[tag] linear

The default setting is false. When activated, non-linear iterations will be turned off. The simulation will just go through a single iteration within a time step. If it's set to true, the **<use_algebraic_bc>** option must be also set to true. Only when fluid properties does not change much with temperature, this feature can be activated. The effect of skipping the non-linear iteration is much faster simulation speed.

Additional info

From ProcessLib/HeatTransportBHE/CreateHeatTransportBHEProcess.cpp line 193

  • This is an optional parameter.
  • This parameter has a default value of false.
  • Data type: bool
  • Expanded tag path: processes.process.HEAT_TRANSPORT_BHE.linear
  • Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master

Used in the following test data files

Used in no end-to-end test cases.