ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim > Class Template Referencefinal

Detailed Description

template<int DisplacementDim>
class ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >

Linear kinematics poro-mechanical/biphasic (fluid-solid mixture) model.

The mixture momentum balance and the mixture mass balance are solved under fully saturated conditions.

Definition at line 27 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

#include <HydroMechanicsProcess.h>

Inheritance diagram for ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >:
Collaboration diagram for ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >:

Public Member Functions

 HydroMechanicsProcess (std::string name, MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > &&jacobian_assembler, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, unsigned const integration_order, std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > &&process_variables, HydroMechanicsProcessData< DisplacementDim > &&process_data, SecondaryVariableCollection &&secondary_variables, bool const use_monolithic_scheme)
MathLib::MatrixSpecifications getMatrixSpecifications (const int process_id) const override
ODESystem interface
bool isLinear () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProcessLib::Process
 Process (std::string name_, MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, std::unique_ptr< AbstractJacobianAssembler > &&jacobian_assembler, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, unsigned const integration_order, std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > &&process_variables, SecondaryVariableCollection &&secondary_variables, const bool use_monolithic_scheme=true)
void preTimestep (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, const double t, const double delta_t, const int process_id)
 Preprocessing before starting assembly for new timestep.
void postTimestep (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, const double t, const double delta_t, int const process_id)
 Postprocessing after a complete timestep.
void postNonLinearSolver (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, const double t, double const dt, int const process_id)
void preIteration (const unsigned iter, GlobalVector const &x) final
void computeSecondaryVariable (double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, GlobalVector const &x_prev, int const process_id)
 compute secondary variables for the coupled equations or for output.
NumLib::IterationResult postIteration (GlobalVector const &x) final
void initialize (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
void setInitialConditions (std::vector< GlobalVector * > &process_solutions, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &process_solutions_prev, double const t, int const process_id)
MathLib::MatrixSpecifications getMatrixSpecifications (const int process_id) const override
void updateDeactivatedSubdomains (double const time, const int process_id)
virtual void extrapolateIntegrationPointValuesToNodes (const double, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &, std::vector< GlobalVector * > &)
void preAssemble (const double t, double const dt, GlobalVector const &x) final
void assemble (const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalMatrix &M, GlobalMatrix &K, GlobalVector &b) final
void assembleWithJacobian (const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalVector &b, GlobalMatrix &Jac) final
void preOutput (const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id)
std::vector< NumLib::IndexValueVector< GlobalIndexType > > const * getKnownSolutions (double const t, GlobalVector const &x, int const process_id) const final
MeshLib::MeshgetMesh () const
std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > const & getProcessVariables () const
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > const & getProcessVariables (const int process_id) const
std::vector< std::size_t > const & getActiveElementIDs () const
SecondaryVariableCollection const & getSecondaryVariables () const
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter > > const & getIntegrationPointWriters () const
virtual Eigen::Vector3d getFlux (std::size_t, MathLib::Point3d const &, double const, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &) const
virtual void solveReactionEquation (std::vector< GlobalVector * > &, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &, double const, double const, NumLib::EquationSystem &, int const)
bool requiresNormalization () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProcessLib::SubmeshAssemblySupport
virtual ~SubmeshAssemblySupport ()=default

