Specifies the process type. See [tag] process cases for possible parameters.
Additional info
From Applications/ApplicationsLib/ProjectData.cpp line 680
- This is a required parameter.
- Data type:
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/ComponentTransport/CreateComponentTransportProcess.cpp line 92
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/HT/CreateHTProcess.cpp line 76
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/HeatConduction/CreateHeatConductionProcess.cpp line 52
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/HeatTransportBHE/CreateHeatTransportBHEProcess.cpp line 116
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/HydroMechanics/CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp line 97
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/LIE/HydroMechanics/CreateHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp line 51
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/LIE/SmallDeformation/CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp line 43
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/LargeDeformation/CreateLargeDeformationProcess.cpp line 41
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/LiquidFlow/CreateLiquidFlowProcess.cpp line 105
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/PhaseField/CreatePhaseFieldProcess.cpp line 41
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/RichardsComponentTransport/CreateRichardsComponentTransportProcess.cpp line 89
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/RichardsFlow/CreateRichardsFlowProcess.cpp line 63
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/RichardsMechanics/CreateRichardsMechanicsProcess.cpp line 70
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/SmallDeformation/CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp line 51
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/SmallDeformationNonlocal/CreateSmallDeformationNonlocalProcess.cpp line 39
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/SteadyStateDiffusion/CreateSteadyStateDiffusion.cpp line 53
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/StokesFlow/CreateStokesFlowProcess.cpp line 65
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/TES/CreateTESProcess.cpp line 31
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/TH2M/CreateTH2MProcess.cpp line 68
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/ThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPP/CreateThermalTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.cpp line 105
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/ThermoHydroMechanics/CreateThermoHydroMechanicsProcess.cpp line 44
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/ThermoMechanicalPhaseField/CreateThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess.cpp line 40
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/ThermoMechanics/CreateThermoMechanicsProcess.cpp line 57
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/ThermoRichardsFlow/CreateThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp line 82
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/ThermoRichardsMechanics/CreateThermoRichardsMechanicsProcess.cpp line 233
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/TwoPhaseFlowWithPP/CreateTwoPhaseFlowWithPPProcess.cpp line 36
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/TwoPhaseFlowWithPrho/CreateTwoPhaseFlowWithPrhoProcess.cpp line 60
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
From ProcessLib/WellboreSimulator/CreateWellboreSimulatorProcess.cpp line 71
- This is a required parameter.
- Expanded tag path: processes.process.type
- Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master
Used in the following test data files