BaseLib Namespace Reference


namespace  detail
namespace  IO
namespace  MPI
namespace  TMP


class  ConfigTree
class  CPUTime
 Count CPU time. More...
class  GradualSubdivision
class  GradualSubdivisionFixedNum
class  Histogram
class  ISubdivision
class  MemWatch
struct  Overloaded
struct  PolymorphicRandomAccessContainerView
class  Range
 Wraps a pair of iterators for use as a range in range-based for-loops. More...
class  RunTime
 Count the running time. More...
struct  StrongType
struct  TimeInterval
class  UniformSubdivision


template<typename T >
std::vector< T > excludeObjectCopy (std::vector< T > const &src_vec, std::vector< std::size_t > const &exclude_positions)
template<typename T >
void excludeObjectCopy (std::vector< T > const &src_vec, std::vector< std::size_t > const &exclude_positions, std::vector< T > &dest_vec)
template<ranges::input_range Range>
ranges::range_reference_t< RangefindElementOrError (Range &range, std::predicate< ranges::range_reference_t< Range > > auto &&predicate, std::invocable auto error_callback)
template<typename Map , typename Key , typename Value >
void insertIfKeyUniqueElseError (Map &map, Key const &key, Value &&value, std::string const &error_message)
template<typename Map , typename Key >
OGS_NO_DANGLING Map::mapped_type & getOrError (Map &map, Key const &key, std::string const &error_message)
template<typename Map , typename Key >
OGS_NO_DANGLING Map::mapped_type const & getOrError (Map const &map, Key const &key, std::string const &error_message)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
template<typename Container , typename Predicate >
OGS_NO_DANGLING Container::value_type const & getIfOrError (Container const &container, Predicate &&predicate, std::string const &error_message)
template<typename T >
void makeVectorUnique (std::vector< T > &v)
template<typename T , class Compare >
void makeVectorUnique (std::vector< T > &v, Compare comp)
template<typename ValueType , typename IndexType >
void reorderVector (std::vector< ValueType > &v, std::vector< IndexType > const &order)
template<typename Container >
void uniquePushBack (Container &container, typename Container::value_type const &element)
template<typename Container >
std::optional< typename Container::value_type > findFirstNotEqualElement (Container const &container, typename Container::value_type const &element)
template<typename Container >
std::size_t findIndex (Container const &container, typename Container::value_type const &element)
template<typename T >
void cleanupVectorElements (std::vector< T * > &items)
template<typename T1 , typename... Args>
void cleanupVectorElements (std::vector< T1 * > &dependent_items, Args &&... args)
template<ranges::range R>
requires std::is_integral_v<ranges::range_value_t<R>>
std::vector< ranges::range_value_t< R > > sizesToOffsets (R const &sizes)
template<typename List >
constexpr bool any_of (List const &values)
 Checks if any of the elements in the given list is true.
template<typename List >
constexpr bool all_of (List const &values)
 Checks if all of the elements in the given list are true.
template<typename List >
constexpr bool none_of (List const &values)
 Checks if none of the elements in the given list are true.
void checkAndInvalidate (ConfigTree &conf)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void checkAndInvalidate (ConfigTree *const conf)
void checkAndInvalidate (std::unique_ptr< ConfigTree > const &conf)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
ConfigTree makeConfigTree (const std::string &filepath, const bool be_ruthless, const std::string &toplevel_tag, std::stringstream &prj_stream)
ConfigTree makeConfigTreeFromFile (const std::string &filepath, const bool be_ruthless, const std::string &toplevel_tag)
template<typename E >
constexpr auto to_underlying (E e) noexcept
 Converts an enumeration to its underlying type.
int date2int (int y, int m, int d)
std::string int2date (int date)
std::string date2string (double ddate)
int strDate2int (const std::string &s)
int xmlDate2int (const std::string &s)
std::string formatDate (std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock > const &time)
bool isProjectDirectorySet ()
 Returns true if the project directory is set.
bool IsFileExisting (const std::string &strFilename)
 Returns true if given file exists.
std::tuple< std::string, std::string::size_type, std::string::size_type > getParenthesizedString (std::string const &in, char const open_char, char const close_char, std::string::size_type pos)
std::string containsKeyword (std::string const &str, std::string const &keyword)
template<typename T >
bool substituteKeyword (std::string &result, std::string const &parenthesized_string, std::string::size_type const begin, std::string::size_type const end, std::string const &keyword, T &data)
std::string constructFormattedFileName (std::string const &format_specification, std::string const &mesh_name, int const timestep, double const t, int const iteration)
double swapEndianness (double const &v)
std::string dropFileExtension (std::string const &filename)
std::string extractBaseName (std::string const &pathname)
std::string extractBaseNameWithoutExtension (std::string const &pathname)
std::string getFileExtension (const std::string &path)
bool hasFileExtension (std::string const &extension, std::string const &filename)
std::string extractPath (std::string const &pathname)
std::string joinPaths (std::string const &pathA, std::string const &pathB)
std::string const & getProjectDirectory ()
 Returns the directory where the prj file resides.
void setProjectDirectory (std::string const &dir)
 Sets the project directory.
void unsetProjectDirectory ()
 Unsets the project directory.
void removeFile (std::string const &filename)
void removeFiles (std::vector< std::string > const &files)
bool createOutputDirectory (std::string const &dir)
std::vector< double > readDoublesFromBinaryFile (const std::string &filename)
template<typename T >
readBinaryValue (std::istream &in)
template float readBinaryValue< float > (std::istream &)
template double readBinaryValue< double > (std::istream &)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > readBinaryVector (std::string const &filename, std::size_t const start_element, std::size_t const num_elements)
template std::vector< float > readBinaryVector< float > (std::string const &, std::size_t const, std::size_t const)
template std::vector< double > readBinaryVector< double > (std::string const &, std::size_t const, std::size_t const)
template<typename T >
void writeValueBinary (std::ostream &out, T const &val)
 write value as binary into the given output stream
template void writeValueBinary< std::size_t > (std::ostream &, std::size_t const &)
template<typename T >
swapEndianness (T const &v)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Histogram< T > &h)
template std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Histogram< double > &h)
void setConsoleLogLevel (std::string const &level_string)
void initOGSLogger (std::string const &log_level)
void traverseIncludes (xmlDoc *doc, xmlNode *node, std::filesystem::path const &prj_dir)
void replaceIncludes (std::stringstream &prj_stream, std::filesystem::path const &prj_dir)
void patchStream (std::string const &patch_file, std::stringstream &prj_stream, bool after_includes=false)
void readAndPatchPrj (std::stringstream &prj_stream, std::string &prj_file, std::vector< std::string > &patch_files)
void prepareProjectFile (std::stringstream &prj_stream, const std::string &filepath, const std::vector< std::string > &patch_files, bool write_prj, const std::string &out_directory)
 Applies includes and patch files to project file.
template<typename It1 , typename It2 , typename Comparator >
void quicksort (It1 first1, It1 last1, It2 first2, Comparator compare)
template<typename It1 , typename It2 >
void quicksort (It1 first1, It1 last1, It2 first2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 = std::size_t>
void quicksort (T1 *array, std::size_t beg, std::size_t end, T2 *perm)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 = std::size_t>
void quicksort (std::vector< T1 > &array, std::size_t beg, std::size_t end, std::vector< T2 > &perm)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 = std::size_t>
void quicksort (std::vector< T1 * > &array, std::size_t beg, std::size_t end, std::vector< T2 > &perm)
std::vector< std::string > splitString (std::string const &str)
std::list< std::string > splitString (const std::string &str, char delim)
std::string replaceString (const std::string &searchString, const std::string &replaceString, std::string stringToReplace)
void trim (std::string &str, char ch)
void simplify (std::string &str)
std::string format (const char *format_str,...)
std::string randomString (std::size_t length)
 Returns a random string of the given length containing just a-z,A-Z,0-9.
std::string getUniqueName (std::vector< std::string > const &existing_names, std::string const &input_name)
 Append '-' and a number such that the name is unique.
template<typename T >
str2number (const std::string &str)
TimeInterval createTimeInterval (ConfigTree const &config)


