[case] SaturationWeightedThermalConductivity

Saturation dependent thermal conductivity model for soil.

The arithmetic_squareroot model is proposed by Somerton, W.~H. et al. [35], which takes the form of

\[ \lambda = \lambda_{\text{dry}} + \sqrt{S}(\lambda_{\text{wet}}- \lambda_{\text{dry}}), \]

. The arithmetic_linear model is linear in the saturation and has the form

\[ \lambda = \lambda_{\text{dry}} + S(\lambda_{\text{wet}}-\lambda_{\text{dry}}), \]

The geometric model uses the weighted geometric mean

\[ \lambda = \lambda_{\text{dry}}^{1-S} * \lambda_{\text{wet}}^S, \]

where \(\lambda_{\text{dry}}\) is the thermal conductivity of soil at the dry state, \(\lambda_{\text{wet}}\) is the thermal conductivity of soil at the fully water saturated state, and \(S\) is the water saturation.

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