Private Types

using LocalAssemblerIF = LocalAssemblerInterface<DisplacementDim>

Private Member Functions

void constructDofTable () override
void initializeConcreteProcess (NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table, MeshLib::Mesh const &mesh, unsigned const integration_order) override
 Process specific initialization called by initialize().
void initializeBoundaryConditions (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media) override
void assembleConcreteProcess (const double t, double const, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalMatrix &M, GlobalMatrix &K, GlobalVector &b) override
void assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess (const double t, double const, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalVector &b, GlobalMatrix &Jac) override
void preTimestepConcreteProcess (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, double const t, double const dt, const int process_id) override
void postTimestepConcreteProcess (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, const double t, const double dt, int const process_id) override
void postNonLinearSolverConcreteProcess (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, const double t, double const dt, int const process_id) override
void setInitialConditionsConcreteProcess (std::vector< GlobalVector * > &x, double const t, int const process_id) override
NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & getDOFTable (const int process_id) const override
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > initializeAssemblyOnSubmeshes (std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< MeshLib::Mesh > > const &meshes) override
bool isMonolithicSchemeUsed () const override
void computeSecondaryVariableConcrete (double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, GlobalVector const &x_prev, const int process_id) override
std::tuple< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap *, bool > getDOFTableForExtrapolatorData () const override
bool hasMechanicalProcess (int const process_id) const
- Private Member Functions inherited from ProcessLib::AssemblyMixin< HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim > >
void initializeAssemblyOnSubmeshes (std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< MeshLib::Mesh > > const &submeshes, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > const &residuum_names)
void updateActiveElements ()
void assemble (double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &, int const process_id, GlobalMatrix &, GlobalMatrix &, GlobalVector &)
void assembleWithJacobian (double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalVector &b, GlobalMatrix &Jac)

Private Attributes

std::vector< MeshLib::Node * > base_nodes_
std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::MeshSubset const > mesh_subset_base_nodes_
HydroMechanicsProcessData< DisplacementDim > process_data_
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerIF > > local_assemblers_
std::unique_ptr< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMaplocal_to_global_index_map_single_component_
std::unique_ptr< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMaplocal_to_global_index_map_with_base_nodes_
GlobalSparsityPattern sparsity_pattern_with_linear_element_


class AssemblyMixin< HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim > >

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ProcessLib::Process
std::string const name
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ProcessLib::Process
static PROCESSLIB_EXPORT const std::string constant_one_parameter_name = "constant_one"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ProcessLib::Process
std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > getDOFTables (int const number_of_processes) const
NumLib::ExtrapolatorgetExtrapolator () const
NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & getSingleComponentDOFTable () const
void initializeProcessBoundaryConditionsAndSourceTerms (const NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap &dof_table, const int process_id, std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
void constructMonolithicProcessDofTable ()
void constructDofTableOfSpecifiedProcessStaggeredScheme (const int specified_process_id)
std::vector< GlobalIndexTypegetIndicesOfResiduumWithoutInitialCompensation () const override
- Protected Attributes inherited from ProcessLib::Process
std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::MeshSubset const > _mesh_subset_all_nodes
std::unique_ptr< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap_local_to_global_index_map
SecondaryVariableCollection _secondary_variables
CellAverageData cell_average_data_
std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler_jacobian_assembler
VectorMatrixAssembler _global_assembler
const bool _use_monolithic_scheme
unsigned const _integration_order
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter > > _integration_point_writer
GlobalSparsityPattern _sparsity_pattern
std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > _process_variables
std::vector< BoundaryConditionCollection_boundary_conditions

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ LocalAssemblerIF

template<int DisplacementDim>
using ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::LocalAssemblerIF = LocalAssemblerInterface<DisplacementDim>

Definition at line 70 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HydroMechanicsProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::HydroMechanicsProcess ( std::string name,
MeshLib::Mesh & mesh,
std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > && jacobian_assembler,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const & parameters,
unsigned const integration_order,
std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > && process_variables,
HydroMechanicsProcessData< DisplacementDim > && process_data,
SecondaryVariableCollection && secondary_variables,
bool const use_monolithic_scheme )

Definition at line 30 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

41 : Process(std::move(name), mesh, std::move(jacobian_assembler), parameters,
42 integration_order, std::move(process_variables),
43 std::move(secondary_variables), use_monolithic_scheme),
44 AssemblyMixin<HydroMechanicsProcess<DisplacementDim>>{
46 process_data_(std::move(process_data))
48 _integration_point_writer.emplace_back(
49 std::make_unique<MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter>(
50 "sigma_ip",
51 static_cast<int>(mesh.getDimension() == 2 ? 4 : 6) /*n components*/,
52 integration_order, local_assemblers_, &LocalAssemblerIF::getSigma));
54 _integration_point_writer.emplace_back(
55 std::make_unique<MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter>(
56 "epsilon_ip",
57 static_cast<int>(mesh.getDimension() == 2 ? 4 : 6) /*n components*/,
58 integration_order, local_assemblers_,
59 &LocalAssemblerIF::getEpsilon));
62 {
63 _integration_point_writer.emplace_back(
64 std::make_unique<MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter>(
65 "strain_rate_variable_ip", 1, integration_order,
67 }
unsigned getDimension() const
Returns the dimension of the mesh (determined by the maximum dimension over all elements).
Definition Mesh.h:88
LocalAssemblerInterface< DisplacementDim > LocalAssemblerIF
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerIF > > local_assemblers_
HydroMechanicsProcessData< DisplacementDim > process_data_
std::string const name
Definition Process.h:362
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter > > _integration_point_writer
Definition Process.h:390
std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > _jacobian_assembler
Definition Process.h:376
const bool _use_monolithic_scheme
Definition Process.h:379
virtual std::vector< double > getStrainRateVariable() const =0

