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ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess Class Referencefinal

Detailed Description

Global assembler for the monolithic scheme of the non-isothermal Richards flow.

Governing equations without vapor diffusion

The energy balance equation is given by

(\rho c_p)^{eff}\dot T - \nabla (\mathbf{k}_T^{eff} \nabla T)+\rho^l c_p^l \nabla T \cdot \mathbf{v}^l = Q_T

with T the temperature, (\rho c_p)^{eff} the effective volumetric heat capacity, \mathbf{k}_T^{eff} the effective thermal conductivity, \rho^l the density of liquid, c_p^l the specific heat capacity of liquid, \mathbf{v}^l the liquid velocity, and Q_T the point heat source. The effective volumetric heat can be considered as a composite of the contributions of solid phase and the liquid phase as

(\rho c_p)^{eff} = (1-\phi) \rho^s c_p^s + S^l \phi \rho^l c_p^l

with \phi the porosity, S^l the liquid saturation, \rho^s the solid density, and c_p^s the specific heat capacity of solid. Similarly, the effective thermal conductivity is given by

\mathbf{k}_T^{eff} = (1-\phi) \mathbf{k}_T^s + S^l \phi k_T^l \mathbf I

where \mathbf{k}_T^s is the thermal conductivity tensor of solid, k_T^l is the thermal conductivity of liquid, and \mathbf I is the identity tensor.

The mass balance equation is given by

\begin{eqnarray*} \left(S^l\beta - \phi\frac{\partial S}{\partial p_c}\right) \rho^l\dot p - S \left( \frac{\partial \rho^l}{\partial T} +\rho^l(\alpha_B -S) \alpha_T^s \right)\dot T\\ +\nabla (\rho^l \mathbf{v}^l) + S \alpha_B \rho^l \nabla \cdot \dot {\mathbf u}= Q_H \end{eqnarray*}

where p is the pore pressure, p_c is the capillary pressure, which is -p under the single phase assumption, \beta is a composite coefficient by the liquid compressibility and solid compressibility, \alpha_B is the Biot's constant, \alpha_T^s is the linear thermal expansivity of solid, Q_H is the point source or sink term, H(S-1) is the Heaviside function, and \mathbf u is the displacement. While this process does not contain a fully mechanical coupling, simplfied expressions can be given to approximate the latter term under certain stress conditions. The liquid velocity \mathbf{v}^l is described by the Darcy's law as

\mathbf{v}^l=-\frac{{\mathbf k} k_{ref}}{\mu} (\nabla p - \rho^l \mathbf g)

with {\mathbf k} the intrinsic permeability, k_{ref} the relative permeability, \mathbf g the gravitational force.

Definition at line 81 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h.

#include <ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h>

Inheritance diagram for ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess:
Collaboration diagram for ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess:

Public Member Functions

 ThermoRichardsFlowProcess (std::string name, MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > &&jacobian_assembler, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, unsigned const integration_order, std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > &&process_variables, ThermoRichardsFlowProcessData &&process_data, SecondaryVariableCollection &&secondary_variables, bool const use_monolithic_scheme)
ODESystem interface
bool isLinear () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProcessLib::Process
 Process (std::string name_, MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, std::unique_ptr< AbstractJacobianAssembler > &&jacobian_assembler, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, unsigned const integration_order, std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > &&process_variables, SecondaryVariableCollection &&secondary_variables, const bool use_monolithic_scheme=true)
void preTimestep (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, const double t, const double delta_t, const int process_id)
 Preprocessing before starting assembly for new timestep.
void postTimestep (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, const double t, const double delta_t, int const process_id)
 Postprocessing after a complete timestep.
void postNonLinearSolver (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, const double t, double const dt, int const process_id)
void preIteration (const unsigned iter, GlobalVector const &x) final
void computeSecondaryVariable (double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, GlobalVector const &x_prev, int const process_id)
 compute secondary variables for the coupled equations or for output.
NumLib::IterationResult postIteration (GlobalVector const &x) final
void initialize (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
void setInitialConditions (std::vector< GlobalVector * > &process_solutions, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &process_solutions_prev, double const t, int const process_id)
MathLib::MatrixSpecifications getMatrixSpecifications (const int process_id) const override
void updateDeactivatedSubdomains (double const time, const int process_id)
virtual bool isMonolithicSchemeUsed () const
virtual void extrapolateIntegrationPointValuesToNodes (const double, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &, std::vector< GlobalVector * > &)
void preAssemble (const double t, double const dt, GlobalVector const &x) final
void assemble (const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalMatrix &M, GlobalMatrix &K, GlobalVector &b) final
void assembleWithJacobian (const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalVector &b, GlobalMatrix &Jac) final
void preOutput (const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id)
std::vector< NumLib::IndexValueVector< GlobalIndexType > > const * getKnownSolutions (double const t, GlobalVector const &x, int const process_id) const final
virtual NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & getDOFTable (const int) const
MeshLib::MeshgetMesh () const
std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > const & getProcessVariables () const
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > const & getProcessVariables (const int process_id) const
std::vector< std::size_t > const & getActiveElementIDs () const
SecondaryVariableCollection const & getSecondaryVariables () const
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter > > const & getIntegrationPointWriters () const
virtual Eigen::Vector3d getFlux (std::size_t, MathLib::Point3d const &, double const, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &) const
virtual void solveReactionEquation (std::vector< GlobalVector * > &, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &, double const, double const, NumLib::EquationSystem &, int const)
bool requiresNormalization () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProcessLib::SubmeshAssemblySupport
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > initializeAssemblyOnSubmeshes (std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< MeshLib::Mesh > > const &meshes)
virtual ~SubmeshAssemblySupport ()=default

Private Types

using LocalAssemblerIF = LocalAssemblerInterface

Private Member Functions

void initializeConcreteProcess (NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table, MeshLib::Mesh const &mesh, unsigned const integration_order) override
 Process specific initialization called by initialize().
void setInitialConditionsConcreteProcess (std::vector< GlobalVector * > &x, double const t, int const) override
void assembleConcreteProcess (const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalMatrix &M, GlobalMatrix &K, GlobalVector &b) override
void assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess (const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalVector &b, GlobalMatrix &Jac) override
void postTimestepConcreteProcess (std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, double const t, double const dt, const int process_id) override
void computeSecondaryVariableConcrete (double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, GlobalVector const &x_prev, int const process_id) override

Private Attributes

std::vector< MeshLib::Node * > _base_nodes
std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::MeshSubset const > _mesh_subset_base_nodes
ThermoRichardsFlowProcessData _process_data
Assembly::ParallelVectorMatrixAssembler _pvma {*_jacobian_assembler}
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerIF > > _local_assemblers
GlobalSparsityPattern _sparsity_pattern_with_linear_element
MeshLib::PropertyVector< double > * _heat_flux = nullptr
MeshLib::PropertyVector< double > * _hydraulic_flow = nullptr

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ProcessLib::Process
std::string const name
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ProcessLib::Process
static PROCESSLIB_EXPORT const std::string constant_one_parameter_name = "constant_one"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ProcessLib::Process
std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > getDOFTables (int const number_of_processes) const
NumLib::ExtrapolatorgetExtrapolator () const
NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & getSingleComponentDOFTable () const
void initializeProcessBoundaryConditionsAndSourceTerms (const NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap &dof_table, const int process_id, std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
virtual void constructDofTable ()
void constructMonolithicProcessDofTable ()
void constructDofTableOfSpecifiedProcessStaggeredScheme (const int specified_process_id)
virtual std::tuple< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap *, bool > getDOFTableForExtrapolatorData () const
std::vector< GlobalIndexTypegetIndicesOfResiduumWithoutInitialCompensation () const override
- Protected Attributes inherited from ProcessLib::Process
std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::MeshSubset const > _mesh_subset_all_nodes
std::unique_ptr< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap_local_to_global_index_map
SecondaryVariableCollection _secondary_variables
CellAverageData cell_average_data_
std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler_jacobian_assembler
VectorMatrixAssembler _global_assembler
const bool _use_monolithic_scheme
unsigned const _integration_order
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter > > _integration_point_writer
GlobalSparsityPattern _sparsity_pattern
std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > _process_variables
std::vector< BoundaryConditionCollection_boundary_conditions

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ LocalAssemblerIF

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ThermoRichardsFlowProcess()

ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess ( std::string name,
MeshLib::Mesh & mesh,
std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > && jacobian_assembler,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const & parameters,
unsigned const integration_order,
std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > && process_variables,
ThermoRichardsFlowProcessData && process_data,
SecondaryVariableCollection && secondary_variables,
bool const use_monolithic_scheme )

Definition at line 28 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp.

39 : Process(std::move(name), mesh, std::move(jacobian_assembler), parameters,
40 integration_order, std::move(process_variables),
41 std::move(secondary_variables), use_monolithic_scheme),
42 _process_data(std::move(process_data))
45 mesh, "HeatFlowRate", MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, 1);
48 mesh, "MassFlowRate", MeshLib::MeshItemType::Node, 1);
50 // TODO (naumov) remove ip suffix. Probably needs modification of the mesh
51 // properties, s.t. there is no "overlapping" with cell/point data.
52 // See getOrCreateMeshProperty.
53 _integration_point_writer.emplace_back(
54 std::make_unique<MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter>(
55 "saturation_ip", 1 /*n components*/, integration_order,
58 _integration_point_writer.emplace_back(
59 std::make_unique<MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter>(
60 "porosity_ip", 1 /*n components*/, integration_order,
std::string const name
Definition Process.h:362
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter > > _integration_point_writer
Definition Process.h:390
Process(std::string name_, MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, std::unique_ptr< AbstractJacobianAssembler > &&jacobian_assembler, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, unsigned const integration_order, std::vector< std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > > &&process_variables, SecondaryVariableCollection &&secondary_variables, const bool use_monolithic_scheme=true)
Definition Process.cpp:44
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerIF > > _local_assemblers
PropertyVector< T > * getOrCreateMeshProperty(Mesh &mesh, std::string const &property_name, MeshItemType const item_type, int const number_of_components)
virtual std::vector< double > getSaturation() const =0
virtual std::vector< double > getPorosity() const =0

References _heat_flux, _hydraulic_flow, ProcessLib::Process::_integration_point_writer, _local_assemblers, MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty(), ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::LocalAssemblerInterface::getPorosity(), ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::LocalAssemblerInterface::getSaturation(), and MeshLib::Node.

Member Function Documentation

◆ assembleConcreteProcess()

void ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::assembleConcreteProcess ( const double t,
double const dt,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x_prev,
int const process_id,
GlobalMatrix & M,
GlobalMatrix & K,
GlobalVector & b )

Implements ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 127 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp.

132 DBUG("Assemble the equations for ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.");
134 std::vector<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const*> dof_table = {
137 // Call global assembler for each local assembly item.
140 getActiveElementIDs(), dof_table, t, dt, x, x_prev, process_id, &M, &K,
141 &b);
void DBUG(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:30
std::vector< std::size_t > const & getActiveElementIDs() const
Definition Process.h:167
VectorMatrixAssembler _global_assembler
Definition Process.h:377
std::unique_ptr< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap > _local_to_global_index_map
Definition Process.h:368
void assemble(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, LocalAssemblerInterface &local_assembler, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, int const process_id, GlobalMatrix *M, GlobalMatrix *K, GlobalVector *b)
static void executeSelectedMemberDereferenced(Object &object, Method method, Container const &container, std::vector< std::size_t > const &active_container_ids, Args &&... args)

References ProcessLib::Process::_global_assembler, _local_assemblers, ProcessLib::Process::_local_to_global_index_map, ProcessLib::VectorMatrixAssembler::assemble(), DBUG(), NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberDereferenced(), and ProcessLib::Process::getActiveElementIDs().

◆ assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess()

void ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess ( const double t,
double const dt,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x_prev,
int const process_id,
GlobalVector & b,
GlobalMatrix & Jac )

Implements ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 144 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp.

149 std::vector<NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const*> dof_tables;
151 DBUG(
152 "Assemble the Jacobian of ThermoRichardsFlow for the monolithic "
153 "scheme.");
154 dof_tables.emplace_back(_local_to_global_index_map.get());
157 dof_tables, t, dt, x, x_prev, process_id, b,
158 Jac);
160 auto copyRhs = [&](int const variable_id, auto& output_vector)
161 {
162 transformVariableFromGlobalVector(b, variable_id, *dof_tables[0],
163 output_vector, std::negate<double>());
164 };
166 copyRhs(0, *_heat_flux);
167 copyRhs(1, *_hydraulic_flow);
void assembleWithJacobian(BaseLib::PolymorphicRandomAccessContainerView< LocalAssemblerInterface > const &local_assemblers, std::vector< std::size_t > const &active_elements, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, const double t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &xs, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prevs, int const process_id, GlobalVector &b, GlobalMatrix &Jac)
void transformVariableFromGlobalVector(GlobalVector const &input_vector, int const variable_id, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &local_to_global_index_map, MeshLib::PropertyVector< double > &output_vector, Functor map_function)

References _heat_flux, _hydraulic_flow, _local_assemblers, ProcessLib::Process::_local_to_global_index_map, _pvma, ProcessLib::Assembly::ParallelVectorMatrixAssembler::assembleWithJacobian(), DBUG(), and ProcessLib::Process::getActiveElementIDs().

◆ computeSecondaryVariableConcrete()

void ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::computeSecondaryVariableConcrete ( double const t,
double const dt,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
GlobalVector const & x_prev,
int const process_id )

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 188 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp.

192 if (process_id != 0)
193 {
194 return;
195 }
196 DBUG("Compute the secondary variables for ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.");
200 getActiveElementIDs(), getDOFTables(x.size()), t, dt, x, x_prev,
201 process_id);
virtual void computeSecondaryVariable(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, double const t, double const dt, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, GlobalVector const &x_prev, int const process_id)
std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > getDOFTables(int const number_of_processes) const
Definition Process.cpp:384
static void executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced(Method method, Container const &container, std::vector< std::size_t > const &active_container_ids, Args &&... args)

References _local_assemblers, ProcessLib::LocalAssemblerInterface::computeSecondaryVariable(), DBUG(), NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced(), ProcessLib::Process::getActiveElementIDs(), and ProcessLib::Process::getDOFTables().

◆ initializeConcreteProcess()

void ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::initializeConcreteProcess ( NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & dof_table,
MeshLib::Mesh const & mesh,
unsigned const integration_order )

Process specific initialization called by initialize().

Implements ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 64 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp.

70 mesh.getDimension(), mesh.getElements(), dof_table, _local_assemblers,
71 NumLib::IntegrationOrder{integration_order}, mesh.isAxiallySymmetric(),
74 auto add_secondary_variable = [&](std::string const& name,
75 int const num_components,
76 auto get_ip_values_function)
77 {
79 name,
80 makeExtrapolator(num_components, getExtrapolator(),
82 std::move(get_ip_values_function)));
83 };
85 add_secondary_variable("velocity", mesh.getDimension(),
88 add_secondary_variable("saturation", 1,
91 add_secondary_variable("porosity", 1, &LocalAssemblerIF::getIntPtPorosity);
93 add_secondary_variable("dry_density_solid", 1,
97 const_cast<MeshLib::Mesh&>(mesh), "saturation_avg",
101 const_cast<MeshLib::Mesh&>(mesh), "porosity_avg",
107 // Initialize local assemblers after all variables have been set.
virtual void initialize(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table)
SecondaryVariableCollection _secondary_variables
Definition Process.h:370
NumLib::Extrapolator & getExtrapolator() const
Definition Process.h:208
void addSecondaryVariable(std::string const &internal_name, SecondaryVariableFunctions &&fcts)
void createLocalAssemblers(std::vector< MeshLib::Element * > const &mesh_elements, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerInterface > > &local_assemblers, ProviderOrOrder const &provider_or_order, ExtraCtorArgs &&... extra_ctor_args)
SecondaryVariableFunctions makeExtrapolator(const unsigned num_components, NumLib::Extrapolator &extrapolator, LocalAssemblerCollection const &local_assemblers, typename NumLib::ExtrapolatableLocalAssemblerCollection< LocalAssemblerCollection >::IntegrationPointValuesMethod integration_point_values_method)
void setIPDataInitialConditions(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MeshLib::IntegrationPointWriter > > const &_integration_point_writer, MeshLib::Properties const &mesh_properties, LocalAssemblersVector &local_assemblers)
static void executeMemberOnDereferenced(Method method, Container const &container, Args &&... args)
virtual std::vector< double > const & getIntPtSaturation(const double t, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_table, std::vector< double > &cache) const =0
virtual std::vector< double > const & getIntPtDarcyVelocity(const double t, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_table, std::vector< double > &cache) const =0
virtual std::vector< double > const & getIntPtDryDensitySolid(const double t, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_table, std::vector< double > &cache) const =0
virtual std::vector< double > const & getIntPtPorosity(const double t, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_table, std::vector< double > &cache) const =0

References ProcessLib::Process::_integration_point_writer, _local_assemblers, ProcessLib::Process::_local_to_global_index_map, _process_data, ProcessLib::Process::_secondary_variables, ProcessLib::SecondaryVariableCollection::addSecondaryVariable(), MeshLib::Cell, ProcessLib::createLocalAssemblers(), ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcessData::element_porosity, ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcessData::element_saturation, NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeMemberOnDereferenced(), MeshLib::Mesh::getDimension(), MeshLib::Mesh::getElements(), ProcessLib::Process::getExtrapolator(), ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::LocalAssemblerInterface::getIntPtDarcyVelocity(), ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::LocalAssemblerInterface::getIntPtDryDensitySolid(), ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::LocalAssemblerInterface::getIntPtPorosity(), ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::LocalAssemblerInterface::getIntPtSaturation(), MeshLib::getOrCreateMeshProperty(), MeshLib::Mesh::getProperties(), ProcessLib::LocalAssemblerInterface::initialize(), MeshLib::Mesh::isAxiallySymmetric(), ProcessLib::makeExtrapolator(), ProcessLib::Process::name, and ProcessLib::setIPDataInitialConditions().

◆ isLinear()

bool ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::isLinear ( ) const

Definition at line 101 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h.

101{ return false; }

◆ postTimestepConcreteProcess()

void ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::postTimestepConcreteProcess ( std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x,
std::vector< GlobalVector * > const & x_prev,
double const t,
double const dt,
const int process_id )

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 170 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp.

175 if (process_id != 0)
176 {
177 return;
178 }
180 DBUG("PostTimestep ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.");
184 getActiveElementIDs(), getDOFTables(x.size()), x, x_prev, t, dt,
185 process_id);
virtual void postTimestep(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x_prev, double const t, double const dt, int const process_id)

References _local_assemblers, DBUG(), NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeSelectedMemberOnDereferenced(), ProcessLib::Process::getActiveElementIDs(), ProcessLib::Process::getDOFTables(), and ProcessLib::LocalAssemblerInterface::postTimestep().

◆ setInitialConditionsConcreteProcess()

void ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::setInitialConditionsConcreteProcess ( std::vector< GlobalVector * > & x,
double const t,
int const process_id )

Reimplemented from ProcessLib::Process.

Definition at line 113 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.cpp.

116 if (process_id != 0)
117 {
118 return;
119 }
120 DBUG("SetInitialConditions ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.");
124 getDOFTables(x.size()), x, t, process_id);
virtual void setInitialConditions(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, std::vector< NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const * > const &dof_tables, std::vector< GlobalVector * > const &x, double const t, int const process_id)

References _local_assemblers, DBUG(), NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeMemberOnDereferenced(), ProcessLib::Process::getDOFTables(), and ProcessLib::LocalAssemblerInterface::setInitialConditions().

Member Data Documentation

◆ _base_nodes

std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::_base_nodes

Definition at line 133 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h.

◆ _heat_flux

MeshLib::PropertyVector<double>* ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::_heat_flux = nullptr

◆ _hydraulic_flow

MeshLib::PropertyVector<double>* ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::_hydraulic_flow = nullptr

◆ _local_assemblers

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LocalAssemblerIF> > ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::_local_assemblers

◆ _mesh_subset_base_nodes

std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::MeshSubset const> ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::_mesh_subset_base_nodes

Definition at line 134 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h.

◆ _process_data

ThermoRichardsFlowProcessData ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::_process_data

Definition at line 135 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h.

Referenced by initializeConcreteProcess().

◆ _pvma

Assembly::ParallelVectorMatrixAssembler ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::_pvma {*_jacobian_assembler}

Definition at line 137 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h.

std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > _jacobian_assembler
Definition Process.h:376

Referenced by assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess().

◆ _sparsity_pattern_with_linear_element

GlobalSparsityPattern ProcessLib::ThermoRichardsFlow::ThermoRichardsFlowProcess::_sparsity_pattern_with_linear_element

Sparsity pattern for the flow equation, and it is initialized only if the staggered scheme is used.

Definition at line 143 of file ThermoRichardsFlowProcess.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: