A class to simulate the nonisothermal two-phase flow process in porous media with max. 3 components. The water and air components are usually required on a minimum. The air component is assumed to only exist in the gas phase. The third component (organic contaminant) is optional, and can partition between the liquid and gas phases. Technically, an algorithm for phase appearance/disappearance is not implemented here. However, the liquid phase is allowed to appear/disappear in some exceptional cases, e.g. the heat pipe benchmark (since a pure liquid phase is assumed). For the formulation of global conservation equations and constitutive relationships, see [27].

Child parameters, attributes and cases

This process is commonly used together with the following media properties

Note: This list has been automatically extracted from OGS's benchmark tests (ctests). Therefore it might not be exhaustive, but it should give users a good overview about which properties they can/have to use with this process. Probably most of the properties occurring in this list are mandatory.

The list might contain different property <type>s for some property <name> to illustrate different possibilities the users have.

No media property information could be found in the ctests for the TWOPHASE_FLOW_THERMAL process. Either this process does not use <media> in the ctests or the extraction scripts could not process the ctest prj files properly.

Additional info

No additional info.

Used in the following test data files

Used in no end-to-end test cases.