
[tag] critical_pressure | |
[tag] critical_temperature | |
[tag] reference_pressure | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] triple_pressure | |
[tag] triple_temperature | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] CubicLawPermeability | |
[tag] fracture_aperture | |
►[case] Curve | |
[tag] curve | |
[tag] independent_variable | |
►[case] Dupuit | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
[case] EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
►[case] EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
[tag] fracture_normal | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_xy | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_yz | |
[tag] initial_aperture | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeability | |
[tag] jacobian_factor | |
[tag] mean_frac_distance | |
[tag] threshold_strain | |
►[case] Exponential | |
►[tag] exponent | |
[tag] factor | |
[tag] reference_condition | |
[tag] variable_name | |
[tag] offset | |
[tag] reference_value | |
►[case] Function | |
►[tag] dvalue | |
[tag] expression | |
[tag] variable_name | |
►[tag] value | |
[tag] expression | |
►[case] GasPressureDependentPermeability | |
[tag] a1 | |
[tag] a2 | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] minimum_permeability | |
[tag] pressure_threshold | |
[case] IdealGasLaw | |
[tag] IdealGasLawBinaryMixture | |
►[case] KozenyCarman | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
►[case] Linear | |
►[tag] independent_variable | |
[tag] reference_condition | |
[tag] slope | |
[tag] variable_name | |
[tag] reference_value | |
►[case] LinearSaturationSwellingStress | |
[tag] coefficient | |
[tag] reference_saturation | |
[case] LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | |
►[case] LiquidViscosityVogels | |
[tag] liquid_type | |
►[case] OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
[tag] fracture_normals | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_xy | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_yz | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeability | |
[tag] jacobian_factor | |
[tag] mean_frac_distances | |
[tag] threshold_strains | |
►[case] Parameter | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
►[case] PengRobinson | |
[tag] acentric_factor | |
[tag] critical_pressure | |
[tag] critical_temperature | |
►[case] PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | |
[tag] cohesion | |
[tag] fitting_factor | |
[tag] friction_angle | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] reference_permeability | |
[tag] tensile_strength_parameter | |
►[case] PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
[tag] exponents | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeabilities | |
►[case] PorosityFromMassBalance | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[tag] maximal_porosity | |
[tag] minimal_porosity | |
►[case] RelPermBrooksCorey | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[case] RelPermLiakopoulos | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPower | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityUdell | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityUdellNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] minimum_relative_permeability_liquid | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationBrooksCorey | |
[tag] entry_pressure | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationDependentSwelling | |
[tag] exponents | |
[tag] lower_saturation_limit | |
[tag] swelling_pressures | |
[tag] upper_saturation_limit | |
►[case] SaturationExponential | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] maximum_capillary_pressure | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[case] SaturationLiakopoulos | |
►[case] SaturationVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] pressure_exponent | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[tag] saturation_exponent | |
►[case] SaturationVanGenuchten | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] d_diff | |
[tag] e_0 | |
[tag] e_m | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | |
[tag] dry_thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] mean_type | |
[tag] wet_thermal_conductivity | |
►[case] SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
[tag] specific_latent_heat | |
►[case] StrainDependentPermeability | |
[tag] b1 | |
[tag] b2 | |
[tag] b3 | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] minimum_permeability | |
►[case] TemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
[tag] activation_energy | |
[tag] reference_diffusion | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
►[case] TemperatureDependentFraction | |
[tag] characteristic_temperature | |
[tag] steepness | |
►[case] TransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[tag] maximal_porosity | |
[tag] minimal_porosity | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionDeVries | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionFEBEX | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionPMQ | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VermaPruessModel | |
[tag] critical_porosity | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[case] VolumeFractionAverage | |
[tag] WaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterThermalConductivityIAPWS | |
[case] WaterVapourDensity | |
[tag] WaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[case] WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | |
[tag] WaterViscosityIAPWS | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] mesh | |
[attr] axially_symmetric | |
►[tag] meshes | |
►[tag] mesh | |
[attr] axially_symmetric | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solvers | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] damping | |
[tag] linear_solver | |
[tag] max_iter | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] prefix | |
[tag] recompute_jacobian | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] parameters | |
►[tag] parameter | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] values | |
►[case] CurveScaled | |
[tag] curve | |
[tag] parameter | |
►[case] Function | |
[tag] expression | |
►[case] Group | |
[tag] group_id_property | |
►[tag] index_values | |
[tag] index | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] values | |
►[case] MeshElement | |
[tag] field_name | |
►[case] MeshNode | |
[tag] field_name | |
►[case] RandomFieldMeshElementParameter | |
[tag] field_name | |
[tag] range | |
[tag] seed | |
►[case] TimeDependentHeterogeneousParameter | |
►[tag] time_series | |
►[tag] pair | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
[tag] time | |
[tag] mesh | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] use_local_coordinate_system | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
►[tag] process_variable | |
►[tag] boundary_conditions | |
►[tag] boundary_condition | |
►[case] ConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
[tag] constraining_process_variable | |
[tag] constraint_direction | |
[tag] constraint_threshold | |
[tag] constraint_type | |
[tag] parameter | |
►[case] Dirichlet | |
[tag] parameter | |
►[case] DirichletWithinTimeInterval | |
[tag] parameter | |
[tag] time_interval | |
►[case] HCNonAdvectiveFreeComponentFlowBoundary | |
[tag] parameter | |
►[case] Neumann | |
[tag] area_parameter | |
[tag] parameter | |
►[case] NormalTraction | |
[tag] parameter | |
[tag] PhaseFieldIrreversibleDamageOracleBoundaryCondition | |
►[case] PrimaryVariableConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
[tag] comparison_operator | |
[tag] parameter | |
[tag] threshold_parameter | |
►[case] Python | |
[tag] bc_object | |
[tag] flush_stdout | |
►[case] Robin | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] area_parameter | |
[tag] u_0 | |
►[case] SolutionDependentDirichlet | |
[tag] initial_value_parameter | |
[tag] property_name | |
►[case] NonuniformVariableDependentNeumann | |
[tag] coefficient_current_variable_name | |
[tag] coefficient_mixed_variables_name | |
[tag] coefficient_other_variable_name | |
[tag] constant_name | |
►[case] WellboreCompensateNeumann | |
[tag] coefficient_enthalpy | |
[tag] coefficient_pressure | |
[tag] coefficient_velocity | |
[tag] component | |
[tag] geometrical_set | |
[tag] geometry | |
[tag] mesh | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] compensate_non_equilibrium_initial_residuum | |
[tag] components | |
►[tag] deactivated_subdomains | |
►[tag] deactivated_subdomain | |
[tag] boundary_parameter | |
►[tag] line_segment | |
[tag] end | |
[tag] start | |
[tag] material_ids | |
[tag] time_curve | |
►[tag] time_interval | |
[tag] end | |
[tag] start | |
[tag] initial_condition | |
[tag] mesh | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] order | |
►[tag] source_terms | |
►[tag] source_term | |
►[case] Anchor | |
[tag] anchor_force_constant | |
►[case] Line | |
[tag] parameter | |
►[case] Nodal | |
[tag] parameter | |
►[case] Python | |
[tag] flush_stdout | |
[tag] source_term_object | |
►[case] Volumetric | |
[tag] parameter | |
[tag] component | |
[tag] geometrical_set | |
[tag] geometry | |
[tag] mesh | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] processes | |
►[tag] process | |
►[case] ComponentTransport | |
►[tag] aperture_size | |
[tag] parameter | |
[tag] chemically_induced_porosity_change | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
►[tag] fluid | |
►[tag] density | |
►[case] ConcentrationAndPressureDependent | |
[tag] fluid_density_concentration_difference_ratio | |
[tag] fluid_density_pressure_difference_ratio | |
[tag] reference_concentration | |
[tag] reference_density | |
[tag] reference_pressure | |
►[case] ConcentrationDependent | |
[tag] fluid_density_difference_ratio | |
[tag] reference_concentration | |
[tag] reference_density | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] IdealGasLaw | |
[tag] molar_mass | |
►[case] LiquidDensity | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
[tag] p0 | |
[tag] rho0 | |
[tag] temperature0 | |
►[case] TemperatureDependent | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] rho0 | |
[tag] temperature0 | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] specific_heat_capacity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] thermal_conductivity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] viscosity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] LinearPressure | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] mu0 | |
[tag] p0 | |
►[case] TemperatureDependent | |
[tag] mu0 | |
[tag] tc | |
[tag] tv | |
►[case] Vogels | |
[tag] liquid_type | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] linear | |
[tag] linear_solver_compute_only_upon_timestep_change | |
[tag] non_advective_form | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] concentration | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] tabular_file | |
[tag] temperature_field | |
[tag] linear | |
[tag] linear_solver_compute_only_upon_timestep_change | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
►[tag] borehole_heat_exchangers | |
►[tag] borehole_heat_exchanger | |
[attr] id | |
►[tag] borehole | |
[tag] diameter | |
[tag] length | |
►[tag] flow_and_temperature_control | |
►[case] BuildingPowerCurveConstantFlow | |
[tag] cop_heating_curve | |
[tag] flow_rate | |
[tag] power_curve | |
►[case] FixedPowerConstantFlow | |
[tag] flow_rate | |
[tag] power | |
►[case] FixedPowerFlowCurve | |
[tag] flow_rate_curve | |
[tag] power | |
►[case] PowerCurveConstantFlow | |
[tag] flow_rate | |
[tag] power_curve | |
►[case] PowerCurveFlowCurve | |
[tag] flow_rate_curve | |
[tag] power_curve | |
►[case] TemperatureCurveConstantFlow | |
[tag] flow_rate | |
[tag] temperature_curve | |
►[case] TemperatureCurveFlowCurve | |
[tag] flow_rate_curve | |
[tag] temperature_curve | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] grout | |
[tag] density | |
[tag] porosity | |
[tag] specific_heat_capacity | |
[tag] thermal_conductivity | |
►[tag] pipes | |
[tag] distance_between_pipes | |
►[tag] inlet | |
[tag] diameter | |
[tag] wall_thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] wall_thickness | |
[tag] inner | |
[tag] longitudinal_dispersion_length | |
[tag] outer | |
[tag] outlet | |
►[tag] refrigerant | |
[tag] density | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] specific_heat_capacity | |
[tag] thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] viscosity | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] use_bhe_pipe_network | |
[tag] linear | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
[tag] use_algebraic_bc | |
[tag] use_server_communication | |
[tag] weighting_factor | |
►[case] HM_PHASE_FIELD | |
[tag] characteristic_length | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
[tag] diffused_range_parameter | |
[tag] energy_split_model | |
[tag] fixed_stress_stabilization_parameter | |
[tag] fluid_compressibility | |
[tag] fracture_permeability_parameter | |
[tag] fracture_threshold | |
[tag] irreversible_threshold | |
[tag] phasefield_model | |
►[tag] phasefield_parameters | |
[tag] crack_length_scale | |
[tag] crack_resistance | |
[tag] residual_stiffness | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] phasefield | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] softening_curve | |
[tag] spatial_stabilization_parameter | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] specific_fracture_direction | |
[tag] width_init | |
►[case] HT | |
►[tag] aperture_size | |
[tag] parameter | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
►[tag] fluid | |
►[tag] density | |
►[case] ConcentrationAndPressureDependent | |
[tag] fluid_density_concentration_difference_ratio | |
[tag] fluid_density_pressure_difference_ratio | |
[tag] reference_concentration | |
[tag] reference_density | |
[tag] reference_pressure | |
►[case] ConcentrationDependent | |
[tag] fluid_density_difference_ratio | |
[tag] reference_concentration | |
[tag] reference_density | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] IdealGasLaw | |
[tag] molar_mass | |
►[case] LiquidDensity | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
[tag] p0 | |
[tag] rho0 | |
[tag] temperature0 | |
►[case] TemperatureDependent | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] rho0 | |
[tag] temperature0 | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] specific_heat_capacity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] thermal_conductivity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] viscosity | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] LinearPressure | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] mu0 | |
[tag] p0 | |
►[case] TemperatureDependent | |
[tag] mu0 | |
[tag] tc | |
[tag] tv | |
►[case] Vogels | |
[tag] liquid_type | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
►[tag] solid_thermal_expansion | |
[tag] biot_constant | |
[tag] thermal_expansion | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] coupling_scheme | |
[tag] fixed_stress_over_time_step | |
[tag] fixed_stress_stabilization_parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] dimension | |
►[tag] initial_stress | |
[attr] type | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
[tag] deactivate_matrix_in_flow | |
[tag] dimension | |
►[tag] fracture_model | |
►[case] CohesiveZoneModeI | |
[tag] fracture_toughness | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] peak_normal_traction | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
►[case] Coulomb | |
[tag] cohesion | |
[tag] dilatancy_angle | |
[tag] friction_angle | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] fracture_properties | |
[tag] initial_aperture | |
►[tag] permeability_model | |
►[case] ConstantPermeability | |
[tag] value | |
[case] CubicLaw | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] initial_effective_stress | |
[tag] initial_fracture_effective_stress | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] use_b_bar | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] f_bar | |
[tag] initial_stress | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[case] LIQUID_FLOW | |
►[tag] aperture_size | |
[tag] parameter | |
[tag] equation_balance_type | |
[tag] linear | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[case] PHASE_FIELD | |
[tag] characteristic_length | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
[tag] energy_split_model | |
[tag] irreversible_threshold | |
[tag] phasefield_model | |
►[tag] phasefield_parameters | |
[tag] crack_length_scale | |
[tag] crack_resistance | |
[tag] residual_stiffness | |
[tag] pressurized_crack_scheme | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] phasefield | |
[tag] softening_curve | |
[tag] solid_density | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[case] RICHARDS_FLOW | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
[tag] dimension | |
[tag] explicit_hm_coupling_in_unsaturated_zone | |
►[tag] initial_stress | |
[attr] type | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] micro_porosity | |
[tag] mass_exchange_coefficient | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[case] RichardsComponentTransport | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] concentration | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] initial_stress | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] solid_density | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] use_b_bar | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] internal_length | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] solid_density | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] dimension | |
►[tag] fracture_model | |
►[case] CohesiveZoneModeI | |
[tag] fracture_toughness | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] peak_normal_traction | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
►[case] Coulomb | |
[tag] cohesion | |
[tag] dilatancy_angle | |
[tag] friction_angle | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] normal_stiffness | |
[tag] penalty_aperture_cutoff | |
[tag] shear_stiffness | |
[tag] tension_cutoff | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] fracture_properties | |
[tag] initial_aperture | |
[tag] material_id | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] use_b_bar | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] process_variable | |
►[case] StokesFlow | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] liquid_velocity | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] use_stokes_brinkman_form | |
►[case] TES | |
[tag] characteristic_pressure | |
[tag] characteristic_temperature | |
[tag] characteristic_vapour_mass_fraction | |
[tag] diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] fluid_specific_heat_source | |
[tag] fluid_specific_isobaric_heat_capacity | |
[tag] output_element_matrices | |
[tag] output_global_matrix | |
[tag] porosity | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] fluid_pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] vapour_mass_fraction | |
[tag] reactive_system | |
[tag] solid_density_dry | |
[tag] solid_density_initial | |
[tag] solid_heat_conductivity | |
[tag] solid_hydraulic_permeability | |
[tag] solid_specific_heat_source | |
[tag] solid_specific_isobaric_heat_capacity | |
[tag] tortuosity | |
►[case] TH2M | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
►[tag] initial_stress | |
[attr] type | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] capillary_pressure | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] gas_pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
[tag] dimension | |
►[tag] initial_stress | |
[attr] type | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[attr] id | |
►[case] CreepBGRa | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] n | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] q | |
[tag] sigma0 | |
►[case] Ehlers | |
[tag] alpha | |
[tag] alphap | |
[tag] beta | |
[tag] betap | |
[tag] bulk_modulus | |
►[tag] damage_properties | |
[tag] alpha_d | |
[tag] beta_d | |
[tag] h_d | |
[tag] delta | |
[tag] deltap | |
[tag] eps | |
[tag] epsp | |
[tag] gamma | |
[tag] gammap | |
[tag] hardening_modulus | |
[tag] kappa | |
[tag] m | |
[tag] mp | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
[tag] shear_modulus | |
[tag] tangent_type | |
►[case] LinearElasticIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio | |
[tag] youngs_modulus | |
►[case] LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratios | |
[tag] shear_moduli | |
[tag] youngs_moduli | |
►[case] LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ia | |
[tag] poissons_ratio_ii | |
[tag] shear_modulus_ia | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_a | |
[tag] youngs_modulus_i | |
►[case] Lubby2 | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvk | |
[tag] dependency_parameter_mvm | |
[tag] kelvin_shear_modulus | |
[tag] kelvin_viscosity | |
[tag] maxwell_bulk_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_shear_modulus | |
[tag] maxwell_viscosity | |
►[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] error_tolerance | |
[tag] increment_tolerance | |
[tag] maximum_iterations | |
[tag] residuum_tolerance | |
►[case] MFront | |
[tag] behaviour | |
►[tag] initial_values | |
►[tag] state_variable | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
►[tag] library | |
[attr] path_is_relative_to_prj_file | |
►[tag] material_properties | |
►[tag] material_property | |
[attr] name | |
[attr] parameter | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] phasefield_parameters | |
[tag] crack_length_scale | |
[tag] crack_resistance | |
[tag] kinetic_coefficient | |
[tag] residual_stiffness | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] phasefield | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] reference_solid_density | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[tag] thermal_parameters | |
[tag] linear_thermal_expansion_coefficient | |
[tag] residual_thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] specific_heat_capacity | |
[tag] thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] constitutive_relation | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
[tag] initial_stress | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] simplified_elasticity | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] apply_body_force_for_deformation | |
[tag] coupling_scheme | |
►[tag] initial_stress | |
[attr] type | |
[tag] initialize_porosity_from_medium_property | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] displacement | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] subtype | |
►[case] TWOPHASE_FLOW_PP | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] capillary_pressure | |
[tag] gas_pressure | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] diffusion_coeff_component_a | |
[tag] diffusion_coeff_component_b | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] material_property | |
►[tag] porous_medium | |
►[tag] porous_medium | |
[attr] id | |
[tag] capillary_pressure | |
►[tag] relative_permeability | |
►[tag] relative_permeability | |
[attr] id | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] liquid_pressure | |
[tag] overall_mass_density | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] mass_lumping | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] capillary_pressure | |
[tag] gas_pressure | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] total_molar_fraction_contaminant | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
[tag] heat_exchange_with_formation | |
►[tag] process_variables | |
[tag] enthalpy | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] velocity | |
[tag] productivity_index | |
►[tag] reservoir_properties | |
[tag] density | |
[tag] pressure | |
[tag] specific_heat_capacity | |
[tag] temperature | |
[tag] thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] specific_body_force | |
►[tag] wellbore | |
[tag] casing_thickness | |
[tag] diameter | |
[tag] length | |
[tag] pipe_thickness | |
[tag] roughness | |
[tag] wellbore_ref_enthalpy | |
[tag] wellbore_ref_pressure | |
►[tag] calculatesurfaceflux | |
[tag] mesh | |
[tag] property_name | |
►[tag] initial_stress | |
[attr] type | |
[tag] integration_order | |
►[tag] jacobian_assembler | |
►[case] CentralDifferences | |
[tag] component_magnitudes | |
[tag] relative_epsilons | |
►[case] CompareJacobians | |
[tag] abs_tol | |
[tag] fail_on_error | |
[tag] jacobian_assembler | |
[tag] log_file | |
[tag] reference_jacobian_assembler | |
[tag] rel_tol | |
►[case] ForwardDifferences | |
[tag] component_magnitudes | |
[tag] relative_epsilons | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] name | |
►[tag] numerical_stabilization | |
►[case] FullUpwind | |
[tag] cutoff_velocity | |
►[case] IsotropicDiffusion | |
[tag] cutoff_velocity | |
[tag] tuning_parameter | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] secondary_variables | |
►[tag] secondary_variable | |
[attr] internal_name | |
[attr] output_name | |
[attr] type | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] python_script | |
►[tag] rasters | |
►[tag] raster | |
[tag] dimension | |
[tag] file | |
[tag] variable | |
►[tag] search_length_algorithm | |
►[tag] fixed | |
[tag] value | |
[tag] heuristic | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] test_definition | |
►[tag] vtkdiff | |
[tag] absolute_tolerance | |
[tag] field | |
[tag] file | |
[tag] regex | |
[tag] relative_tolerance | |
►[tag] time_loop | |
►[tag] global_process_coupling | |
►[tag] convergence_criteria | |
[tag] convergence_criterion | |
►[tag] local_coupling_processes | |
[tag] max_iter | |
[tag] process_name | |
[tag] max_iter | |
►[tag] output | |
[tag] compress_output | |
[tag] data_mode | |
[tag] fixed_output_times | |
[tag] fixed_output_times_from_file | |
►[tag] geometrical_sets | |
►[tag] geometrical_set | |
[tag] geometry | |
[tag] name | |
►[tag] hdf | |
[tag] chunk_size_bytes | |
[tag] number_of_files | |
►[tag] meshes | |
►[tag] mesh | |
[attr] material_ids | |
[tag] output_extrapolation_residuals | |
[tag] output_iteration_results | |
[tag] prefix | |
[tag] suffix | |
►[tag] timesteps | |
►[tag] pair | |
[tag] each_steps | |
[tag] repeat | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] variables | |
[tag] variable | |
►[tag] outputs | |
[tag] output | |
►[tag] processes | |
►[tag] process | |
[attr] ref | |
►[tag] convergence_criterion | |
►[case] DeltaX | |
[tag] abstol | |
[tag] norm_type | |
[tag] reltol | |
►[case] PerComponentDeltaX | |
[tag] abstols | |
[tag] norm_type | |
[tag] reltols | |
►[case] PerComponentResidual | |
[tag] abstols | |
[tag] norm_type | |
[tag] reltols | |
►[case] Residual | |
[tag] abstol | |
[tag] norm_type | |
[tag] reltol | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] nonlinear_solver | |
[tag] output | |
[tag] process_name | |
►[tag] time_discretization | |
[case] BackwardEuler | |
[tag] type | |
►[tag] time_interval | |
[tag] end | |
[tag] start | |
►[tag] time_stepping | |
►[case] EvolutionaryPIDcontroller | |
[tag] dt_guess | |
[tag] dt_max | |
[tag] dt_min | |
[tag] rel_dt_max | |
[tag] rel_dt_min | |
[tag] t_end | |
[tag] t_initial | |
[tag] tol | |
►[case] FixedTimeStepping | |
[tag] n_steps | |
[tag] t_end | |
[tag] t_initial | |
►[tag] timesteps | |
►[tag] pair | |
[tag] delta_t | |
[tag] repeat | |
►[case] IterationNumberBasedTimeStepping | |
[tag] initial_dt | |
[tag] maximum_dt | |
[tag] minimum_dt | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] number_iterations | |
[tag] t_end | |
[tag] t_initial | |
[case] SingleStep | |
[tag] type | |
[tag] submesh_residuum_output | |
[tag] zero_mesh_field_data_by_material_ids | |
►[tag] properties | |
►[tag] property | |
[case] AverageMolarMass | |
►[case] BishopsPowerLaw | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] BishopsSaturationCutoff | |
[tag] cutoff_value | |
►[case] CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] maximum_capillary_pressure | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] ClausiusClapeyron | |
[tag] critical_pressure | |
[tag] critical_temperature | |
[tag] reference_pressure | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
[tag] triple_pressure | |
[tag] triple_temperature | |
►[case] Constant | |
[tag] value | |
►[case] CubicLawPermeability | |
[tag] fracture_aperture | |
►[case] Curve | |
[tag] curve | |
[tag] independent_variable | |
►[case] Dupuit | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
[case] EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
►[case] EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
[tag] fracture_normal | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_xy | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_yz | |
[tag] initial_aperture | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeability | |
[tag] jacobian_factor | |
[tag] mean_frac_distance | |
[tag] threshold_strain | |
►[case] Exponential | |
►[tag] exponent | |
[tag] factor | |
[tag] reference_condition | |
[tag] variable_name | |
[tag] offset | |
[tag] reference_value | |
►[case] Function | |
►[tag] dvalue | |
[tag] expression | |
[tag] variable_name | |
►[tag] value | |
[tag] expression | |
►[case] GasPressureDependentPermeability | |
[tag] a1 | |
[tag] a2 | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] minimum_permeability | |
[tag] pressure_threshold | |
[case] IdealGasLaw | |
[tag] IdealGasLawBinaryMixture | |
►[case] KozenyCarman | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
►[case] Linear | |
►[tag] independent_variable | |
[tag] reference_condition | |
[tag] slope | |
[tag] variable_name | |
[tag] reference_value | |
►[case] LinearSaturationSwellingStress | |
[tag] coefficient | |
[tag] reference_saturation | |
[case] LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | |
►[case] LiquidViscosityVogels | |
[tag] liquid_type | |
►[case] OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
[tag] fracture_normals | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_xy | |
[tag] fracture_rotation_yz | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeability | |
[tag] jacobian_factor | |
[tag] mean_frac_distances | |
[tag] threshold_strains | |
►[case] Parameter | |
[tag] parameter_name | |
►[case] PengRobinson | |
[tag] acentric_factor | |
[tag] critical_pressure | |
[tag] critical_temperature | |
►[case] PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | |
[tag] cohesion | |
[tag] fitting_factor | |
[tag] friction_angle | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] reference_permeability | |
[tag] tensile_strength_parameter | |
►[case] PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
[tag] exponents | |
[tag] intrinsic_permeabilities | |
►[case] PorosityFromMassBalance | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[tag] maximal_porosity | |
[tag] minimal_porosity | |
►[case] RelPermBrooksCorey | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[case] RelPermLiakopoulos | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPower | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] multiplier | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityUdell | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityUdellNonwettingPhase | |
[tag] min_relative_permeability | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] minimum_relative_permeability_liquid | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationBrooksCorey | |
[tag] entry_pressure | |
[tag] lambda | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationDependentSwelling | |
[tag] exponents | |
[tag] lower_saturation_limit | |
[tag] swelling_pressures | |
[tag] upper_saturation_limit | |
►[case] SaturationExponential | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] maximum_capillary_pressure | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[case] SaturationLiakopoulos | |
►[case] SaturationVanGenuchten | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] pressure_exponent | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
[tag] saturation_exponent | |
►[case] SaturationVanGenuchten | |
[tag] a | |
[tag] d_diff | |
[tag] e_0 | |
[tag] e_m | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] p_b | |
[tag] residual_gas_saturation | |
[tag] residual_liquid_saturation | |
►[case] SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | |
[tag] dry_thermal_conductivity | |
[tag] mean_type | |
[tag] wet_thermal_conductivity | |
►[case] SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
[tag] specific_latent_heat | |
►[case] StrainDependentPermeability | |
[tag] b1 | |
[tag] b2 | |
[tag] b3 | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] maximum_permeability | |
[tag] minimum_permeability | |
►[case] TemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
[tag] activation_energy | |
[tag] reference_diffusion | |
[tag] reference_temperature | |
►[case] TemperatureDependentFraction | |
[tag] characteristic_temperature | |
[tag] steepness | |
►[case] TransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[tag] maximal_porosity | |
[tag] minimal_porosity | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionDeVries | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionFEBEX | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VapourDiffusionPMQ | |
[tag] base_diffusion_coefficient | |
[tag] exponent | |
►[case] VermaPruessModel | |
[tag] critical_porosity | |
[tag] exponent | |
[tag] initial_permeability | |
[tag] initial_porosity | |
[case] VolumeFractionAverage | |
[tag] WaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
[tag] WaterThermalConductivityIAPWS | |
[case] WaterVapourDensity | |
[tag] WaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[tag] WaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
[case] WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | |
[tag] WaterViscosityIAPWS | |
[tag] name | |
[tag] type | |
BulkMappingDocuPage | |
Todo List | |
OGS Input File Parameters—List of incomplete documentation pages | |
Bibliography | |