References ProcessLib::Process::_jacobian_assembler.

Member Function Documentation

◆ assembleConcreteProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::assembleConcreteProcess ( const double t,
double const dt,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x_prev,
int const process_id,
GlobalMatrix & M,
GlobalMatrix & K,
GlobalVector & b )

Implements ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 282 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

287 DBUG("Assemble the equations for HydroMechanics");
289 // Note: This assembly function is for the Picard nonlinear solver. Since
290 // only the Newton-Raphson method is employed to simulate coupled HM
291 // processes in this class, this function is actually not used so far.
293 std::vector<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const*> dof_table = {
298 getActiveElementIDs(), dof_table, t, dt, x, x_prev, process_id, &M, &K,
299 &b);
void DBUG(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:30
std::vector< std::size_t > const & getActiveElementIDs() const
Definition Process.h:167
VectorMatrixAssembler _global_assembler
Definition Process.h:377
std::unique_ptr< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap > _local_to_global_index_map
Definition Process.h:368
void assemble(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, LocalAssemblerInterface &local_assembler, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalMatrix *M, GlobalMatrix *K, GlobalVector *b)
static void executeSelectedMemberDereferenced(Object &object, Method method, Container const &container, std::vector< std::size_t > const &active_container_ids, Args &&... args)

References ProcessLib::VectorMatrixAssembler::assemble(), DBUG(), and NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberDereferenced().

◆ assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess ( const double t,
double const dt,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x_prev,
int const process_id,
GlobalVector & b,
GlobalMatrix & Jac )

Implements ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 303 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

309 // For the monolithic scheme
310 bool const use_monolithic_scheme = process_data_.isMonolithicSchemeUsed();
311 if (use_monolithic_scheme)
312 {
313 DBUG(
314 "Assemble the Jacobian of HydroMechanics for the monolithic "
315 "scheme.");
316 }
317 else
318 {
319 // For the staggered scheme
320 if (process_id == process_data_.hydraulic_process_id)
321 {
322 DBUG(
323 "Assemble the Jacobian equations of liquid fluid process in "
324 "HydroMechanics for the staggered scheme.");
325 }
326 else
327 {
328 DBUG(
329 "Assemble the Jacobian equations of mechanical process in "
330 "HydroMechanics for the staggered scheme.");
331 }
332 }
334 AssemblyMixin<HydroMechanicsProcess<DisplacementDim>>::assembleWithJacobian(
335 t, dt, x, x_prev, process_id, b, Jac);
void assembleWithJacobian(const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalVector &b, GlobalMatrix &Jac) final
Definition Process.cpp:287

References DBUG().

◆ computeSecondaryVariableConcrete()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::computeSecondaryVariableConcrete ( double const t,
double const dt,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
GlobalVector const & x_prev,
const int process_id )

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 430 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

434 if (process_id != process_data_.hydraulic_process_id)
435 {
436 return;
437 }
439 DBUG("Compute the secondary variables for HydroMechanicsProcess.");
443 getActiveElementIDs(), getDOFTables(x.size()), t, dt, x, x_prev,
444 process_id);
virtual void computeSecondaryVariable(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, GlobalVector const &x_prev, int const process_id)
std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > getDOFTables(int const number_of_processes) const
Definition Process.cpp:385
static void executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced(Method method, Container const &container, std::vector< std::size_t > const &active_container_ids, Args &&... args)

References DBUG(), and NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced().

◆ constructDofTable()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::constructDofTable ( )

This function is for general cases, in which all equations of the coupled processes have the same number of unknowns. For the general cases with the staggered scheme, all equations of the coupled processes share one DOF table hold by _local_to_global_index_map. Other cases can be considered by overloading this member function in the derived class.

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 97 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

99 // Create single component dof in every of the mesh's nodes.
100 _mesh_subset_all_nodes = std::make_unique<MeshLib::MeshSubset>(
101 _mesh, _mesh.getNodes(), process_data_.use_taylor_hood_elements);
103 // Create single component dof in the mesh's base nodes.
105 mesh_subset_base_nodes_ = std::make_unique<MeshLib::MeshSubset>(
106 _mesh, base_nodes_, process_data_.use_taylor_hood_elements);
108 // TODO move the two data members somewhere else.
109 // for extrapolation of secondary variables of stress or strain
110 std::vector<MeshLib::MeshSubset> all_mesh_subsets_single_component{
113 std::make_unique<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap>(
114 std::move(all_mesh_subsets_single_component),
115 // by location order is needed for output
118 if (process_data_.isMonolithicSchemeUsed())
119 {
120 // For pressure, which is the first
121 std::vector<MeshLib::MeshSubset> all_mesh_subsets{
124 // For displacement.
125 const int monolithic_process_id = 0;
126 std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(all_mesh_subsets),
127 getProcessVariables(monolithic_process_id)[1]
128 .get()
129 .getNumberOfGlobalComponents(),
130 [&]() { return *_mesh_subset_all_nodes; });
132 std::vector<int> const vec_n_components{1, DisplacementDim};
134 std::make_unique<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap>(
135 std::move(all_mesh_subsets), vec_n_components,
138 }
139 else
140 {
141 // For displacement equation.
142 const int process_id = 1;
143 std::vector<MeshLib::MeshSubset> all_mesh_subsets;
144 std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(all_mesh_subsets),
145 getProcessVariables(process_id)[0]
146 .get()
147 .getNumberOfGlobalComponents(),
148 [&]() { return *_mesh_subset_all_nodes; });
150 std::vector<int> const vec_n_components{DisplacementDim};
152 std::make_unique<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap>(
153 std::move(all_mesh_subsets), vec_n_components,
156 // For pressure equation.
157 // Collect the mesh subsets with base nodes in a vector.
158 std::vector<MeshLib::MeshSubset> all_mesh_subsets_base_nodes{
161 std::make_unique<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap>(
162 std::move(all_mesh_subsets_base_nodes),
163 // by location order is needed for output
171 }
std::vector< Node * > const & getNodes() const
Get the nodes-vector for the mesh.
Definition Mesh.h:106
std::vector< Element * > const & getElements() const
Get the element-vector for the mesh.
Definition Mesh.h:109
std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::MeshSubset const > mesh_subset_base_nodes_
std::unique_ptr< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap > local_to_global_index_map_with_base_nodes_
std::unique_ptr< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap > local_to_global_index_map_single_component_
std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::MeshSubset const > _mesh_subset_all_nodes
Definition Process.h:366
MeshLib::Mesh & _mesh
Definition Process.h:365
std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > const & getProcessVariables() const
Definition Process.h:156
std::vector< Node * > getBaseNodes(std::vector< Element * > const &elements)
Definition Utils.h:26
Ordering data by spatial location.
GlobalSparsityPattern computeSparsityPattern(LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table, MeshLib::Mesh const &mesh)
Computes a sparsity pattern for the given inputs.
auto & get(Tuples &... ts)
Definition Get.h:59

References NumLib::BY_LOCATION, NumLib::computeSparsityPattern(), and MeshLib::getBaseNodes().

◆ getDOFTable()

template<int DisplacementDim>
NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::getDOFTable ( const int process_id) const

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 458 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

460 if (hasMechanicalProcess(process_id))
461 {
463 }
465 // For the equation of pressure

◆ getDOFTableForExtrapolatorData()

template<int DisplacementDim>
std::tuple< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap *, bool > ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::getDOFTableForExtrapolatorData ( ) const

Get the address of a LocalToGlobalIndexMap, and the status of its memory. If the LocalToGlobalIndexMap is created as new in this function, the function also returns a true boolean value to let Extrapolator manage the memory by the address returned by this function.

Address of a LocalToGlobalIndexMap and its memory status.

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 449 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

451 const bool manage_storage = false;
452 return std::make_tuple(local_to_global_index_map_single_component_.get(),
453 manage_storage);

◆ getMatrixSpecifications()

template<int DisplacementDim>
MathLib::MatrixSpecifications ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::getMatrixSpecifications ( const int process_id) const

Get the size and the sparse pattern of the global matrix in order to create the global matrices and vectors for the system equations of this process.

process_idProcess ID. If the monolithic scheme is applied, process_id = 0. For the staggered scheme, process_id = 0 represents the hydraulic (H) process, while process_id = 1 represents the mechanical (M) process.
Matrix specifications including size and sparse pattern.

Definition at line 78 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

81 // For the monolithic scheme or the M process (deformation) in the staggered
82 // scheme.
83 if (process_id == process_data_.mechanics_related_process_id)
84 {
85 auto const& l = *_local_to_global_index_map;
86 return {l.dofSizeWithoutGhosts(), l.dofSizeWithoutGhosts(),
87 &l.getGhostIndices(), &this->_sparsity_pattern};
88 }
90 // For staggered scheme and H process (pressure).
92 return {l.dofSizeWithoutGhosts(), l.dofSizeWithoutGhosts(),
93 &l.getGhostIndices(), &sparsity_pattern_with_linear_element_};
GlobalSparsityPattern _sparsity_pattern
Definition Process.h:392

◆ hasMechanicalProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
bool ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::hasMechanicalProcess ( int const process_id) const

Check whether the process represented by process_id is/has mechanical process. In the present implementation, the mechanical process has process_id == 1 in the staggered scheme.

Definition at line 157 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

158 {
159 return process_id == process_data_.mechanics_related_process_id;
160 }

References ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::process_data_.

◆ initializeAssemblyOnSubmeshes()

template<int DisplacementDim>
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeAssemblyOnSubmeshes ( std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< MeshLib::Mesh > > const & meshes)

Initializes the assembly on submeshes

meshesthe submeshes on whom the assembly shall proceed.
meshes must be a must be a non-overlapping cover of the entire simulation domain (bulk mesh)!
The names of the residuum vectors that will be assembled for each process: outer vector of size 1 for monolithic schemes and greater for staggered schemes.

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::SubmeshAssemblySupport.

Definition at line 356 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

359 INFO("HydroMechanicsProcess initializeSubmeshOutput().");
360 std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> per_process_residuum_names;
361 if (_process_variables.size() == 1) // monolithic
362 {
363 per_process_residuum_names = {{"MassFlowRate", "NodalForces"}};
364 }
365 else // staggered
366 {
367 per_process_residuum_names = {{"MassFlowRate"}, {"NodalForces"}};
368 }
370 AssemblyMixin<HydroMechanicsProcess<DisplacementDim>>::
371 initializeAssemblyOnSubmeshes(meshes, per_process_residuum_names);
373 return per_process_residuum_names;
void INFO(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:35
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > initializeAssemblyOnSubmeshes(std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< MeshLib::Mesh > > const &meshes) override
std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > _process_variables
Definition Process.h:400

References INFO().

◆ initializeBoundaryConditions()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeBoundaryConditions ( std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const & media)

Member function to initialize the boundary conditions for all coupled processes. It is called by initialize().

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 257 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

260 if (process_data_.isMonolithicSchemeUsed())
261 {
262 const int process_id_of_hydromechanics = 0;
264 *_local_to_global_index_map, process_id_of_hydromechanics, media);
265 return;
266 }
268 // Staggered scheme:
269 // for the equations of pressure
270 const int hydraulic_process_id = 0;
272 *local_to_global_index_map_with_base_nodes_, hydraulic_process_id,
273 media);
275 // for the equations of deformation.
276 const int mechanical_process_id = 1;
278 *_local_to_global_index_map, mechanical_process_id, media);
void initializeProcessBoundaryConditionsAndSourceTerms(const NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap &dof_table, const int process_id, std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
Definition Process.cpp:90

◆ initializeConcreteProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeConcreteProcess ( NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & dof_table,
MeshLib::Mesh const & mesh,
unsigned const integration_order )

Process specific initialization called by initialize().

Implements ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 175 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

181 HydroMechanicsLocalAssembler>(
182 mesh.getElements(), dof_table, local_assemblers_,
183 NumLib::IntegrationOrder{integration_order}, mesh.isAxiallySymmetric(),
186 auto add_secondary_variable = [&](std::string const& name,
187 int const num_components,
188 auto get_ip_values_function)
189 {
191 name,
192 makeExtrapolator(num_components, getExtrapolator(),
194 std::move(get_ip_values_function)));
195 };
197 add_secondary_variable("sigma",
199 DisplacementDim>::RowsAtCompileTime,
202 add_secondary_variable("epsilon",
204 DisplacementDim>::RowsAtCompileTime,
207 add_secondary_variable("velocity", DisplacementDim,
210 //
211 // enable output of internal variables defined by material models
212 //
214 LocalAssemblerIF>(process_data_.solid_materials,
215 add_secondary_variable);
217 process_data_.pressure_interpolated =
218 MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty<double>(
219 const_cast<MeshLib::Mesh&>(mesh), "pressure_interpolated",
222 process_data_.principal_stress_vector[0] =
223 MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty<double>(
224 const_cast<MeshLib::Mesh&>(mesh), "principal_stress_vector_1",
227 process_data_.principal_stress_vector[1] =
228 MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty<double>(
229 const_cast<MeshLib::Mesh&>(mesh), "principal_stress_vector_2",
232 process_data_.principal_stress_vector[2] =
233 MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty<double>(
234 const_cast<MeshLib::Mesh&>(mesh), "principal_stress_vector_3",
237 process_data_.principal_stress_values =
238 MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty<double>(
239 const_cast<MeshLib::Mesh&>(mesh), "principal_stress_values",
242 process_data_.permeability = MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty<double>(
243 const_cast<MeshLib::Mesh&>(mesh), "permeability",
250 // Initialize local assemblers after all variables have been set.
virtual void initialize(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table)
SecondaryVariableCollection _secondary_variables
Definition Process.h:370
NumLib::Extrapolator & getExtrapolator() const
Definition Process.h:208
void addSecondaryVariable(std::string const &internal_name, SecondaryVariableFunctions &&fcts)
constexpr int kelvin_vector_dimensions(int const displacement_dim)
Kelvin vector dimensions for given displacement dimension.
Eigen::Matrix< double, kelvin_vector_dimensions(DisplacementDim), 1, Eigen::ColMajor > KelvinVectorType
void solidMaterialInternalToSecondaryVariables(std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< SolidMaterial > > const &solid_materials, AddSecondaryVariableCallback const &add_secondary_variable)
SecondaryVariableFunctions makeExtrapolator(const unsigned num_components, NumLib::Extrapolator &extrapolator, LocalAssemblerCollection const &local_assemblers, typename NumLib::ExtrapolatableLocalAssemblerCollection< LocalAssemblerCollection >::IntegrationPointValuesMethod integration_point_values_method)
void setIPDataInitialConditions(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter > > const &_integration_point_writer, MeshLib::Properties const &mesh_properties, LocalAssemblersVector &local_assemblers)
void createLocalAssemblersHM(std::vector< MeshLib::Element * > const &mesh_elements, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerInterface > > &local_assemblers, ProviderOrOrder const &provider_or_order, ExtraCtorArgs &&... extra_ctor_args)
static void executeMemberOnDereferenced(Method method, Container const &container, Args &&... args)
virtual std::vector< double > const & getIntPtSigma(const double t, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_table, std::vector< double > &cache) const =0
virtual std::vector< double > const & getIntPtDarcyVelocity(const double t, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_table, std::vector< double > &cache) const =0
virtual std::vector< double > const & getIntPtEpsilon(const double t, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_table, std::vector< double > &cache) const =0

References MeshLib::Cell, ProcessLib::createLocalAssemblersHM(), NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeMemberOnDereferenced(), MeshLib::Mesh::getElements(), MeshLib::Mesh::getProperties(), MeshLib::Mesh::isAxiallySymmetric(), MathLib::KelvinVector::kelvin_vector_dimensions(), ProcessLib::makeExtrapolator(), MeshLib::Node, ProcessLib::setIPDataInitialConditions(), and ProcessLib::Deformation::solidMaterialInternalToSecondaryVariables().

