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ProcessLib::SmallDeformation Namespace Reference


namespace  ConstitutiveRelations
namespace  detail


struct  FreeEnergyDensityData
struct  GravityModel
struct  IntegrationPointData
struct  MaterialForcesInterface
class  MaterialStateData
struct  MediaData
struct  SecondaryData
class  SmallDeformationLocalAssembler
struct  SmallDeformationLocalAssemblerInterface
class  SmallDeformationProcess
struct  SmallDeformationProcessData
struct  SolidDensityModel


template<int DisplacementDim>
using KelvinVector = KV::KelvinVectorType<DisplacementDim>
template<int DisplacementDim>
using KelvinMatrix = KV::KelvinMatrixType<DisplacementDim>
template<int DisplacementDim>
using GlobalDimVector = Eigen::Vector<double, DisplacementDim>
using Temperature = BaseLib::StrongType<double, struct TemperatureTag>
template<int DisplacementDim>
using VolumetricBodyForce
using SolidDensity = BaseLib::StrongType<double, struct SolidDensityTag>


template<typename T >
constexpr bool areEvalArgumentTypesUnique ()
template<typename Model >
constexpr void assertEvalArgsUnique (Model const &)
template<int GlobalDim, template< typename, int > class LocalAssemblerImplementation, typename LocalAssemblerInterface , IntegrationMethodProviderOrIntegrationOrder ProviderOrOrder, typename... ExtraCtorArgs>
void createLocalAssemblers (std::vector< MeshLib::Element * > const &mesh_elements, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerInterface > > &local_assemblers, ProviderOrOrder const &provider_or_order, ExtraCtorArgs &&... extra_ctor_args)
void checkMPLProperties (std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
template<int DisplacementDim>
std::unique_ptr< ProcesscreateSmallDeformationProcess (std::string const &name, MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > &&jacobian_assembler, std::vector< ProcessVariable > const &variables, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, std::optional< ParameterLib::CoordinateSystem > const &local_coordinate_system, unsigned const integration_order, BaseLib::ConfigTree const &config, std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
template std::unique_ptr< ProcesscreateSmallDeformationProcess< 2 > (std::string const &name, MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > &&jacobian_assembler, std::vector< ProcessVariable > const &variables, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, std::optional< ParameterLib::CoordinateSystem > const &local_coordinate_system, unsigned const integration_order, BaseLib::ConfigTree const &config, std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
template std::unique_ptr< ProcesscreateSmallDeformationProcess< 3 > (std::string const &name, MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > &&jacobian_assembler, std::vector< ProcessVariable > const &variables, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, std::optional< ParameterLib::CoordinateSystem > const &local_coordinate_system, unsigned const integration_order, BaseLib::ConfigTree const &config, std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const &media)
template<int DisplacementDim, typename ShapeFunction , typename ShapeMatricesType , typename NodalForceVectorType , typename NodalDisplacementVectorType , typename GradientVectorType , typename GradientMatrixType , typename IPData , typename StressData , typename OutputData , typename IntegrationMethod >
std::vector< double > const & getMaterialForces (std::vector< double > const &local_x, std::vector< double > &nodal_values, IntegrationMethod const &integration_method, IPData const &ip_data, StressData const &stress_data, OutputData const &output_data, MeshLib::Element const &element, bool const is_axially_symmetric)
template<typename LocalAssemblerInterface >
void writeMaterialForces (std::unique_ptr< GlobalVector > &material_forces, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerInterface > > const &local_assemblers, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &local_to_global_index_map, GlobalVector const &x)

Typedef Documentation

◆ GlobalDimVector

template<int DisplacementDim>
using ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::GlobalDimVector = Eigen::Vector<double, DisplacementDim>

Definition at line 32 of file Base.h.

◆ KelvinMatrix

template<int DisplacementDim>
using ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::KelvinMatrix = KV::KelvinMatrixType<DisplacementDim>

Definition at line 29 of file Base.h.

◆ KelvinVector

template<int DisplacementDim>
using ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::KelvinVector = KV::KelvinVectorType<DisplacementDim>

Definition at line 26 of file Base.h.

◆ SolidDensity

using ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::SolidDensity = BaseLib::StrongType<double, struct SolidDensityTag>

Definition at line 17 of file SolidDensity.h.

◆ Temperature

using ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::Temperature = BaseLib::StrongType<double, struct TemperatureTag>

Definition at line 45 of file Base.h.

◆ VolumetricBodyForce

template<int DisplacementDim>
using ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::VolumetricBodyForce
Initial value:

Definition at line 18 of file Gravity.h.

Function Documentation

◆ areEvalArgumentTypesUnique()

template<typename T >
bool ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::areEvalArgumentTypesUnique ( )

Checks whether the argument types of the eval() method of the given type T are unique.

Argument types differing only in constness, reference or volatility are considered equal.

Definition at line 41 of file Invoke.h.

43 return detail::areEvalArgumentTypesUnique(&T::eval);

References ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::detail::areEvalArgumentTypesUnique().

Referenced by assertEvalArgsUnique().

◆ assertEvalArgsUnique()

template<typename Model >
void ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::assertEvalArgsUnique ( Model const & )

Statically asserts that the argument types of the passed Model's eval() method are unique.

Definition at line 49 of file Invoke.h.

51 static_assert(areEvalArgumentTypesUnique<std::remove_cvref_t<Model>>());

References areEvalArgumentTypesUnique().

Referenced by ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::ConstitutiveRelations::ConstitutiveSetting< DisplacementDim >::eval().

◆ checkMPLProperties()

void ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::checkMPLProperties ( std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const & media)

Definition at line 27 of file CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp.

30 for (auto const& m : media)
31 {
32 checkRequiredProperties(m.second->phase("Solid"),
33 {{MaterialPropertyLib::density}});
34 }

◆ createLocalAssemblers()

template<int GlobalDim, template< typename, int > class LocalAssemblerImplementation, typename LocalAssemblerInterface , IntegrationMethodProviderOrIntegrationOrder ProviderOrOrder, typename... ExtraCtorArgs>
void ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::createLocalAssemblers ( std::vector< MeshLib::Element * > const & mesh_elements,
NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & dof_table,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerInterface > > & local_assemblers,
ProviderOrOrder const & provider_or_order,
ExtraCtorArgs &&... extra_ctor_args )

Creates local assemblers for each element of the given mesh.

Template Parameters
LocalAssemblerImplementationthe individual local assembler type
LocalAssemblerInterfacethe general local assembler interface
ExtraCtorArgstypes of additional constructor arguments. Those arguments will be passed to the constructor of LocalAssemblerImplementation.

The first two template parameters cannot be deduced from the arguments. Therefore they always have to be provided manually.

Definition at line 76 of file CreateLocalAssemblers.h.

83 DBUG("Create local assemblers.");
85 detail::createLocalAssemblers<GlobalDim, LocalAssemblerImplementation>(
86 dof_table, mesh_elements, local_assemblers, provider_or_order,
87 std::forward<ExtraCtorArgs>(extra_ctor_args)...);
void DBUG(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:30

References DBUG().

Referenced by ProcessLib::HMPhaseField::HMPhaseFieldProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeConcreteProcess(), ProcessLib::PhaseField::PhaseFieldProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeConcreteProcess(), ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::SmallDeformationProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeConcreteProcess(), ProcessLib::SmallDeformationNonlocal::SmallDeformationNonlocalProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeConcreteProcess(), ProcessLib::ThermoMechanicalPhaseField::ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeConcreteProcess(), and ProcessLib::ThermoMechanics::ThermoMechanicsProcess< DisplacementDim >::initializeConcreteProcess().

◆ createSmallDeformationProcess()

template<int DisplacementDim>
std::unique_ptr< Process > ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::createSmallDeformationProcess ( std::string const & name,
MeshLib::Mesh & mesh,
std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > && jacobian_assembler,
std::vector< ProcessVariable > const & variables,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const & parameters,
std::optional< ParameterLib::CoordinateSystem > const & local_coordinate_system,
unsigned const integration_order,
BaseLib::ConfigTree const & config,
std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const & media )
Input File Parameter

Process Variables

Input File Parameter

Primary process variables as they appear in the global component vector:

Input File Parameter

Process Parameters

Input File Parameter
Input File Parameter
Input File Parameter
Input File Parameter
Input File Parameter

Definition at line 38 of file CreateSmallDeformationProcess.cpp.

51 config.checkConfigParameter("type", "SMALL_DEFORMATION");
52 DBUG("Create SmallDeformationProcess.");
57 auto const pv_config = config.getConfigSubtree("process_variables");
60 auto per_process_variables = findProcessVariables(
61 variables, pv_config,
62 {
63 "process_variable"});
65 DBUG("Associate displacement with process variable '{:s}'.",
66 per_process_variables.back().get().getName());
68 if (per_process_variables.back().get().getNumberOfGlobalComponents() !=
69 DisplacementDim)
70 {
72 "Number of components of the process variable '{:s}' is different "
73 "from the displacement dimension: got {:d}, expected {:d}",
74 per_process_variables.back().get().getName(),
75 per_process_variables.back().get().getNumberOfGlobalComponents(),
76 DisplacementDim);
77 }
78 std::vector<std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<ProcessVariable>>>
79 process_variables;
80 process_variables.push_back(std::move(per_process_variables));
83 auto solid_constitutive_relations =
85 parameters, local_coordinate_system, materialIDs(mesh), config);
88 if (config.getConfigParameterOptional<std::string>("solid_density"))
89 {
91 "The <solid_density> tag has been removed. Use <media> definitions "
92 "to specify solid's density.");
93 }
95 // Specific body force
96 Eigen::Matrix<double, DisplacementDim, 1> specific_body_force;
97 {
98 std::vector<double> const b =
100 config.getConfigParameter<std::vector<double>>(
101 "specific_body_force");
102 if (b.size() != DisplacementDim)
103 {
105 "The size of the specific body force vector does not match the "
106 "displacement dimension. Vector size is {:d}, displacement "
107 "dimension is {:d}",
108 b.size(), DisplacementDim);
109 }
111 std::copy_n(b.data(), b.size(), specific_body_force.data());
112 }
115 auto const use_b_bar = config.getConfigParameter<bool>("use_b_bar", false);
117 auto media_map =
119 DBUG(
120 "Check the media properties of SmallDeformation process "
121 "...");
122 checkMPLProperties(media);
123 DBUG("Media properties verified.");
125 // Reference temperature
127 double>(
129 config, "reference_temperature", parameters, 1, &mesh);
130 if (reference_temperature)
131 {
132 DBUG("Use '{:s}' as reference temperature parameter.",
133 (*reference_temperature).name);
134 }
136 // Initial stress conditions
137 auto const initial_stress = ParameterLib::findOptionalTagParameter<double>(
139 config, "initial_stress", parameters,
140 // Symmetric tensor size, 4 or 6, not a Kelvin vector.
142 &mesh);
144 SmallDeformationProcessData<DisplacementDim> process_data{
145 materialIDs(mesh),
146 std::move(media_map),
147 std::move(solid_constitutive_relations),
148 initial_stress,
149 specific_body_force,
151 use_b_bar};
153 SecondaryVariableCollection secondary_variables;
155 ProcessLib::createSecondaryVariables(config, secondary_variables);
157 return std::make_unique<SmallDeformationProcess<DisplacementDim>>(
158 std::move(name), mesh, std::move(jacobian_assembler), parameters,
159 integration_order, std::move(process_variables),
160 std::move(process_data), std::move(secondary_variables));
#define OGS_FATAL(...)
Definition Error.h:26
std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialLib::Solids::MechanicsBase< DisplacementDim > > > createConstitutiveRelations(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const &parameters, std::optional< ParameterLib::CoordinateSystem > const &local_coordinate_system, MeshLib::PropertyVector< int > const *const material_ids, BaseLib::ConfigTree const &config)
MaterialSpatialDistributionMap createMaterialSpatialDistributionMap(std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< Medium > > const &media, MeshLib::Mesh const &mesh)
constexpr int kelvin_vector_dimensions(int const displacement_dim)
Kelvin vector dimensions for given displacement dimension.
PropertyVector< int > const * materialIDs(Mesh const &mesh)
Definition Mesh.cpp:268
Parameter< ParameterDataType > * findOptionalTagParameter(BaseLib::ConfigTree const &process_config, std::string const &tag, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterBase > > const &parameters, int const num_components, MeshLib::Mesh const *const mesh=nullptr)
Definition Utils.h:166
void checkMPLProperties(MeshLib::Mesh const &mesh, MaterialPropertyLib::MaterialSpatialDistributionMap const &media_map)
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< ProcessVariable > > findProcessVariables(std::vector< ProcessVariable > const &variables, BaseLib::ConfigTree const &pv_config, std::initializer_list< std::string > tags)
void createSecondaryVariables(BaseLib::ConfigTree const &config, SecondaryVariableCollection &secondary_variables)

References BaseLib::ConfigTree::checkConfigParameter(), MaterialLib::Solids::createConstitutiveRelations(), MaterialPropertyLib::createMaterialSpatialDistributionMap(), ProcessLib::createSecondaryVariables(), DBUG(), ParameterLib::findOptionalTagParameter(), ProcessLib::findProcessVariables(), BaseLib::ConfigTree::getConfigParameter(), BaseLib::ConfigTree::getConfigParameterOptional(), BaseLib::ConfigTree::getConfigSubtree(), MathLib::KelvinVector::kelvin_vector_dimensions(), and OGS_FATAL.

◆ createSmallDeformationProcess< 2 >()

template std::unique_ptr< Process > ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::createSmallDeformationProcess< 2 > ( std::string const & name,
MeshLib::Mesh & mesh,
std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > && jacobian_assembler,
std::vector< ProcessVariable > const & variables,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const & parameters,
std::optional< ParameterLib::CoordinateSystem > const & local_coordinate_system,
unsigned const integration_order,
BaseLib::ConfigTree const & config,
std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const & media )

◆ createSmallDeformationProcess< 3 >()

template std::unique_ptr< Process > ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::createSmallDeformationProcess< 3 > ( std::string const & name,
MeshLib::Mesh & mesh,
std::unique_ptr< ProcessLib::AbstractJacobianAssembler > && jacobian_assembler,
std::vector< ProcessVariable > const & variables,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterLib::ParameterBase > > const & parameters,
std::optional< ParameterLib::CoordinateSystem > const & local_coordinate_system,
unsigned const integration_order,
BaseLib::ConfigTree const & config,
std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< MaterialPropertyLib::Medium > > const & media )

◆ getMaterialForces()

template<int DisplacementDim, typename ShapeFunction , typename ShapeMatricesType , typename NodalForceVectorType , typename NodalDisplacementVectorType , typename GradientVectorType , typename GradientMatrixType , typename IPData , typename StressData , typename OutputData , typename IntegrationMethod >
std::vector< double > const & ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::getMaterialForces ( std::vector< double > const & local_x,
std::vector< double > & nodal_values,
IntegrationMethod const & integration_method,
IPData const & ip_data,
StressData const & stress_data,
OutputData const & output_data,
MeshLib::Element const & element,
bool const is_axially_symmetric )

Definition at line 40 of file MaterialForces.h.

46 unsigned const n_integration_points =
47 integration_method.getNumberOfPoints();
49 nodal_values.clear();
51 nodal_values, ShapeFunction::NPOINTS * DisplacementDim);
53 for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ip++)
54 {
55 auto const& sigma = stress_data[ip].stress_data.sigma;
56 auto const& N = ip_data[ip].N_u;
57 auto const& dNdx = ip_data[ip].dNdx_u;
59 auto const& psi =
60 output_data[ip].free_energy_density_data.free_energy_density;
62 auto const x_coord =
64 element, ip_data[ip].N_u);
66 // For the 2D case the 33-component is needed (and the four entries
67 // of the non-symmetric matrix); In 3d there are nine entries.
68 GradientMatrixType G(
69 DisplacementDim * DisplacementDim + (DisplacementDim == 2 ? 1 : 0),
70 ShapeFunction::NPOINTS * DisplacementDim);
71 Deformation::computeGMatrix<DisplacementDim, ShapeFunction::NPOINTS>(
72 dNdx, G, is_axially_symmetric, N, x_coord);
74 GradientVectorType const grad_u =
75 G * Eigen::Map<NodalForceVectorType const>(
76 local_x.data(), ShapeFunction::NPOINTS * DisplacementDim);
78 GradientVectorType eshelby_stress;
79 eshelby_stress.setZero(DisplacementDim * DisplacementDim +
80 (DisplacementDim == 2 ? 1 : 0));
82 if (DisplacementDim == 3)
83 {
84 eshelby_stress[0] = eshelby_stress[DisplacementDim + 1] =
85 eshelby_stress[8] = psi;
87 eshelby_stress[0] -= sigma[0] * grad_u[0] +
88 sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[3] +
89 sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[6];
91 eshelby_stress[1] -= sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[0] +
92 sigma[1] * grad_u[3] +
93 sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[6];
95 eshelby_stress[2] -= sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[0] +
96 sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[3] +
97 sigma[2] * grad_u[6];
99 eshelby_stress[3] -= sigma[0] * grad_u[1] +
100 sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[4] +
101 sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[7];
103 eshelby_stress[4] -= sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[1] +
104 sigma[1] * grad_u[4] +
105 sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[7];
107 eshelby_stress[5] -= sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[1] +
108 sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[4] +
109 sigma[2] * grad_u[7];
111 eshelby_stress[6] -= sigma[0] * grad_u[2] +
112 sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[5] +
113 sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[8];
115 eshelby_stress[7] -= sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[2] +
116 sigma[1] * grad_u[5] +
117 sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[8];
119 eshelby_stress[8] -= sigma[5] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[2] +
120 sigma[4] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[5] +
121 sigma[2] * grad_u[8];
122 }
123 else if (DisplacementDim == 2)
124 {
125 eshelby_stress[0] = eshelby_stress[DisplacementDim + 1] =
126 eshelby_stress[4] = psi;
128 eshelby_stress[0] -=
129 sigma[0] * grad_u[0] + sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[2];
131 eshelby_stress[1] -=
132 sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[0] + sigma[1] * grad_u[2];
134 eshelby_stress[2] -=
135 sigma[0] * grad_u[1] + sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[3];
137 eshelby_stress[3] -=
138 sigma[3] / std::sqrt(2) * grad_u[1] + sigma[1] * grad_u[3];
140 // for axial-symmetric case the following is not zero in general
141 eshelby_stress[4] -= sigma[2] * grad_u[4];
142 }
143 else
144 {
146 "Material forces not implemented for displacement "
147 "dimension "
148 "other than 2 and 3.");
149 }
151 auto const& w = ip_data[ip].integration_weight;
152 local_b += G.transpose() * eshelby_stress * w;
153 }
155 return nodal_values;
Eigen::Map< Vector > createZeroedVector(std::vector< double > &data, Eigen::VectorXd::Index size)
double interpolateXCoordinate(MeshLib::Element const &e, typename ShapeMatricesType::ShapeMatrices::ShapeType const &N)

References ProcessLib::Deformation::computeGMatrix(), MathLib::createZeroedVector(), NumLib::interpolateXCoordinate(), OGS_FATAL, and ProcessLib::ConstitutiveRelations::StressData< DisplacementDim >::sigma.

Referenced by ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::SmallDeformationLocalAssembler< ShapeFunction, DisplacementDim >::getMaterialForces().

◆ writeMaterialForces()

template<typename LocalAssemblerInterface >
void ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::writeMaterialForces ( std::unique_ptr< GlobalVector > & material_forces,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< LocalAssemblerInterface > > const & local_assemblers,
NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const & local_to_global_index_map,
GlobalVector const & x )

Definition at line 159 of file MaterialForces.h.

166 DBUG("Compute material forces for small deformation process.");
168 // Prepare local storage and fetch values.
171 if (!material_forces)
172 {
173 material_forces =
175 }
177 MathLib::LinAlg::set(*material_forces, 0);
180 [](const std::size_t mesh_item_id,
181 LocalAssemblerInterface& local_assembler,
182 const NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap& dof_table,
183 GlobalVector const& x,
184 GlobalVector& node_values)
185 {
186 auto const indices = NumLib::getIndices(mesh_item_id, dof_table);
187 std::vector<double> local_data;
188 auto const local_x = x.get(indices);
190 local_assembler.getMaterialForces(local_x, local_data);
192 assert(local_data.size() == indices.size());
193 node_values.add(indices, local_data);
194 },
195 local_assemblers, local_to_global_index_map, x, *material_forces);
196 MathLib::LinAlg::finalizeAssembly(*material_forces);
Global vector based on Eigen vector.
Definition EigenVector.h:25
void add(IndexType rowId, double v)
add entry
Definition EigenVector.h:76
double get(IndexType rowId) const
get entry
Definition EigenVector.h:58
void finalizeAssembly(PETScMatrix &A)
Definition LinAlg.cpp:198
void setLocalAccessibleVector(PETScVector const &x)
Definition LinAlg.cpp:27
void set(PETScVector &x, PetscScalar const a)
Definition LinAlg.cpp:32
std::vector< GlobalIndexType > getIndices(std::size_t const mesh_item_id, NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const &dof_table)
static void executeDereferenced(F const &f, C const &c, Args_ &&... args)

References MathLib::EigenVector::add(), DBUG(), NumLib::SerialExecutor::executeDereferenced(), MathLib::LinAlg::finalizeAssembly(), MathLib::EigenVector::get(), NumLib::getIndices(), MathLib::LinAlg::set(), and MathLib::LinAlg::setLocalAccessibleVector().

Referenced by ProcessLib::SmallDeformation::SmallDeformationProcess< DisplacementDim >::postTimestepConcreteProcess().