[tag] equation_balance_type

This indicates whether the governing equation is a volume balance or a mass balance. Its value can be volume or mass. If it is set to volume, note that the phase density must be constant, and the unit of the Neumann boundary condition is m/s. Otherwise, the unit of the Neumann boundary condition is kg/m³·m/s = kg/m²/s. By default, it is set to volume.

Additional info

From ProcessLib/LiquidFlow/CreateLiquidFlowProcess.cpp line 171

  • This is an optional parameter.
  • This parameter has a default value of "volume".
  • Data type: std::string
  • Expanded tag path: processes.process.LIQUID_FLOW.equation_balance_type
  • Go to source code: → ogs/ogs/master

Used in the following test data files