►NAdsorption | |
CAdsorptionReaction | |
CDensity100MPa | |
CDensityConst | |
CDensityCook | |
CDensityDubinin | |
CDensityHauer | |
CDensityLegacy | |
CDensityMette | |
CDensityNunez | |
CReaction | |
CReactionCaOH2 | |
CReactionInert | |
CReactionSinusoidal | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{FlushStdoutGuard.h} | |
CFlushStdoutGuard | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PETScNonlinearSolver.cpp} | |
CPetscContext | |
►NApplicationsLib | |
CLinearSolverLibrarySetup | |
CTestDefinition | |
►NApplicationUtils | |
CConfigOffsets | |
CNodeWiseMeshPartitioner | Mesh partitioner |
CPartition | A subdomain mesh |
CPartitionOffsets | |
►NBaseLib | |
►Ndetail | |
CCovariantRandomAccessContainerView | |
CPolymorphicRandomAccessContainerViewInterface | |
CPolymorphicRandomAccessContainerViewIterator | |
►NIO | |
CWriter | Base class which enables writing an object to string, stringstream or file |
CXMLInterface | Base class for writing any information to and from XML files |
CXMLQtInterface | |
►NMPI | |
CMpi | |
CSetup | |
►NTMP | |
CConcat | |
CConcat< List< Types1... >, List< Types2... > > | |
CList | A list of types |
CMap | |
CMap< MapFromTypeToType, List< Types... > > | |
►CConfigTree | |
CCountType | |
CParameterIterator | |
CSubtreeIterator | |
CValueIterator | |
CCPUTime | Count CPU time |
CGradualSubdivision | |
CGradualSubdivisionFixedNum | |
CHistogram | |
CISubdivision | |
CMemWatch | |
COverloaded | |
CPolymorphicRandomAccessContainerView | |
CRange | Wraps a pair of iterators for use as a range in range-based for-loops |
CRunTime | Count the running time |
CStrongType | |
CTimeInterval | |
CUniformSubdivision | |
►NChemistryLib | |
►NPhreeqcIOData | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{PhreeqcIO.cpp} | |
Coverloaded | |
CAqueousSolution | |
CBasicOutputSetups | |
CChemicalSystem | |
CComponent | |
CDensityBasedSurfaceSite | |
CDump | |
CEquilibriumReactant | |
CExchangeSite | |
CKineticReactant | |
CKnobs | |
CMoleBasedSurfaceSite | |
COutput | |
COutputItem | |
CPhreeqcIO | |
CReactionRate | |
CSecondaryVariable | |
CUserPunch | |
►NPhreeqcKernelData | |
CAqueousSolution | |
CComponent | |
CEquilibriumReactants | |
CInitialAqueousSolution | |
CKineticReactant | |
CKinetics | |
CPhaseComponent | |
CPhreeqcKernel | |
CReactionRate | |
►NSelfContainedSolverData | |
CChemicalReaction | |
CFirstOrderReaction | First-order reaction |
CSelfContainedSolver | |
CChemicalSolverInterface | |
►NDataHolderLib | |
CBoundaryCondition | |
CColorLookupTable | |
CFemCondition | Base class for boundary conditions, initial conditions and source terms |
CProcessVariable | |
CProject | |
CSourceTerm | Managing data associated with a source term |
►Ndetail | |
CEigenMatrixType | |
CEigenMatrixType< 0, 1 > | |
CEigenMatrixType< 0, M > | |
CEigenMatrixType< N, 1 > | |
►NFileIO | |
►NGMSH | |
CGMSHAdaptiveMeshDensity | |
CGMSHFixedMeshDensity | |
CGMSHInterface | Reads and writes GMSH-files to and from OGS data structures |
CGMSHLine | |
CGMSHLineLoop | |
CGMSHMeshDensityStrategy | |
CGMSHPoint | |
CGMSHPolygonTree | |
►NGocad | |
CCoordinateSystem | |
CGocadNode | |
CGocadSGridReader | |
CGocadSplitNode | |
CIndexCalculator | |
CLayer | |
CProperty | |
CRegion | |
CAsciiRasterInterface | |
CCsvInterface | |
CFEFLOWGeoInterface | |
►CFEFLOWMeshInterface | |
CGMSInterface | Manages the import and export of Aquaveo GMS files into and out of GeoLib |
CPetrelInterface | |
CSHPInterface | Manages the import of ESRI shape files into GeoLib |
►CSwmmInterface | |
CSubcatchment | |
CTetGenInterface | |
CXmlLutReader | Reader for vtk-Lookup-Tables (in XML / ParaView Format) |
CXmlPrjInterface | |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< MathLib::KahanSum > | |
Cformatter< NumLib::Time > | |
Cformatter< NumLib::TimeIncrement > | |
Cformatter< T > | |
Cformatter<::GeoLib::AABB > | |
►NGeoLib | |
►NIO | |
CBoostXmlGmlInterface | |
CTINInterface | |
CXmlGmlInterface | Reads and writes GeoObjects to and from XML files |
CXmlStnInterface | Reads and writes Observation Sites to and from XML files |
CAABB | Class AABB is an axis aligned bounding box around a given set of geometric points of (template) type PNT_TYPE |
CDuplicateGeometry | |
CEarClippingTriangulation | |
CGeoObject | |
►CGEOObjects | Container class for geometric objects |
CCallbacks | |
CGrid | |
CLineSegment | |
CMinimalBoundingSphere | |
CMinMaxPoints | |
CNamedRaster | |
COctTree | |
CPoint | |
CPointVec | This class manages pointers to Points in a std::vector along with a name. It also handles the deletion of points. Furthermore, typically, PointVec objects are managed by GEOObjects using the instance name for identification. For this reason PointVec must have a unique name |
CPolygon | |
CPolygonWithSegmentMarker | |
►CPolyline | Class Polyline consists mainly of a reference to a point vector and a vector that stores the indices in the point vector. A polyline consists of at least one line segment. The polyline is specified by the points of the line segments. The class Polyline stores ids of pointers to the points in the _ply_pnt_ids vector |
CSegmentIterator | |
CPolylineWithSegmentMarker | |
CQuadTree | |
CRaster | Class Raster is used for managing raster data |
CRasterHeader | Contains the relevant information when storing a geoscientific raster data |
CSimplePolygonTree | This class computes and stores the topological relations between polygons. Every node of the SimplePolygonTree represents a polygon. A child node c of a parent node p mean that the polygon represented by c is contained in the polygon represented by p |
CStation | A Station (observation site) is basically a Point with some additional information |
CStationBorehole | A borehole as a geometric object |
CSurface | A Surface is represented by Triangles. It consists of a reference to a vector of (pointers to) points (_sfc_pnts) and a vector that stores the Triangles consisting of points from _sfc_pnts |
CSurfaceGrid | |
CTemplateVec | The class TemplateVec takes a unique name and manages a std::vector of pointers to data elements of type T |
CTriangle | Class Triangle consists of a reference to a point vector and a vector that stores the indices in the point vector. A surface is composed by triangles. The class Surface stores the position of pointers to the points of triangles in the _pnt_ids vector |
►NMaterialLib | |
►NFluid | |
CConstantFluidProperty | Constant fluid properties |
CDimensionLessGibbsFreeEnergyRegion1 | |
CFluidProperties | Base class of fluid properties |
CFluidPropertiesWithDensityDependentModels | |
CFluidProperty | Base class of fluid properties |
CIdealGasLaw | Fluid density by ideal gas law |
CLinearConcentrationAndPressureDependentDensity | |
CLinearConcentrationDependentDensity | |
CLinearPressureDependentViscosity | |
CLinearTemperatureDependentDensity | Linear temperature dependent density model |
CLiquidDensity | |
CPrimaryVariableDependentFluidProperties | |
CTemperatureDependentViscosity | |
CVogelsLiquidDynamicViscosity | |
CVogelsViscosityConstantsCH4 | |
CVogelsViscosityConstantsCO2 | |
CVogelsViscosityConstantsWater | |
CWaterVaporProperties | |
►NFracture | |
►NCohesiveZoneModeI | |
CCohesiveZoneModeI | |
CMaterialProperties | |
CMaterialPropertiesParameters | Variables specific to the material model |
CStateVariables | |
►NCoulomb | |
►CCoulomb | |
CMaterialProperties | Variables specific to the material model |
CMaterialPropertyValues | |
CStateVariables | |
►NPermeability | |
CConstantPermeability | A constant permeability model |
CCubicLaw | |
CPermeability | |
CPermeabilityState | |
CFractureIdentity2 | |
►CFractureModelBase | |
CMaterialStateVariables | |
►CLinearElasticIsotropic | |
CMaterialProperties | Variables specific to the material model |
CMaterialStateVariables | |
►NPorousMedium | |
CBrooksCoreyCapillaryPressureSaturation | Brooks-Corey capillary pressure saturation model |
CCapillaryPressureSaturation | Base class of capillary pressure models |
CCapillaryPressureSaturationCurve | |
CDupuitPermeability | |
CNonWettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas | BrooksCorey oil-gas model: non-wetting phase |
CNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten | Van Genuchten model: non-wetting phase |
CPermeability | |
CPorousMediaProperties | |
CRelativePermeability | Base class of relative permeability models |
CRelativePermeabilityCurve | |
CVanGenuchtenCapillaryPressureSaturation | Van Genuchten water retention model |
CWettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas | BrooksCorey oil-gas model: wetting phase |
CWettingPhaseVanGenuchten | Van Genuchten model model: wetting phase |
►NSolids | |
►NCreep | |
CCreepBGRa | A class for computing the BGRa creep model, which reads |
►NEhlers | |
CDamage | |
CDamageProperties | |
CDamagePropertiesParameters | |
CMaterialProperties | |
CMaterialPropertiesParameters | |
COnePlusGamma_pTheta | Holds powers of 1 + gamma_p*theta to base 0, m_p, and m_p-1 |
CPhysicalStressWithInvariants | |
CPlasticStrain | |
CSolidEhlers | |
CStateVariables | |
►NLubby2 | |
►Ndetail | |
CLocalLubby2Properties | |
►CLubby2 | |
CMaterialStateVariables | |
CLubby2MaterialProperties | |
►NMFront | |
►Ndetail | |
CMapToMPLType | A struct mapping a MGIS variable type to its corresponding OGS type |
CMapToMPLType< DisplacementDim, mgis::behaviour::Variable::Type::SCALAR > | |
CMapToMPLType< DisplacementDim, mgis::behaviour::Variable::Type::STENSOR > | |
CMapToMPLType< DisplacementDim, mgis::behaviour::Variable::Type::TENSOR > | |
CSetGradient | |
CDeformationGradient | Meta data for deformation gradient |
CForcesGradsCombinations | |
CGreenLagrangeStrain | Meta data for Green-Lagrange strain |
CLiquidPressure | |
CMaterialStateVariablesMFront | |
CMFront | |
CMFrontConfig | |
CMFrontGeneric | |
COGSMFrontTangentOperatorBlocksView | |
COGSMFrontTangentOperatorData | Used for disambiguation with MFront's thermodynamic forces data |
COGSMFrontThermodynamicForcesData | Used for disambiguation with MFront's tangent operator blocks data |
►COGSMFrontThermodynamicForcesView | |
CSizeOf | A template metafunction accessing the size of the given Variable |
CSaturation | |
CSecondPiolaKirchhoffStress | |
CStrain | Meta data for strain |
CStress | |
CTemperature | |
CVariable | |
►NPhasefield | |
CAT_DegradationDerivative | |
CCOHESIVE_DegradationDerivative | |
CDegradationDerivative | |
►CLinearElasticIsotropic | |
CMaterialProperties | Variables specific to the material model |
►CLinearElasticOrthotropic | |
CEvaluatedMaterialProperties | |
CMaterialProperties | Variables specific to the material model |
CLinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | Linear transverse isotropic elastic model |
►CMechanicsBase | |
CInternalVariable | Helper type for providing access to internal variables |
CMaterialStateVariables | |
►NMaterialPropertyLib | |
CAverageMolarMass | |
CBishopsPowerLaw | Bishop's power law for effective stress |
CBishopsSaturationCutoff | |
CCapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | This class handles the computation of the capillary pressure, \( p_c(S_l) \), with the capillary pressure regularization |
CCapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | The van Genuchten capillary pressure model |
CClausiusClapeyron | |
CComponent | This class defines components (substances) |
CConstant | |
CCubicLawPermeability | |
CCurve | |
CDupuitPermeability | |
CEffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
CEmbeddedFracturePermeability | Permeability model as proposed by Olivella&Alonso |
CExponentData | |
CExponential | |
CFormEigenTensor | |
CFormEigenVector | |
CFormKelvinVector | |
►CFunction | |
CImplementation | |
CGasPressureDependentPermeability | A gas pressure dependent intrinsic permeability model |
CGetSymmetricTensor | |
CIdealGasLaw | Density function for ideal gases |
CIdealGasLawBinaryMixture | Density function for binary ideal gases |
CIndependentVariable | |
CKozenyCarmanModel | Kozeny-Carman equation |
CLinear | |
CLinearSaturationSwellingStress | This class defines a linear saturation rate dependent swelling stress model for the materials that swell strongly when water content increases |
CLinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | An empirical function for the latent heat of vaporization of liquid water, which is given by [36] p.786f |
CLiquidViscosityVogels | |
CMaterialSpatialDistributionMap | |
CMedium | |
COrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | Extended Permeability model based on Olivella&Alonso |
CParameter | |
CPengRobinson | Peng-Robinson equation of state |
CPermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | A failure index dependent permeability model [43] |
CPermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
CPhase | |
CPorosityFromMassBalance | |
CProperty | |
CRelPermBrooksCorey | Relative permeability function of the wetting phase proposed by Brooks&Corey |
CRelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | Relative permeability function of the non-wetting phase proposed by Brooks&Corey |
CRelPermGeneralizedPower | |
CRelPermGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
CRelPermLiakopoulos | Relative permeability function for the wetting phase of the Liakopoulos experiment |
CRelPermNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
CRelPermUdell | |
CRelPermUdellNonwettingPhase | |
CRelPermVanGenuchten | |
CSaturationBrooksCorey | A well known soil characteristics function |
CSaturationDependentSwelling | |
CSaturationExponential | A simplistic soil characteristics function |
CSaturationLiakopoulos | A well known soil characteristics function |
CSaturationVanGenuchten | The van Genuchten capillary pressure model |
CSaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain | A strain dependent bimodal water retention model |
CSaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | Saturation dependent thermal conductivity model for soil |
CSigmoidFunction | |
►CSpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
CPhaseProperties | |
CStrainDependentPermeability | A strain dependent intrinsic permeability model |
CTemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
CTemperatureDependentFraction | |
CTransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
CVapourDiffusionDeVries | DeVries type Vapour diffusion |
CVapourDiffusionFEBEX | FEBEX type Vapour diffusion |
CVapourDiffusionPMQ | The Penman-Millington-Quirk (PMQ) Vapour diffusion model |
CVariableArray | |
CVermaPruessModel | Verma-Pruess equation [42] |
CVogelsViscosityConstantsCH4 | |
CVogelsViscosityConstantsCO2 | |
CVogelsViscosityConstantsWater | |
►CVolumeFractionAverage | |
CPhaseProperties | |
CWater | |
CWaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
CWaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
CWaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
CWaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
CWaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
CWaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1 | |
CWaterThermalConductivityIAPWS | A class for thermal conductivity model that is defined by The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam IAPWS (File accessed at 13.01.2023) - (Daucik and Dooley, 2011) |
CWaterVapourDensity | A model for water vapour density in the unsaturated porous media |
CWaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
CWaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4 | |
CWaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | A latent heat model of vaporisation of water considering the critical temperature |
CWaterViscosityIAPWS | A class for viscosity model that is defined by The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam IAPWS |
CZeroInitPropertyDataType | |
►NMathLib | |
►Ndetail | |
CSUM | |
CSUM< 0, Method > | |
►Ndetails | |
CEigenDirectLinearSolver | Template class for Eigen direct linear solvers |
CEigenIterativeLinearSolver | Template class for Eigen iterative linear solvers |
►NKelvinVector | |
CInvariants | |
►NNonlinear | |
CAndersonBjorck | Used by RegulaFalsi in a modified version of the regula falsi algorithm |
CIllinois | Used by RegulaFalsi in a modified version of the regula falsi algorithm |
CPegasus | Used by RegulaFalsi in a modified version of the regula falsi algorithm |
CRegulaFalsi | |
CUnmodified | Used by RegulaFalsi in the original regula falsi algorithm |
►NODE | |
►Ndetail | |
CFunctionHandles | |
CFunctionHandlesImpl | Function handles for an ODE system of N equations |
CConcreteODESolver | |
CCVodeSolver | |
CCVodeSolverImpl | |
CODESolver | |
CCubicSolver | |
CEigenBlockMatrixViewFunctor | |
CEigenIOFormat | |
CEigenLinearSolver | |
CEigenLinearSolverBase | |
CEigenLisLinearSolver | |
CEigenMatrix | |
CEigenOption | Option for Eigen sparse solver |
CEigenVector | Global vector based on Eigen vector |
CGaussLegendre | |
CGaussLegendrePyramid | |
CGaussLegendrePyramid< 2 > | |
CGaussLegendrePyramid< 3 > | |
CGaussLegendreTet | |
CGaussLegendreTet< 2 > | |
CGaussLegendreTet< 3 > | |
CGaussLegendreTet< 4 > | |
CGaussLegendreTri | |
CGaussLegendreTri< 2 > | |
CGaussLegendreTri< 3 > | |
CGaussLegendreTri< 4 > | |
CKahanSum | |
CLinearIntervalInterpolation | Class (template) LinearIntervalInterpolation is a functional object performing an interval mapping \(f: [a,b] \to [c,d]\) |
CLinearSolverOptionsParser | |
CLinearSolverOptionsParser< EigenLinearSolver > | |
CLinearSolverOptionsParser< EigenLisLinearSolver > | |
CLinearSolverOptionsParser< PETScLinearSolver > | |
CLisMatrix | LisMatrix is a wrapper class for matrix types of the linear iterative solvers library |
CLisVector | Lis vector wrapper class |
CMatrixSpecifications | |
CMatrixVectorTraits | |
CPETScLinearSolver | |
CPETScMatrix | Wrapper class for PETSc matrix routines for matrix |
CPETScMatrixOption | This a struct data containing the configuration information to create a PETSc type matrix |
CPETScVector | Wrapper class for PETSc vector |
CPiecewiseLinearCurveConfig | |
CPiecewiseLinearInterpolation | |
CPiecewiseLinearMonotonicCurve | Class for strong monotonic curves |
CPoint3d | |
CPoint3dWithID | |
CRowColumnIndices | |
CSetMatrixSparsity | |
CSetMatrixSparsity< EigenMatrix, SPARSITY_PATTERN > | Sets the sparsity pattern of the underlying EigenMatrix |
CSetMatrixSparsity< LisMatrix, SPARSITY_PATTERN > | Sets the sparsity pattern of the underlying LisMatrix |
CWeightedPoint | |
CWeightedSum | |
►NMeshGeoToolsLib | |
CBoundaryElementsAlongPolyline | |
CBoundaryElementsAtPoint | This class collects point elements located at a given point elements |
CBoundaryElementsOnSurface | |
CBoundaryElementsSearcher | |
CGeoMapper | A set of tools for mapping the elevation of geometric objects |
CHeuristicSearchLength | |
CMeshNodesAlongPolyline | |
CMeshNodesAlongSurface | |
CMeshNodeSearcher | |
CMeshNodesOnPoint | |
CSearchLength | |
►NMeshLib | |
►NIO | |
►NLegacy | |
CMeshIO | Interface for handling mesh files from OGS-5 and below. (*.msh files) |
CFileCommunicator | |
CHdfData | |
►CHdfWriter | |
CHdfMesh | |
CMeshHdfData | |
CNodeData | Struct NodeData used for parallel reading and also partitioning |
►CNodePartitionedMeshReader | |
CPartitionedMeshInfo | A collection of integers that configure the partitioned mesh data |
CPartitionInfo | |
CPropertyVectorMetaData | |
CPropertyVectorPartitionMetaData | |
CPVDFile | |
CTransformedMeshData | |
CVtuInterface | Reads and writes VtkXMLUnstructuredGrid-files (vtu) to and from OGS data structures. This class is currently not inherited from Writer because VTK will implement writing to a string from 6.2 onwards |
CXdmfData | |
CXdmfHdfData | |
CXdmfHdfMesh | |
CXdmfHdfWriter | |
CXdmfTopology | |
CXdmfWriter | |
CCellRule | |
CCoordinateSystem | Coordinate systems |
CCoordinateSystemType | Coordinate system type |
CEdgeRule | |
CElement | |
CElementCoordinatesMappingLocal | |
CElementSearch | Element search class |
CElementStatus | |
CFaceRule | |
CHexRule | |
CHexRule20 | |
CHexRule8 | |
CIntegrationPointMetaData | |
CIntegrationPointWriter | |
CLinearEdgeReturn | Returns linear order edge |
CLineRule | |
CLineRule2 | |
CLineRule3 | |
CLocation | |
CMesh | |
CMeshElementGrid | |
CMeshSubset | A subset of nodes on a single mesh |
CNode | |
CNodeAdjacencyTable | |
CNodePartitionedMesh | A subdomain mesh |
CNodeSearch | Node search class |
CNoEdgeReturn | Returns always null pointer |
CPointRule1 | A 0d point element |
CPrismRule | |
CPrismRule15 | |
CPrismRule6 | |
CProperties | Property manager on mesh items. Class Properties manages scalar, vector or matrix properties. For instance in groundwater flow porosity is a scalar property and permeabilty can be stored as a tensor property. Properties are assigned to mesh items, i.e. Node or Element objects. The createNewPropertyVector() method first creates a PropertyVector of template type T (scalar, vector or matrix). This class stores the PropertyVector, accessible by a combination of the name and the type of the mesh item (Node or Element) |
CPropertyVector | |
CPropertyVector< T * > | |
CPropertyVectorBase | |
CPyramidRule | |
CPyramidRule13 | |
CPyramidRule5 | |
CQuadraticEdgeReturn | Returns quadratic order edge |
CQuadRule | |
CQuadRule4 | |
CQuadRule8 | |
CQuadRule9 | |
CTemplateElement | |
CTetRule | |
CTetRule10 | |
CTetRule4 | |
CTriRule | |
CTriRule3 | |
CTriRule6 | |
CVertexRule | |
CVtkMappedMeshSource | |
CVtkMeshConverter | Converter for VtkUnstructured Grids to OGS meshes |
CVtkMeshNodalCoordinatesTemplate | |
►NMeshToolsLib | |
CAngleSkewMetric | |
CEdgeRatioMetric | |
CElementQualityInterface | |
CElementQualityMetric | |
CElementSizeMetric | |
CElementValueModification | A set of methods for manipulating mesh element values |
CMesh2MeshPropertyInterpolation | |
CMeshInformation | A set of tools for extracting information from a mesh |
CMeshLayerMapper | Manipulating and adding prism element layers to an existing 2D mesh |
CMeshRevision | |
CMeshSurfaceExtraction | A set of tools concerned with extracting nodes and elements from a mesh surface |
CMeshValidation | A collection of methods for testing mesh quality and correctness |
CRadiusEdgeRatioMetric | |
CRasterToMesh | Converts raster data into an OGS mesh |
CSizeDifferenceMetric | |
►NNumLib | |
►Ndetail | |
CByComponent | |
CByGlobalIndex | |
CByLocation | |
CByLocationAndComponent | |
CComputeDerivativeWrtOneScalar_CD | |
CComputeDerivativeWrtOneScalar_FD | |
CDefaultPerturbationStrategy | |
CFieldType | |
CIsScalar | |
CIsScalar< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, N, 1 > > | |
CLine | |
CLineByLocationAndComponentComparator | |
CLineByLocationComparator | |
CLowerOrderShapeFunctionOrSame | |
CLowerOrderShapeFunctionOrSame< ShapeFunction, std::void_t< typename NumLib::LowerDim< ShapeFunction >::type > > | |
CNumberOfDofs | |
CNumberOfDofs< Vectorial< ShapeFunction, Dim > > | |
CShapeDataFieldType | |
CShapeFunctionTraits | |
CAssemblyException | |
CBackwardEuler | Backward Euler scheme |
CCentralDifferencesStrategy | |
CConvergenceCriterion | |
CConvergenceCriterionDeltaX | |
CConvergenceCriterionPerComponent | |
CConvergenceCriterionPerComponentDeltaX | |
CConvergenceCriterionPerComponentResidual | |
CConvergenceCriterionResidual | |
CCouplingNode | Information of a coupling node |
CDefaultIntegrationMethodProvider | |
CElementTraitsLagrange | |
CEquationSystem | |
CEvolutionaryPIDcontroller | |
CEvolutionaryPIDcontrollerParameters | |
CExtrapolatableElement | |
CExtrapolatableElementCollection | |
CExtrapolatableLocalAssemblerCollection | |
CExtrapolator | |
CFeHEX20 | |
CFeHEX8 | |
CFeLINE2 | |
CFeLINE3 | |
CFePRISM15 | |
CFePYRA13 | |
CFePYRA5 | |
CFeQUAD4 | |
CFeQUAD8 | |
CFeQUAD9 | |
CFeTET10 | |
CFeTET4 | |
CFeTRI3 | |
CFeTRI6 | |
CFixedTimeStepping | Fixed time stepping algorithm |
CFixedTimeSteppingParameters | |
CFluxCorrectedTransport | |
CForwardDifferencesStrategy | |
CFullUpwind | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Point > | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Prism > | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Prism15 > | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Pyramid > | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Pyramid13 > | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Tet > | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Tet10 > | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Tri > | |
CGaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy< MeshLib::Tri6 > | |
CGenericIntegrationMethod | |
CGlobalMatrixProvider | |
CGlobalVectorProvider | |
CIndexValueVector | |
CIntegrationGaussLegendrePrism | Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule for prisms |
CIntegrationGaussLegendrePyramid | Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule for pyramid |
CIntegrationGaussLegendreRegular | |
CIntegrationGaussLegendreTet | Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule for tetrahedrals |
CIntegrationGaussLegendreTri | Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule for triangles |
CIntegrationOrder | |
CIntegrationPoint | |
CIsotropicDiffusionStabilization | |
CIterationNumberBasedTimeStepping | Iteration number based adaptive time stepping |
CIterationNumberBasedTimeSteppingParameters | |
CLocalCouplingParameters | |
►CLocalLinearLeastSquaresExtrapolator | |
CCachedData | Stores a matrix and its Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse |
►CLocalToGlobalIndexMap | |
CConstructorTag | |
CLowerDim | |
CLowerDim< NumLib::ShapeHex20 > | |
CLowerDim< NumLib::ShapeLine3 > | |
CLowerDim< NumLib::ShapePrism15 > | |
CLowerDim< NumLib::ShapePyra13 > | |
CLowerDim< NumLib::ShapeQuad8 > | |
CLowerDim< NumLib::ShapeQuad9 > | |
CLowerDim< NumLib::ShapeTet10 > | |
CLowerDim< NumLib::ShapeTri6 > | |
CMatrixProvider | |
CMatrixTranslator | |
CMatrixTranslator< ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear > | |
CMatrixTranslatorGeneral | |
CMatrixTranslatorGeneral< ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear > | |
CMeshComponentMap | Multidirectional mapping between mesh entities and degrees of freedom |
CNaturalCoordinates | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Hex > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Hex20 > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Line > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Line3 > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Point > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Prism > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Prism15 > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Pyramid > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Pyramid13 > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Quad > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Quad8 > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Quad9 > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Tet > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Tet10 > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Tri > | |
CNaturalCoordinates< MeshLib::Tri6 > | |
CNaturalCoordinatesMapping | |
►CNewtonRaphson | |
CFirstArgument | |
CFirstArgument< R(C::*)(Arg, Args...) const > | |
CNewtonRaphsonSolverParameters | |
CNonlinearSolver | |
CNonlinearSolver< NonlinearSolverTag::Newton > | |
CNonlinearSolver< NonlinearSolverTag::Picard > | |
CNonlinearSolverBase | |
CNonlinearSolverStatus | Status of the non-linear solver |
CNonlinearSystem | |
CNonlinearSystem< NonlinearSolverTag::Newton > | |
CNonlinearSystem< NonlinearSolverTag::Picard > | |
CNoStabilization | |
CNumericalDerivative | |
CODESystem | |
CODESystem< ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear, NonlinearSolverTag::Newton > | |
CODESystem< ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear, NonlinearSolverTag::Picard > | |
CPETScNonlinearSolver | |
CReferenceElement | |
CRootCouplingNode | |
CSerialExecutor | |
CShapeHex20 | |
CShapeHex8 | |
CShapeLine2 | |
CShapeLine3 | |
CShapeMatrices | Coordinates mapping matrices at particular location |
CShapeMatrixCache | |
CShapePoint1 | Shape function for a point element in natural coordinates |
CShapePrism15 | |
CShapePrism6 | |
CShapePyra13 | |
CShapePyra5 | |
CShapeQuad4 | |
CShapeQuad8 | |
CShapeQuad9 | |
CShapeTet10 | |
CShapeTet4 | |
CShapeTri3 | |
CShapeTri6 | |
CSimpleMatrixVectorProvider | |
CStaggeredCoupling | |
CTemplateIsoparametric | Template class for isoparametric elements |
CTime | |
CTimeDiscretization | |
CTimeDiscretizedODESystem | |
CTimeDiscretizedODESystem< ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear, NonlinearSolverTag::Newton > | |
CTimeDiscretizedODESystem< ODESystemTag::FirstOrderImplicitQuasilinear, NonlinearSolverTag::Picard > | |
CTimeDiscretizedODESystemBase | |
CTimeIncrement | |
CTimeStep | Time step object |
CTimeStepAlgorithm | Interface of time stepping algorithms |
CVectorial | |
CVectorProvider | |
►NParameterLib | |
CConstantParameter | Single, constant value parameter |
CCoordinateSystem | A local coordinate system used for tensor transformations |
CCurveScaledParameter | |
►CFunctionParameter | |
CCurveWrapper | |
►CGroupBasedParameter | |
Ctype | |
CMeshElementParameter | A parameter represented by a mesh property vector |
CMeshNodeParameter | A parameter represented by a mesh property vector |
CParameter | |
CParameterBase | |
CRandomFieldMeshElementParameter | A parameter represented by a mesh property vector |
CRasterParameter | |
CSpatialPosition | |
CTimeDependentHeterogeneousParameter | |
►NProcessLib | |
►NAssembly | |
CConcurrentMatrixView | |
CCumulativeStats | |
CGlobalMatrixOutput | Writes global matrices to disk for debugging purposes |
CLocalMatrixOutput | Writes local matrices to disk for debugging purposes |
CMatrixElementCache | |
CMatrixElementCacheEntry | |
CMultiMatrixElementCache | |
CMultiStats | |
CParallelVectorMatrixAssembler | |
CStats | |
►NBoundaryConditionAndSourceTerm | |
►NPython | |
CBcAndStLocalAssemblerImpl | |
CBcOrStData | |
CFlagAndFluxAndDFlux | |
CNsAndWeight | |
CNsAndWeight< ShapeFunction, ShapeFunction, ShapeMatrix, ShapeMatrix > | |
CNsAndWeightsTraits | Collects common type aliases needed when working with NsAndWeight |
►CLocalAssemblerFactory | |
CHasSuitableDimension | |
CIs2ndOrderElementOfSuitableDimension | |
►NComponentTransport | |
CComponentTransportLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CComponentTransportProcess | |
CComponentTransportProcessData | |
CField | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CInterpolationPoint | |
CLocalAssemblerData | |
CLookupTable | |
►NConstitutiveRelations | |
CPrevState | Represents a previous state of type T |
CSpaceTimeData | |
CStrainData | |
CStressData | |
►NDeformation | |
CCollectIntegrationPointDataForExtrapolation | |
CCollectIntegrationPointDataForIpWriter | |
CInternalVariablesCollection | |
►Ndetail | |
CLocalAssemblerTraitsFixed | |
►NGraph | |
►Ndetail | |
CGetFlattenedTupleOfPassedArgs | |
CGetFlattenedTupleOfPassedArgs< Result(*)(DeclaredArgs...), Tuples... > | |
CGetFlattenedTupleOfPassedArgs< Result(Class::*)(DeclaredArgs...) const, ClassAndPassedArgsTuples... > | |
CGetFlattenedTupleOfPassedArgs< Result(Class::*)(DeclaredArgs...), ClassAgain, PassedArgsTuples... > | |
CGetFlattenedTupleTypes | |
CGetFunctionArgumentTypes | |
CGetFunctionArgumentTypes< Result(*)(Args...)> | |
CGetFunctionArgumentTypes< Result(Class::*)(Args...) const > | |
CGetFunctionArgumentTypes< Result(Class::*)(Args...)> | |
CGetFunctionReturnType | |
CGetFunctionReturnType< Result(*)(Args...)> | |
CGetFunctionReturnType< Result(Class::*)(Args...) const > | |
CGetFunctionReturnType< Result(Class::*)(Args...)> | |
CIsInputArgument | |
CIsOutputArgument | |
►NHeatConduction | |
CHeatConductionLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CHeatConductionProcess | |
CHeatConductionProcessData | |
CLocalAssemblerData | |
►NHeatTransportBHE | |
►NBHE | |
CAdvectiveThermalResistanceCoaxial | |
CBHE_1P | |
CBHE_1U | |
CBHE_2U | |
CBHECommon | |
CBHECommonCoaxial | |
CBHECommonUType | |
CBoreholeGeometry | |
CBuildingPowerCurveConstantFlow | |
CBuildingPowerCurves | |
CFixedPowerConstantFlow | |
CFixedPowerFlowCurve | |
CFlowAndTemperature | |
CGroutAndGroutSoilExchangeThermalResistanceCoaxial | |
CGroutParameters | |
CPipe | |
CPipeConfiguration1PType | |
CPipeConfigurationCoaxial | |
CPipeConfigurationUType | |
CPipeWallThermalResistanceCoaxial | |
CPowerCurveConstantFlow | |
CPowerCurveFlowCurve | |
CRefrigerantProperties | |
CTemperatureCurveConstantFlow | |
CTemperatureCurveFlowCurve | |
CThermoMechanicalFlowProperties | |
CAlgebraicBCSetting | |
CBHEBottomDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
CBHEInflowDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
CBHEMeshData | |
CHeatTransportBHELocalAssemblerBHE | |
CHeatTransportBHELocalAssemblerInterface | |
CHeatTransportBHELocalAssemblerSoil | |
CHeatTransportBHEProcess | |
CHeatTransportBHEProcessData | |
CIntegrationPointDataBHE | |
CIntegrationPointDataSoil | |
►CLocalDataInitializer | |
CIsNDElement | |
CSecondaryData | |
►NHMPhaseField | |
CHMPhaseFieldLocalAssembler | |
CHMPhaseFieldLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CHMPhaseFieldProcess | |
CHMPhaseFieldProcessData | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CSecondaryData | |
►NHT | |
CHTLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CHTProcess | |
CHTProcessData | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CMonolithicHTFEM | |
CStaggeredHTFEM | |
►NHydroMechanics | |
CHydroMechanicsLocalAssembler | |
CHydroMechanicsProcess | |
CHydroMechanicsProcessData | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CMonolithic | |
CSecondaryData | |
CStaggered | |
►NLargeDeformation | |
►NConstitutiveRelations | |
CConstitutiveData | Data that is needed for the equation system assembly |
CConstitutiveModels | Constitutive models used for assembly |
CConstitutiveSetting | |
CConstitutiveTempData | |
CCreateConstitutiveSetting | |
COutputData | Data that is needed for output purposes, but not directly for the assembly |
CSolidMechanicsDataStateless | |
CSolidMechanicsModel | |
CStatefulData | Data whose state must be tracked by the process |
CStatefulDataPrev | Data whose state must be tracked by the process |
CDeformationGradientData | |
CGravityModel | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLargeDeformationLocalAssembler | |
CLargeDeformationLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CLargeDeformationProcess | |
CLargeDeformationProcessData | |
CMaterialStateData | |
CMediaData | |
CSecondaryData | |
CSolidDensityModel | |
►NLIE | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{MeshUtils.cpp} | |
CIsCrackTip | |
►NHydroMechanics | |
CHydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerFracture | |
CHydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CHydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerMatrix | |
CHydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerMatrixNearFracture | |
CHydroMechanicsProcess | |
CHydroMechanicsProcessData | |
CIntegrationPointDataFracture | |
CIntegrationPointDataMatrix | |
►CLocalDataInitializer | |
CIsElementEnabled | |
CSecondaryData | Used for the extrapolation of the integration point values |
►NSmallDeformation | |
CIntegrationPointDataFracture | |
CIntegrationPointDataMatrix | |
►CLocalDataInitializer | |
CIsElementEnabled | |
CSecondaryData | |
CSmallDeformationLocalAssemblerFracture | |
CSmallDeformationLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CSmallDeformationLocalAssemblerMatrix | |
CSmallDeformationLocalAssemblerMatrixNearFracture | |
CSmallDeformationProcess | |
CSmallDeformationProcessData | |
CBranchProperty | |
CFractureProperty | |
CJunctionProperty | |
CPostProcessTool | |
►NLiquidFlow | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLiquidFlowData | |
►CLiquidFlowLocalAssembler | |
CAnisotropicCalculator | |
CIsotropicCalculator | |
CLiquidFlowLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CLiquidFlowProcess | A class to simulate the single phase flow process in porous media described by the governing equation: |
►NNormalTractionBoundaryCondition | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CNormalTractionBoundaryCondition | |
CNormalTractionBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CNormalTractionBoundaryConditionLocalAssemblerInterface | |
►NPhaseField | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CPhaseFieldLocalAssembler | |
CPhaseFieldLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CPhaseFieldProcess | |
CPhaseFieldProcessData | |
CSecondaryData | |
►NReflection | |
►Ndetail | |
CGetFlattenedIPDataFromLocAsm | |
Cis_raw_data | |
Cis_raw_data< double > | |
Cis_raw_data< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, N, 1 > > | |
Cis_raw_data< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, M, Eigen::RowMajor, N, M > > | |
CNumberOfColumns | |
CNumberOfColumns< double > | |
CNumberOfColumns< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, N, 1 > > | |
CNumberOfColumns< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, M, Eigen::RowMajor, N, M > > | |
CNumberOfComponents | |
CNumberOfRows | |
CNumberOfRows< double > | |
CNumberOfRows< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, 1, Eigen::ColMajor, N, 1 > > | |
CNumberOfRows< Eigen::Matrix< double, N, M, Eigen::RowMajor, N, M > > | |
CReflectionData | |
►NRichardsComponentTransport | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLocalAssemblerData | |
CRichardsComponentTransportLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CRichardsComponentTransportProcess | |
CRichardsComponentTransportProcessData | |
►NRichardsFlow | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLocalAssemblerData | |
CRichardsFlowLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CRichardsFlowProcess | |
CRichardsFlowProcessData | |
►NRichardsMechanics | |
CCapillaryPressureData | |
CConstitutiveSetting | |
CCreateConstitutiveSetting | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CMediaData | |
CMicroPorosityParameters | |
CMicroPorosityStateSpace | |
CRichardsMechanicsLocalAssembler | |
CRichardsMechanicsProcess | |
CRichardsMechanicsProcessData | |
CSaturationSecantDerivative | |
CSecondaryData | |
►NSmallDeformation | |
►NConstitutiveRelations | |
CConstitutiveData | Data that is needed for the equation system assembly |
CConstitutiveModels | Constitutive models used for assembly |
CConstitutiveSetting | |
CConstitutiveTempData | |
CCreateConstitutiveSetting | |
COutputData | Data that is needed for output purposes, but not directly for the assembly |
CSolidMechanicsDataStateless | |
CSolidMechanicsModel | |
CStatefulData | Data whose state must be tracked by the process |
CStatefulDataPrev | Data whose state must be tracked by the process |
CFreeEnergyDensityData | |
CGravityModel | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CMaterialForcesInterface | |
CMaterialStateData | |
CMediaData | |
CSecondaryData | |
CSmallDeformationLocalAssembler | |
CSmallDeformationLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CSmallDeformationProcess | |
CSmallDeformationProcessData | |
CSolidDensityModel | |
►NSmallDeformationNonlocal | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CIntegrationPointDataNonlocalInterface | |
CNonlocalIP | |
CSecondaryData | |
CSmallDeformationNonlocalLocalAssembler | |
CSmallDeformationNonlocalLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CSmallDeformationNonlocalProcess | |
CSmallDeformationNonlocalProcessData | |
►NSourceTerms | |
►NPython | |
CPythonSourceTerm | A source term whose values are computed by a Python script |
CPythonSourceTermLocalAssembler | |
CPythonSourceTermLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CPythonSourceTermPythonSideInterface | |
CPythonSourceTermPythonSideInterfaceTrampoline | |
CPythonStData | |
►NSteadyStateDiffusion | |
CLocalAssemblerData | |
CSteadyStateDiffusion | |
CSteadyStateDiffusionData | |
CSteadyStateDiffusionLocalAssemblerInterface | |
►NStokesFlow | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLocalAssemblerData | |
CStokesFlowLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CStokesFlowProcess | |
CStokesFlowProcessData | |
►NTES | |
CAssemblyParams | |
CFluidHeatConductivityH2O | |
CFluidHeatConductivityN2 | |
CFluidViscosityH2O | |
CFluidViscosityN2 | |
CReactionRate | |
CTESFEMReactionAdaptor | |
CTESFEMReactionAdaptorAdsorption | |
CTESFEMReactionAdaptorCaOH2 | |
CTESFEMReactionAdaptorInert | |
CTESFEMReactionAdaptorSinusoidal | |
CTESLocalAssembler | |
CTESLocalAssemblerData | |
CTESLocalAssemblerInner | |
CTESLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CTESProcess | |
►NTH2M | |
►NConstitutiveRelations | |
CAdvectionData | |
CAdvectionDerivativeData | |
CAdvectionModel | |
CBiotModel | |
CBishopsData | |
CBishopsModel | |
CConstituentDensityData | Real constituent partial densities |
CConstitutiveData | Data that is needed for the equation system assembly |
CConstitutiveModels | Constitutive models used for assembly |
CConstitutiveTempData | |
CDarcyVelocityData | |
CDarcyVelocityModel | |
CDerivativesData | |
CDiffusionVelocityData | |
CDiffusionVelocityModel | |
CEffectiveVolumetricEnthalpy | |
CEffectiveVolumetricEnthalpyDerivatives | |
CEffectiveVolumetricEnthalpyModel | |
CEffectiveVolumetricInternalEnergyDerivatives | |
CElasticTangentStiffnessData | |
CElasticTangentStiffnessModel | |
CFC1Data | |
CFC1Model | |
CFC2aData | |
CFC2aDerivativeData | |
CFC2aModel | |
CFC3aData | |
CFC3aDerivativeData | |
CFC3aModel | |
CFC4LCpCData | |
CFC4LCpCDerivativeData | |
CFC4LCpCModel | |
CFC4LCpGData | |
CFC4LCpGDerivativeData | |
CFC4LCpGModel | |
CFC4LCTData | |
CFC4LCTModel | |
CFC4MCpCData | |
CFC4MCpCModel | |
CFC4MCpGData | |
CFC4MCpGDerivativeData | |
CFC4MCpGModel | |
CFC4MCTData | |
CFC4MCTDerivativeData | |
CFC4MCTModel | |
CFC4MCuData | |
CFC4MCuDerivativeData | |
CFC4MCuModel | |
CFluidDensityData | |
CFluidEnthalpyData | |
CFT1Data | |
CFT1DerivativeData | |
CFT1Model | |
CFT2Data | |
CFT2DerivativeData | |
CFT2Model | |
CFT3Data | |
CFT3Model | |
CFU1KUTDerivativeData | |
CFU1KUTModel | |
CFU2KUpCData | |
CFU2KUpCDerivativeData | |
CFU2KUpCModel | |
CFW1Data | |
CFW1Model | |
CFW2Data | |
CFW2DerivativeData | |
CFW2Model | |
CFW3aData | |
CFW3aDerivativeData | |
CFW3aModel | |
CFW4LWpCData | |
CFW4LWpCDerivativeData | |
CFW4LWpCModel | |
CFW4LWpGData | |
CFW4LWpGDerivativeData | |
CFW4LWpGModel | |
CFW4LWTData | |
CFW4LWTModel | |
CFW4MWpCData | |
CFW4MWpCModel | |
CFW4MWpGData | |
CFW4MWpGModel | |
CFW4MWTData | |
CFW4MWTModel | |
CFW4MWuData | |
CFW4MWuModel | |
CGravityModel | |
CInternalEnergyModel | |
CMassMoleFractionsData | |
CMaterialStateData | |
CMechanicalStrainData | |
CMechanicalStrainModel | |
CMediaData | |
CNoPhaseTransition | |
COutputData | Data that is needed for output purposes |
CPermeabilityData | |
CPermeabilityModel | |
CPhaseTransition | |
CPhaseTransitionData | |
CPhaseTransitionModel | |
CPorosityData | |
CPorosityDerivativeData | |
CPorosityModel | |
CPorosityModelNonConstantSolidPhaseVolumeFraction | |
CPureLiquidDensityModel | |
CSaturationData | |
CSaturationModel | |
CSolidCompressibilityModel | |
CSolidDensityData | |
CSolidDensityDerivativeData | |
CSolidDensityModel | |
CSolidDensityModelNonConstantSolidPhaseVolumeFraction | |
CSolidEnthalpyData | |
CSolidEnthalpyModel | |
CSolidHeatCapacityModel | |
CSolidMechanicsDataStateless | |
CSolidMechanicsModel | |
CSolidThermalExpansionData | |
CSolidThermalExpansionModel | |
CStatefulData | Data whose state must be tracked by the process |
CStatefulDataPrev | |
CSwellingDataStateful | |
CSwellingDataStateless | |
CSwellingModel | |
CTemperatureData | |
CThermalConductivityData | |
CThermalConductivityDerivativeData | |
CThermalConductivityModel | |
CTotalStressData | |
CTotalStressModel | |
CVapourPartialPressureData | |
CViscosityData | |
CViscosityModel | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CSecondaryData | |
CTH2MLocalAssembler | |
CTH2MProcess | |
CTH2MProcessData | |
►NThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPP | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPLocalAssembler | |
CThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess | |
CThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcessData | |
►NThermoHydroMechanics | |
CConstitutiveRelationsValues | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CIntegrationPointDataForOutput | |
CLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CSecondaryData | |
CThermoHydroMechanicsLocalAssembler | |
CThermoHydroMechanicsProcess | |
CThermoHydroMechanicsProcessData | |
►NThermoMechanicalPhaseField | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CSecondaryData | |
CThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldLocalAssembler | |
CThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess | A class to simulate thermo-mechanical fracturing process using phase-field approach in solids described by |
CThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcessData | |
►NThermoMechanics | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CSecondaryData | |
CThermoMechanicsLocalAssembler | Local assembler of ThermoMechanics process |
CThermoMechanicsLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CThermoMechanicsProcess | |
CThermoMechanicsProcessData | |
►NThermoRichardsFlow | |
CHydrostaticElasticityModel | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CRigidElasticityModel | |
CSimplifiedElasticityModel | |
CThermoRichardsFlowLocalAssembler | |
CThermoRichardsFlowProcess | Global assembler for the monolithic scheme of the non-isothermal Richards flow |
CThermoRichardsFlowProcessData | |
CUniaxialElasticityModel | |
CUserDefinedElasticityModel | |
►NThermoRichardsMechanics | |
►NConstitutiveStress_StrainTemperature | |
CConstitutiveSetting | |
CConstitutiveTraits | |
CCreateConstitutiveSetting | |
CEffectiveStressData | |
CElasticTangentStiffnessData | |
CElasticTangentStiffnessModel | |
CMechanicalStrainData | |
CSolidCompressibilityModel | |
CSolidMechanicsModel | |
CSwellingDataStateful | |
CSwellingDataStateless | |
CSwellingModel | |
►NConstitutiveStressSaturation_StrainPressureTemperature | |
CConstitutiveSetting | |
CConstitutiveTraits | |
CCreateConstitutiveSetting | |
CSolidCompressibilityModel | |
CSolidMechanicsModel | |
CBiotModel | |
CBishopsData | |
CBishopsModel | |
CBishopsPrevModel | |
CCapillaryPressureData | |
CDarcyLawModel | |
CEqPData | |
CEqPModel | |
CEqTData | |
CEqTModel | |
CEquivalentPlasticStrainData | |
CFluidThermalExpansionData | |
CFluidThermalExpansionModel | |
CGravityData | |
CGravityModel | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLiquidDensityData | |
CLiquidDensityModel | |
CLiquidViscosityModel | |
CLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CMaterialStateData | |
CMediaData | |
CPermeabilityData | |
CPermeabilityModel | |
CPorosityData | |
CPorosityModel | |
CSaturationData | |
CSaturationDataDeriv | |
CSaturationModel | |
CSolidCompressibilityData | |
CSolidDensityData | |
CSolidDensityModel | |
CSolidMechanicsDataStateless | |
CSolidThermalExpansionData | |
CSolidThermalExpansionModel | |
CSpecificBodyForceData | |
CTemperatureData | |
CThermoOsmosisData | |
CThermoOsmosisModel | |
►CThermoRichardsMechanicsLocalAssembler | |
CLocalMatrices | |
CThermoRichardsMechanicsLocalAssembler3Args | |
CThermoRichardsMechanicsProcess | Global assembler for the monolithic scheme of the non-isothermal Richards flow coupled with mechanics |
CThermoRichardsMechanicsProcessData | |
CTotalStressData | |
CTransportPorosityData | |
CTransportPorosityModel | |
CTRMHeatStorageAndFluxData | |
CTRMHeatStorageAndFluxModel | |
CTRMStorageData | |
CTRMStorageModel | |
CTRMVaporDiffusionData | |
CTRMVaporDiffusionModel | |
►NTwoPhaseFlowWithPP | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPPLocalAssembler | |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPPLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess | A class to simulate the isothermal two-phase flow process with P-P model in porous media |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcessData | |
►NTwoPhaseFlowWithPrho | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoLocalAssembler | |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoMaterialProperties | |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoProcess | A class to simulate the two-phase flow process with P-rho model in porous media |
CTwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoProcessData | |
►NWellboreSimulator | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CReservoirProperties | |
CWellboreGeometry | |
CWellboreSimulatorFEM | |
CWellboreSimulatorLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CWellboreSimulatorProcess | |
CWellboreSimulatorProcessData | |
CAbstractJacobianAssembler | Base class for Jacobian assemblers |
CAnalyticalJacobianAssembler | |
CAnchorTerm | |
CAssembledMatrixCache | |
CAssemblyMixin | |
CAssemblyMixinBase | |
CBHEInflowPythonBoundaryCondition | A boundary condition whose values are computed by a Python script |
CBHEInflowPythonBoundaryConditionPythonSideInterface | |
CBHEInflowPythonBoundaryConditionPythonSideInterfaceTrampoline | |
CBMatrixPolicyType | |
CBoundaryCondition | |
CBoundaryConditionCollection | |
CBoundaryConditionConfig | |
CCellAverageData | |
CCentralDifferencesJacobianAssembler | Assembles the Jacobian matrix using central differences |
CCompareJacobiansJacobianAssembler | |
CConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
CConstraintDirichletBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CConstraintDirichletBoundaryConditionLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CDeactivatedSubdomain | |
CDeactivatedSubdomainDirichlet | |
CDeactivatedSubdomainMesh | |
CDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
CDirichletBoundaryConditionWithinTimeInterval | |
CExtrapolatorData | |
CForwardDifferencesJacobianAssembler | Assembles the Jacobian matrix using forward differences |
CGenericLocalAssemblerFactory | |
CGenericNaturalBoundaryCondition | |
►CGenericNaturalBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CNAndWeight | |
CGenericNaturalBoundaryConditionLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CGMatrixPolicyType | |
CHCNonAdvectiveFreeComponentFlowBoundaryConditionData | |
CHCNonAdvectiveFreeComponentFlowBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CHMatrixPolicyType | |
CInitialStress | |
CIntegrationPointData | |
CLocalAssemblerBuilderFactory | |
CLocalAssemblerBuilderFactoryTaylorHood | |
►CLocalAssemblerFactoryForDimGreaterEqualN | |
CIsElementEnabled | |
►CLocalAssemblerFactoryTaylorHood | |
CIsElementEnabled | |
CLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CMethodNotOverriddenInDerivedClassException | |
CNeumannBoundaryConditionData | |
CNeumannBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CNodalSourceTerm | |
COutput | |
COutputConfig | |
COutputDataSpecification | Holds information about which variables to write to output files |
COutputFormat | |
COutputVTKFormat | |
COutputXDMFHDF5Format | |
CPairRepeatEachSteps | |
CParameter | |
CPhaseFieldIrreversibleDamageOracleBoundaryCondition | |
CPrimaryVariableConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
CProcess | |
CProcessData | |
CProcessOutputData | Holds all data of a process that are needed for output |
CProcessVariable | |
CPythonBcData | |
CPythonBoundaryCondition | A boundary condition whose values are computed by a Python script |
CPythonBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CPythonBoundaryConditionLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CPythonBoundaryConditionPythonSideInterface | |
CPythonBoundaryConditionPythonSideInterfaceTrampoline | |
CRobinBoundaryConditionData | |
CRobinBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CSecondaryVariable | Stores information about a specific secondary variable |
CSecondaryVariableCollection | Handles configuration of several secondary variables from the project file |
CSecondaryVariableFunctions | |
CSolutionDependentDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
CSourceTerm | |
CSourceTermCollection | |
CSourceTermConfig | |
CSourceTermIntegrationPointData | |
CSubmeshAssemblyData | |
CSubmeshAssemblySupport | |
CSubmeshResiduumOutputConfig | |
CSurfaceFlux | |
CSurfaceFluxData | |
CSurfaceFluxLocalAssembler | |
CSurfaceFluxLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CTESFEMReactionAdaptorCaOH2 | |
CTimeLoop | Time loop capable of time-integrating several processes at once |
CTrafoIdentity | |
CTrafoLog | |
CTrafoScale | |
CTrafoTanh | |
CVariableDependentNeumannBoundaryConditionData | |
CVariableDependentNeumannBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CVectorMatrixAssembler | |
CVolumetricSourceTerm | |
CVolumetricSourceTermLocalAssembler | |
CVolumetricSourceTermLocalAssemblerInterface | |
CWellboreCompensateNeumannBoundaryConditionData | |
CWellboreCompensateNeumannBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler | |
CAddFaultsToVoxelGridDialog | |
CAddLayerToMeshDialog | A dialog window for adding a layer to the top or bottom of a mesh |
CBaseItem | A BaseItem contains additional Information about a subtree in the StationTreeModel |
CCellTypeOfTemplateElement | |
CCellTypeOfTemplateElement< MeshLib::TemplateElement< ElementRule > > | |
CCheckboxDelegate | CheckboxDelegate modifies a model view to display boolean values as checkboxes |
CColorPickerPushButton | |
CColorTableModel | |
CColorTableView | |
CColorTableViewDelegate | |
CCommandLineArguments | |
CCondFromRasterDialog | A dialog window for creating DIRECT boundary conditions from raster files |
CCondItem | A TreeItem containing a boundary condition or source term |
CCreateStructuredGridDialog | A dialog window for managing general Data Explorer settings |
CDataExplorerSettingsDialog | A dialog window for managing general Data Explorer settings |
CDetailWindow | Creates a window containing a diagram |
CDiagramList | A List of data points and all the necessary meta-information to draw a graph |
CDiagramPrefsDialog | A dialog that allows for setting preferences for a requested diagram |
CDiagramScene | A scene graph for a 2D Diagram including coordinate axes with labels and ticks for one or more plotted graphs |
CDiagramView | A view in which to display a DiagramScene |
CDirectConditionGenerator | |
CDisableFPE | |
CEigenDynamicMatrixPolicy | |
CEigenDynamicShapeMatrixPolicy | |
CEigenFixedMatrixPolicy | |
CEigenFixedShapeMatrixPolicy | |
CElementErrorCode | Collects error flags for mesh elements |
CElementTreeModel | A model for the display of information concerning element information implemented as a TreeModel |
CElementTreeView | |
CFemConditionModel | A model for the display of information from boundary conditions and source terms |
CFemConditionView | |
CFileListDialog | |
CGEOModels | GEOModels connects the data management class GEOObjects and the GUI. It inherits from GeoLib::GEOObjects and additionally emits signals when data objects are modified. The GUI connects to these signals. Model instances are created for every data object |
CGEOModelsCallbacks | |
CGeoObjectListItem | |
CGeoOnMeshMappingDialog | A dialog window for creating DIRECT boundary conditions from raster files |
CGeoTabWidget | Widget containing GeoTreeView-objects |
CGeoTreeItem | A TreeItem containing an additional GeoObject |
CGeoTreeModel | A model for the GeoTreeView implementing a tree as a double-linked list |
CGeoTreeView | A view for the GeoTreeModel |
CGMSHPrefsDialog | A dialog window for setting preferences for GMSH |
CImportFileType | Types of supported import file formats |
CLastSavedFileDirectory | |
CLayeredMeshGenerator | Base class for creation of 3D subsurface meshes based on raster data |
CLayeredVolume | Creates a volume geometry from 2D mesh layers based on raster data |
CLayers2GridDialog | |
CLicenseDialog | A dialog window displaying the OGS license information |
CLinearEditDialog | A dialog window for creating linear boundary conditions on polylines |
CLineEditDialog | A dialog window for manipulation of polylines. Currently included functionality is the concatenation of polylines as well as creating polygons or surfaces from polylines |
CMainWindow | |
CMergeGeometriesDialog | A dialog window for setting preferences for GMSH |
CMeshAnalysisDialog | A dialog window for calling mesh analysis methods |
CMeshElementRemovalDialog | A dialog window for settung up a database connection |
CMeshEntityMapInfo | |
CMeshFromRasterDialog | A dialog for specifying the parameters to construct a mesh based on a raster |
CMeshItem | A TreeItem containing a mesh and the associated vtk object used in the Mesh Model |
CMeshLayerEditDialog | A dialog window for editing meshes in various ways |
CMeshMapping2DDialog | A dialog window for mapping a 2d mesh based on a raster file |
CMeshModel | |
CMeshQualitySelectionDialog | A dialog for selecting a mesh quality metric |
CMeshTabWidget | Widget for data views of meshes |
CMeshValueEditDialog | A dialog window for changing the MaterialID for mesh elements |
►CMeshView | |
CMeshAction | |
CModellingTabWidget | Widget containing the ProcessView |
CModelTreeItem | A TreeItem containing some additional information used in the StationModel |
CNetCdfConfigureDialog | The dialog for converting data from NetCDF-files into OGS data structures. While NetCDF files can include data ranging from dimensionality 0 (scalars) to 4 (e.g. 3d arrays over time), only arrays of dimensionality 2 or higher can be imported as this is the minimum requirement for a meaningful conversion into raster- or mesh-data-objects. Scalars or vector-variables are not selectable from the selection menu |
CnodeByCoordinatesComparator | |
COGSError | Manages error messages via message boxes |
COGSFileConverter | |
COGSFilterInfo | Stores information about filters in VtkOGSFilter for access-routines from the GUI |
COGSMesh | |
CProcessModel | A model implementing a tree structure for process-relevant information such as process types, FEM-Conditions (BCs, ICs, STs), etc. as a double-linked list |
CProcessVarItem | A TreeItem representing process variable information |
CProcessView | A view for FEM-Conditions (Initial- & Boundary Conditions / Source Terms) with a number of additional information such as Process Type, Distribution, etc |
CProjectData | |
CQArrow | An arrow as a QGraphicsObject |
CQGraphicsGrid | A 2D cartesian grid as a QGraphicsItem |
CQNonScalableGraphicsTextItem | A QGraphicsTextItem that will ignore all geometric transformations |
CQValueTooltipSlider | A QSlider which shows its value as a tooltip when moved |
CQVtkDataSetMapper | Simply wraps vtkDataSetMapper as a Qt object to enable slot connections |
CRasterDataToMeshDialog | A dialog window for transferring raster data onto a mesh |
CRecentFiles | |
CSaveMeshDialog | A dialog window for managing properties for writing meshes to files |
CSelectMeshDialog | Small dialog for setting a name for an object |
CSensorData | A container for sensor data at an observation site. The class stores a number of time series and has been created for use in Station-objects |
CSetNameDialog | Small dialog for setting a name for an object |
CSHPImportDialog | Dialog for selecting which information should be loaded from a shape file |
CSimulation | |
CStationTabWidget | Widget containing StationTreeView-objects |
CStationTreeModel | A model for the StationTreeView implementing a tree as a double-linked list |
CStationTreeView | A view for the StationTreeModel |
CStratBar | A 2D bar visualisation of a borehole stratigraphy |
CStratScene | The scene for the visualisation of the stratigraphy of a borehole |
CStratView | A view in which to display the stratigraphy of a borehole |
CStratWindow | Creates a window to visualise the stratigraphy of a borehole |
CStrictDoubleValidator | A validator for an input field which only accepts decimals. Source code adapted from StackOverflow |
CStrictIntValidator | A validator for an input field which only accepts integers. Source code adapted from Qt developer faq: https://web.archive.org/web/20100702180529/http://developer.qt.nokia.com/faq/answer/i_can_still_insert_numbers_outside_the_range_specified_with_a_qdoublevalida |
CSurfaceExtractionDialog | A dialog window for managing properties for writing meshes to files |
CThreadException | |
CTranslateDataDialog | A dialog window for calling translation methods |
CTreeItem | Objects nodes for the TreeModel |
CTreeModel | A hierarchical model for a tree implemented as a double-linked list |
CTreeModelIterator | TreeModelIterator provides a way to iterate over TreeItems in a TreeModel. Usage: |
CVisPrefsDialog | A dialog window for settung up a visualisation preferences |
CVisualizationWidget | Widget containing the 3d VTK scene view |
CVtkAddFilterDialog | Dialog for selecting a filter to be applied to a VtkPipelineItem. The dialog lets you select filters defined in VtkOGSFilter that have been registered as OGSFilterInfo - objects |
CVtkAlgorithmProperties | Contains properties for the visualization of objects as VtkVisPipelineItems |
CVtkAlgorithmPropertyCheckbox | This checkbox sets a user property on the given VtkAlgorithmProperties object automatically |
CVtkAlgorithmPropertyLineEdit | This QLineEdit sets a user property on the given VtkAlgorithmProperties object automatically |
CVtkAlgorithmPropertyVectorEdit | This edit widget consists of several QLineEdit to set a user vector property on the given VtkAlgorithmProperties object automatically |
CVtkAppendArrayFilter | |
CVtkBGImageSource | Uses an image source to create a plane in the 3D with the given image texture mapped on it |
CVtkColorByHeightFilter | VTK filter object for colouring vtkPolyData objects based on z-coordinates |
CVtkColorLookupTable | Calculates and stores a colour lookup table |
CVtkCompositeColorByHeightFilter | This filter colors the input by the points z-value |
CVtkCompositeColormapToImageFilter | Applies a user adjustable color map to an image |
CVtkCompositeContourFilter | Visualisation of contour-lines/-planes within dense scalar fields. In init() the threshold is first set to double min / max values. Set the threshold later on via SetUserVectorProperty() to the actual data range |
CVtkCompositeElementSelectionFilter | This filter selects/thresholds elements based on the selected array |
CVtkCompositeFilter | Is used to combine several filter in one VtkVisPipelineItem. You can use vtk filter and custom filter. To subclass this you have to implement the init() function. There you combine the filters. Make sure to set the members _inputDataObjectType, _outputDataObjectType and _outputAlgorithm. Make also sure to implement VtkAlgorithmProperties::SetUserProperty() and VtkAlgorithmProperties::SetUserVectorProperty() |
CVtkCompositeGeoObjectFilter | Highlights a single GeoObject |
CVtkCompositeImageToCylindersFilter | Creates cylinders that stand on top of the image with the length of the corresponding first sub-pixel value (the red value). Useful to visualize precipitation maps as a 3d bar chart |
CVtkCompositeImageToPointCloudFilter | |
CVtkCompositeImageToSurfacePointsFilter | |
CVtkCompositeLineToTubeFilter | Converts lines to tube-objects |
CVtkCompositeNodeSelectionFilter | This filter displays the points/nodes given in the index field as spheres |
CVtkCompositePointToGlyphFilter | Converts point data to scalar-scaled spheres |
CVtkCompositeTextureOnSurfaceFilter | Puts a texture on an object (and converts it into a vtkPolyData if necessary) |
CVtkCompositeThresholdFilter | Visualises only parts of meshes that are above/below/within given thresholds. In init() the threshold is first set to double min / max values. Set the threshold later on via SetUserVectorProperty() to the actual data range |
CVtkConsoleOutputWindow | |
CVtkCustomInteractorStyle | |
CVtkFilterFactory | Creates registered filter objects by name |
CVtkFilterInfo | Holds meta information about a filter |
CVtkGeoImageSource | The VtkVisPipeline source object of a geo-referenced image (file) |
CVtkImageDataToLinePolyDataFilter | Creates lines that stand on top of the image with the length of the corresponding first sub-pixel value (the grey or red value). The maximum height is 0.1 * longest image dimension. Used by VtkCompositeImageDataToCylindersFilter |
CVtkImageDataToPointCloudFilter | |
CVtkImageDataToSurfacePointsFilter | |
CVtkPickCallback | |
CVtkPointsSource | VtkPointsSource is a VTK source object for the visualization of point data. As a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm it outputs polygonal data |
CVtkPolylinesSource | VtkPolylinesSource is a VTK source object for the visualisation of polyline data. As a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm it outputs polygonal data |
CVtkRaster | Loading raster data such as images or ArcGIS-data into VTK image data structures |
CVtkStationSource | VTK source object for the visualisation of station data (including boreholes) |
CVtkSurfacesSource | VTK source object for the visualisation of surfaces. Technically, surfaces are displayed as triangulated polydata objects |
CVtkTextureOnSurfaceFilter | Filter class for assigning a texture to a surface |
CVtkVisHelper | Some data conversion helper functions |
CVtkVisImageItem | An item in the VtkVisPipeline containing an image to be visualized |
CVtkVisPipeline | VtkVisPipeline manages the VTK visualization. It is a TreeModel and provides functions for adding and removing OGS Model or vtkAlgorithm objects |
CVtkVisPipelineItem | An item in the VtkVisPipeline containing a graphic object to be visualized |
CVtkVisPipelineView | VtkVisPipelineView is a QTreeView and shows VtkVisPipelineItems and their relation to each other |
CVtkVisPointSetItem | An item in the VtkVisPipeline containing a point set object to be visualized |
CVtkVisTabWidget | Contains a QTreeView of the VtkVisPipeline and a properties panel for adjusting vtkAlgorithms rendering and filter settings |
CVtu2GridDialog | |