[case] Ehlers
Missing Documentation
Documentation missing/incomplete
Child parameters, attributes and cases
[tag] alpha
[tag] alphap
[tag] beta
[tag] betap
[tag] bulk_modulus
[tag] damage_properties
[tag] delta
[tag] deltap
[tag] eps
[tag] epsp
[tag] gamma
[tag] gammap
[tag] hardening_modulus
[tag] kappa
[tag] m
[tag] mp
[tag] nonlinear_solver
[tag] shear_modulus
[tag] tangent_type
Additional info
No additional info.
Used in the following test data files
Used in no end-to-end test cases.
OGS Input File Parameters
[case] prj
[tag] processes
[tag] process
[tag] constitutive_relation
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