◆ isLinear()

template<int DisplacementDim>
bool ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::isLinear ( ) const

Definition at line 71 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

73 return false;

◆ isMonolithicSchemeUsed()

template<int DisplacementDim>
bool ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::isMonolithicSchemeUsed ( ) const

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 120 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

121 {
122 return process_data_.isMonolithicSchemeUsed();
123 }

References ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::process_data_.

◆ postNonLinearSolverConcreteProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::postNonLinearSolverConcreteProcess ( std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x_prev,
const double t,
double const dt,
int const process_id )

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 396 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

401 DBUG("PostNonLinearSolver HydroMechanicsProcess.");
403 // Calculate strain, stress or other internal variables of mechanics.
406 getActiveElementIDs(), getDOFTables(x.size()), x, x_prev, t, dt,
407 process_id);
void postNonLinearSolver(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, double const t, double const dt, int const process_id)

References DBUG(), and NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced().

◆ postTimestepConcreteProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::postTimestepConcreteProcess ( std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x_prev,
const double t,
const double dt,
int const process_id )

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 377 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

382 if (process_id != process_data_.hydraulic_process_id)
383 {
384 return;
385 }
387 DBUG("PostTimestep HydroMechanicsProcess.");
391 getActiveElementIDs(), getDOFTables(x.size()), x, x_prev, t, dt,
392 process_id);
virtual void postTimestep(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, double const t, double const dt, int const process_id)

References DBUG(), and NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced().

◆ preTimestepConcreteProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::preTimestepConcreteProcess ( std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
double const t,
double const dt,
const int process_id )

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 339 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

343 DBUG("PreTimestep HydroMechanicsProcess.");
345 if (hasMechanicalProcess(process_id))
346 {
350 t, dt);
351 }
virtual void preTimestep(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table, GlobalVector const &x, double const t, double const delta_t)

References DBUG(), and NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced().

◆ setInitialConditionsConcreteProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
void ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::setInitialConditionsConcreteProcess ( std::vector< GlobalVector * > & x,
double const t,
int const process_id )

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 411 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.cpp.

416 // So far, this function only sets the initial stress using the input data.
417 if (process_id != process_data_.mechanics_related_process_id)
418 {
419 return;
420 }
422 DBUG("Set initial conditions of HydroMechanicsProcess.");
426 getActiveElementIDs(), getDOFTables(x.size()), x, t, process_id);
virtual void setInitialConditions(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, double const t, int const process_id)

References DBUG(), and NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced().

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ AssemblyMixin< HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim > >

template<int DisplacementDim>
friend class AssemblyMixin< HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim > >

Definition at line 164 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ base_nodes_

template<int DisplacementDim>
std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::base_nodes_

Definition at line 126 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

◆ local_assemblers_

template<int DisplacementDim>
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LocalAssemblerIF> > ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::local_assemblers_

Definition at line 130 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

◆ local_to_global_index_map_single_component_

template<int DisplacementDim>
std::unique_ptr<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap> ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::local_to_global_index_map_single_component_

Definition at line 133 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

◆ local_to_global_index_map_with_base_nodes_

template<int DisplacementDim>
std::unique_ptr<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap> ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::local_to_global_index_map_with_base_nodes_

Local to global index mapping for base nodes, which is used for linear interpolation for pressure in the staggered scheme.

Definition at line 138 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

◆ mesh_subset_base_nodes_

template<int DisplacementDim>
std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::MeshSubset const> ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::mesh_subset_base_nodes_

Definition at line 127 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

◆ process_data_

◆ sparsity_pattern_with_linear_element_

template<int DisplacementDim>
GlobalSparsityPattern ProcessLib::HydroMechanics::HydroMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::sparsity_pattern_with_linear_element_

Sparsity pattern for the flow equation, and it is initialized only if the staggered scheme is used.

Definition at line 142 of file HydroMechanicsProcess.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: