Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAddLayerToMeshDialogA dialog window for adding a layer to the top or bottom of a mesh
 CBaseItemA BaseItem contains additional Information about a subtree in the StationTreeModel
 CCellTypeOfTemplateElement< MeshLib::TemplateElement< ElementRule > >
 CCheckboxDelegateCheckboxDelegate modifies a model view to display boolean values as checkboxes
 CCondFromRasterDialogA dialog window for creating DIRECT boundary conditions from raster files
 CCondItemA TreeItem containing a boundary condition or source term
 CCreateStructuredGridDialogA dialog window for managing general Data Explorer settings
 CDataExplorerSettingsDialogA dialog window for managing general Data Explorer settings
 CDetailWindowCreates a window containing a diagram
 CDiagramListA List of data points and all the necessary meta-information to draw a graph
 CDiagramPrefsDialogA dialog that allows for setting preferences for a requested diagram
 CDiagramSceneA scene graph for a 2D Diagram including coordinate axes with labels and ticks for one or more plotted graphs
 CDiagramViewA view in which to display a DiagramScene
 CElementErrorCodeCollects error flags for mesh elements
 CElementTreeModelA model for the display of information concerning element information implemented as a TreeModel
 CFemConditionModelA model for the display of information from boundary conditions and source terms
 CGEOModelsGEOModels connects the data management class GEOObjects and the GUI. It inherits from GeoLib::GEOObjects and additionally emits signals when data objects are modified. The GUI connects to these signals. Model instances are created for every data object
 CGeoOnMeshMappingDialogA dialog window for creating DIRECT boundary conditions from raster files
 CGeoTabWidgetWidget containing GeoTreeView-objects
 CGeoTreeItemA TreeItem containing an additional GeoObject
 CGeoTreeModelA model for the GeoTreeView implementing a tree as a double-linked list
 CGeoTreeViewA view for the GeoTreeModel
 CGMSHPrefsDialogA dialog window for setting preferences for GMSH
 CImportFileTypeTypes of supported import file formats
 CLayeredMeshGeneratorBase class for creation of 3D subsurface meshes based on raster data
 CLayeredVolumeCreates a volume geometry from 2D mesh layers based on raster data
 CLicenseDialogA dialog window displaying the OGS license information
 CLinearEditDialogA dialog window for creating linear boundary conditions on polylines
 CLineEditDialogA dialog window for manipulation of polylines. Currently included functionality is the concatenation of polylines as well as creating polygons or surfaces from polylines
 CMergeGeometriesDialogA dialog window for setting preferences for GMSH
 CMeshAnalysisDialogA dialog window for calling mesh analysis methods
 CMeshElementRemovalDialogA dialog window for settung up a database connection
 CMeshFromRasterDialogA dialog for specifying the parameters to construct a mesh based on a raster
 CMeshItemA TreeItem containing a mesh and the associated vtk object used in the Mesh Model
 CMeshLayerEditDialogA dialog window for editing meshes in various ways
 CMeshMapping2DDialogA dialog window for mapping a 2d mesh based on a raster file
 CMeshQualitySelectionDialogA dialog for selecting a mesh quality metric
 CMeshTabWidgetWidget for data views of meshes
 CMeshValueEditDialogA dialog window for changing the MaterialID for mesh elements
 CModellingTabWidgetWidget containing the ProcessView
 CModelTreeItemA TreeItem containing some additional information used in the StationModel
 CNetCdfConfigureDialogThe dialog for converting data from NetCDF-files into OGS data structures. While NetCDF files can include data ranging from dimensionality 0 (scalars) to 4 (e.g. 3d arrays over time), only arrays of dimensionality 2 or higher can be imported as this is the minimum requirement for a meaningful conversion into raster- or mesh-data-objects. Scalars or vector-variables are not selectable from the selection menu
 COGSErrorManages error messages via message boxes
 COGSFilterInfoStores information about filters in VtkOGSFilter for access-routines from the GUI
 CProcessModelA model implementing a tree structure for process-relevant information such as process types, FEM-Conditions (BCs, ICs, STs), etc. as a double-linked list
 CProcessVarItemA TreeItem representing process variable information
 CProcessViewA view for FEM-Conditions (Initial- & Boundary Conditions / Source Terms) with a number of additional information such as Process Type, Distribution, etc
 CQArrowAn arrow as a QGraphicsObject
 CQGraphicsGridA 2D cartesian grid as a QGraphicsItem
 CQNonScalableGraphicsTextItemA QGraphicsTextItem that will ignore all geometric transformations
 CQValueTooltipSliderA QSlider which shows its value as a tooltip when moved
 CQVtkDataSetMapperSimply wraps vtkDataSetMapper as a Qt object to enable slot connections
 CRasterDataToMeshDialogA dialog window for transferring raster data onto a mesh
 CSaveMeshDialogA dialog window for managing properties for writing meshes to files
 CSelectMeshDialogSmall dialog for setting a name for an object
 CSensorDataA container for sensor data at an observation site. The class stores a number of time series and has been created for use in Station-objects
 CSetNameDialogSmall dialog for setting a name for an object
 CSHPImportDialogDialog for selecting which information should be loaded from a shape file
 CStationTabWidgetWidget containing StationTreeView-objects
 CStationTreeModelA model for the StationTreeView implementing a tree as a double-linked list
 CStationTreeViewA view for the StationTreeModel
 CStratBarA 2D bar visualisation of a borehole stratigraphy
 CStratSceneThe scene for the visualisation of the stratigraphy of a borehole
 CStratViewA view in which to display the stratigraphy of a borehole
 CStratWindowCreates a window to visualise the stratigraphy of a borehole
 CStrictDoubleValidatorA validator for an input field which only accepts decimals. Source code adapted from StackOverflow
 CStrictIntValidatorA validator for an input field which only accepts integers. Source code adapted from Qt developer faq: https://web.archive.org/web/20100702180529/http://developer.qt.nokia.com/faq/answer/i_can_still_insert_numbers_outside_the_range_specified_with_a_qdoublevalida
 CSurfaceExtractionDialogA dialog window for managing properties for writing meshes to files
 CTranslateDataDialogA dialog window for calling translation methods
 CTreeItemObjects nodes for the TreeModel
 CTreeModelA hierarchical model for a tree implemented as a double-linked list
 CTreeModelIteratorTreeModelIterator provides a way to iterate over TreeItems in a TreeModel. Usage:
 CVisPrefsDialogA dialog window for settung up a visualisation preferences
 CVisualizationWidgetWidget containing the 3d VTK scene view
 CVtkAddFilterDialogDialog for selecting a filter to be applied to a VtkPipelineItem. The dialog lets you select filters defined in VtkOGSFilter that have been registered as OGSFilterInfo - objects
 CVtkAlgorithmPropertiesContains properties for the visualization of objects as VtkVisPipelineItems
 CVtkAlgorithmPropertyCheckboxThis checkbox sets a user property on the given VtkAlgorithmProperties object automatically
 CVtkAlgorithmPropertyLineEditThis QLineEdit sets a user property on the given VtkAlgorithmProperties object automatically
 CVtkAlgorithmPropertyVectorEditThis edit widget consists of several QLineEdit to set a user vector property on the given VtkAlgorithmProperties object automatically
 CVtkBGImageSourceUses an image source to create a plane in the 3D with the given image texture mapped on it
 CVtkColorByHeightFilterVTK filter object for colouring vtkPolyData objects based on z-coordinates
 CVtkColorLookupTableCalculates and stores a colour lookup table
 CVtkCompositeColorByHeightFilterThis filter colors the input by the points z-value
 CVtkCompositeColormapToImageFilterApplies a user adjustable color map to an image
 CVtkCompositeContourFilterVisualisation of contour-lines/-planes within dense scalar fields. In init() the threshold is first set to double min / max values. Set the threshold later on via SetUserVectorProperty() to the actual data range
 CVtkCompositeElementSelectionFilterThis filter selects/thresholds elements based on the selected array
 CVtkCompositeFilterIs used to combine several filter in one VtkVisPipelineItem. You can use vtk filter and custom filter. To subclass this you have to implement the init() function. There you combine the filters. Make sure to set the members _inputDataObjectType, _outputDataObjectType and _outputAlgorithm. Make also sure to implement VtkAlgorithmProperties::SetUserProperty() and VtkAlgorithmProperties::SetUserVectorProperty()
 CVtkCompositeGeoObjectFilterHighlights a single GeoObject
 CVtkCompositeImageToCylindersFilterCreates cylinders that stand on top of the image with the length of the corresponding first sub-pixel value (the red value). Useful to visualize precipitation maps as a 3d bar chart
 CVtkCompositeLineToTubeFilterConverts lines to tube-objects
 CVtkCompositeNodeSelectionFilterThis filter displays the points/nodes given in the index field as spheres
 CVtkCompositePointToGlyphFilterConverts point data to scalar-scaled spheres
 CVtkCompositeTextureOnSurfaceFilterPuts a texture on an object (and converts it into a vtkPolyData if necessary)
 CVtkCompositeThresholdFilterVisualises only parts of meshes that are above/below/within given thresholds. In init() the threshold is first set to double min / max values. Set the threshold later on via SetUserVectorProperty() to the actual data range
 CVtkFilterFactoryCreates registered filter objects by name
 CVtkFilterInfoHolds meta information about a filter
 CVtkGeoImageSourceThe VtkVisPipeline source object of a geo-referenced image (file)
 CVtkImageDataToLinePolyDataFilterCreates lines that stand on top of the image with the length of the corresponding first sub-pixel value (the grey or red value). The maximum height is 0.1 * longest image dimension. Used by VtkCompositeImageDataToCylindersFilter
 CVtkPointsSourceVtkPointsSource is a VTK source object for the visualization of point data. As a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm it outputs polygonal data
 CVtkPolylinesSourceVtkPolylinesSource is a VTK source object for the visualisation of polyline data. As a vtkPolyDataAlgorithm it outputs polygonal data
 CVtkRasterLoading raster data such as images or ArcGIS-data into VTK image data structures
 CVtkStationSourceVTK source object for the visualisation of station data (including boreholes)
 CVtkSurfacesSourceVTK source object for the visualisation of surfaces. Technically, surfaces are displayed as triangulated polydata objects
 CVtkTextureOnSurfaceFilterFilter class for assigning a texture to a surface
 CVtkVisHelperSome data conversion helper functions
 CVtkVisImageItemAn item in the VtkVisPipeline containing an image to be visualized
 CVtkVisPipelineVtkVisPipeline manages the VTK visualization. It is a TreeModel and provides functions for adding and removing OGS Model or vtkAlgorithm objects
 CVtkVisPipelineItemAn item in the VtkVisPipeline containing a graphic object to be visualized
 CVtkVisPipelineViewVtkVisPipelineView is a QTreeView and shows VtkVisPipelineItems and their relation to each other
 CVtkVisPointSetItemAn item in the VtkVisPipeline containing a point set object to be visualized
 CVtkVisTabWidgetContains a QTreeView of the VtkVisPipeline and a properties panel for adjusting vtkAlgorithms rendering and filter settings