► Applications | |
► ApplicationsLib | |
LinearSolverLibrarySetup.h | |
ProjectData.cpp | Implementation of the project data class |
ProjectData.h | |
Simulation.cpp | Implementation of class Simulation |
Simulation.h | Declaration of class Simulation |
TestDefinition.cpp | |
TestDefinition.h | |
► CLI | |
CommandLineArgumentParser.cpp | Implementation of CommandLineArgumentParser |
CommandLineArgumentParser.h | Declaration of CommandLineArgumentParser |
ogs.cpp | Implementation of OpenGeoSys simulation application |
ogs_embedded_python.cpp | |
ogs_embedded_python.h | |
► DataExplorer | |
► Base | |
CheckboxDelegate.cpp | Implementation of the CheckboxDelegate class |
CheckboxDelegate.h | Definition of the CheckboxDelegate class |
ColorPickerPushButton.cpp | Implementation of the ColorPickerPushButton class |
ColorPickerPushButton.h | Definition of the ColorPickerPushButton class |
ImportFileTypes.h | Definition of the ImportFileTypes enumeration |
LastSavedFileDirectory.h | Manages the last directory used for saving a file |
OGSError.cpp | Implementation of the OGSError class |
OGSError.h | Definition of the OGSError class |
QNonScalableGraphicsTextItem.cpp | Implementation of the QNonScalableGraphicsTextItem class |
QNonScalableGraphicsTextItem.h | Definition of the QNonScalableGraphicsTextItem class |
QValueTooltipSlider.cpp | Implementation of the QValueTooltipSlider class |
QValueTooltipSlider.h | Definition of the QValueTooltipSlider class |
RecentFiles.cpp | Implementation of the RecentFiles class |
RecentFiles.h | Definition of the RecentFiles class |
StrictDoubleValidator.h | Implementation of the StrictDoubleValidator class |
StrictIntValidator.h | Definition of the StrictIntValidator class |
TreeItem.cpp | Implementation of the TreeItem class |
TreeItem.h | Definition of the TreeItem class |
TreeModel.cpp | Implementation of the TreeModel class |
TreeModel.h | Definition of the TreeModel class |
TreeModelIterator.cpp | Implementation of the TreeModelIterator class |
TreeModelIterator.h | Definition of the TreeModelIterator class |
Utils.cpp | |
Utils.h | |
► DataView | |
► DiagramView | |
DetailWindow.cpp | Implementation of the DetailWindow class |
DetailWindow.h | Definition of the DetailWindow class |
DiagramList.cpp | Implementation of the DiagramList class |
DiagramList.h | Definition of the DiagramList class |
DiagramPrefsDialog.cpp | Implementation of the DiagramPrefsDialog class |
DiagramPrefsDialog.h | Definition of the DiagramPrefsDialog class |
DiagramScene.cpp | Implementation of the DiagramScene class |
DiagramScene.h | Definition of the DiagramScene class |
DiagramView.cpp | Implementation of the DiagramView class |
DiagramView.h | Definition of the DiagramView class |
GetDateTime.h | |
QArrow.cpp | Implementation of the QArrow class |
QArrow.h | Definition of the QArrow class |
QGraphicsGrid.cpp | Implementation of the QGraphicsGrid class |
QGraphicsGrid.h | Definition of the QGraphicsGrid class |
► StratView | |
StratBar.cpp | Implementation of the StratBar class |
StratBar.h | Definition of the StratBar class |
StratScene.cpp | Implementation of the StratScene class |
StratScene.h | Definition of the StratScene class |
StratView.cpp | Implementation of the StratView class |
StratView.h | Definition of the StratView class |
StratWindow.cpp | Implementation of the StratWindow class |
StratWindow.h | Definition of the StratWindow class |
AddFaultsToVoxelGridDialog.cpp | Implementation of the AddFaultsToVoxelGridDialog class |
AddFaultsToVoxelGridDialog.h | Definition of the AddFaultsToVoxelGridDialog class |
AddLayerToMeshDialog.cpp | Implementation of the AddLayerToMeshDialog class |
AddLayerToMeshDialog.h | Definition of the AddLayerToMeshDialog class |
BaseItem.h | Definition of the BaseItem class |
ColorTableModel.cpp | Implementation of the ColorTableModel class |
ColorTableModel.h | Definition of the ColorTableModel class |
ColorTableView.cpp | Implementation of the ColorTableView class |
ColorTableView.h | Definition of the ColorTableView class |
CondFromRasterDialog.cpp | Implementation of the CondFromRasterDialog class |
CondFromRasterDialog.h | Definition of the CondFromRasterDialog class |
CondItem.h | |
CreateStructuredGridDialog.cpp | Implementation of the CreateStructuredGridDialog class |
CreateStructuredGridDialog.h | Definition of the CreateStructuredGridDialog class |
DataExplorerSettingsDialog.cpp | Implementation of the DataExplorerSettingsDialog class |
DataExplorerSettingsDialog.h | Definition of the DataExplorerSettingsDialog class |
DirectConditionGenerator.cpp | Implementation of the DirectConditionGenerator class |
DirectConditionGenerator.h | Definition of the DirectConditionGenerator class |
ElementTreeModel.cpp | Implementation of the ElementTreeModel class |
ElementTreeModel.h | Definition of the ElementTreeModel class |
ElementTreeView.cpp | Implementation of the ElementTreeView class |
ElementTreeView.h | Definition of the ElementTreeView class |
FemConditionModel.cpp | |
FemConditionModel.h | |
FemConditionView.cpp | |
FemConditionView.h | |
GEOModels.cpp | Implementation of the GEOModels class |
GEOModels.h | Definition of the GEOModels class |
GeoObjectListItem.h | Definition of the GeoObjectListItem class |
GeoOnMeshMappingDialog.cpp | Implementation of the GeoOnMeshMappingDialog class |
GeoOnMeshMappingDialog.h | Definition of the GeoOnMeshMappingDialog class |
GeoTabWidget.cpp | Implementation of the GeoTabWidget class |
GeoTabWidget.h | Implementation of the GeoTabWidget class |
GeoTreeItem.h | Definition of the GeoTreeItem class |
GeoTreeModel.cpp | Implementation of the GeoTreeModel class |
GeoTreeModel.h | Definition of the GeoTreeModel class |
GeoTreeView.cpp | Implementation of the GeoTreeView class |
GeoTreeView.h | Definition of the GeoTreeView class |
GMSHPrefsDialog.cpp | Implementation of the GMSHPrefsDialog class |
GMSHPrefsDialog.h | Definition of the GMSHPrefsDialog class |
Layers2GridDialog.cpp | Implementation of the Layers2GridDialog class |
Layers2GridDialog.h | Definition of the Layers2GridDialog class |
LicenseDialog.cpp | Implementation of the LicenseDialog class |
LicenseDialog.h | Definition of the LicenseDialog class |
LinearEditDialog.cpp | Implementation of the LinearEditDialog class |
LinearEditDialog.h | Definition of the LinearEditDialog class |
LineEditDialog.cpp | Implementation of the LineEditDialog class |
LineEditDialog.h | Definition of the LineEditDialog class |
MergeGeometriesDialog.cpp | Implementation of the MergeGeometriesDialog class |
MergeGeometriesDialog.h | Definition of the MergeGeometriesDialog class |
MeshAnalysisDialog.cpp | Implementation of the MeshAnalysisDialog class |
MeshAnalysisDialog.h | Definition of the MeshAnalysisDialog class |
MeshElementRemovalDialog.cpp | Implementation of the MeshElementRemovalDialog class |
MeshElementRemovalDialog.h | Definition of the MeshElementRemovalDialog class |
MeshItem.cpp | Implementation of the MeshItem class |
MeshItem.h | Definition of the MeshItem class |
MeshLayerEditDialog.cpp | Implementation of the MeshLayerEditDialog class |
MeshLayerEditDialog.h | Definition of the MeshLayerEditDialog class |
MeshMapping2DDialog.cpp | |
MeshMapping2DDialog.h | |
MeshModel.cpp | Implementation of the MeshModel class |
MeshModel.h | Definition of the MeshModel class |
MeshQualitySelectionDialog.cpp | Implementation of the MshQualitySelectionDialog class |
MeshQualitySelectionDialog.h | Definition of the MshQualitySelectionDialog class |
MeshTabWidget.cpp | Implementation of the MeshTabWidget class |
MeshTabWidget.h | Definition of the MeshTabWidget class |
MeshValueEditDialog.cpp | Implementation of the MeshValueEditDialog class |
MeshValueEditDialog.h | Definition of the MeshValueEditDialog class |
MeshView.cpp | Implementation of the MeshView class |
MeshView.h | Definition of the MeshView class |
ModellingTabWidget.cpp | Implementation of the ModellingTabWidget class |
ModellingTabWidget.h | Definition of the ModellingTabWidget class |
ModelTreeItem.cpp | Implementation of the ModelTreeItem class |
ModelTreeItem.h | Definition of the ModelTreeItem class |
ProcessModel.cpp | |
ProcessModel.h | Definition of the ProcessModel class |
ProcessVarItem.h | |
ProcessView.cpp | |
ProcessView.h | Definition of the ProcessView class |
RasterDataToMeshDialog.cpp | |
RasterDataToMeshDialog.h | |
SaveMeshDialog.cpp | Implementation of the SaveMeshDialog class |
SaveMeshDialog.h | Definition of the SaveMeshDialog class |
SelectMeshDialog.cpp | Implementation of the SelectMeshDialog class |
SelectMeshDialog.h | Definition of the SelectMeshDialog class |
SetNameDialog.cpp | Implementation of the SetNameDialog class |
SetNameDialog.h | Definition of the SetNameDialog class |
SHPImportDialog.cpp | Implementation of the SHPImportDialog class |
SHPImportDialog.h | Definition of the SHPImportDialog class |
StationTabWidget.cpp | Implementation of the StationTabWidget class |
StationTabWidget.h | Definition of the StationTabWidget class |
StationTreeModel.cpp | Implementation of the StationTreeModel class |
StationTreeModel.h | Definition of the StationTreeModel class |
StationTreeView.cpp | Implementation of the StationTreeView class |
StationTreeView.h | Definition of the StationTreeView class |
SurfaceExtractionDialog.cpp | Implementation of the SaveMeshDialog class |
SurfaceExtractionDialog.h | Definition of the SurfaceExtractionDialog class |
TranslateDataDialog.cpp | Implementation of the TranslateDataDialog class |
TranslateDataDialog.h | Definition of the TranslateDataDialog class |
Vtu2GridDialog.cpp | Implementation of the Vtu2GridDialog class |
Vtu2GridDialog.h | Definition of the Vtu2GridDialog class |
► VtkVis | |
MeshFromRasterDialog.cpp | Implementation of the MeshFromRasterDialog class |
MeshFromRasterDialog.h | Definition of the MeshFromRasterDialog class |
NetCdfConfigureDialog.cpp | |
NetCdfConfigureDialog.h | |
OGSFilterInfo.h | Definition of the OGSFilterInfo class |
QVtkDataSetMapper.cpp | Implementation of the QVtkDataSetMapper class |
QVtkDataSetMapper.h | Definition of the QVtkDataSetMapper class |
VisPrefsDialog.cpp | Implementation of the VisPrefsDialog class |
VisPrefsDialog.h | Definition of the VisPrefsDialog class |
VisualizationWidget.cpp | Implementation of the VisualizationWidget class |
VisualizationWidget.h | Definition of the VisualizationWidget class |
VtkAddFilterDialog.cpp | Implementation of the VtkAddFilterDialog class |
VtkAddFilterDialog.h | Definition of the VtkAddFilterDialog class |
VtkAlgorithmProperties.cpp | Implementation of the VtkAlgorithmProperties class |
VtkAlgorithmProperties.h | Definition of the VtkAlgorithmProperties class |
VtkAlgorithmPropertyCheckbox.cpp | Implementation of the VtkAlgorithmPropertyCheckbox class |
VtkAlgorithmPropertyCheckbox.h | Definition of the VtkAlgorithmPropertyCheckbox class |
VtkAlgorithmPropertyLineEdit.cpp | Implementation of the VtkAlgorithmPropertyLineEdit class |
VtkAlgorithmPropertyLineEdit.h | Definition of the VtkAlgorithmPropertyLineEdit class |
VtkAlgorithmPropertyVectorEdit.cpp | Implementation of the VtkAlgorithmPropertyVectorEdit class |
VtkAlgorithmPropertyVectorEdit.h | Definition of the VtkAlgorithmPropertyVectorEdit class |
VtkAppendArrayFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkAppendArrayFilter class |
VtkAppendArrayFilter.h | Definition of the VtkAppendArrayFilter class |
VtkBGImageSource.cpp | Implementation of the VtkBGImageSource class |
VtkBGImageSource.h | Definition of the VtkBGImageSource class |
VtkColorByHeightFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkColorByHeightFilter class |
VtkColorByHeightFilter.h | Definition of the VtkColorByHeightFilter class |
VtkColorLookupTable.cpp | Implementation of the VtkColorLookupTable class |
VtkColorLookupTable.h | Definition of the VtkColorLookupTable class |
VtkCompositeColorByHeightFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeColorByHeightFilter class |
VtkCompositeColorByHeightFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeColorByHeightFilter class |
VtkCompositeColormapToImageFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeColormapToImageFilter class |
VtkCompositeColormapToImageFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeColormapToImageFilter class |
VtkCompositeContourFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeContourFilter class |
VtkCompositeContourFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeContourFilter class |
VtkCompositeElementSelectionFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeSelectionFilter class |
VtkCompositeElementSelectionFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeSelectionFilter class |
VtkCompositeFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeFilter class |
VtkCompositeFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeFilter class |
VtkCompositeGeoObjectFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeGeoObjectFilter class |
VtkCompositeGeoObjectFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeGeoObjectFilter class |
VtkCompositeImageToCylindersFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeImageToCylindersFilter class |
VtkCompositeImageToCylindersFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeImageToCylindersFilter class |
VtkCompositeImageToPointCloudFilter.cpp | |
VtkCompositeImageToPointCloudFilter.h | |
VtkCompositeImageToSurfacePointsFilter.cpp | |
VtkCompositeImageToSurfacePointsFilter.h | |
VtkCompositeLineToTubeFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeLineToTubeFilter class |
VtkCompositeLineToTubeFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeLineToTubeFilter class |
VtkCompositeNodeSelectionFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeNodeSelectionFilter class |
VtkCompositeNodeSelectionFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeNodeSelectionFilter class |
VtkCompositePointToGlyphFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositePointToGlyphFilter class |
VtkCompositePointToGlyphFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositePointToGlyphFilter class |
VtkCompositeTextureOnSurfaceFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeTextureOnSurfaceFilter class |
VtkCompositeTextureOnSurfaceFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeTextureOnSurfaceFilter class |
VtkCompositeThresholdFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCompositeThresholdFilter class |
VtkCompositeThresholdFilter.h | Definition of the VtkCompositeThresholdFilter class |
VtkConsoleOutputWindow.cpp | |
VtkConsoleOutputWindow.h | VtkWin32ConsoleOutputWindow is used to suppress message boxes on Windows |
VtkCustomInteractorStyle.cpp | Implementation of the VtkCustomInteractorStyle class |
VtkCustomInteractorStyle.h | Definition of the VtkCustomInteractorStyle class |
VtkFilterFactory.cpp | Implementation of the VtkFilterFactory class |
VtkFilterFactory.h | Definition of the VtkFilterFactory class |
VtkGeoImageSource.cpp | Implementation of the VtkGeoImageSource class |
VtkGeoImageSource.h | Definition of the VtkGeoImageSource class |
VtkImageDataToLinePolyDataFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkImageDataToPolyDataFilter class |
VtkImageDataToLinePolyDataFilter.h | Definition of the VtkImageDataToLinePolyDataFilter class |
VtkImageDataToPointCloudFilter.cpp | |
VtkImageDataToPointCloudFilter.h | |
VtkImageDataToSurfacePointsFilter.cpp | |
VtkImageDataToSurfacePointsFilter.h | |
VtkPickCallback.cpp | Implementation of the VtkPickCallback class |
VtkPickCallback.h | Definition of the VtkPickCallback class |
VtkPointsSource.cpp | Implementation of the VtkPointsSource class |
VtkPointsSource.h | Definition of the VtkPointsSource class |
VtkPolylinesSource.cpp | Implementation of the VtkPolylinesSource class |
VtkPolylinesSource.h | Definition of the VtkPolylinesSource class |
VtkRaster.cpp | Implementation of the VtkRaster class |
VtkRaster.h | Definition of the VtkRaster class |
VtkStationSource.cpp | Implementation of the VtkStationSource class |
VtkStationSource.h | Definition of the VtkStationSource class |
VtkSurfacesSource.cpp | Implementation of the VtkSurfacesSource class |
VtkSurfacesSource.h | Definition of the VtkSurfacesSource class |
VtkTextureOnSurfaceFilter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkTextureOnSurfaceFilter class |
VtkTextureOnSurfaceFilter.h | Definition of the VtkTextureOnSurfaceFilter class |
VtkVisHelper.cpp | Implementation of the VtkVisHelper class |
VtkVisHelper.h | Definition of the VtkVisHelper class |
VtkVisImageItem.cpp | Implementation of the VtkVisImageItem class |
VtkVisImageItem.h | Definition of the VtkVisImageItem class |
VtkVisPipeline.cpp | Implementation of the VtkVisPipeline class |
VtkVisPipeline.h | Definition of the VtkVisPipeline class |
VtkVisPipelineItem.cpp | Implementation of the VtkVisPipelineItem class |
VtkVisPipelineItem.h | Definition of the VtkVisPipelineItem class |
VtkVisPipelineView.cpp | Implementation of the VtkVisPipelineView class |
VtkVisPipelineView.h | Definition of the VtkVisPipelineView class |
VtkVisPointSetItem.cpp | Implementation of the VtkVisPointSetItem class |
VtkVisPointSetItem.h | Definition of the VtkVisPointSetItem class |
VtkVisTabWidget.cpp | Implementation of the VtkVisTabWidget class |
VtkVisTabWidget.h | Definition of the VtkVisTabWidget class |
main.cpp | |
mainwindow.cpp | Implementation of the MainWindow class |
mainwindow.h | |
► DataHolderLib | |
BoundaryCondition.cpp | |
BoundaryCondition.h | |
Color.cpp | Implementation of the Color class |
Color.h | Definition of the Color class |
ColorLookupTable.cpp | |
ColorLookupTable.h | |
FemCondition.cpp | |
FemCondition.h | |
Project.cpp | |
Project.h | |
SourceTerm.cpp | |
SourceTerm.h | |
► FileIO | |
► FEFLOW | |
FEFLOWGeoInterface.cpp | |
FEFLOWGeoInterface.h | |
FEFLOWMeshInterface.cpp | |
FEFLOWMeshInterface.h | |
► Gmsh | |
GMSHAdaptiveMeshDensity.cpp | |
GMSHAdaptiveMeshDensity.h | |
GMSHFixedMeshDensity.cpp | |
GMSHFixedMeshDensity.h | |
GMSHInterface.cpp | |
GMSHInterface.h | |
GMSHLine.cpp | |
GMSHLine.h | |
GMSHLineLoop.cpp | |
GMSHLineLoop.h | |
GMSHMeshDensityStrategy.h | |
GMSHPoint.cpp | |
GMSHPoint.h | |
GMSHPolygonTree.cpp | |
GMSHPolygonTree.h | |
GmshReader.cpp | |
GmshReader.h | |
► GocadIO | |
CoordinateSystem.cpp | |
CoordinateSystem.h | |
GenerateFaceSetMeshes.cpp | |
GenerateFaceSetMeshes.h | |
GocadAsciiReader.cpp | |
GocadAsciiReader.h | |
GocadEnums.cpp | |
GocadEnums.h | |
GocadNode.cpp | |
GocadNode.h | |
GocadSGridReader.cpp | |
GocadSGridReader.h | |
IndexCalculator.h | |
Layer.cpp | |
Layer.h | |
Property.cpp | |
Property.h | |
Region.cpp | |
Region.h | |
► Legacy | |
createSurface.cpp | |
createSurface.h | |
OGSIOVer4.cpp | Implementation of the OGSIOVer4 class |
OGSIOVer4.h | Definition of the OGSIOVer4 class |
► SWMM | |
SWMMInterface.cpp | |
SWMMInterface.h | |
► XmlIO | |
► Qt | |
XmlLutReader.h | Definition of the XmlLutReader class |
XmlPrjInterface.cpp | |
XmlPrjInterface.h | |
CsvInterface.cpp | Implementation of the CsvInterface class |
CsvInterface.h | Definition of the CsvInterface class |
GMSInterface.cpp | Implementation of the GMSInterface class |
GMSInterface.h | Definition of the GMSInterface class |
PetrelInterface.cpp | Implementation of the PetrelInterface class |
PetrelInterface.h | Definition of the PetrelInterface class |
readGeometryFromFile.cpp | |
readGeometryFromFile.h | |
SHPInterface.cpp | Definition of the SHPInterface class |
SHPInterface.h | Implementation of the SHPInterface class |
TetGenInterface.cpp | Implementation of the TetGenInterface class |
TetGenInterface.h | Definition of the TetGenInterface class |
writeGeometryToFile.cpp | |
writeGeometryToFile.h | |
► InSituLib | |
Adaptor.cpp | |
Adaptor.h | |
► Python | |
► ogs.callbacks | |
ogs_callbacks_module.cpp | |
► ogs.mesh | |
ogs_mesh_python_module.cpp | Implementation of OpenGeoSys mesh python module |
OGSMesh.cpp | Implementation of OGSMesh |
OGSMesh.h | |
► ogs.simulator | |
ogs_python_module.cpp | Implementation of OpenGeoSys simulation application python module |
► Utils | |
► FileConverter | |
convertGEO.cpp | |
ConvertSHPToGLI.cpp | Implementation of the shp to gli converter tool |
FEFLOW2OGS.cpp | |
generateMatPropsFromMatID.cpp | Implementation of the generateMatPropsFromMatID tool |
GMSH2OGS.cpp | Implementation of the GMSH2OGS converter |
GocadSGridReader.cpp | |
GocadTSurfaceReader.cpp | |
Mesh2Raster.cpp | |
Mesh2Shape.cpp | |
NetCdfConverter.cpp | |
OGS2VTK.cpp | Converts OGS mesh into VTK mesh |
PVD2XDMF.cpp | |
Raster2ASC.cpp | |
TecPlotTools.cpp | |
TIN2VTK.cpp | |
VTK2OGS.cpp | Converts VTK mesh into OGS mesh |
VTK2TIN.cpp | |
► GeoTools | |
addDataToRaster.cpp | |
createRaster.cpp | |
generateGeometry.cpp | |
MoveGeometry.cpp | A small tool to translate geometries |
RemoveUnusedPoints.cpp | |
► MeshEdit | |
► PVTU2VTU | |
PVTU2VTU.cpp | |
AddElementQuality.cpp | |
AddFaultToVoxelGrid.cpp | |
AddLayer.cpp | |
appendLinesAlongPolyline.cpp | |
checkMesh.cpp | |
convertToLinearMesh.cpp | |
CreateBoundaryConditionsAlongPolylines.cpp | |
createLayeredMeshFromRasters.cpp | |
createQuadraticMesh.cpp | |
createTetgenSmeshFromRasters.cpp | Creates a boundary representation for a layered 3D mesh |
editMaterialID.cpp | |
ExtractBoundary.cpp | Extracts the entire boundary from the given mesh |
ExtractMaterials.cpp | |
ExtractSurface.cpp | Extracts the surface from the given mesh |
ipDataToPointCloud.cpp | |
Layers2Grid.cpp | |
MapGeometryToMeshSurface.cpp | |
MeshMapping.cpp | |
MoveMesh.cpp | |
NodeReordering.cpp | |
queryMesh.cpp | |
RemoveGhostData.cpp | |
removeMeshElements.cpp | Remove mesh elements |
ReorderMesh.cpp | |
ResetPropertiesInPolygonalRegion.cpp | |
reviseMesh.cpp | |
swapNodeCoordinateAxes.cpp | |
Vtu2Grid.cpp | |
► MeshGeoTools | |
AssignRasterDataToMesh.cpp | |
computeSurfaceNodeIDsInPolygonalRegion.cpp | Computes mesh node ids of mesh nodes within a polygonal region, that resides on the surface |
constructMeshesFromGeometry.cpp | |
createIntermediateRasters.cpp | |
geometryToGmshGeo.cpp | A small tool to create a gmsh geometry out of gml geometry |
identifySubdomains.cpp | |
IntegrateBoreholesIntoMesh.cpp | |
Raster2Mesh.cpp | |
VerticalSliceFromLayers.cpp | |
► ModelPreparation | |
► PartitionMesh | |
BinaryToPVTU.cpp | A tool for debugging the mesh partitioning |
Metis.cpp | |
Metis.h | |
NodeWiseMeshPartitioner.cpp | Define the members of class NodeWiseMeshPartitioner |
NodeWiseMeshPartitioner.h | Declare a class to perform node wise mesh partitioning |
PartitionMesh.cpp | A tool for mesh partitioning |
ComputeNodeAreasFromSurfaceMesh.cpp | Computes the areas associated nodes of the surface mesh |
convertVtkDataArrayToVtkDataArray.cpp | |
createNeumannBc.cpp | |
scaleProperty.cpp | |
► OGSFileConverter | |
FileListDialog.cpp | Implementation of FileListDialog class |
FileListDialog.h | Definition of FileListDialog class |
main.cpp | |
OGSFileConverter.cpp | Implementation of OGSFileConverter class |
OGSFileConverter.h | Definition of OGSFileConverter class |
► PostProcessing | |
postLIE.cpp | |
Raster2PointCloud.cpp | |
► SimpleMeshCreation | |
createMeshElemPropertiesFromASCRaster.cpp | Implementation of the createMeshElemPropertiesFromASCRaster tool |
generateStructuredMesh.cpp | |
► SWMMConverter | |
SWMMConverter.cpp | |
► BaseLib | |
► IO | |
► XmlIO | |
► Qt | |
XMLQtInterface.cpp | Base part of implementation of reading XML files using Qt stuff |
XMLQtInterface.h | |
XMLInterface.h | Definition of the XMLInterface class |
readStringListFromFile.cpp | |
readStringListFromFile.h | |
Writer.cpp | Implementation of the Writer class |
Writer.h | Definition of the Writer class |
Algorithm.h | |
BoostMP11Utils.h | |
CompilerWorkarounds.h | |
ConfigTree-fwd.h | |
ConfigTree-impl.h | |
ConfigTree.cpp | |
ConfigTree.h | |
ConfigTreeUtil.cpp | |
ConfigTreeUtil.h | |
ContainerTools.h | |
cpp23.h | |
CPUTime.h | Definition of the CPUTime class |
DateTools.cpp | Implementation of date helper functions |
DateTools.h | Definition of date helper functions |
DisableFPE.h | |
Error.h | |
ExportSymbol.h | |
FileTools.cpp | Filename manipulation routines implementation |
FileTools.h | Filename manipulation routines |
Histogram.cpp | |
Histogram.h | Implementation of Histogram class |
Logging.cpp | |
Logging.h | |
MemWatch.cpp | Implementation of the MemWatch class |
MemWatch.h | Definition of the MemWatch class |
MPI.h | |
PrjProcessing.cpp | |
PrjProcessing.h | |
quicksort.h | Definition of the quicksort function |
RunTime.h | Definition of the RunTime class |
StringTools.cpp | Implementation of string helper functions |
StringTools.h | Definition of string helper functions |
StrongType.h | |
Subdivision.cpp | |
Subdivision.h | |
ThreadException.h | |
TimeInterval.cpp | |
TimeInterval.h | |
TMP.h | |
► build | |
► BaseLib | |
baselib_export.h | |
► DocAux | |
► dox | |
► CTestProjectFiles | |
► Elliptic | |
circle_radius_1 | |
► cube_1x1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
xdmf | |
line_1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
nonuniform_bc_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
quarter_circle | |
quarter_disc | |
square_100x100_ComponentTransport | |
► square_1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
FixedTimeSteppingFixedOutputTimes | |
square_1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion_Python | |
wedge_1x1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
► EllipticPETSc | |
► cube_1x1x1_SteadyStateDiffusion | |
2 | |
► gml_output | |
3 | |
ReorderingInputData | |
► HMPhaseField | |
Beam | |
Consolidation | |
KGD | |
LiquidFlowInFracture | |
Mechanics | |
► HydroMechanics | |
A2 | |
AnchorSourceTerm | |
EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
ExcavationNiches | |
FailureIndexDependentPermeability | |
GroundEquilibrium | |
HydraulicDeactivation | |
► IdealGas | |
flow_free_expansion | |
flow_no_strain | |
flow_pressure_boundary | |
► Linear | |
Confined_Compression | |
DrainageEexcavation | |
► Gravity | |
RotatedAroundVerticalAxis | |
Unconfined_Compression_early | |
Unconfined_Compression_late | |
NodalSourceTerm | |
OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
► ParallelComputing | |
► SimpleHM | |
MultiMesh | |
SingleMesh | |
► Principal_Stress | |
Hollow_Sphere | |
Tube | |
SeabedResponse | |
► StaggeredScheme | |
ConsolidationBenchmark | |
InjectionProduction1D | |
MandelCryer | |
StrainDependentPermeability | |
TotalInitialStress | |
Verification | |
► LargeDeformation | |
► CooksMembrane | |
3D | |
Indentation3D | |
RigidBody | |
RubberIndentation | |
ThickCylindricalShell | |
Torsion | |
► LIE | |
► HydroMechanics | |
GreatCellWithBBar | |
GreatCellWithTrianglularMesh | |
► Mechanics | |
GreatCellWithBBar | |
► Mechanics | |
AxisymmetryBbar | |
Burgers | |
► CooksMembrane | |
3D | |
CreepWithHeterogeneousReferenceTemperature | |
► Ehlers | |
MFront | |
► EhlersDamageNonLocal | |
► bar | |
coarse | |
coarse_elastic_tangent | |
fine | |
medium | |
p1 | |
p2 | |
p3 | |
t1 | |
t2 | |
veryfine | |
► beam | |
3D_hexa | |
3D_tetr | |
coarse | |
coarse_quad | |
coarse_tria | |
fine | |
medium | |
CrackedSolid | |
holed_beam | |
notched_beam | |
EvaluatingBbarWithSimpleExamples | |
Excavation | |
GuentherSalzer | |
HoekBrown | |
InitialStates | |
► Linear | |
DiscWithHole | |
DiscWithHole_convergence_study | |
ElementDeactivation3D | |
MaterialForces | |
► MFront | |
axisymm_ring | |
disc_with_hole | |
Orthotropy | |
PressureBC | |
PrincipalStress | |
PythonHertzContact | |
PythonPiston | |
test_ip_data | |
m1_1Dload | |
m1_1Dlozenge | |
m1_2Dload | |
m1_3Dbottom | |
m1_3Dgravity | |
m1_3Dload | |
m1_3Dsquare | |
m1_3Dtopload | |
m3_3Dshearz | |
m3_3Dshearz_rot | |
m3_3Dtopload | |
m3_3Dtoploadlc | |
ModifiedCamClay | |
► MohrCoulombAbboSloan | |
PetscMpi | |
MohrCoulombAbboSloanAnisotropic | |
PLLC | |
Simple3DBbar | |
TransverseElasticModel | |
► Parabolic | |
► ComponentTransport | |
AdvectionDiffusionSorptionDecay | |
ClassicalTransportExample | |
ConTracer | |
DiffusionSorptionDecay | |
elder | |
FCT_test | |
goswami | |
► heterogeneous | |
ogs5_H_2D | |
ogs5_H_3D | |
HTCWithFracture | |
► InclinedElements | |
Inclined2DMesh | |
MassConservation | |
MassFlux | |
MultiLayerDiffusion | |
OpenBoundaryWithTets | |
► ReactiveTransport | |
CationExchange | |
CO2Injection | |
► DecayChain | |
► GlobalImplicitApproach | |
► MPI | |
4Processors | |
8Processors | |
EquilibriumPhase | |
KineticReactant | |
KineticReactant_AllAsComponents | |
RadionuclidesMigration | |
► SurfaceComplexation | |
LookupTable | |
ParallelTest | |
Wetland | |
SimpleSynthetics | |
StaggeredScheme | |
Theis | |
ThermalDiffusion | |
TracerSimulation | |
VariableNeumannBoundary | |
► HT | |
ClassicalTransportExample | |
ConstViscosity | |
FaultedCube | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
LowerDimensionalFracture | |
► SimpleSynthetics | |
deactivated_subdomain | |
XDMF | |
► StaggeredCoupling | |
ADecovalexTHMCBasedHTExample | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
► LiquidFlow | |
AxiSymTheis | |
BlockingConductingFracture | |
BuildupTest | |
DrainageExcavation | |
► Flux | |
2D | |
► 3D | |
► Hex | |
MultipleOutputsDifferentVariablesSections | |
Parallel | |
Pyramid | |
GasFlow | |
GravityDriven | |
GravityDriven3D | |
► InclinedMeshElements | |
1Din3D | |
FractureIn3D | |
Inclined2DMesh | |
LineDirichletNeumannBC | |
PressureBCatCornerOfAnisotropicSquare | |
RasterParameter | |
► SimpleSynthetics | |
PrimaryVariableConstraintDirichletBC | |
XDMF | |
XDMF_compression_off | |
TimeDependentHeterogeneousBoundaryConditions | |
TimeDependentHeterogeneousSourceTerm | |
TimeIntervalDirichletBC | |
► Unconfined_Aquifer | |
BC_BC | |
► Verification | |
h1_1Dsource | |
h1_1Dsteady | |
h1_3Dhydstat | |
h2_1D1bt | |
h2_1D2bt | |
Richards | |
► RichardsComponentTransport | |
► Padilla | |
Padilla_NaCl1 | |
Padilla_NaCl6 | |
► T | |
1D_dirichlet | |
► 1D_dirichlet_source-term | |
2 | |
1D_freezing_column_Stefan | |
1D_line_source_term_tests | |
1D_neumann | |
1D_Two-phase_Stefan_problem_for_ice_melting | |
2D_axially_symmetric | |
2D_BHE_array | |
2D_freezing_disk | |
2D_Ice_melting-forming_manuf_solution | |
2D_Robin | |
2D_Soil_freezing_round_BHE | |
► 2D_source_term_tests | |
line_source_term_left | |
line_source_term_x_0.5 | |
line_source_term_x_0.5_restricted_to_middle | |
3D_2U_BHE | |
3D_3BHEs | |
3D_3BHEs_array | |
3D_3BHEs_array_python_interface | |
3D_Beier_sandbox | |
3D_Beier_sandbox_python_interface | |
3D_BHE_GW_advection | |
3D_BHE_Sandwich | |
3D_deep_BHE | |
► 3D_line_source_term_tests | |
► 3D_line_source_term_in_cylinder | |
286k_prisms | |
49k_prisms | |
3D_line_source_term_in_cylinder_axisymmetric | |
3D_line_source_term_middle | |
3D_line_source_term_middle_restricted | |
BHE_1P | |
t1_1Dsource | |
t1_1Dsteady | |
t2_1D1bt | |
t2_1D2bt | |
► TES | |
1D | |
2D | |
► ThermalTwoPhaseFlowPP | |
HeatPipe | |
TCEDiffusion | |
► TwoPhaseFlowPP | |
Liakopoulos | |
McWhorter | |
► TwoPhaseFlowPrho | |
MoMaS | |
► PhaseField | |
► beam | |
voldev-ortho | |
beam_jupyter_notebook | |
k_regime_HF | |
kregime_jupyter_notebook | |
Kregime_Propagating_jupyter_notebook | |
PForthotropy_jupyter_notebook | |
► single_edge_notched | |
masonry-ortho | |
surfing | |
surfing_jupyter_notebook | |
tpb_jupyter_notebook | |
► RichardsMechanics | |
LiakopoulosHM | |
► StokesFlow | |
2DPlanarPermeableFracture | |
► TH2M | |
► H | |
diffusion | |
pressure_PengRobinson | |
► H2 | |
dissolution_diffusion | |
mcWhorter | |
► H2M | |
Liakopoulos | |
OrthotropicSwelling | |
StrainDependentPermeability | |
► HM | |
compression_PengRobinson | |
Confined_Compression | |
► M | |
M_2d_neumann | |
MultiMaterialEhlers | |
submesh_residuum_assembly | |
► T | |
T_1d_dirichlet | |
► TH | |
idealGasLaw | |
Ogata-Banks | |
temperature_PengRobinson | |
► TH2 | |
► heatpipe | |
PETSc | |
unicube | |
► TH2M | |
Ansicht_Simple_1e2 | |
► THM | |
Confined_Compression | |
slab | |
sphere | |
TotalInitialStress | |
► ThermoHydroMechanics | |
1D_freezing_column_Stefan | |
9percentWaterFreezingExpansion | |
A2 | |
BGRaCreepAndInitialStressAtIP_AREHS | |
ColumnDeformationFreezing | |
HeatingHomogeneousDomain | |
► Linear | |
anisotropic_thermal_expansivity | |
Beam_sealed_bimaterial | |
Beam_unsealed_bimaterial | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
Point_injection | |
Square_sealed_homogeneous | |
Storage | |
TH_ClassicalTransportExample | |
ThermoOsmosis | |
► verification | |
thm2_1Dfixd | |
► MultiMaterial | |
► DP_Ehlers | |
M | |
TM | |
► DP_MCC | |
TM | |
RestartMCC | |
TotalInitialStress | |
ThermoMechanicalPhaseField | |
► ThermoMechanics | |
BDT | |
► CreepBGRa | |
CreepAfterExcavation | |
SimpleAxisymmetricCreep | |
► Verification | |
m2_1D1bt | |
m2_1D2bt | |
m2_1Dcreep | |
m2_1Dlozenge | |
m2_1Dlozengebt | |
m2_1Drelax | |
m2_2Dload | |
m2_2Dloadbt | |
m2_3Dload | |
m2_3Dloadbt | |
InitialStates | |
LinearMFront | |
► StaggeredScheme | |
CreepAfterExcavation | |
TM_Quad | |
tm1_1Dbeam | |
tm1_1Dfixa | |
tm1_1Dfixb | |
tm1_2Dbeam | |
tm1_2Dsquare | |
tm1_3Dcube | |
tm1_3Dgravity | |
tm1_3Dorigin | |
tm1_3Dsquare | |
tm2_1D1bt | |
tm2_1Dfixc | |
► ThermoRichardsFlow | |
► HT | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
SimpleSynthetics | |
RichardsFlow2D | |
SimplifiedMechanics | |
► TaskCDECOVALEX2023 | |
WithPicardNonLinearSolverAndPETSc | |
ThermoOsmosis | |
► ThermoRichardsMechanics | |
A2 | |
anisotropic_thermal_expansion | |
BodyForce | |
CTF1 | |
► FullySaturatedFlowMechanics | |
PETSc | |
HeatTransportInStationaryFlow | |
LiakopoulosHM | |
LiakopoulosPETSc | |
LinearMechanics | |
► MFront | |
A2 | |
► BentoniteBehaviourGeneralMod | |
0d_confined_compression | |
0d_resaturation | |
1d_column_resaturation | |
1d_column_restart | |
ThermoPoroElasticity | |
Mockup2D | |
MultiMaterialEhlers | |
PointHeatSource | |
RichardsFlow2D | |
Simple3DThermoMechanicsFromTM | |
SimpleAxisymmetricCreep | |
TaskCDECOVALEX2023 | |
ThermoOsmosis | |
► Utils | |
WellboreSimulator | |
► ProjectFile | |
curve | |
► gml | |
► points | |
point | |
► polylines | |
polyline | |
► surfaces | |
► surface | |
element | |
► material | |
► adsorption | |
► reaction | |
CaOH2 | |
Sinusoidal | |
► fluid | |
► density | |
ConcentrationAndPressureDependent | |
ConcentrationDependent | |
Constant | |
IdealGasLaw | |
LiquidDensity | |
TemperatureDependent | |
► specific_heat_capacity | |
Constant | |
► thermal_conductivity | |
Constant | |
► viscosity | |
Constant | |
LinearPressure | |
TemperatureDependent | |
Vogels | |
► fracture_model | |
CohesiveZoneModeI | |
► Coulomb | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
► fracture_properties | |
► permeability_model | |
ConstantPermeability | |
CubicLaw | |
► porous_medium | |
► capillary_pressure | |
BrooksCorey | |
Curve | |
vanGenuchten | |
permeability | |
porous_medium | |
► relative_permeability | |
► Curve | |
curve | |
NonWettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas | |
NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten | |
WettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas | |
WettingPhaseVanGenuchten | |
► solid | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► ode_solver | |
► prj | |
► chemical_system | |
► chemical_reactions | |
chemical_reaction | |
► equilibrium_reactants | |
phase_component | |
► exchangers | |
exchange_site | |
► kinetic_reactants | |
kinetic_reactant | |
knobs | |
► rates | |
► rate | |
expression | |
► solution | |
► components | |
component | |
► surface | |
site | |
user_punch | |
► curves | |
curve | |
► insitu | |
► scripts | |
script | |
► linear_solvers | |
► linear_solver | |
eigen | |
petsc | |
► local_coordinate_system | |
basis_vector_0 | |
basis_vector_1 | |
basis_vector_2 | |
► media | |
► medium | |
► phases | |
► phase | |
AqueousLiquid | |
► components | |
► component | |
► properties | |
► property | |
AverageMolarMass | |
BishopsPowerLaw | |
BishopsSaturationCutoff | |
CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | |
CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | |
ClausiusClapeyron | |
Constant | |
CubicLawPermeability | |
Curve | |
Dupuit | |
EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
► Exponential | |
exponent | |
► Function | |
dvalue | |
value | |
GasPressureDependentPermeability | |
IdealGasLaw | |
KozenyCarman | |
► Linear | |
independent_variable | |
LinearSaturationSwellingStress | |
LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | |
LiquidViscosityVogels | |
OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
Parameter | |
PengRobinson | |
PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | |
PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
PorosityFromMassBalance | |
RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPower | |
RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
RelativePermeabilityNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
RelativePermeabilityUdell | |
RelativePermeabilityUdellNonwettingPhase | |
RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten | |
RelPermBrooksCorey | |
RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | |
RelPermLiakopoulos | |
SaturationBrooksCorey | |
SaturationDependentSwelling | |
SaturationExponential | |
SaturationLiakopoulos | |
SaturationVanGenuchten | |
SaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain | |
SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | |
SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
StrainDependentPermeability | |
TemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
TemperatureDependentFraction | |
TransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
VapourDiffusionDeVries | |
VapourDiffusionFEBEX | |
VapourDiffusionPMQ | |
VermaPruessModel | |
VolumeFractionAverage | |
WaterVapourDensity | |
WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | |
FrozenLiquid | |
Gas | |
► properties | |
► property | |
AverageMolarMass | |
BishopsPowerLaw | |
BishopsSaturationCutoff | |
CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | |
CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | |
ClausiusClapeyron | |
Constant | |
CubicLawPermeability | |
Curve | |
Dupuit | |
EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
► Exponential | |
exponent | |
► Function | |
dvalue | |
value | |
GasPressureDependentPermeability | |
IdealGasLaw | |
KozenyCarman | |
► Linear | |
independent_variable | |
LinearSaturationSwellingStress | |
LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | |
LiquidViscosityVogels | |
OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
Parameter | |
PengRobinson | |
PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | |
PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
PorosityFromMassBalance | |
RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPower | |
RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
RelativePermeabilityNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
RelativePermeabilityUdell | |
RelativePermeabilityUdellNonwettingPhase | |
RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten | |
RelPermBrooksCorey | |
RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | |
RelPermLiakopoulos | |
SaturationBrooksCorey | |
SaturationDependentSwelling | |
SaturationExponential | |
SaturationLiakopoulos | |
SaturationVanGenuchten | |
SaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain | |
SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | |
SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
StrainDependentPermeability | |
TemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
TemperatureDependentFraction | |
TransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
VapourDiffusionDeVries | |
VapourDiffusionFEBEX | |
VapourDiffusionPMQ | |
VermaPruessModel | |
VolumeFractionAverage | |
WaterVapourDensity | |
WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | |
Solid | |
► properties | |
► property | |
AverageMolarMass | |
BishopsPowerLaw | |
BishopsSaturationCutoff | |
CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | |
CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | |
ClausiusClapeyron | |
Constant | |
CubicLawPermeability | |
Curve | |
Dupuit | |
EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
► Exponential | |
exponent | |
► Function | |
dvalue | |
value | |
GasPressureDependentPermeability | |
IdealGasLaw | |
KozenyCarman | |
► Linear | |
independent_variable | |
LinearSaturationSwellingStress | |
LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | |
LiquidViscosityVogels | |
OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
Parameter | |
PengRobinson | |
PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | |
PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
PorosityFromMassBalance | |
RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPower | |
RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
RelativePermeabilityNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
RelativePermeabilityUdell | |
RelativePermeabilityUdellNonwettingPhase | |
RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten | |
RelPermBrooksCorey | |
RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | |
RelPermLiakopoulos | |
SaturationBrooksCorey | |
SaturationDependentSwelling | |
SaturationExponential | |
SaturationLiakopoulos | |
SaturationVanGenuchten | |
SaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain | |
SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | |
SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
StrainDependentPermeability | |
TemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
TemperatureDependentFraction | |
TransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
VapourDiffusionDeVries | |
VapourDiffusionFEBEX | |
VapourDiffusionPMQ | |
VermaPruessModel | |
VolumeFractionAverage | |
WaterVapourDensity | |
WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | |
mesh | |
► meshes | |
mesh | |
► nonlinear_solvers | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► parameters | |
► parameter | |
Constant | |
CurveScaled | |
Function | |
► Group | |
index_values | |
MeshElement | |
MeshNode | |
RandomFieldMeshElementParameter | |
► TimeDependentHeterogeneousParameter | |
► time_series | |
pair | |
► process_variables | |
► process_variable | |
► boundary_conditions | |
► boundary_condition | |
ConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
Dirichlet | |
DirichletWithinTimeInterval | |
HCNonAdvectiveFreeComponentFlowBoundary | |
Neumann | |
NormalTraction | |
PrimaryVariableConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
Python | |
Robin | |
SolutionDependentDirichlet | |
VariableDependentNeumann | |
WellboreCompensateNeumann | |
► deactivated_subdomains | |
► deactivated_subdomain | |
line_segment | |
time_interval | |
► source_terms | |
► source_term | |
Anchor | |
Line | |
Nodal | |
Python | |
Volumetric | |
► processes | |
► process | |
calculatesurfaceflux | |
► ComponentTransport | |
aperture_size | |
► fluid | |
► density | |
ConcentrationAndPressureDependent | |
ConcentrationDependent | |
Constant | |
IdealGasLaw | |
LiquidDensity | |
TemperatureDependent | |
► specific_heat_capacity | |
Constant | |
► thermal_conductivity | |
Constant | |
► viscosity | |
Constant | |
LinearPressure | |
TemperatureDependent | |
Vogels | |
process_variables | |
process_variables | |
► borehole_heat_exchangers | |
► borehole_heat_exchanger | |
borehole | |
► flow_and_temperature_control | |
BuildingPowerCurveConstantFlow | |
FixedPowerConstantFlow | |
FixedPowerFlowCurve | |
PowerCurveConstantFlow | |
PowerCurveFlowCurve | |
TemperatureCurveConstantFlow | |
TemperatureCurveFlowCurve | |
grout | |
► pipes | |
inlet | |
refrigerant | |
process_variables | |
phasefield_parameters | |
process_variables | |
► HT | |
aperture_size | |
► fluid | |
► density | |
ConcentrationAndPressureDependent | |
ConcentrationDependent | |
Constant | |
IdealGasLaw | |
LiquidDensity | |
TemperatureDependent | |
► specific_heat_capacity | |
Constant | |
► thermal_conductivity | |
Constant | |
► viscosity | |
Constant | |
LinearPressure | |
TemperatureDependent | |
Vogels | |
process_variables | |
solid_thermal_expansion | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
coupling_scheme | |
initial_stress | |
process_variables | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
► fracture_model | |
CohesiveZoneModeI | |
► Coulomb | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
► fracture_properties | |
► permeability_model | |
ConstantPermeability | |
CubicLaw | |
process_variables | |
initial_stress | |
► jacobian_assembler | |
CentralDifferences | |
CompareJacobians | |
ForwardDifferences | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
process_variables | |
aperture_size | |
process_variables | |
► numerical_stabilization | |
FullUpwind | |
IsotropicDiffusion | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
phasefield_parameters | |
process_variables | |
process_variables | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
initial_stress | |
► micro_porosity | |
nonlinear_solver | |
process_variables | |
► RichardsComponentTransport | |
process_variables | |
► secondary_variables | |
secondary_variable | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
process_variables | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
process_variables | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
► fracture_model | |
CohesiveZoneModeI | |
► Coulomb | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
fracture_properties | |
process_variables | |
process_variables | |
► StokesFlow | |
process_variables | |
► TES | |
process_variables | |
► TH2M | |
initial_stress | |
process_variables | |
initial_stress | |
process_variables | |
► constitutive_relation | |
► CreepBGRa | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► Ehlers | |
damage_properties | |
nonlinear_solver | |
LinearElasticIsotropic | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic | |
► Lubby2 | |
nonlinear_solver | |
► MFront | |
► initial_values | |
state_variable | |
library | |
► material_properties | |
material_property | |
phasefield_parameters | |
process_variables | |
thermal_parameters | |
process_variables | |
process_variables | |
initial_stress | |
process_variables | |
process_variables | |
► material_property | |
► porous_medium | |
► porous_medium | |
► relative_permeability | |
relative_permeability | |
process_variables | |
process_variables | |
process_variables | |
reservoir_properties | |
wellbore | |
► rasters | |
raster | |
► search_length_algorithm | |
fixed | |
heuristic | |
► test_definition | |
vtkdiff | |
► time_loop | |
► global_process_coupling | |
convergence_criteria | |
local_coupling_processes | |
► output | |
► geometrical_sets | |
geometrical_set | |
hdf | |
► meshes | |
mesh | |
► timesteps | |
pair | |
variables | |
outputs | |
► processes | |
► process | |
► convergence_criterion | |
DeltaX | |
PerComponentDeltaX | |
PerComponentResidual | |
Residual | |
► time_discretization | |
BackwardEuler | |
time_interval | |
► time_stepping | |
EvolutionaryPIDcontroller | |
► FixedTimeStepping | |
► timesteps | |
pair | |
IterationNumberBasedTimeStepping | |
SingleStep | |
► properties | |
► property | |
AverageMolarMass | |
BishopsPowerLaw | |
BishopsSaturationCutoff | |
CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten | |
CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten | |
ClausiusClapeyron | |
Constant | |
CubicLawPermeability | |
Curve | |
Dupuit | |
EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing | |
EmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
► Exponential | |
exponent | |
► Function | |
dvalue | |
value | |
GasPressureDependentPermeability | |
IdealGasLaw | |
KozenyCarman | |
► Linear | |
independent_variable | |
LinearSaturationSwellingStress | |
LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat | |
LiquidViscosityVogels | |
OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability | |
Parameter | |
PengRobinson | |
PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel | |
PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw | |
PorosityFromMassBalance | |
RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPower | |
RelativePermeabilityGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase | |
RelativePermeabilityNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem | |
RelativePermeabilityUdell | |
RelativePermeabilityUdellNonwettingPhase | |
RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten | |
RelPermBrooksCorey | |
RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase | |
RelPermLiakopoulos | |
SaturationBrooksCorey | |
SaturationDependentSwelling | |
SaturationExponential | |
SaturationLiakopoulos | |
SaturationVanGenuchten | |
SaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain | |
SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity | |
SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat | |
StrainDependentPermeability | |
TemperatureDependentDiffusion | |
TemperatureDependentFraction | |
TransportPorosityFromMassBalance | |
VapourDiffusionDeVries | |
VapourDiffusionFEBEX | |
VapourDiffusionPMQ | |
VermaPruessModel | |
VolumeFractionAverage | |
WaterVapourDensity | |
WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature | |
► InfoLib | |
cmakeinfolib_export.h | |
GitInfo.cpp | Git information |
gitinfolib_export.h | |
TestInfo.cpp | Test information |
testinfolib_export.h | |
► MaterialLib | |
► FractureModels | |
materiallib_fracturemodels_export.h | |
materiallib_export.h | |
► MathLib | |
mathlib_export.h | |
► NumLib | |
numlib_export.h | |
► ProcessLib | |
processlib_export.h | |
► ChemistryLib | |
► Common | |
ChargeBalance.h | |
CreateChargeBalance.cpp | |
CreateChargeBalance.h | |
CreateReactionRate.cpp | |
CreateReactionRate.h | |
► PhreeqcIOData | |
AqueousSolution.cpp | |
AqueousSolution.h | |
ChemicalSystem.cpp | |
ChemicalSystem.h | |
CreateAqueousSolution.cpp | |
CreateAqueousSolution.h | |
CreateChemicalSystem.cpp | |
CreateChemicalSystem.h | |
CreateEquilibriumReactants.cpp | |
CreateEquilibriumReactants.h | |
CreateExchange.cpp | |
CreateExchange.h | |
CreateKineticReactant.cpp | |
CreateKineticReactant.h | |
CreateKnobs.cpp | |
CreateKnobs.h | |
CreateOutput.cpp | |
CreateOutput.h | |
CreateSolutionComponent.cpp | |
CreateSolutionComponent.h | |
CreateSurface.cpp | |
CreateSurface.h | |
CreateUserPunch.cpp | |
CreateUserPunch.h | |
Dump.cpp | |
Dump.h | |
EquilibriumReactant.cpp | |
EquilibriumReactant.h | |
Exchange.cpp | |
Exchange.h | |
KineticReactant.cpp | |
KineticReactant.h | |
Knobs.cpp | |
Knobs.h | |
Output.cpp | |
Output.h | |
ReactionRate.cpp | |
ReactionRate.h | |
Surface.h | |
UserPunch.cpp | |
UserPunch.h | |
► PhreeqcKernelData | |
AqueousSolution.cpp | |
AqueousSolution.h | |
CreateAqueousSolution.cpp | |
CreateAqueousSolution.h | |
CreateEquilibriumReactants.cpp | |
CreateEquilibriumReactants.h | |
CreateInitialAqueousSolution.cpp | |
CreateInitialAqueousSolution.h | |
CreateKineticReactant.cpp | |
CreateKineticReactant.h | |
EquilibriumReactants.cpp | |
EquilibriumReactants.h | |
InitialAqueousSolution.cpp | |
InitialAqueousSolution.h | |
KineticReactant.cpp | |
KineticReactant.h | |
ReactionRate.cpp | |
ReactionRate.h | |
► SelfContainedSolverData | |
ChemicalReaction.h | |
CreateChemicalReactionData.cpp | |
CreateChemicalReactionData.h | |
SelfContainedSolver.h | |
ChemicalSolverInterface.h | |
ChemicalSolverType.h | |
CreateChemicalSolverInterface.cpp | |
CreateChemicalSolverInterface.h | |
PhreeqcIO.cpp | |
PhreeqcIO.h | |
PhreeqcKernel.cpp | |
PhreeqcKernel.h | |
Documentation | |
► GeoLib | |
► IO | |
► XmlIO | |
► Boost | |
BoostXmlGmlInterface.cpp | Implementation of the BoostXmlGmlInterface class |
BoostXmlGmlInterface.h | Definition of the BoostXmlGmlInterface class |
► Qt | |
XmlGmlInterface.cpp | Implementation of the XmlGmlInterface class |
XmlGmlInterface.h | Definition of the XmlGmlInterface class |
XmlStnInterface.cpp | Implementation of the XmlStnInterface class |
XmlStnInterface.h | Definition of the XmlStnInterface class |
AsciiRasterInterface.cpp | Implementation of the AsciiRasterInterface class |
AsciiRasterInterface.h | Definition of the AsciiRasterInterface class |
NetCDFRasterReader.cpp | |
NetCDFRasterReader.h | |
TINInterface.cpp | |
TINInterface.h | |
AABB.h | Definition of the AABB class |
AnalyticalGeometry-impl.h | |
AnalyticalGeometry.cpp | Implementation of analytical geometry functions |
AnalyticalGeometry.h | Definition of analytical geometry functions |
DuplicateGeometry.cpp | |
DuplicateGeometry.h | |
EarClippingTriangulation.cpp | Implementation of the EarClippingTriangulation class |
EarClippingTriangulation.h | Definition of the EarClippingTriangulation class |
GeoObject.h | Base class for classes Point, Polyline, Surface |
GEOObjects.cpp | Implementation of the GEOObjects class |
GEOObjects.h | Definition of the GEOObjects class |
GeoType.cpp | Implementation of GEOTYPE enumeration helper functions |
GeoType.h | Definition of the GEOTYPE enumeration |
Grid.h | Definition of the Grid class |
LineSegment.cpp | |
LineSegment.h | |
MinimalBoundingSphere.cpp | Calculation of a minimum bounding sphere for a vector of points |
MinimalBoundingSphere.h | Calculation of a minimum bounding sphere for a vector of points |
OctTree-impl.h | Implementation of the OctTree class |
OctTree.h | Implementation of the OctTree class |
Point.h | Definition of the Point class |
PointVec.cpp | Implementation of the PointVec class |
PointVec.h | Definition of the PointVec class |
Polygon.cpp | Implementation of the Polygon class |
Polygon.h | Definition of the Polygon class |
PolygonWithSegmentMarker.cpp | |
PolygonWithSegmentMarker.h | |
Polyline.cpp | Implementation of the Polyline class |
Polyline.h | Definition of the PolyLine class |
PolylineVec.h | Definition of the PolylineVec class |
PolylineWithSegmentMarker.cpp | Implementation of the PolylineWithSegmentMarker class |
PolylineWithSegmentMarker.h | Definition of the PolylineWithSegmentMarker class |
predicates.h | Definitions of the predicates functions |
QuadTree.h | Definition of the QuadTree class |
Raster.cpp | Implementation of the GeoLib::Raster class |
Raster.h | Definition of the GeoLib::Raster class |
SensorData.cpp | Implementation of the SensorData class |
SensorData.h | Definition of the SensorData class |
SimplePolygonTree.cpp | Implementation of the SimplePolygonTree class |
SimplePolygonTree.h | Definition of the SimplePolygonTree class |
Station.cpp | Implementation of the Station class |
Station.h | Definition of the Station class |
StationBorehole.cpp | Implementation of the StationBorehole class |
StationBorehole.h | Definition of the StationBorehole class |
Surface.cpp | |
Surface.h | |
SurfaceGrid.cpp | |
SurfaceGrid.h | |
SurfaceVec.h | Definition of the SurfaceVec class |
TemplateVec.h | Definition of the GeoLib::TemplateVec class |
Triangle.cpp | |
Triangle.h | |
Utils.cpp | |
Utils.h | |
► InfoLib | |
GitInfo.h | Git information |
TestInfo.h | Test information |
► MaterialLib | |
► Adsorption | |
Adsorption.cpp | |
Adsorption.h | |
Density100MPa.cpp | |
Density100MPa.h | |
DensityConst.cpp | |
DensityConst.h | |
DensityCook.cpp | |
DensityCook.h | |
DensityDubinin.cpp | |
DensityDubinin.h | |
DensityHauer.cpp | |
DensityHauer.h | |
DensityLegacy.cpp | |
DensityLegacy.h | |
DensityMette.cpp | |
DensityMette.h | |
DensityNunez.cpp | |
DensityNunez.h | |
Reaction.cpp | |
Reaction.h | |
ReactionCaOH2.cpp | |
ReactionCaOH2.h | |
ReactionInert.h | |
ReactionSinusoidal.cpp | |
ReactionSinusoidal.h | |
► Fluid | |
► Density | |
CreateFluidDensityModel.cpp | Create an instance of a fluid density class |
CreateFluidDensityModel.h | Create an instance of a fluid density class |
IdealGasLaw.h | Declaration of class IdealGasLow for fluid density by the ideal gas law depending on one variable linearly |
LinearConcentrationAndPressureDependentDensity.h | |
LinearConcentrationDependentDensity.h | |
LinearTemperatureDependentDensity.h | |
LiquidDensity.h | |
► FluidProperties | |
CreateFluidProperties.cpp | |
CreateFluidProperties.h | |
FluidProperties.h | |
FluidPropertiesWithDensityDependentModels.cpp | |
FluidPropertiesWithDensityDependentModels.h | |
PrimaryVariableDependentFluidProperties.h | |
► GibbsFreeEnergy | |
DimensionLessGibbsFreeEnergyRegion1.cpp | Define members of the class for dimensionless Gibbs free energy |
DimensionLessGibbsFreeEnergyRegion1.h | Declare a class for dimensionless Gibbs free energy, region1 |
DimensionlessGibbsFreeEnergyRegion2.cpp | |
DimensionlessGibbsFreeEnergyRegion2.h | |
► SpecificHeatCapacity | |
CreateSpecificFluidHeatCapacityModel.cpp | A function for creating a specific heat capacity model for fluid |
CreateSpecificFluidHeatCapacityModel.h | A function for creating a specific heat capacity model for fluid |
► ThermalConductivity | |
CreateFluidThermalConductivityModel.cpp | A function for creating a thermal conductivity model for fluid |
CreateFluidThermalConductivityModel.h | A function for creating a thermal conductivity model for fluid |
► Viscosity | |
CreateViscosityModel.cpp | A function for creating viscosity model |
CreateViscosityModel.h | A function for creating viscosity model |
LinearPressureDependentViscosity.h | Declaration of class for the pressure dependent viscosity model |
TemperatureDependentViscosity.h | A linear temperature dependent viscosity model |
VogelsLiquidDynamicViscosity.h | Declaration of class for the pressure dependent viscosity model |
► WaterVaporProperties | |
WaterVaporProperties.cpp | |
WaterVaporProperties.h | |
ConstantFluidProperty.h | |
FluidProperty.h | |
FluidPropertyHeaders.h | |
PropertyVariableType.h | |
► FractureModels | |
► Permeability | |
ConstantPermeability.cpp | |
ConstantPermeability.h | |
CreateConstantPermeability.cpp | |
CreateConstantPermeability.h | |
CreateCubicLaw.cpp | |
CreateCubicLaw.h | |
CreatePermeabilityModel.cpp | |
CreatePermeabilityModel.h | |
CubicLaw.cpp | |
CubicLaw.h | |
Permeability.h | |
CohesiveZoneModeI.cpp | |
CohesiveZoneModeI.h | |
Coulomb.cpp | |
Coulomb.h | |
CreateCohesiveZoneModeI.cpp | |
CreateCohesiveZoneModeI.h | |
CreateCoulomb.cpp | |
CreateCoulomb.h | |
CreateLinearElasticIsotropic.cpp | |
CreateLinearElasticIsotropic.h | |
FractureIdentity2.cpp | |
FractureIdentity2.h | |
FractureModelBase.h | |
LinearElasticIsotropic.cpp | |
LinearElasticIsotropic.h | |
LogPenalty.h | |
► MPL | |
► Components | |
Components.h | |
Water.cpp | |
Water.h | |
► Properties | |
► CapillaryPressureSaturation | |
CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten.cpp | |
CapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten.h | |
CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten.cpp | |
CapillaryPressureVanGenuchten.h | |
CreateCapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten.cpp | |
CreateCapillaryPressureRegularizedVanGenuchten.h | |
CreateCapillaryPressureVanGenuchten.cpp | |
CreateCapillaryPressureVanGenuchten.h | |
CreateSaturationBrooksCorey.cpp | |
CreateSaturationBrooksCorey.h | |
CreateSaturationExponential.cpp | |
CreateSaturationExponential.h | |
CreateSaturationLiakopoulos.cpp | |
CreateSaturationLiakopoulos.h | |
CreateSaturationVanGenuchten.cpp | |
CreateSaturationVanGenuchten.h | |
CreateSaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain.cpp | |
CreateSaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain.h | |
SaturationBrooksCorey.cpp | |
SaturationBrooksCorey.h | |
SaturationExponential.cpp | |
SaturationExponential.h | |
SaturationLiakopoulos.cpp | |
SaturationLiakopoulos.h | |
SaturationVanGenuchten.cpp | |
SaturationVanGenuchten.h | |
SaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain.cpp | |
SaturationVanGenuchtenWithVolumetricStrain.h | |
► Density | |
CreateWaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1.cpp | |
CreateWaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1.h | |
CreateWaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
CreateWaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
CreateWaterVapourDensity.cpp | |
CreateWaterVapourDensity.h | |
CreateWaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
CreateWaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
WaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1.cpp | |
WaterDensityIAPWSIF97Region1.h | |
WaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
WaterLiquidDensityIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
WaterVapourDensity.cpp | |
WaterVapourDensity.h | |
WaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
WaterVapourDensityIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
► Enthalpy | |
CreateLinearWaterVapourLatentHeat.cpp | |
CreateLinearWaterVapourLatentHeat.h | |
CreateWaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1.cpp | |
CreateWaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1.h | |
CreateWaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
CreateWaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
CreateWaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
CreateWaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
CreateWaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature.cpp | |
CreateWaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature.h | |
LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat.cpp | |
LinearWaterVapourLatentHeat.h | |
WaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1.cpp | |
WaterEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region1.h | |
WaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
WaterLiquidEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
WaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
WaterVapourEnthalpyIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature.cpp | |
WaterVapourLatentHeatWithCriticalTemperature.h | |
► RelativePermeability | |
CreateRelPermBrooksCorey.cpp | |
CreateRelPermBrooksCorey.h | |
CreateRelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase.cpp | |
CreateRelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase.h | |
CreateRelPermGeneralizedPower.cpp | |
CreateRelPermGeneralizedPower.h | |
CreateRelPermGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase.cpp | |
CreateRelPermGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase.h | |
CreateRelPermLiakopoulos.cpp | |
CreateRelPermLiakopoulos.h | |
CreateRelPermNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem.cpp | |
CreateRelPermNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem.h | |
CreateRelPermUdell.cpp | |
CreateRelPermUdell.h | |
CreateRelPermUdellNonwettingPhase.cpp | |
CreateRelPermUdellNonwettingPhase.h | |
CreateRelPermVanGenuchten.cpp | |
CreateRelPermVanGenuchten.h | |
RelPermBrooksCorey.cpp | |
RelPermBrooksCorey.h | |
RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase.cpp | |
RelPermBrooksCoreyNonwettingPhase.h | |
RelPermGeneralizedPower.cpp | |
RelPermGeneralizedPower.h | |
RelPermGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase.cpp | |
RelPermGeneralizedPowerNonwettingPhase.h | |
RelPermLiakopoulos.cpp | |
RelPermLiakopoulos.h | |
RelPermNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem.cpp | |
RelPermNonWettingPhaseVanGenuchtenMualem.h | |
RelPermUdell.cpp | |
RelPermUdell.h | |
RelPermUdellNonwettingPhase.cpp | |
RelPermUdellNonwettingPhase.h | |
RelPermVanGenuchten.cpp | |
RelPermVanGenuchten.h | |
► SwellingStress | |
CreateLinearSaturationSwellingStress.cpp | |
CreateLinearSaturationSwellingStress.h | |
LinearSaturationSwellingStress.cpp | |
LinearSaturationSwellingStress.h | |
► ThermalConductivity | |
CreateSaturationWeightedThermalConductivity.cpp | |
CreateSaturationWeightedThermalConductivity.h | |
CreateSoilThermalConductivitySomerton.cpp | |
CreateSoilThermalConductivitySomerton.h | |
CreateWaterThermalConductivityIAPWS.cpp | |
CreateWaterThermalConductivityIAPWS.h | |
SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity.cpp | |
SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity.h | |
WaterThermalConductivityIAPWS.cpp | |
WaterThermalConductivityIAPWS.h | |
► VapourDiffusion | |
CreateVapourDiffusionDeVries.cpp | |
CreateVapourDiffusionDeVries.h | |
CreateVapourDiffusionFEBEX.cpp | |
CreateVapourDiffusionFEBEX.h | |
CreateVapourDiffusionPMQ.cpp | |
CreateVapourDiffusionPMQ.h | |
VapourDiffusionDeVries.cpp | |
VapourDiffusionDeVries.h | |
VapourDiffusionFEBEX.cpp | |
VapourDiffusionFEBEX.h | |
VapourDiffusionPMQ.cpp | |
VapourDiffusionPMQ.h | |
► Viscosity | |
CreateLiquidViscosityVogels.cpp | |
CreateLiquidViscosityVogels.h | |
CreateWaterViscosityIAPWS.cpp | |
CreateWaterViscosityIAPWS.h | |
LiquidViscosityVogels.cpp | |
LiquidViscosityVogels.h | |
WaterViscosityIAPWS.cpp | |
WaterViscosityIAPWS.h | |
AverageMolarMass.cpp | |
AverageMolarMass.h | |
BishopsPowerLaw.cpp | |
BishopsPowerLaw.h | |
BishopsSaturationCutoff.cpp | |
BishopsSaturationCutoff.h | |
ClausiusClapeyron.cpp | |
ClausiusClapeyron.h | |
Constant.cpp | |
Constant.h | |
CreateAverageMolarMass.cpp | |
CreateAverageMolarMass.h | |
CreateBishopsPowerLaw.cpp | |
CreateBishopsPowerLaw.h | |
CreateBishopsSaturationCutoff.cpp | |
CreateBishopsSaturationCutoff.h | |
CreateClausiusClapeyron.cpp | |
CreateClausiusClapeyron.h | |
CreateConstant.cpp | |
CreateConstant.h | |
CreateCubicLawPermeability.cpp | |
CreateCubicLawPermeability.h | |
CreateCurve.cpp | |
CreateCurve.h | |
CreateDupuitPermeability.cpp | |
CreateDupuitPermeability.h | |
CreateEffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing.cpp | |
CreateEffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing.h | |
CreateEmbeddedFracturePermeability.cpp | |
CreateEmbeddedFracturePermeability.h | |
CreateExponential.cpp | |
CreateExponential.h | |
CreateFunction.cpp | |
CreateFunction.h | |
CreateGasPressureDependentPermeability.cpp | |
CreateGasPressureDependentPermeability.h | |
CreateIdealGasLaw.cpp | |
CreateIdealGasLaw.h | |
CreateIdealGasLawBinaryMixture.cpp | |
CreateIdealGasLawBinaryMixture.h | |
CreateKozenyCarmanModel.cpp | |
CreateKozenyCarmanModel.h | |
CreateLinear.cpp | |
CreateLinear.h | |
CreateOrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability.cpp | |
CreateOrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability.h | |
CreateParameter.cpp | |
CreateParameter.h | |
CreatePengRobinson.cpp | |
CreatePengRobinson.h | |
CreatePermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel.cpp | |
CreatePermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel.h | |
CreatePermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw.cpp | |
CreatePermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw.h | |
CreatePorosityFromMassBalance.cpp | |
CreatePorosityFromMassBalance.h | |
CreateProperties.h | |
CreateSaturationDependentSwelling.cpp | |
CreateSaturationDependentSwelling.h | |
CreateSaturationDependentThermalConductivity.cpp | |
CreateSaturationDependentThermalConductivity.h | |
CreateSpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat.cpp | |
CreateSpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat.h | |
CreateStrainDependentPermeability.cpp | |
CreateStrainDependentPermeability.h | |
CreateTemperatureDependentDiffusion.cpp | |
CreateTemperatureDependentDiffusion.h | |
CreateTemperatureDependentFraction.cpp | |
CreateTemperatureDependentFraction.h | |
CreateTransportPorosityFromMassBalance.cpp | |
CreateTransportPorosityFromMassBalance.h | |
CreateVermaPruessModel.cpp | |
CreateVermaPruessModel.h | |
CreateVolumeFractionAverage.cpp | |
CreateVolumeFractionAverage.h | |
CreateWaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
CreateWaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
CreateWaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1.cpp | |
CreateWaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1.h | |
CubicLawPermeability.cpp | |
CubicLawPermeability.h | |
Curve.cpp | |
Curve.h | |
DupuitPermeability.cpp | |
DupuitPermeability.h | |
EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing.cpp | |
EffectiveThermalConductivityPorosityMixing.h | |
EmbeddedFracturePermeability.cpp | |
EmbeddedFracturePermeability.h | |
Exponential.cpp | |
Exponential.h | |
Function.cpp | |
Function.h | |
GasPressureDependentPermeability.cpp | |
GasPressureDependentPermeability.h | |
IdealGasLaw.cpp | |
IdealGasLaw.h | |
IdealGasLawBinaryMixture.cpp | |
IdealGasLawBinaryMixture.h | |
KozenyCarmanModel.cpp | |
KozenyCarmanModel.h | |
Linear.cpp | |
Linear.h | |
OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability.cpp | |
OrthotropicEmbeddedFracturePermeability.h | |
Parameter.cpp | |
Parameter.h | |
PengRobinson.cpp | |
PengRobinson.h | |
PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel.cpp | |
PermeabilityMohrCoulombFailureIndexModel.h | |
PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw.cpp | |
PermeabilityOrthotropicPowerLaw.h | |
PorosityFromMassBalance.cpp | |
PorosityFromMassBalance.h | |
Properties.h | |
SaturationDependentSwelling.cpp | |
SaturationDependentSwelling.h | |
SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat.cpp | |
SpecificHeatCapacityWithLatentHeat.h | |
StrainDependentPermeability.cpp | |
StrainDependentPermeability.h | |
TemperatureDependentDiffusion.cpp | |
TemperatureDependentDiffusion.h | |
TemperatureDependentFraction.cpp | |
TemperatureDependentFraction.h | |
TransportPorosityFromMassBalance.cpp | |
TransportPorosityFromMassBalance.h | |
VermaPruessModel.cpp | |
VermaPruessModel.h | |
VolumeFractionAverage.cpp | |
VolumeFractionAverage.h | |
WaterSaturationCurveIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
WaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4.cpp | |
WaterSaturationTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region4.h | |
WaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1.cpp | |
WaterTemperatureIAPWSIF97Region1.h | |
► Utils | |
CheckMPLPhasesForSinglePhaseFlow.cpp | |
CheckMPLPhasesForSinglePhaseFlow.h | |
CheckVanGenuchtenExponentRange.cpp | |
CheckVanGenuchtenExponentRange.h | |
FormEffectiveThermalConductivity.cpp | |
FormEffectiveThermalConductivity.h | |
FormEigenTensor.cpp | |
FormEigenTensor.h | |
FormEigenVector.cpp | |
FormEigenVector.h | |
FormKelvinVector.cpp | |
FormKelvinVector.h | |
GetFluidDensityAndViscosity.cpp | |
GetFluidDensityAndViscosity.h | |
GetLiquidThermalExpansivity.cpp | |
GetLiquidThermalExpansivity.h | |
GetSymmetricTensor.cpp | |
GetSymmetricTensor.h | |
SigmoidFunction.cpp | |
SigmoidFunction.h | |
Tensor.h | |
CheckMaterialSpatialDistributionMap.h | |
Component.cpp | |
Component.h | |
CreateComponent.cpp | |
CreateComponent.h | |
CreateMaterialSpatialDistributionMap.cpp | |
CreateMaterialSpatialDistributionMap.h | |
CreateMedium.cpp | |
CreateMedium.h | |
CreatePhase.cpp | |
CreatePhase.h | |
CreateProperty.cpp | |
CreateProperty.h | |
MaterialSpatialDistributionMap.cpp | |
MaterialSpatialDistributionMap.h | |
Medium.cpp | |
Medium.h | |
Phase.cpp | |
Phase.h | |
Property.cpp | |
Property.h | |
PropertyType.cpp | |
PropertyType.h | |
VariableType.cpp | |
VariableType.h | |
► PorousMedium | |
► Permeability | |
createPermeabilityModel.cpp | |
createPermeabilityModel.h | |
DupuitPermeability.h | |
Permeability.h | |
► UnsaturatedProperty | |
► CapillaryPressure | |
BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressureSaturation.cpp | |
BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressureSaturation.h | |
CapillaryPressureSaturation.h | |
CapillaryPressureSaturationCurve.h | |
CreateCapillaryPressureModel.cpp | |
CreateCapillaryPressureModel.h | |
VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressureSaturation.cpp | |
VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressureSaturation.h | |
► RelativePermeability | |
CreateRelativePermeabilityModel.cpp | |
CreateRelativePermeabilityModel.h | |
NonWettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas.cpp | |
NonWettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas.h | |
NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten.cpp | |
NonWettingPhaseVanGenuchten.h | |
RelativePermeability.h | |
RelativePermeabilityCurve.h | |
WettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas.cpp | |
WettingPhaseBrooksCoreyOilGas.h | |
WettingPhaseVanGenuchten.cpp | |
WettingPhaseVanGenuchten.h | |
CreatePorousMediaProperties.cpp | |
CreatePorousMediaProperties.h | |
PorousMediaProperties.cpp | |
PorousMediaProperties.h | |
► SolidModels | |
► MFront | |
CreateMFront.cpp | |
CreateMFront.h | |
CreateMFrontGeneric.cpp | |
CreateMFrontGeneric.h | |
MFront.cpp | |
MFront.h | |
MFrontGeneric.cpp | |
MFrontGeneric.h | |
TangentOperatorBlocksView.h | |
ThermodynamicForcesView.h | |
Variable.h | |
CreateConstitutiveRelation.cpp | |
CreateConstitutiveRelation.h | |
CreateConstitutiveRelationIce.cpp | |
CreateConstitutiveRelationIce.h | |
CreateConstitutiveRelationsGeneric.h | |
CreateCreepBGRa.cpp | |
CreateCreepBGRa.h | |
CreateEhlers.h | |
CreateLinearElasticIsotropic.h | |
CreateLinearElasticOrthotropic.cpp | |
CreateLinearElasticOrthotropic.h | |
CreateLinearElasticTransverseIsotropic.cpp | |
CreateLinearElasticTransverseIsotropic.h | |
CreateLubby2.h | |
CreepBGRa.cpp | |
CreepBGRa.h | |
Ehlers.cpp | |
Ehlers.h | |
LinearElasticIsotropic.cpp | |
LinearElasticIsotropic.h | |
LinearElasticIsotropicPhaseField.h | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic.cpp | |
LinearElasticOrthotropic.h | |
LinearElasticOrthotropicPhaseField.h | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic.cpp | |
LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic.h | |
Lubby2.cpp | |
Lubby2.h | |
MechanicsBase.h | |
PhaseFieldBase.h | |
SelectSolidConstitutiveRelation.h | |
► Utils | |
MediaCreation.cpp | |
MediaCreation.h | |
PhysicalConstant.h | |
► MathLib | |
► Curve | |
CreatePiecewiseLinearCurve.cpp | |
CreatePiecewiseLinearCurve.h | |
PiecewiseLinearMonotonicCurve.cpp | |
PiecewiseLinearMonotonicCurve.h | |
► Integration | |
GaussLegendre.cpp | |
GaussLegendre.h | |
GaussLegendrePyramid.cpp | |
GaussLegendrePyramid.h | |
GaussLegendreTet.cpp | |
GaussLegendreTet.h | |
GaussLegendreTri.cpp | |
GaussLegendreTri.h | |
WeightedSum.h | |
► InterpolationAlgorithms | |
LinearIntervalInterpolation.h | Definition of the LinearIntervalInterpolation class |
PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.cpp | Implementation of the PiecewiseLinearInterpolation class |
PiecewiseLinearInterpolation.h | Definition of the PiecewiseLinearInterpolation class |
► LinAlg | |
► Eigen | |
EigenLinearSolver.cpp | |
EigenLinearSolver.h | |
EigenMapTools.h | |
EigenMatrix.cpp | |
EigenMatrix.h | |
EigenOption.cpp | |
EigenOption.h | |
EigenTools.cpp | |
EigenTools.h | |
EigenVector.cpp | |
EigenVector.h | |
LinearSolverOptionsParser.cpp | |
LinearSolverOptionsParser.h | |
► EigenLis | |
EigenLisLinearSolver.cpp | |
EigenLisLinearSolver.h | |
LinearSolverOptionsParser.cpp | |
LinearSolverOptionsParser.h | |
► Lis | |
LisCheck.h | |
LisMatrix.cpp | Implementation of the LisMatrix class |
LisMatrix.h | Definition of the LisMatrix class |
LisVector.cpp | Implementation of the LisVector class |
LisVector.h | Definition of the LisVector class |
► PETSc | |
LinearSolverOptionsParser.cpp | |
LinearSolverOptionsParser.h | |
PETScLinearSolver.cpp | Definition of class PETScLinearSolver, which defines a solver object based on PETSc routines |
PETScLinearSolver.h | Declaration of class PETScLinearSolver, which defines a solver object based on PETSc routines |
PETScMatrix.cpp | Definition of member functions of class PETScMatrix, which provides an interface to PETSc matrix routines |
PETScMatrix.h | Declaration of class PETScMatrix, which provides an interface to PETSc matrix routines |
PETScMatrixOption.h | Define data for the configuration of PETSc matrix and linear solver |
PETScTools.cpp | Definition of a function related to PETSc solver interface to assign the Dirichlet boundary conditions |
PETScTools.h | Declaration of a function related to PETSc solver interface to assign the Dirichlet boundary conditions |
PETScVector.cpp | Definition of member functions of class PETScVector, which provides an interface to PETSc vector routines |
PETScVector.h | Declaration of class PETScVector, which provides an interface to PETSc vector routines |
ApplyKnownSolution.h | |
FinalizeMatrixAssembly.h | |
FinalizeVectorAssembly.h | |
GlobalLinearSolverType.h | |
GlobalMatrixVectorTypes.h | |
LinAlg.cpp | |
LinAlg.h | |
LinAlgEnums.cpp | |
LinAlgEnums.h | |
LinearSolverBehaviour.h | |
LinearSolverOptions.cpp | |
LinearSolverOptions.h | |
LinearSolverOptionsParser.h | |
MatrixSpecifications.h | |
MatrixVectorTraits.cpp | |
MatrixVectorTraits.h | |
RowColumnIndices.h | |
SetMatrixSparsity.h | |
SparsityPattern.h | |
UnifiedMatrixSetters.cpp | |
UnifiedMatrixSetters.h | |
► Nonlinear | |
CubicRoots.h | |
Root1D.h | |
► ODE | |
ConcreteODESolver.h | |
CVodeSolver.cpp | |
CVodeSolver.h | |
FunctionHandles.h | |
ODESolver.h | |
ODESolverBuilder.h | |
ODESolverTypes.h | |
EigenBlockMatrixView.h | |
FormattingUtils.cpp | |
FormattingUtils.h | |
GeometricBasics.cpp | |
GeometricBasics.h | |
KahanSum.h | |
KelvinVector-impl.h | |
KelvinVector.cpp | |
KelvinVector.h | |
MathTools.cpp | |
MathTools.h | |
Point3d.cpp | |
Point3d.h | Definition of the Point3d class |
Point3dWithID.h | Definition of the Point3d class |
VectorizedTensor.cpp | |
VectorizedTensor.h | |
WeightedPoint.cpp | |
WeightedPoint.h | |
► MeshGeoToolsLib | |
► MeshEditing | |
MarkNodesOutsideOfPolygon.h | |
ResetMeshElementProperty.h | |
AppendLinesAlongPolyline.cpp | |
AppendLinesAlongPolyline.h | |
BoundaryElementsAlongPolyline.cpp | |
BoundaryElementsAlongPolyline.h | |
BoundaryElementsAtPoint.cpp | |
BoundaryElementsAtPoint.h | |
BoundaryElementsOnSurface.cpp | |
BoundaryElementsOnSurface.h | |
BoundaryElementsSearcher.cpp | |
BoundaryElementsSearcher.h | |
ConstructMeshesFromGeometries.cpp | |
ConstructMeshesFromGeometries.h | |
CreateSearchLength.cpp | |
CreateSearchLength.h | Functionality to build different search length algorithm objects from given config |
GeoMapper.cpp | Implementation of the GeoMapper class |
GeoMapper.h | Definition of the GeoMapper class |
HeuristicSearchLength.cpp | Implementation of heuristic search length strategy |
HeuristicSearchLength.h | Interface for heuristic search length strategy |
IdentifySubdomainMesh.cpp | |
IdentifySubdomainMesh.h | |
MeshNodesAlongPolyline.cpp | |
MeshNodesAlongPolyline.h | |
MeshNodesAlongSurface.cpp | |
MeshNodesAlongSurface.h | |
MeshNodeSearcher.cpp | |
MeshNodeSearcher.h | |
MeshNodesOnPoint.cpp | |
MeshNodesOnPoint.h | |
SearchAllNodes.h | |
SearchLength.h | Base class for different search length strategies |
► MeshLib | |
► Elements | |
CellRule.cpp | |
CellRule.h | |
EdgeReturn.cpp | |
EdgeReturn.h | |
EdgeRule.h | |
Element.cpp | Implementation of the Element class |
Element.h | Definition of the Element class |
ElementErrorCode.h | Definition of ElementErrorCodes |
Elements.h | |
FaceRule.cpp | |
FaceRule.h | |
Hex.h | Definition of the Hex class |
HexRule.cpp | |
HexRule.h | |
HexRule20.cpp | |
HexRule20.h | |
HexRule8.cpp | |
HexRule8.h | |
Line.h | Definition of the Line class |
LineRule.cpp | |
LineRule.h | |
LineRule2.cpp | |
LineRule2.h | |
LineRule3.cpp | |
LineRule3.h | |
MapBulkElementPoint.cpp | |
MapBulkElementPoint.h | |
Point.h | |
PointRule1.cpp | |
PointRule1.h | |
Prism.h | Definition of the Prism class |
PrismRule.cpp | |
PrismRule.h | |
PrismRule15.cpp | |
PrismRule15.h | |
PrismRule6.cpp | |
PrismRule6.h | |
Pyramid.h | Definition of the Pyramid class |
PyramidRule.cpp | |
PyramidRule.h | |
PyramidRule13.cpp | |
PyramidRule13.h | |
PyramidRule5.cpp | |
PyramidRule5.h | |
Quad.h | Definition of the Quad class |
QuadRule.cpp | |
QuadRule.h | |
QuadRule4.cpp | |
QuadRule4.h | |
QuadRule8.cpp | |
QuadRule8.h | |
QuadRule9.cpp | |
QuadRule9.h | |
TemplateElement-impl.h | |
TemplateElement.cpp | |
TemplateElement.h | |
Tet.h | Definition of the Tet class |
TetRule.cpp | |
TetRule.h | |
TetRule10.cpp | |
TetRule10.h | |
TetRule4.cpp | |
TetRule4.h | |
Tri.h | Definition of the Tri class |
TriRule.cpp | |
TriRule.h | |
TriRule3.cpp | |
TriRule3.h | |
TriRule6.cpp | |
TriRule6.h | |
Utils.h | |
VertexRule.h | |
► IO | |
► Legacy | |
MeshIO.cpp | Implementation of the MeshIO class |
MeshIO.h | Definition of the MeshIO class |
► MPI_IO | |
NodePartitionedMeshReader.cpp | Define members of class NodePartitionedMeshReader to read node-wise partitioned mesh with MPI functions |
NodePartitionedMeshReader.h | Declare a class to read node-wise partitioned mesh with MPI functions |
PropertyVectorMetaData.h | |
► VtkIO | |
PVDFile.cpp | |
PVDFile.h | |
VtkMeshConverter.cpp | Implementation of the VtkMeshConverter class |
VtkMeshConverter.h | Definition of the VtkMeshConverter class |
VtuInterface-impl.h | Implementation of the VtuInterface class |
VtuInterface.cpp | Implementation of the VtuInterface class |
VtuInterface.h | Implementation of the VtuInterface class |
► XDMF | |
► mpi | |
fileIO.cpp | Function specific to execution with MPI, never include directly!! |
getCommunicator.cpp | Function specific to execution with MPI, never include directly!! |
getCommunicator.h | Assigns to each MPI communicator an output file name by attribute color There are multiple implementation to this interface! |
partition.cpp | Function specific to execution with MPI!! |
► posix | |
fileIO.cpp | Function specific to execution without MPI |
partition.cpp | |
fileIO.h | Dispatches HDF5 functions specific to execution platform (w/o MPI). There are multiple implementation to this interface! |
HdfData.cpp | |
HdfData.h | Collects and holds all metadata for writing HDF5 file |
HdfWriter.cpp | |
HdfWriter.h | Writes vectorized data to HDF File |
MeshPropertyDataType.cpp | Enum ParentDataType to string translations |
MeshPropertyDataType.h | Enum for all propertyVector data types and XDMF ParentDataTypes |
partition.h | Dispatches functions specific to execution platform (w/o MPI) |
transformData.cpp | |
transformData.h | Transforms OGS Mesh into vectorized data |
writeXdmf.cpp | |
writeXdmf.h | Write_xdmf generates a function based on spatial mesh data. The generated function finally generates an XDMF string when temporal data is known |
XdmfData.cpp | |
XdmfData.h | Collects and holds all metadata for writing XDMF file |
XdmfHdfData.h | Holds all data for the combined writing of xdmf and hdf5 file |
XdmfHdfWriter.cpp | |
XdmfHdfWriter.h | XdmfWriter which create contiguous data for geometry and topology and writes this and all attributes to 1 xdmf + 1 hdf file |
XdmfWriter.cpp | |
XdmfWriter.h | Collects and holds all metadata for writing XDMF file |
NodeData.h | |
readMeshFromFile.cpp | Implementation of readMeshFromFile function |
readMeshFromFile.h | Definition of readMeshFromFile function |
writeMeshToFile.cpp | |
writeMeshToFile.h | |
► MeshSearch | |
ElementSearch.cpp | |
ElementSearch.h | |
MeshElementGrid.cpp | |
MeshElementGrid.h | |
NodeSearch.cpp | |
NodeSearch.h | |
► Utils | |
addPropertyToMesh.h | |
createMaterialIDsBasedSubMesh.cpp | Implementation of the Mesh class |
createMaterialIDsBasedSubMesh.h | |
createMeshFromElementSelection.cpp | |
createMeshFromElementSelection.h | |
DuplicateMeshComponents.cpp | Implementation of Duplicate functions |
DuplicateMeshComponents.h | Definition of Duplicate functions |
GetElementRotationMatrices.cpp | |
GetElementRotationMatrices.h | |
getMaxiumElementEdgeLengths.cpp | |
getMaxiumElementEdgeLengths.h | |
getMeshElementsForMaterialIDs.cpp | |
getMeshElementsForMaterialIDs.h | |
getOrCreateMeshProperty.h | |
GetSpaceDimension.cpp | |
GetSpaceDimension.h | |
IntegrationPointWriter.cpp | |
IntegrationPointWriter.h | |
Is2DMeshOnRotatedVerticalPlane.cpp | |
Is2DMeshOnRotatedVerticalPlane.h | |
scaleMeshPropertyVector.cpp | |
scaleMeshPropertyVector.h | |
SetMeshSpaceDimension.cpp | |
SetMeshSpaceDimension.h | |
transformMeshToNodePartitionedMesh.cpp | |
transformMeshToNodePartitionedMesh.h | |
► Vtk | |
VtkMappedMeshSource.cpp | Implementation of the VtkMappedMeshSource class |
VtkMappedMeshSource.h | VtkMappedMeshSource is a source class to transform OGS meshes into complete vtkUnstructuredGrids. Usage: |
VtkMeshNodalCoordinatesTemplate-impl.h | Definition of the VtkMeshNodalCoordinatesTemplate class |
VtkMeshNodalCoordinatesTemplate.h | VtkMeshNodalCoordinatesTemplate is a adapter for node coordinates of OGS meshes to VTK unstructured grids |
CoordinateSystem.cpp | |
CoordinateSystem.h | |
ElementCoordinatesMappingLocal.cpp | |
ElementCoordinatesMappingLocal.h | |
ElementStatus.cpp | Implementation of the ElementStatus class |
ElementStatus.h | Definition of the ElementStatus class |
findElementsWithinRadius.cpp | |
findElementsWithinRadius.h | |
Location.cpp | |
Location.h | |
Mesh.cpp | Implementation of the Mesh class |
Mesh.h | Definition of the Mesh class |
MeshEnums.cpp | Implementation of mesh-related enumerations |
MeshEnums.h | Definition of mesh-related Enumerations |
MeshSubset.h | |
Node.cpp | Implementation of the Node class |
Node.h | Definition of the Node class |
NodeAdjacencyTable.h | |
NodePartitionedMesh.cpp | |
NodePartitionedMesh.h | Definition of mesh class for partitioned mesh (by node) for parallel computing within the framework of domain decomposition (DDC) |
Properties-impl.h | Implemenatiom of the template part of the class Properties |
Properties.cpp | Implementation of the class Properties that implements a container of properties |
Properties.h | Definition of the class Properties that implements a container of properties |
PropertyVector.h | |
VtkOGSEnum.cpp | |
VtkOGSEnum.h | |
► MeshToolsLib | |
► MeshEditing | |
AddLayerToMesh.cpp | Implementation of AddLayerToMesh class |
AddLayerToMesh.h | Definition of AddLayerToMesh class |
ConvertToLinearMesh.cpp | |
ConvertToLinearMesh.h | |
ElementValueModification.cpp | Implementation of the ElementValueModification class |
ElementValueModification.h | Definition of the ElementValueModification class |
FlipElements.cpp | |
FlipElements.h | |
Mesh2MeshPropertyInterpolation.cpp | Implementation of the Mesh2MeshPropertyInterpolation class |
Mesh2MeshPropertyInterpolation.h | Implementation of the Mesh2MeshPropertyInterpolation class |
MeshRevision.cpp | Implementation of the MeshRevision class |
MeshRevision.h | Definition of the MeshRevision class |
moveMeshNodes.h | Functionality to move mesh nodes using a given displacement vec |
ProjectPointOnMesh.cpp | |
ProjectPointOnMesh.h | |
RasterDataToMesh.cpp | |
RasterDataToMesh.h | |
RemoveMeshComponents.cpp | |
RemoveMeshComponents.h | |
► MeshGenerators | |
AddFaultToVoxelGrid.cpp | |
AddFaultToVoxelGrid.h | |
LayeredMeshGenerator.cpp | Implementation of the SubsurfaceMapper class |
LayeredMeshGenerator.h | Definition of the SubsurfaceMapper class |
LayeredVolume.cpp | Implementation of the LayeredVolume class |
LayeredVolume.h | Definition of the LayeredVolume class |
MeshGenerator.cpp | |
MeshGenerator.h | |
MeshLayerMapper.cpp | Implementation of the MeshLayerMapper class |
MeshLayerMapper.h | Definition of the MeshLayerMapper class |
QuadraticMeshGenerator.cpp | |
QuadraticMeshGenerator.h | |
RasterToMesh.cpp | |
RasterToMesh.h | |
VoxelGridFromLayeredMeshes.cpp | |
VoxelGridFromLayeredMeshes.h | |
VoxelGridFromMesh.cpp | |
VoxelGridFromMesh.h | |
► MeshQuality | |
AngleSkewMetric.cpp | Implementation of the AngleSkewMetric class |
AngleSkewMetric.h | Definition of the AngleSkewMetric class |
EdgeRatioMetric.cpp | Implementation of the EdgeRatioMetric class |
EdgeRatioMetric.h | Definition of the EdgeRatioMetric class |
ElementQualityInterface.h | Definition of the ElementQualityInterface class |
ElementQualityMetric.cpp | Implementation of the ElementQualityMetricBase class |
ElementQualityMetric.h | Definition of the ElementQualityMetricBase class |
ElementSizeMetric.cpp | Implementation of the ElementSizeMetric class |
ElementSizeMetric.h | Implementation of the AreaMetric class |
MeshValidation.cpp | Implementation of the MeshValidation class |
MeshValidation.h | Definition of the MeshValidation class |
RadiusEdgeRatioMetric.cpp | Implementation of the RadiusEdgeRadioMetric class |
RadiusEdgeRatioMetric.h | Definition of the RadiusEdgeRatioMetric class |
SizeDifferenceMetric.cpp | Implementation of the SizeDifferenceMetric class |
SizeDifferenceMetric.h | Definition of the SizeDifferenceMetric class |
ComputeElementVolumeNumerically.cpp | |
ComputeElementVolumeNumerically.h | |
convertMeshToGeo.cpp | Implementation of of mesh to geometry conversion |
convertMeshToGeo.h | Definition of mesh to geometry conversion |
IntegrationPointDataTools.cpp | |
IntegrationPointDataTools.h | |
MeshInformation.cpp | Implementation of the MeshInformation class |
MeshInformation.h | Definition of the MeshInformation class |
MeshSurfaceExtraction.cpp | Implementation of the MeshSurfaceExtraction class |
MeshSurfaceExtraction.h | Definition of the MeshSurfaceExtraction class |
ZeroMeshFieldDataByMaterialIDs.cpp | |
ZeroMeshFieldDataByMaterialIDs.h | |
► NumLib | |
► Assembler | |
SerialExecutor.h | |
► DOF | |
ComponentGlobalIndexDict.h | |
ComputeSparsityPattern.cpp | |
ComputeSparsityPattern.h | |
DOFTableUtil.cpp | |
DOFTableUtil.h | |
GlobalMatrixProviders.cpp | |
GlobalMatrixProviders.h | |
LocalDOF.h | |
LocalToGlobalIndexMap.cpp | |
LocalToGlobalIndexMap.h | |
MatrixProvider.h | |
MeshComponentMap.cpp | |
MeshComponentMap.h | |
SimpleMatrixVectorProvider.cpp | |
SimpleMatrixVectorProvider.h | |
VectorProvider.h | |
► Extrapolation | |
ExtrapolatableElement.h | |
ExtrapolatableElementCollection.h | |
Extrapolator.h | |
LocalLinearLeastSquaresExtrapolator.cpp | |
LocalLinearLeastSquaresExtrapolator.h | |
► Fem | |
► CoordinatesMapping | |
NaturalCoordinatesMapping.cpp | |
NaturalCoordinatesMapping.h | |
NaturalNodeCoordinates.cpp | |
NaturalNodeCoordinates.h | |
ShapeMatrices-impl.h | |
ShapeMatrices.h | |
► FiniteElement | |
C0IsoparametricElements.h | |
ElementTraitsLagrange.h | |
LowerDimShapeTable.h | |
TemplateIsoparametric.h | |
► Integration | |
GaussLegendreIntegrationPolicy.h | |
GenericIntegrationMethod.h | |
IntegrationGaussLegendrePrism.cpp | |
IntegrationGaussLegendrePrism.h | |
IntegrationGaussLegendrePyramid.h | |
IntegrationGaussLegendreRegular-impl.h | |
IntegrationGaussLegendreRegular.h | |
IntegrationGaussLegendreTet.h | |
IntegrationGaussLegendreTri.h | |
IntegrationMethodProvider.h | |
IntegrationMethodRegistry.cpp | |
IntegrationMethodRegistry.h | |
IntegrationPoint.h | |
► ShapeFunction | |
ShapeHex20-impl.h | |
ShapeHex20.h | |
ShapeHex8-impl.h | |
ShapeHex8.h | |
ShapeLine2-impl.h | |
ShapeLine2.h | |
ShapeLine3-impl.h | |
ShapeLine3.h | |
ShapePoint1-impl.h | |
ShapePoint1.h | |
ShapePrism15-impl.h | |
ShapePrism15.h | |
ShapePrism6-impl.h | |
ShapePrism6.h | |
ShapePyra13-impl.h | |
ShapePyra13.h | |
ShapePyra5-impl.h | |
ShapePyra5.h | |
ShapeQuad4-impl.h | |
ShapeQuad4.h | |
ShapeQuad8-impl.h | |
ShapeQuad8.h | |
ShapeQuad9-impl.h | |
ShapeQuad9.h | |
ShapeStaticConsts.cpp | |
ShapeTet10-impl.h | |
ShapeTet10.h | |
ShapeTet4-impl.h | |
ShapeTet4.h | |
ShapeTri3-impl.h | |
ShapeTri3.h | |
ShapeTri6-impl.h | |
ShapeTri6.h | |
AverageGradShapeFunction.h | |
InitShapeMatrices.h | |
Interpolation.h | |
ReferenceElement.h | |
ShapeMatrixCache.cpp | |
ShapeMatrixCache.h | |
ShapeMatrixPolicy.h | |
► NumericalStability | |
AdvectionMatrixAssembler.h | |
CreateNumericalStabilization.cpp | |
CreateNumericalStabilization.h | |
FluxCorrectedTransport.h | |
HydrodynamicDispersion.h | |
NumericalStabilization.cpp | |
NumericalStabilization.h | |
► ODESolver | |
ConvergenceCriterion.cpp | |
ConvergenceCriterion.h | |
ConvergenceCriterionDeltaX.cpp | |
ConvergenceCriterionDeltaX.h | |
ConvergenceCriterionPerComponent.h | |
ConvergenceCriterionPerComponentDeltaX.cpp | |
ConvergenceCriterionPerComponentDeltaX.h | |
ConvergenceCriterionPerComponentResidual.cpp | |
ConvergenceCriterionPerComponentResidual.h | |
ConvergenceCriterionResidual.cpp | |
ConvergenceCriterionResidual.h | |
EquationSystem.h | |
MatrixTranslator.cpp | |
MatrixTranslator.h | |
NonlinearSolver.cpp | |
NonlinearSolver.h | |
NonlinearSolverStatus.h | |
NonlinearSystem.h | |
ODESystem.h | |
PETScNonlinearSolver.cpp | |
PETScNonlinearSolver.h | |
TimeDiscretization.cpp | |
TimeDiscretization.h | |
TimeDiscretizationBuilder.cpp | |
TimeDiscretizationBuilder.h | |
TimeDiscretizedODESystem.cpp | |
TimeDiscretizedODESystem.h | |
Types.h | |
► StaggeredCoupling | |
CreateStaggeredCoupling-impl.h | |
CreateStaggeredCoupling.cpp | |
CreateStaggeredCoupling.h | |
StaggeredCoupling-impl.h | |
StaggeredCoupling.cpp | |
StaggeredCoupling.h | |
► TimeStepping | |
► Algorithms | |
CreateEvolutionaryPIDcontroller.cpp | |
CreateEvolutionaryPIDcontroller.h | |
CreateFixedTimeStepping.cpp | |
CreateFixedTimeStepping.h | |
CreateIterationNumberBasedTimeStepping.cpp | |
CreateIterationNumberBasedTimeStepping.h | |
EvolutionaryPIDcontroller.cpp | |
EvolutionaryPIDcontroller.h | |
FixedTimeStepping.cpp | |
FixedTimeStepping.h | |
IterationNumberBasedTimeStepping.cpp | |
IterationNumberBasedTimeStepping.h | |
TimeStepAlgorithm.cpp | |
TimeStepAlgorithm.h | |
CreateTimeStepper.cpp | |
CreateTimeStepper.h | |
Time.h | |
TimeIncrement.h | |
TimeStep.h | |
CreateNewtonRaphsonSolverParameters.cpp | |
CreateNewtonRaphsonSolverParameters.h | |
Exceptions.h | |
IndexValueVector.h | |
NewtonRaphson.h | |
NumericalDifferentiation.h | |
NumericsConfig.h | |
► ParameterLib | |
ConstantParameter.cpp | |
ConstantParameter.h | |
CoordinateSystem.cpp | |
CoordinateSystem.h | |
CreateCoordinateSystem.cpp | |
CreateCoordinateSystem.h | |
CurveScaledParameter.cpp | |
CurveScaledParameter.h | |
FunctionParameter.cpp | |
FunctionParameter.h | |
GroupBasedParameter.cpp | |
GroupBasedParameter.h | |
MeshElementParameter.cpp | |
MeshElementParameter.h | |
MeshNodeParameter.cpp | |
MeshNodeParameter.h | |
Parameter.cpp | |
Parameter.h | |
RandomFieldMeshElementParameter.cpp | |
RandomFieldMeshElementParameter.h | |
RasterParameter.cpp | |
RasterParameter.h | |
SpatialPosition.h | |
TimeDependentHeterogeneousParameter.cpp | |
TimeDependentHeterogeneousParameter.h | |
Utils.cpp | |
Utils.h | |
► ProcessLib | |
► Assembly | |
AssembledMatrixCache.cpp | |
AssembledMatrixCache.h | |
MatrixAssemblyStats.h | |
MatrixElementCache.h | |
MatrixOutput.cpp | |
MatrixOutput.h | |
ParallelVectorMatrixAssembler.cpp | |
ParallelVectorMatrixAssembler.h | |
► BoundaryConditionAndSourceTerm | |
► Python | |
► Utils | |
BcAndStLocalAssemblerImpl.h | |
BcOrStData.h | |
CollectAndInterpolateNodalDof.cpp | |
CollectAndInterpolateNodalDof.h | |
CreateLocalAssemblers.h | |
LocalAssemblerFactoryPython.h | |
NsAndWeight.h | |
BHEInflowPythonBoundaryCondition.h | |
BHEInflowPythonBoundaryConditionModule.cpp | |
BHEInflowPythonBoundaryConditionModule.h | |
BHEInflowPythonBoundaryConditionPythonSideInterface.h | |
CreatePythonSourceTerm.cpp | |
CreatePythonSourceTerm.h | |
FlushStdoutGuard.h | |
PythonBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
PythonBoundaryCondition.h | |
PythonBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
PythonBoundaryConditionLocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
PythonBoundaryConditionModule.cpp | |
PythonBoundaryConditionModule.h | |
PythonBoundaryConditionPythonSideInterface.h | |
PythonSourceTerm.cpp | |
PythonSourceTerm.h | |
PythonSourceTermLocalAssembler.h | |
PythonSourceTermLocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
PythonSourceTermModule.cpp | |
PythonSourceTermModule.h | |
PythonSourceTermPythonSideInterface.h | |
► Utils | |
CreateLocalAssemblers.h | |
LocalAssemblerFactory.h | |
AnchorTerm.cpp | |
AnchorTerm.h | |
BoundaryCondition.h | |
BoundaryConditionCollection.cpp | |
BoundaryConditionCollection.h | |
BoundaryConditionConfig.h | |
ConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
ConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition.h | |
ConstraintDirichletBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
CreateAnchorTerm.cpp | |
CreateAnchorTerm.h | |
CreateBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
CreateBoundaryCondition.h | |
CreateDirichletBoundaryConditionWithinTimeInterval.cpp | |
CreateDirichletBoundaryConditionWithinTimeInterval.h | |
CreateNodalSourceTerm.cpp | |
CreateNodalSourceTerm.h | |
CreateSourceTerm.cpp | |
CreateSourceTerm.h | |
CreateVolumetricSourceTerm.cpp | |
CreateVolumetricSourceTerm.h | |
DeactivatedSubdomainDirichlet.cpp | |
DeactivatedSubdomainDirichlet.h | |
DirichletBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
DirichletBoundaryCondition.h | |
DirichletBoundaryConditionAuxiliaryFunctions.cpp | |
DirichletBoundaryConditionAuxiliaryFunctions.h | Defines functions that are shared by DirichletBoundaryCondition and DirichletBoundaryConditionWithinTimeInterval, which avoid the way of inheritance for reducing source code duplication |
DirichletBoundaryConditionWithinTimeInterval.cpp | |
DirichletBoundaryConditionWithinTimeInterval.h | |
GenericNaturalBoundaryCondition-impl.h | |
GenericNaturalBoundaryCondition.h | |
GenericNaturalBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
HCNonAdvectiveFreeComponentFlowBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
HCNonAdvectiveFreeComponentFlowBoundaryCondition.h | |
HCNonAdvectiveFreeComponentFlowBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
NeumannBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
NeumannBoundaryCondition.h | |
NeumannBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
NodalSourceTerm.cpp | |
NodalSourceTerm.h | |
NormalTractionBoundaryCondition-impl.h | |
NormalTractionBoundaryCondition.h | |
NormalTractionBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
PhaseFieldIrreversibleDamageOracleBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
PhaseFieldIrreversibleDamageOracleBoundaryCondition.h | |
PrimaryVariableConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
PrimaryVariableConstraintDirichletBoundaryCondition.h | |
RobinBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
RobinBoundaryCondition.h | |
RobinBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
SolutionDependentDirichletBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
SolutionDependentDirichletBoundaryCondition.h | |
SourceTerm.h | |
SourceTermCollection.cpp | |
SourceTermCollection.h | |
SourceTermConfig.h | |
SourceTermIntegrationPointData.h | |
VariableDependentNeumannBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
VariableDependentNeumannBoundaryCondition.h | |
VariableDependentNeumannBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
VolumetricSourceTerm.cpp | |
VolumetricSourceTerm.h | |
VolumetricSourceTermFEM.h | |
WellboreCompensateNeumannBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
WellboreCompensateNeumannBoundaryCondition.h | |
WellboreCompensateNeumannBoundaryConditionLocalAssembler.h | |
► Common | |
► HydroMechanics | |
CreateInitialStress.cpp | |
CreateInitialStress.h | |
InitialStress.h | |
► ComponentTransport | |
ComponentTransportFEM.h | |
ComponentTransportProcess.cpp | |
ComponentTransportProcess.h | |
ComponentTransportProcessData.h | |
CreateComponentTransportProcess.cpp | |
CreateComponentTransportProcess.h | |
CreateLookupTable.cpp | |
CreateLookupTable.h | |
LookupTable.cpp | |
LookupTable.h | |
► ConstitutiveRelations | |
Base.h | |
StrainData.h | |
StressData.h | |
► Deformation | |
BMatrixPolicy.h | |
GMatrix.h | |
GMatrixPolicy.h | |
LinearBMatrix.h | |
NonLinearBMatrix.h | |
NonLinearFbar.cpp | |
NonLinearFbar.h | |
SolidMaterialInternalToSecondaryVariables.h | |
► Graph | |
Apply.h | |
CheckEvalOrderRT.h | |
ConstructModels.h | |
Get.h | |
► HeatConduction | |
CreateHeatConductionProcess.cpp | |
CreateHeatConductionProcess.h | |
HeatConductionFEM.h | |
HeatConductionProcess.cpp | |
HeatConductionProcess.h | |
HeatConductionProcessData.h | |
► HeatTransportBHE | |
► BHE | |
BHE_1P.cpp | |
BHE_1P.h | |
BHE_1U.cpp | |
BHE_1U.h | |
BHE_2U.cpp | |
BHE_2U.h | |
BHE_CXA.h | |
BHE_CXC.h | |
BHECommon.h | |
BHECommonCoaxial.cpp | |
BHECommonCoaxial.h | |
BHECommonUType.h | |
BHETypes.h | |
BoreholeGeometry.cpp | |
BoreholeGeometry.h | |
BuildingPowerCurves.h | |
CreateBHE1PType.cpp | |
CreateBHE1PType.h | |
CreateBHECoaxial.cpp | |
CreateBHECoaxial.h | |
CreateBHEUType.cpp | |
CreateBHEUType.h | |
CreateFlowAndTemperatureControl.cpp | |
CreateFlowAndTemperatureControl.h | |
FlowAndTemperatureControl.h | |
GroutParameters.cpp | |
GroutParameters.h | |
MeshUtils.cpp | |
MeshUtils.h | |
Physics.h | |
Pipe.cpp | |
Pipe.h | |
PipeConfiguration1PType.h | |
PipeConfigurationCoaxial.h | |
PipeConfigurationUType.h | |
RefrigerantProperties.cpp | |
RefrigerantProperties.h | |
ThermalResistancesCoaxial.h | |
ThermoMechanicalFlowProperties.h | |
► BoundaryConditions | |
BHEBottomDirichletBoundaryCondition.cpp | |
BHEBottomDirichletBoundaryCondition.h | |
BHEInflowDirichletBoundaryCondition.h | |
► LocalAssemblers | |
CreateLocalAssemblers.h | |
HeatTransportBHELocalAssemblerBHE-impl.h | |
HeatTransportBHELocalAssemblerBHE.h | |
HeatTransportBHELocalAssemblerSoil-impl.h | |
HeatTransportBHELocalAssemblerSoil.h | |
HeatTransportBHEProcessAssemblerInterface.h | |
IntegrationPointDataBHE.h | |
IntegrationPointDataSoil.h | |
LocalDataInitializer.h | |
SecondaryData.h | |
CreateHeatTransportBHEProcess.cpp | |
CreateHeatTransportBHEProcess.h | |
HeatTransportBHEProcess.cpp | |
HeatTransportBHEProcess.h | |
HeatTransportBHEProcessData.h | |
► HMPhaseField | |
CreateHMPhaseFieldProcess.cpp | |
CreateHMPhaseFieldProcess.h | |
HMPhaseFieldFEM-impl.h | |
HMPhaseFieldFEM.h | |
HMPhaseFieldProcess.cpp | |
HMPhaseFieldProcess.h | |
HMPhaseFieldProcessData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
► HT | |
CreateHTProcess.cpp | |
CreateHTProcess.h | |
HTFEM.h | |
HTLocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
HTProcess.cpp | |
HTProcess.h | |
HTProcessData.h | |
MonolithicHTFEM.h | |
StaggeredHTFEM-impl.h | |
StaggeredHTFEM.h | |
► HydroMechanics | |
CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.h | |
HydroMechanicsFEM-impl.h | |
HydroMechanicsFEM.h | |
HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
HydroMechanicsProcess.h | |
HydroMechanicsProcessData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
► LargeDeformation | |
► ConstitutiveRelations | |
Base.h | |
ConstitutiveData.h | |
ConstitutiveModels.h | |
ConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
ConstitutiveSetting.h | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.h | |
Gravity.cpp | |
Gravity.h | |
Invoke.h | |
MaterialState.h | |
SolidDensity.cpp | |
SolidDensity.h | |
SolidMechanics.cpp | |
SolidMechanics.h | |
CreateLargeDeformationProcess.cpp | |
CreateLargeDeformationProcess.h | |
CreateLocalAssemblers.h | |
IntegrationPointData.h | |
LargeDeformationFEM.h | |
LargeDeformationProcess.cpp | |
LargeDeformationProcess.h | |
LargeDeformationProcessData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
► LIE | |
► Common | |
BranchProperty.h | |
FractureProperty.h | |
HMatrixUtils.h | |
JunctionProperty.h | |
LevelSetFunction.cpp | |
LevelSetFunction.h | |
MeshUtils.cpp | |
MeshUtils.h | |
PostUtils.cpp | |
PostUtils.h | |
Utils.h | |
► HydroMechanics | |
► LocalAssembler | |
CreateLocalAssemblers.h | |
HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerFracture-impl.h | |
HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerFracture.h | |
HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerMatrix-impl.h | |
HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerMatrix.h | |
HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerMatrixNearFracture-impl.h | |
HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerMatrixNearFracture.h | |
IntegrationPointDataFracture.h | |
IntegrationPointDataMatrix.h | |
LocalDataInitializer.h | |
CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.h | |
HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
HydroMechanicsProcess.h | |
HydroMechanicsProcessData.h | |
► SmallDeformation | |
► LocalAssembler | |
CreateLocalAssemblers.h | |
IntegrationPointDataFracture.h | |
IntegrationPointDataMatrix.h | |
LocalDataInitializer.h | |
SecondaryData.h | |
SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerFracture-impl.h | |
SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerFracture.h | |
SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerMatrix-impl.h | |
SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerMatrix.h | |
SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerMatrixNearFracture-impl.h | |
SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerMatrixNearFracture.h | |
CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp | |
CreateSmallDeformationProcess.h | |
SmallDeformationProcess.cpp | |
SmallDeformationProcess.h | |
SmallDeformationProcessData.h | |
► LiquidFlow | |
CreateLiquidFlowProcess.cpp | |
CreateLiquidFlowProcess.h | |
LiquidFlowData.h | |
LiquidFlowLocalAssembler-impl.h | |
LiquidFlowLocalAssembler.h | |
LiquidFlowProcess.cpp | |
LiquidFlowProcess.h | |
► Output | |
AddProcessDataToMesh.cpp | |
AddProcessDataToMesh.h | |
CellAverageAlgorithm.h | |
CellAverageData.cpp | |
CellAverageData.h | |
CreateOutput.cpp | |
CreateOutput.h | |
CreateOutputConfig.cpp | |
CreateOutputConfig.h | |
CreateSecondaryVariables.cpp | |
CreateSecondaryVariables.h | |
ExtrapolatorData.h | |
Output.cpp | |
Output.h | |
OutputConfig.h | |
OutputDataSpecification.cpp | |
OutputDataSpecification.h | |
OutputFormat.cpp | |
OutputFormat.h | |
ProcessOutputData.cpp | |
ProcessOutputData.h | |
SecondaryVariable.cpp | |
SecondaryVariable.h | |
SubmeshResiduumOutputConfig.cpp | |
SubmeshResiduumOutputConfig.h | |
► PhaseField | |
CreatePhaseFieldProcess.cpp | |
CreatePhaseFieldProcess.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
PhaseFieldFEM-impl.h | |
PhaseFieldFEM.h | |
PhaseFieldProcess.cpp | |
PhaseFieldProcess.h | |
PhaseFieldProcessData.h | |
► Reflection | |
ReflectionData.h | |
ReflectionForExtrapolation.h | |
ReflectionForIPWriters.h | |
ReflectionIPData.h | |
ReflectionSetIPData.h | |
► RichardsComponentTransport | |
CreateRichardsComponentTransportProcess.cpp | |
CreateRichardsComponentTransportProcess.h | |
RichardsComponentTransportFEM-impl.h | |
RichardsComponentTransportFEM.h | |
RichardsComponentTransportProcess.cpp | |
RichardsComponentTransportProcess.h | |
RichardsComponentTransportProcessData.h | |
► RichardsFlow | |
CreateRichardsFlowProcess.cpp | |
CreateRichardsFlowProcess.h | |
RichardsFlowFEM.h | |
RichardsFlowProcess.cpp | |
RichardsFlowProcess.h | |
RichardsFlowProcessData.h | |
► RichardsMechanics | |
► ConstitutiveRelations | |
Base.h | |
ConstitutiveData.h | |
ConstitutiveModels.h | |
ConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
ConstitutiveSetting.h | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.h | |
Density.h | |
DrySolidDensity.h | |
EffectivePorePressure.h | |
LiquidDensity.h | |
MicroPressure.h | |
MicroSaturation.h | |
SaturationSecantDerivative.h | |
StiffnessTensor.h | |
ComputeMicroPorosity.h | |
CreateRichardsMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
CreateRichardsMechanicsProcess.h | |
IntegrationPointData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
RichardsMechanicsFEM-impl.h | |
RichardsMechanicsFEM.h | |
RichardsMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
RichardsMechanicsProcess.h | |
RichardsMechanicsProcessData.h | |
► SmallDeformation | |
► ConstitutiveRelations | |
Base.h | |
ConstitutiveData.h | |
ConstitutiveModels.h | |
ConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
ConstitutiveSetting.h | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.h | |
FreeEnergyDensity.h | |
Gravity.cpp | |
Gravity.h | |
Invoke.h | |
MaterialState.h | |
SolidDensity.cpp | |
SolidDensity.h | |
SolidMechanics.cpp | |
SolidMechanics.h | |
CreateLocalAssemblers.h | |
CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp | |
CreateSmallDeformationProcess.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
MaterialForces.h | |
SmallDeformationFEM.h | |
SmallDeformationProcess.cpp | |
SmallDeformationProcess.h | |
SmallDeformationProcessData.h | |
► SmallDeformationNonlocal | |
CreateSmallDeformationNonlocalProcess.cpp | |
CreateSmallDeformationNonlocalProcess.h | |
Damage.h | |
IntegrationPointData.h | |
IntegrationPointDataNonlocalInterface.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
SmallDeformationNonlocalFEM.h | |
SmallDeformationNonlocalProcess.cpp | |
SmallDeformationNonlocalProcess.h | |
SmallDeformationNonlocalProcessData.h | |
► SteadyStateDiffusion | |
CreateSteadyStateDiffusion.cpp | |
CreateSteadyStateDiffusion.h | |
SteadyStateDiffusion.cpp | |
SteadyStateDiffusion.h | |
SteadyStateDiffusionData.h | |
SteadyStateDiffusionFEM.h | |
► StokesFlow | |
CreateStokesFlowProcess.cpp | |
CreateStokesFlowProcess.h | |
IntegrationPointData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
StokesFlowFEM.h | |
StokesFlowProcess.cpp | |
StokesFlowProcess.h | |
StokesFlowProcessData.h | |
► SurfaceFlux | |
SurfaceFlux.cpp | |
SurfaceFlux.h | |
SurfaceFluxData.cpp | |
SurfaceFluxData.h | |
SurfaceFluxLocalAssembler.h | |
► TES | |
CreateTESProcess.cpp | |
CreateTESProcess.h | |
TESAssemblyParams.h | |
TESLocalAssembler-impl.h | |
TESLocalAssembler.h | |
TESLocalAssemblerData.cpp | |
TESLocalAssemblerData.h | |
TESLocalAssemblerInner-fwd.h | |
TESLocalAssemblerInner-impl.h | |
TESLocalAssemblerInner.cpp | |
TESLocalAssemblerInner.h | |
TESOGS5MaterialModels.cpp | |
TESOGS5MaterialModels.h | |
TESProcess.cpp | |
TESProcess.h | |
TESReactionAdaptor.cpp | |
TESReactionAdaptor.h | |
► TH2M | |
► ConstitutiveRelations | |
Advection.cpp | |
Advection.h | |
Base.h | |
Biot.cpp | |
Biot.h | |
Bishops.cpp | |
Bishops.h | |
CEquation.cpp | |
CEquation.h | |
ConstitutiveData.h | |
ConstitutiveDensity.h | |
ConstitutiveModels.h | |
DarcyVelocity.cpp | |
DarcyVelocity.h | |
DiffusionVelocity.cpp | |
DiffusionVelocity.h | |
ElasticTangentStiffnessData.h | |
ElasticTangentStiffnessModel.cpp | |
ElasticTangentStiffnessModel.h | |
Enthalpy.cpp | |
Enthalpy.h | |
EquivalentPlasticStrainData.h | |
FluidDensity.h | |
Gravity.cpp | |
Gravity.h | |
InternalEnergy.cpp | |
InternalEnergy.h | |
MassMoleFractions.h | |
MaterialState.h | |
MechanicalStrain.cpp | |
MechanicalStrain.h | |
NoPhaseTransition.cpp | |
NoPhaseTransition.h | |
PermeabilityData.h | |
PermeabilityModel.cpp | |
PermeabilityModel.h | |
PhaseTransition.cpp | |
PhaseTransition.h | |
PhaseTransitionData.h | |
PhaseTransitionModel.h | |
Porosity.cpp | |
Porosity.h | |
PureLiquidDensity.h | |
Saturation.cpp | |
Saturation.h | |
SolidCompressibility.h | |
SolidDensity.cpp | |
SolidDensity.h | |
SolidHeatCapacity.cpp | |
SolidHeatCapacity.h | |
SolidMechanics.cpp | |
SolidMechanics.h | |
SolidThermalExpansion.cpp | |
SolidThermalExpansion.h | |
Swelling.cpp | |
Swelling.h | |
TEquation.cpp | |
TEquation.h | |
ThermalConductivity.cpp | |
ThermalConductivity.h | |
TotalStress.cpp | |
TotalStress.h | |
UEquation.cpp | |
UEquation.h | |
VapourPartialPressure.h | |
Viscosity.cpp | |
Viscosity.h | |
WEquation.cpp | |
WEquation.h | |
CreateTH2MLocalAssemblers.cpp | |
CreateTH2MLocalAssemblers.h | |
CreateTH2MProcess.cpp | |
CreateTH2MProcess.h | |
IntegrationPointData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
TH2MFEM-impl.h | |
TH2MFEM.h | |
TH2MProcess.cpp | |
TH2MProcess.h | |
TH2MProcessData.h | |
► ThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPP | |
CreateThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.cpp | |
CreateThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.h | |
ThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPLocalAssembler-impl.h | |
ThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPLocalAssembler.h | |
ThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.cpp | |
ThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.h | |
ThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcessData.h | |
► ThermoHydroMechanics | |
CreateThermoHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
CreateThermoHydroMechanicsProcess.h | |
IntegrationPointData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
ThermoHydroMechanicsFEM-impl.h | |
ThermoHydroMechanicsFEM.h | |
ThermoHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
ThermoHydroMechanicsProcess.h | |
ThermoHydroMechanicsProcessData.h | |
► ThermoMechanicalPhaseField | |
CreateThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess.cpp | |
CreateThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldFEM-impl.h | |
ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldFEM.h | |
ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess.cpp | |
ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess.h | |
ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcessData.h | |
► ThermoMechanics | |
CreateThermoMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
CreateThermoMechanicsProcess.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
ThermoMechanicsFEM-impl.h | |
ThermoMechanicsFEM.h | |
ThermoMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
ThermoMechanicsProcess.h | |
ThermoMechanicsProcessData.h | |
► ThermoRichardsFlow | |
CreateSimplifiedElasticityModel.cpp | |
CreateSimplifiedElasticityModel.h | |
CreateThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp | |
CreateThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h | |
HydrostaticElasticityModel.h | |
IntegrationPointData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
RigidElasticityModel.h | |
SimplifiedElasticityModel.h | |
ThermoRichardsFlowFEM-impl.h | |
ThermoRichardsFlowFEM.h | |
ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp | |
ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h | |
ThermoRichardsFlowProcessData.h | |
UniaxialElasticityModel.h | |
UserDefinedElasticityModel.h | |
► ThermoRichardsMechanics | |
► ConstitutiveCommon | |
Base.h | |
Biot.cpp | |
Biot.h | |
Bishops.cpp | |
Bishops.h | |
DarcyLaw.cpp | |
DarcyLaw.h | |
EqP.cpp | |
EqP.h | |
EqT.cpp | |
EqT.h | |
EquivalentPlasticStrainData.h | |
FluidThermalExpansion.cpp | |
FluidThermalExpansion.h | |
Gravity.cpp | |
Gravity.h | |
LiquidDensity.cpp | |
LiquidDensity.h | |
LiquidViscosity.cpp | |
LiquidViscosity.h | |
MaterialState.h | |
PermeabilityData.h | |
PermeabilityModel.cpp | |
PermeabilityModel.h | |
Porosity.cpp | |
Porosity.h | |
Saturation.cpp | |
Saturation.h | |
SolidCompressibilityData.h | |
SolidDensity.cpp | |
SolidDensity.h | |
SolidMechanicsDataStateless.h | |
SolidThermalExpansion.cpp | |
SolidThermalExpansion.h | |
SpecificBodyForceData.h | |
ThermoOsmosis.cpp | |
ThermoOsmosis.h | |
TotalStressData.h | |
TransportPorosity.cpp | |
TransportPorosity.h | |
TRMHeatStorageAndFlux.cpp | |
TRMHeatStorageAndFlux.h | |
TRMStorage.cpp | |
TRMStorage.h | |
TRMVaporDiffusion.cpp | |
TRMVaporDiffusion.h | |
► ConstitutiveStress_StrainTemperature | |
ConstitutiveData.h | |
ConstitutiveModels.h | |
ConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
ConstitutiveSetting.h | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.h | |
ElasticTangentStiffnessData.h | |
ElasticTangentStiffnessModel.cpp | |
ElasticTangentStiffnessModel.h | |
MechanicalStrainData.h | |
SolidCompressibilityModel.h | |
SolidMechanics.cpp | |
SolidMechanics.h | |
Swelling.cpp | |
Swelling.h | |
Traits.h | |
TraitsBase.h | |
► ConstitutiveStressSaturation_StrainPressureTemperature | |
ConstitutiveData.h | |
ConstitutiveModels.h | |
ConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
ConstitutiveSetting.h | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.cpp | |
CreateConstitutiveSetting.h | |
SolidCompressibilityModel.h | |
SolidMechanics.cpp | |
SolidMechanics.h | |
Traits.h | |
TraitsBase.h | |
CreateThermoRichardsMechanicsLocalAssemblers.cpp | |
CreateThermoRichardsMechanicsLocalAssemblers.h | |
CreateThermoRichardsMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
CreateThermoRichardsMechanicsProcess.h | |
IntegrationPointData.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
ThermoRichardsMechanicsFEM-impl.h | |
ThermoRichardsMechanicsFEM.h | |
ThermoRichardsMechanicsProcess.cpp | |
ThermoRichardsMechanicsProcess.h | |
ThermoRichardsMechanicsProcessData.h | |
► TwoPhaseFlowWithPP | |
CreateTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.cpp | |
CreateTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPPLocalAssembler-impl.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPPLocalAssembler.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.cpp | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcessData.h | |
► TwoPhaseFlowWithPrho | |
CreateTwoPhaseFlowPrhoMaterialProperties.cpp | |
CreateTwoPhaseFlowPrhoMaterialProperties.h | |
CreateTwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoProcess.cpp | |
CreateTwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoProcess.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoLocalAssembler-impl.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoLocalAssembler.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoMaterialProperties.cpp | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoMaterialProperties.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoProcess.cpp | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoProcess.h | |
TwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoProcessData.h | |
► Utils | |
ComputeResiduum.cpp | |
ComputeResiduum.h | |
CreateLocalAssemblers.h | |
CreateLocalAssemblersTaylorHood.h | |
EnabledElements.h | |
GenericLocalAssemblerFactory.h | |
LocalAssemblerFactoryForDimGreaterEqualN.h | |
LocalAssemblerFactoryTaylorHood.h | |
ProcessUtils.cpp | |
ProcessUtils.h | |
SetIPDataInitialConditions.h | |
SetOrGetIntegrationPointData.h | |
TransposeInPlace.h | |
► WellboreSimulator | |
CreateWellboreSimulatorProcess.cpp | |
CreateWellboreSimulatorProcess.h | |
ReservoirProperties.cpp | |
ReservoirProperties.h | |
WellboreGeometry.cpp | |
WellboreGeometry.h | |
WellboreSimulatorFEM-impl.h | |
WellboreSimulatorFEM.h | |
WellboreSimulatorLocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
WellboreSimulatorProcess.cpp | |
WellboreSimulatorProcess.h | |
WellboreSimulatorProcessData.h | |
AbstractJacobianAssembler.h | |
AnalyticalJacobianAssembler.cpp | |
AnalyticalJacobianAssembler.h | |
AssemblyMixin.cpp | |
AssemblyMixin.h | |
CentralDifferencesJacobianAssembler.cpp | |
CentralDifferencesJacobianAssembler.h | |
CompareJacobiansJacobianAssembler.cpp | |
CompareJacobiansJacobianAssembler.h | |
CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme.cpp | |
CoupledSolutionsForStaggeredScheme.h | |
CreateDeactivatedSubdomain.cpp | |
CreateDeactivatedSubdomain.h | |
CreateForwardDifferencesJacobianAssembler.cpp | |
CreateForwardDifferencesJacobianAssembler.h | |
CreateJacobianAssembler.cpp | |
CreateJacobianAssembler.h | |
CreateProcessData.cpp | |
CreateProcessData.h | |
CreateTimeLoop.cpp | |
CreateTimeLoop.h | |
DeactivatedSubdomain.cpp | |
DeactivatedSubdomain.h | |
ForwardDifferencesJacobianAssembler.cpp | |
ForwardDifferencesJacobianAssembler.h | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.cpp | |
LocalAssemblerInterface.h | |
LocalAssemblerTraits.h | |
Process.cpp | |
Process.h | |
ProcessData.cpp | |
ProcessData.h | |
ProcessVariable.cpp | |
ProcessVariable.h | |
SubmeshAssemblySupport.h | |
TimeLoop.cpp | |
TimeLoop.h | |
VariableTransformation.h | |
VectorMatrixAssembler.cpp | |
VectorMatrixAssembler.h | |