std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > console = spdlog::stdout_color_mt("ogs")

Function Documentation

◆ all_of()

template<typename List >
bool BaseLib::all_of ( List const & values)

Checks if all of the elements in the given list are true.

Definition at line 309 of file Algorithm.h.

311 // std::all_of is not constexpr enough in some STLs
312 for (auto& value : values)
313 {
314 if (!static_cast<bool>(value))
315 {
316 return false;
317 }
318 }
320 return true;

◆ any_of()

template<typename List >
bool BaseLib::any_of ( List const & values)

Checks if any of the elements in the given list is true.

Definition at line 293 of file Algorithm.h.

295 // std::any_of is not constexpr enough in some STLs
296 for (auto& value : values)
297 {
298 if (static_cast<bool>(value))
299 {
300 return true;
301 }
302 }
304 return false;

Referenced by BaseLib::TMP::contains(), and none_of().

◆ checkAndInvalidate() [1/3]

void BaseLib::checkAndInvalidate ( ConfigTree & conf)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 486 of file ConfigTree.cpp.

488 conf.checkAndInvalidate();

◆ checkAndInvalidate() [2/3]

void BaseLib::checkAndInvalidate ( ConfigTree *const conf)

Check if conf has been read entirely and invalidate it.

This method can safely be called on nullptr's.

See also

Definition at line 491 of file ConfigTree.cpp.

493 if (conf)
494 {
495 conf->checkAndInvalidate();
496 }

◆ checkAndInvalidate() [3/3]

void BaseLib::checkAndInvalidate ( std::unique_ptr< ConfigTree > const & conf)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 499 of file ConfigTree.cpp.

501 if (conf)
502 {
503 conf->checkAndInvalidate();
504 }

◆ cleanupVectorElements() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void BaseLib::cleanupVectorElements ( std::vector< T * > & items)

◆ cleanupVectorElements() [2/2]

template<typename T1 , typename... Args>
void BaseLib::cleanupVectorElements ( std::vector< T1 * > & dependent_items,
Args &&... args )

Util function to cleanup the memory of multiple containers containing pointers to objects. Sometimes, there are dependencies between the pointer items in the containers. For instance, a GeoLib::Polyline or a GeoLib::Surface depends on the GeoLib::Point pointers stored in a std::vector<GeoLib::Point*>. Then, the dependent items have to cleaned up before the GeoLib::Point objects are deleted. A similar relation exists between MeshLib::Element objects and MeshLib::Node objects.

Definition at line 273 of file Algorithm.h.

275 cleanupVectorElements(dependent_items);
276 cleanupVectorElements(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void cleanupVectorElements(std::vector< T * > &items)
Definition Algorithm.h:256

References cleanupVectorElements().

◆ constructFormattedFileName()

std::string BaseLib::constructFormattedFileName ( std::string const & format_specification,
std::string const & mesh_name,
int const timestep,
double const t,
int const iteration )

Definition at line 126 of file FileTools.cpp.

132 char const open_char = '{';
133 char const close_char = '}';
134 std::string::size_type begin = 0;
135 std::string::size_type end = std::string::npos;
136 std::string result = format_specification;
138 while (begin != std::string::npos)
139 {
140 auto length_before_substitution = result.length();
141 // find next parenthesized string
142 std::string str = "";
143 std::tie(str, begin, end) =
144 getParenthesizedString(result, open_char, close_char, begin);
145 if (!substituteKeyword(result, str, begin, end, "timestep", timestep) &&
146 !substituteKeyword(result, str, begin, end, "time", t) &&
147 !substituteKeyword(result, str, begin, end, "iteration", iteration))
148 {
149 substituteKeyword(result, str, begin, end, "meshname", mesh_name);
150 }
151 begin = end - (length_before_substitution - result.length());
152 }
154 return result;
std::tuple< std::string, std::string::size_type, std::string::size_type > getParenthesizedString(std::string const &in, char const open_char, char const close_char, std::string::size_type pos)
Definition FileTools.cpp:56
bool substituteKeyword(std::string &result, std::string const &parenthesized_string, std::string::size_type const begin, std::string::size_type const end, std::string const &keyword, T &data)
Definition FileTools.cpp:89

References getParenthesizedString(), and substituteKeyword().

Referenced by ProcessLib::OutputVTKFormat::constructFilename(), ProcessLib::OutputXDMFHDF5Format::constructFilename(), and ProcessLib::OutputVTKFormat::constructPVDName().

◆ containsKeyword()

std::string BaseLib::containsKeyword ( std::string const & str,
std::string const & keyword )

Definition at line 78 of file FileTools.cpp.

80 auto const position = str.find(keyword);
81 if (position != std::string::npos)
82 {
83 return str.substr(0, position);
84 }
85 return "";

Referenced by substituteKeyword().

◆ createOutputDirectory()

bool BaseLib::createOutputDirectory ( std::string const & dir)

Definition at line 262 of file FileTools.cpp.

264 if (dir.empty())
265 {
266 return false;
267 }
269 std::error_code mkdir_err;
270 if (std::filesystem::create_directories(dir, mkdir_err))
271 {
272 INFO("Output directory {:s} created.", dir);
273 }
274 else if (mkdir_err.value() != 0)
275 {
276 WARN("Could not create output directory {:s}. Error code {:d}, {:s}",
277 dir, mkdir_err.value(), mkdir_err.message());
278 return false;
279 }
280 return true;
void INFO(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:35
void WARN(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:40

References INFO(), and WARN().

Referenced by initOGS(), and main().

◆ createTimeInterval()

TimeInterval BaseLib::createTimeInterval ( ConfigTree const & config)
Input File Parameter
Input File Parameter
Input File Parameter

Definition at line 23 of file TimeInterval.cpp.

26 auto const& time_interval_config = config.getConfigSubtree("time_interval");
28 const auto start_time =
30 time_interval_config.getConfigParameter<double>("start");
32 const auto end_time =
34 time_interval_config.getConfigParameter<double>("end");
36 return {start_time, end_time};

References BaseLib::ConfigTree::getConfigParameter(), and BaseLib::ConfigTree::getConfigSubtree().

Referenced by ProcessLib::createDirichletBoundaryConditionWithinTimeInterval().

◆ date2int()

int BaseLib::date2int ( int y,
int m,
int d )

Converts three integers representing a date into a double. Note: It is not really checked if the date actually makes sense.

Definition at line 26 of file DateTools.cpp.

28 if ((y < 1000 || y > 9999) || (m < 1 || m > 12) || (d < 1 || d > 31))
29 {
30 WARN("date2int(): Input not in expected range.");
31 return 0;
32 }
34 int ddate(0);
35 ddate = y * 10000;
36 ddate += (m * 100);
37 ddate += d;
39 return ddate;

References WARN().

Referenced by strDate2int(), and xmlDate2int().

◆ date2string()

std::string BaseLib::date2string ( double ddate)

Converts a double representing a date into a string. Note: It is not really checked if the date actually makes sense.

ddateNumber containing date in double format yyyymmdd
A string containing the date in format "dd.mm.yyyy".

Definition at line 65 of file DateTools.cpp.

67 if (ddate < 10000101 || ddate > 99991231)
68 {
69 WARN("date2String(): Input not in expected format.");
70 return "0.0.0000";
71 }
73 auto rest(static_cast<int>(ddate));
74 auto y = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rest / 10000.0));
75 rest = rest % (y * 10000);
76 auto m = static_cast<int>(std::floor(rest / 100.0));
77 if (m < 1 || m > 12)
78 {
79 WARN("date2String(): month not in [1:12].");
80 }
81 rest = rest % (m * 100);
82 int d = rest;
83 if (d < 1 || d > 31)
84 {
85 WARN("date2String(): day not in [1:31].");
86 }
88 std::string day = std::to_string(d);
89 if (d < 10)
90 {
91 day = "0" + day;
92 }
93 std::string month = std::to_string(m);
94 if (m < 10)
95 {
96 month = "0" + month;
97 }
98 std::string s = std::to_string(y) + "-" + month + "-" + day;
99 return s;

References WARN().

Referenced by GeoLib::IO::XmlStnInterface::writeBoreholeData().

◆ dropFileExtension()

std::string BaseLib::dropFileExtension ( std::string const & filename)

Returns a string with file extension as found by getFileExtension() dropped.

Definition at line 179 of file FileTools.cpp.

181 auto const filename_path = std::filesystem::path(filename);
182 return (filename_path.parent_path() / filename_path.stem()).string();

Referenced by convert(), extractBaseNameWithoutExtension(), VtkRaster::findWorldFile(), identifyAndWriteBoundaryMeshes(), main(), FileIO::Gocad::GocadAsciiReader::readFile(), MeshLib::IO::readMeshFromFile(), writeCsvOutput(), and writeMeshOutput().

◆ excludeObjectCopy() [1/2]

template<typename T >
std::vector< T > BaseLib::excludeObjectCopy ( std::vector< T > const & src_vec,
std::vector< std::size_t > const & exclude_positions )

excludeObjectCopy copies only those objects that position within the source vector is not in the exclude_positions vector. The implementation of the algorithm requires that the given positions in exclude_positions are sorted in ascending order.

src_vecthe vector of source objects
exclude_positionsthe positions of objects in the source vector that do not have to be copied
vector that contains the copied objects

Definition at line 42 of file Algorithm.h.

46 std::vector<T> dest_vec;
47 if (exclude_positions.empty())
48 {
49 dest_vec = src_vec;
50 return dest_vec;
51 }
53 assert(exclude_positions.back() < src_vec.size());
55 std::copy_n(src_vec.cbegin(), exclude_positions[0],
56 std::back_inserter(dest_vec));
57 for (std::size_t i = 1; i < exclude_positions.size(); ++i)
58 {
59 std::copy_n(src_vec.cbegin() + exclude_positions[i - 1] + 1,
60 exclude_positions[i] - (exclude_positions[i - 1] + 1),
61 std::back_inserter(dest_vec));
62 }
63 std::copy(src_vec.cbegin() + exclude_positions.back() + 1, src_vec.cend(),
64 std::back_inserter(dest_vec));
66 return dest_vec;

Referenced by MeshLib::PropertyVector< PROP_VAL_TYPE >::clone(), MeshLib::PropertyVector< T * >::clone(), and excludeObjectCopy().

◆ excludeObjectCopy() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void BaseLib::excludeObjectCopy ( std::vector< T > const & src_vec,
std::vector< std::size_t > const & exclude_positions,
std::vector< T > & dest_vec )

Definition at line 70 of file Algorithm.h.

74 dest_vec = excludeObjectCopy(src_vec, exclude_positions);
std::vector< T > excludeObjectCopy(std::vector< T > const &src_vec, std::vector< std::size_t > const &exclude_positions)
Definition Algorithm.h:42

References excludeObjectCopy().

◆ extractBaseName()

std::string BaseLib::extractBaseName ( std::string const & pathname)

Extracts basename from given pathname with extension.

Returns a string containing everything after the last path separator. If the the pathname does not contain a path separator original pathname is returned.

Definition at line 185 of file FileTools.cpp.

187 return std::filesystem::path(pathname).filename().string();

Referenced by OGSFileConverter::convertGLI2GML(), extractBaseNameWithoutExtension(), OGSFileConverter::fileExists(), MeshLib::IO::getVtuFileNameForPetscOutputWithoutExtension(), anonymous_namespace{postLIE.cpp}::postPVD(), FileIO::Legacy::readGLIFileV4(), and MeshLib::IO::NodePartitionedMeshReader::readMesh().

◆ extractBaseNameWithoutExtension()

std::string BaseLib::extractBaseNameWithoutExtension ( std::string const & pathname)

◆ extractPath()

std::string BaseLib::extractPath ( std::string const & pathname)

Extracts the path of a pathname.

Returns a string up to the last path separator not including it.

Definition at line 206 of file FileTools.cpp.

208 return std::filesystem::path(pathname).parent_path().string();

Referenced by MeshLib::IO::getVtuFileNameForPetscOutputWithoutExtension(), Simulation::initializeDataStructures(), main(), parseCommandLineArguments(), anonymous_namespace{postLIE.cpp}::postPVD(), readAndPatchPrj(), FileIO::Legacy::readGLIFileV4(), readVtuFileNames(), FileIO::Legacy::writeAllDataToGLIFileV4(), and FileIO::Legacy::writeGLIFileV4().

◆ findElementOrError()

template<ranges::input_range Range>
ranges::range_reference_t< Range > BaseLib::findElementOrError ( Range & range,
std::predicate< ranges::range_reference_t< Range > > auto && predicate,
std::invocable auto error_callback )

Returns reference to an element in the range satisfying the predicate. If no such element is found, error_callback is called and reference to past-the-end of the range is returned.

Definition at line 81 of file Algorithm.h.

86 auto it =
87 ranges::find_if(range, std::forward<decltype(predicate)>(predicate));
88 if (it == ranges::end(range))
89 {
90 error_callback();
92 "Element not found in the input range. The user provided error "
93 "callback is meant not to return. That has not happened.");
94 }
95 return *it;
#define OGS_FATAL(...)
Definition Error.h:26

References OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by MaterialPropertyLib::Phase::component(), MeshLib::findMeshByName(), MaterialLib::Solids::MFront::MFrontGeneric< DisplacementDim, Gradients, TDynForces, ExtStateVars >::initializeInternalStateVariables(), and MaterialPropertyLib::Medium::phase().

◆ findFirstNotEqualElement()

template<typename Container >
std::optional< typename Container::value_type > BaseLib::findFirstNotEqualElement ( Container const & container,
typename Container::value_type const & element )

Definition at line 227 of file Algorithm.h.

230 auto const it =
231 std::find_if_not(container.begin(), container.end(),
232 [&element](typename Container::value_type const& e)
233 { return e == element; });
234 return it == container.end() ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(*it);

Referenced by ProcessLib::LIE::PostProcessTool::PostProcessTool().

◆ findIndex()

template<typename Container >
std::size_t BaseLib::findIndex ( Container const & container,
typename Container::value_type const & element )

Returns the index of first element in container or, if the element is not found a std::size_t maximum value.

The maximum value of std::size_t is chosen, because such an index cannot exist in a container; the maximum index is std::size_t::max-1.

Definition at line 243 of file Algorithm.h.

246 auto const it = std::find(container.begin(), container.end(), element);
247 if (it == container.end())
248 {
249 return std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
250 }
251 return std::distance(container.begin(), it);

Referenced by ProcessLib::LIE::PostProcessTool::PostProcessTool(), and ProcessLib::ComponentTransport::LookupTable::getTableEntryID().

◆ format()

std::string BaseLib::format ( const char * format_str,
... )

Definition at line 86 of file StringTools.cpp.

88 va_list args;
89 va_start(args, format_str);
90 // get the number of chars to write
91 va_list args_tmp;
92 va_copy(args_tmp, args);
93 int char_length = std::vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, format_str, args_tmp);
94 va_end(args_tmp);
95 // allocate buffer and store formatted output there
96 std::vector<char> buffer(char_length + 1); // note +1 for null terminator
97 vsnprintf(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), format_str, args);
98 va_end(args);
100 return std::string(buffer.data());

◆ formatDate()

std::string BaseLib::formatDate ( std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock > const & time)

Formats the given time point according to RFC 3339 (cf. man-page of the unix date utility).

Example: 2006-08-14 02:34:56-06:00

Definition at line 137 of file DateTools.cpp.

140 auto const time_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(time);
141 char time_str[100];
142 if (std::strftime(time_str, sizeof(time_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z",
143 std::localtime(&time_t)))
144 {
145 return time_str;
146 }

Referenced by executeSimulation(), initOGS(), and main().

◆ getFileExtension()

◆ getIfOrError()

template<typename Container , typename Predicate >
OGS_NO_DANGLING Container::value_type const & BaseLib::getIfOrError ( Container const & container,
Predicate && predicate,
std::string const & error_message )

Returns the value of from the given container if such an entry fulfilling the predicate exists; otherwise an error_message is printed and the program is aborted.

Definition at line 163 of file Algorithm.h.

168 auto it = std::find_if(begin(container), end(container), predicate);
169 if (it == end(container))
170 {
171 OGS_FATAL("Could not find element matching the predicate: {:s}",
172 error_message);
173 }
174 return *it;

References OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by ProcessLib::createPerProcessData(), and ParameterLib::createRasterParameter().

◆ getOrError() [1/2]

template<typename Map , typename Key >
OGS_NO_DANGLING Map::mapped_type & BaseLib::getOrError ( Map & map,
Key const & key,
std::string const & error_message )

Returns the value of key from the given map if such an entry exists; otherwise an error_message is printed and the program is aborted. Cf. also the const overload below.

Definition at line 118 of file Algorithm.h.

121 auto it = map.find(key);
122 if (it == map.end())
123 {
124 if constexpr (std::is_convertible<Key, std::string>::value)
125 {
126 OGS_FATAL("{:s} Key `{:s}' does not exist.", error_message, key);
127 }
128 else
129 {
130 OGS_FATAL("{:s} Key `{:s}' does not exist.", error_message,
131 std::to_string(key));
132 }
133 }
135 return it->second;

References OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by MaterialPropertyLib::createCurve(), ProcessLib::HeatTransportBHE::BHE::createFlowAndTemperatureControl(), ProcessLib::createPerProcessData(), MaterialPropertyLib::createSaturationWeightedThermalConductivity(), anonymous_namespace{SubmeshResiduumOutputConfig.cpp}::filterMeshesForResiduumOutput(), ProjectData::parseNonlinearSolvers(), and ProcessLib::parseTimeIntervalOrCurve().

◆ getOrError() [2/2]

template<typename Map , typename Key >
OGS_NO_DANGLING Map::mapped_type const & BaseLib::getOrError ( Map const & map,
Key const & key,
std::string const & error_message )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 139 of file Algorithm.h.

142 auto it = map.find(key);
143 if (it == map.end())
144 {
145 if constexpr (std::is_convertible<Key, std::string>::value)
146 {
147 OGS_FATAL("{:s} Key `{:s}' does not exist.", error_message, key);
148 }
149 else
150 {
151 OGS_FATAL("{:s} Key `{:s}' does not exist.", error_message,
152 std::to_string(key));
153 }
154 }
156 return it->second;

References OGS_FATAL.

◆ getParenthesizedString()

std::tuple< std::string, std::string::size_type, std::string::size_type > BaseLib::getParenthesizedString ( std::string const & in,
char const open_char,
char const close_char,
std::string::size_type pos )

Returns the begin and end position of the string enclosed in open_char and close_char and the enclosed string itself. Search starts at position pos within the string str. Nested open_char and close_char are not handled correctly.

Definition at line 56 of file FileTools.cpp.

61 auto const pos_curly_brace_open = in.find_first_of(open_char, pos);
62 if (pos_curly_brace_open == std::string::npos)
63 {
64 return std::make_tuple("", std::string::npos, std::string::npos);
65 }
66 auto const pos_curly_brace_close =
67 in.find_first_of(close_char, pos_curly_brace_open);
68 if (pos_curly_brace_close == std::string::npos)
69 {
70 return std::make_tuple("", std::string::npos, std::string::npos);
71 }
72 return std::make_tuple(
73 in.substr(pos_curly_brace_open + 1,
74 pos_curly_brace_close - (pos_curly_brace_open + 1)),
75 pos_curly_brace_open, pos_curly_brace_close);

Referenced by constructFormattedFileName().

◆ getProjectDirectory()

std::string const & BaseLib::getProjectDirectory ( )

Returns the directory where the prj file resides.

Definition at line 217 of file FileTools.cpp.

220 {
221 OGS_FATAL("The project directory has not yet been set.");
222 }
223 return project_directory;
std::string project_directory
The directory where the prj file resides.
Definition FileTools.cpp:34
bool project_directory_is_set
Whether the project directory has already been set.
Definition FileTools.cpp:37

References OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by ChemistryLib::createChemicalSolverInterface< ChemicalSolver::Phreeqc >(), ProcessLib::ComponentTransport::createLookupTable(), MaterialLib::Solids::MFront::createMFrontConfig(), Simulation::initializeDataStructures(), parseCommandLineArguments(), and readDoublesFromBinaryFile().

◆ getUniqueName()

std::string BaseLib::getUniqueName ( std::vector< std::string > const & existing_names,
std::string const & input_name )

Append '-' and a number such that the name is unique.

Definition at line 121 of file StringTools.cpp.

124 std::string result_name = input_name;
125 std::size_t count = 1;
126 while (std::find(existing_names.cbegin(),
127 existing_names.cend(),
128 result_name) != existing_names.end())
129 {
130 count++;
131 result_name = input_name + "-" + std::to_string(count);
132 }
133 return result_name;

Referenced by GeoLib::GEOObjects::isUniquePointVecName(), MeshToolsLib::RasterDataToMesh::projectToElements(), and MeshToolsLib::RasterDataToMesh::projectToNodes().

◆ hasFileExtension()

bool BaseLib::hasFileExtension ( std::string const & extension,
std::string const & filename )

Compares filename's extension with query extension. The comparison is case insensitive.

Definition at line 201 of file FileTools.cpp.

203 return boost::iequals(extension, getFileExtension(filename));
std::string getFileExtension(const std::string &path)

References getFileExtension().

Referenced by main(), and anonymous_namespace{readMeshFromFile.cpp}::readMeshFromFileSerial().

◆ initOGSLogger()

void BaseLib::initOGSLogger ( std::string const & log_level)

Definition at line 54 of file Logging.cpp.

57 spdlog::set_pattern("%^%l:%$ %v");
58 spdlog::set_error_handler(
59 [](const std::string& msg)
60 {
61 std::cerr << "spdlog error: " << msg << std::endl;
62 OGS_FATAL("spdlog logger error occurred.");
63 });
void setConsoleLogLevel(std::string const &level_string)
Definition Logging.cpp:37

References OGS_FATAL, and setConsoleLogLevel().

Referenced by initOGS(), and main().

◆ insertIfKeyUniqueElseError()

template<typename Map , typename Key , typename Value >
void BaseLib::insertIfKeyUniqueElseError ( Map & map,
Key const & key,
Value && value,
std::string const & error_message )

Inserts the given key with the given value into the map if an entry with the given key does not yet exist; otherwise an error_message is printed and the program is aborted.

Definition at line 104 of file Algorithm.h.

107 auto const inserted = map.emplace(key, std::forward<Value>(value));
108 if (!inserted.second)
109 { // insertion failed, i.e., key already exists
110 OGS_FATAL("{} Key `{}' already exists.", error_message, key);
111 }

References OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by ProcessLib::SecondaryVariableCollection::addNameMapping(), ProjectData::parseCurves(), ProjectData::parseLinearSolvers(), ProjectData::parseNonlinearSolvers(), GeoLib::IO::BoostXmlGmlInterface::readPoints(), GeoLib::IO::BoostXmlGmlInterface::readPolylines(), and GeoLib::IO::BoostXmlGmlInterface::readSurfaces().

◆ int2date()

std::string BaseLib::int2date ( int date)

Converts an integer to a string date "dd.mm.yyyy" Note: (Almost) no checks are performed if the int makes sense as a date.

Definition at line 42 of file DateTools.cpp.

44 if (date > 10000000 && date < 22000000)
45 {
46 auto y = static_cast<int>(std::floor(date / 10000.0));
47 auto m = static_cast<int>(std::floor((date - (y * 10000)) / 100.0));
48 int d = date - (y * 10000) - (m * 100);
49 std::stringstream ss;
50 if (d < 10)
51 {
52 ss << "0";
53 }
54 ss << d << ".";
55 if (m < 10)
56 {
57 ss << "0";
58 }
59 ss << m << "." << y;
60 return ss.str();
61 }
62 return "";

Referenced by DiagramList::readList().

◆ IsFileExisting()

bool BaseLib::IsFileExisting ( const std::string & strFilename)

◆ isProjectDirectorySet()

bool BaseLib::isProjectDirectorySet ( )

Returns true if the project directory is set.

Definition at line 42 of file FileTools.cpp.


◆ joinPaths()

◆ makeConfigTree()

ConfigTree BaseLib::makeConfigTree ( std::string const & filepath,
bool const be_ruthless,
std::string const & toplevel_tag,
std::stringstream & prj_stream )

Create a ConfigTree from an XML file.

filepathsee ConfigTreeTopLevel::ConfigTreeTopLevel()
be_ruthlesssee ConfigTreeTopLevel::ConfigTreeTopLevel()
toplevel_tagname of the outermost tag in the XML file. The returned ConfigTree is rooted one level below that tag.
prj_streamcontent of the (pre-processed) prj file.

The parameter toplevel_tag is provided for compatibility with our existing configuration files whose toplevel tags are written in camel case, which conflicts with the naming rules of ConfigTree. Via that parameter the naming rules do not apply to the toplevel tag.

Unfortunately the XML parser shipped with boost::property_tree does not fully support the XML standard. Additionally there might be encoding issues. From their docs:

‍Please note that RapidXML does not understand the encoding specification.

If you pass it a > character buffer, it assumes the data is already correctly encoded; if you pass it a filename, > it will read the file using the character conversion of the locale you give it (or the global > locale if you give it none). This means that, in order to parse a UTF-8-encoded XML file into > a wptree, you have to supply an alternate locale, either directly or by replacing the global one.

See also

Definition at line 24 of file ConfigTreeUtil.cpp.

30 // note: Trimming whitespace and ignoring comments is crucial in order
31 // for our configuration tree implementation to work!
32 try
33 {
34 read_xml(prj_stream, ptree,
35 boost::property_tree::xml_parser::no_comments |
36 boost::property_tree::xml_parser::trim_whitespace);
37 }
38 catch (boost::property_tree::xml_parser_error const& e)
39 {
40 OGS_FATAL("Error while parsing XML file `{:s}' at line {:d}: {:s}.",
41 e.filename(), e.line(), e.message());
42 }
44 DBUG("Project configuration from file '{:s}' read.", filepath);
46 if (auto opt_child = ptree.get_child_optional(toplevel_tag))
47 {
48 auto const callback =
49 be_ruthless ? ConfigTree::onerror : ConfigTree::onwarning;
51 return ConfigTree(std::move(*opt_child), filepath, callback, callback);
52 }
53 OGS_FATAL("Tag <{:s}> has not been found in file `{:s}'.", toplevel_tag,
54 filepath);
void DBUG(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:30
boost::property_tree::ptree PTree
The tree being wrapped by this class.
Definition ConfigTree.h:255

References DBUG(), OGS_FATAL, BaseLib::ConfigTree::onerror(), and BaseLib::ConfigTree::onwarning().

Referenced by Simulation::initializeDataStructures(), and makeConfigTreeFromFile().

◆ makeConfigTreeFromFile()

ConfigTree BaseLib::makeConfigTreeFromFile ( const std::string & filepath,
const bool be_ruthless,
const std::string & toplevel_tag )

Definition at line 57 of file ConfigTreeUtil.cpp.

61 std::ifstream file(filepath);
62 if (file)
63 {
64 std::stringstream buffer;
65 buffer << file.rdbuf();
67 return makeConfigTree(filepath, be_ruthless, toplevel_tag, buffer);
68 }
69 else
70 {
71 OGS_FATAL("Could not read from file {:s}!", filepath);
72 }
ConfigTree makeConfigTree(const std::string &filepath, const bool be_ruthless, const std::string &toplevel_tag, std::stringstream &prj_stream)

References makeConfigTree(), and OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by GeoLib::IO::BoostXmlGmlInterface::readFile().

◆ makeVectorUnique() [1/2]

◆ makeVectorUnique() [2/2]

template<typename T , class Compare >
void BaseLib::makeVectorUnique ( std::vector< T > & v,
Compare comp )

Make the entries of the std::vector v unique using the given binary function. The remaining entries will be sorted.

Definition at line 190 of file Algorithm.h.

192 std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), comp);
193 auto it = std::unique(v.begin(), v.end());
194 v.erase(it, v.end());

◆ none_of()

template<typename List >
bool BaseLib::none_of ( List const & values)

Checks if none of the elements in the given list are true.

Definition at line 325 of file Algorithm.h.

327 return !any_of(values);
constexpr bool any_of(List const &values)
Checks if any of the elements in the given list is true.
Definition Algorithm.h:293

References any_of().

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

template std::ostream & BaseLib::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const Histogram< double > & h )

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::ostream & BaseLib::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const Histogram< T > & h )

Writes histogram to output stream.

Writes histogram properties in this order: number of bins, minimum, maximum, bin0 count, ..., binN-1 count.

Definition at line 77 of file Histogram.cpp.

79 os << h.getNumberOfBins() << " " << h.getMinimum() << " " << h.getMaximum()
80 << " ";
81 std::copy(h.getBinCounts().begin(), h.getBinCounts().end(),
82 std::ostream_iterator<std::size_t>(os, " "));
83 return os << std::endl;
const T & getMinimum() const
Definition Histogram.h:112
const unsigned int & getNumberOfBins() const
Definition Histogram.h:111
const std::vector< std::size_t > & getBinCounts() const
Definition Histogram.h:110
const T & getMaximum() const
Definition Histogram.h:113

References BaseLib::Histogram< T >::getBinCounts(), BaseLib::Histogram< T >::getMaximum(), BaseLib::Histogram< T >::getMinimum(), and BaseLib::Histogram< T >::getNumberOfBins().

◆ patchStream()

void BaseLib::patchStream ( std::string const & patch_file,
std::stringstream & prj_stream,
bool after_includes = false )

Definition at line 179 of file PrjProcessing.cpp.

182 // xmlReadFile(patch_file.c_str(), nullptr, 0); leads to malloc errors in
183 // xmlFreeDoc(doc) below
184 auto patch = xmlParseFile(patch_file.c_str());
185 if (patch == nullptr)
186 {
187 OGS_FATAL("Error reading XML diff file {:s}.", patch_file);
188 }
190 auto doc = xmlReadMemory(prj_stream.str().c_str(), prj_stream.str().size(),
191 nullptr, nullptr, 0);
192 if (doc == nullptr)
193 {
194 OGS_FATAL("Error reading project file from memory.");
195 }
197 auto node = xmlDocGetRootElement(patch);
198 int rc = 0;
199 for (node = node ? node->children : nullptr; node; node = node->next)
200 {
201 if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
202 {
203 continue;
204 }
205 bool node_after_includes = false;
206 xmlAttr* attribute = node->properties;
207 while (attribute)
208 {
209 // Check for after_includes-attribute
210 xmlChar* value =
211 xmlNodeListGetString(node->doc, attribute->children, 1);
212 if (xmlStrEqual(attribute->name, xmlCharStrdup("after_includes")) &&
213 xmlStrEqual(value, xmlCharStrdup("true")))
214 {
215 node_after_includes = true;
216 }
218 xmlFree(value);
219 attribute = attribute->next;
220 }
222 if (after_includes != node_after_includes)
223 {
224 continue;
225 }
227 if (xmlStrEqual(node->name, xmlCharStrdup("add")))
228 {
229 rc = xml_patch_add(doc, node);
230 }
231 else if (xmlStrEqual(node->name, xmlCharStrdup("replace")))
232 {
233 rc = xml_patch_replace(doc, node);
234 }
235 else if (xmlStrEqual(node->name, xmlCharStrdup("remove")))
236 {
237 rc = xml_patch_remove(doc, node);
238 }
239 else
240 {
242 "Error while patching prj file with patch file {:}. Only "
243 "'add', 'replace' and 'remove' elements are allowed! Got an "
244 "element '{:s}' on line {:d}.",
245 patch_file, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(node->name),
246 node->line);
247 }
249 if (rc)
250 {
252 "Error while patching prj file with patch file {:}. Error in "
253 "element '{:s}' on line {:d}.",
254 patch_file, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(node->name),
255 node->line);
256 }
257 }
259 xmlChar* xmlbuff;
260 int buffersize;
261 xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize);
262 prj_stream.str(""); // Empty stream
263 prj_stream << xmlbuff;
265 xmlFree(xmlbuff);
266 xmlFreeDoc(doc);
267 xmlFreeDoc(patch);

References OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by prepareProjectFile(), and readAndPatchPrj().

◆ prepareProjectFile()

void BaseLib::prepareProjectFile ( std::stringstream & prj_stream,
const std::string & filepath,
const std::vector< std::string > & patch_files,
bool write_prj,
const std::string & out_directory )

Applies includes and patch files to project file.

prj_streamThe processed prj as a stringstream.
filepathThe prj file.
patch_filesOptional patch files.
write_prjWrite the processed project file to disk?
out_directoryThe directory to write the processed file to.

Definition at line 325 of file PrjProcessing.cpp.

330 std::string prj_file = filepath;
332 std::vector<std::string> patch_files_copy = patch_files;
333 readAndPatchPrj(prj_stream, prj_file, patch_files_copy);
334 replaceIncludes(prj_stream,
335 std::filesystem::absolute(std::filesystem::path(prj_file))
336 .parent_path());
337 // re-apply xml patches to stream
338 for (const auto& patch_file : patch_files_copy)
339 {
340 patchStream(patch_file, prj_stream, true);
341 }
343 if (write_prj)
344 {
345 // The following two lines should set indenting to 4 spaces but it does
346 // not work. 2 spaces are default.
347 //
348 // xmlThrDefIndentTreeOutput(1);
349 // xmlThrDefTreeIndentString(" "); // 4 spaces indent
350 // XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS -> pretty-print
351 auto doc =
352 xmlReadMemory(prj_stream.str().c_str(), prj_stream.str().size(),
353 nullptr, nullptr, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS);
354 auto prj_out = (std::filesystem::path(out_directory) /
355 std::filesystem::path(filepath).stem())
356 .string() +
357 "_processed.prj";
358 xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(prj_out.c_str(), doc, "utf-8", 1);
359 INFO("Processed project file written to {:s}.", prj_out);
360 xmlFreeDoc(doc);
361 }
362 xmlCleanupParser();
void readAndPatchPrj(std::stringstream &prj_stream, std::string &prj_file, std::vector< std::string > &patch_files)
void patchStream(std::string const &patch_file, std::stringstream &prj_stream, bool after_includes=false)
void replaceIncludes(std::stringstream &prj_stream, std::filesystem::path const &prj_dir)

References INFO(), patchStream(), readAndPatchPrj(), and replaceIncludes().

Referenced by Simulation::initializeDataStructures().

◆ quicksort() [1/5]

template<typename It1 , typename It2 >
void BaseLib::quicksort ( It1 first1,
It1 last1,
It2 first2 )
{first1 <= last1 and the second iterator can be incremented distance(first1, last1) times}

Definition at line 52 of file quicksort.h.

54 using T1 = typename std::iterator_traits<It1>::value_type;
55 using T2 = typename std::iterator_traits<It2>::value_type;
57 quicksort(first1, last1, first2,
58 [](std::pair<T1, T2> const& a, std::pair<T1, T2> const& b)
59 { return a.first < b.first; });
void quicksort(It1 first1, It1 last1, It2 first2, Comparator compare)
Definition quicksort.h:26

References quicksort().

◆ quicksort() [2/5]

template<typename It1 , typename It2 , typename Comparator >
void BaseLib::quicksort ( It1 first1,
It1 last1,
It2 first2,
Comparator compare )
{first1 <= last1 and the second iterator can be incremented distance(first1, last1) times}

Definition at line 26 of file quicksort.h.

28 using T1 = typename std::iterator_traits<It1>::value_type;
29 using T2 = typename std::iterator_traits<It2>::value_type;
31 std::vector<std::pair<T1, T2>> data;
32 data.reserve(std::distance(first1, last1));
33 std::transform(first1, last1, first2, std::back_inserter(data),
34 [](T1 const& t1, T2 const& t2)
35 { return std::make_pair(t1, t2); });
37 // Sort data using first element of the pair.
38 std::sort(begin(data), end(data), compare);
40 // Unzip sorted data.
41 for (auto const& pair : data)
42 {
43 *first1 = pair.first;
44 *first2 = pair.second;
45 ++first1;
46 ++first2;
47 }

Referenced by MeshGeoToolsLib::MeshNodesAlongPolyline::MeshNodesAlongPolyline(), MathLib::PiecewiseLinearInterpolation::PiecewiseLinearInterpolation(), quicksort(), quicksort(), quicksort(), and GeoLib::Polygon::splitPolygonAtPoint().

◆ quicksort() [3/5]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 = std::size_t>
void BaseLib::quicksort ( std::vector< T1 * > & array,
std::size_t beg,
std::size_t end,
std::vector< T2 > & perm )

Definition at line 83 of file quicksort.h.

86 assert(beg <= end);
87 assert(end <= array.size());
88 assert(perm.size() == array.size());
90 // Zip input arrays.
91 std::vector<std::pair<T1*, T2>> data;
92 data.reserve(end - beg);
93 std::transform(array.begin() + beg, array.begin() + end, perm.begin() + beg,
94 std::back_inserter(data),
95 [](T1* const& t1, T2 const& t2)
96 { return std::make_pair(t1, t2); });
98 // Sort data using first element of the pair.
99 std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(),
100 [](std::pair<T1*, T2> const& a, std::pair<T1*, T2> const& b)
101 { return (*a.first < *b.first); });
103 // Unzip sorted data.
104 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
105 {
106 array[beg + i] = data[i].first;
107 perm[beg + i] = data[i].second;
108 }

◆ quicksort() [4/5]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 = std::size_t>
void BaseLib::quicksort ( std::vector< T1 > & array,
std::size_t beg,
std::size_t end,
std::vector< T2 > & perm )

Definition at line 72 of file quicksort.h.

75 assert(beg <= end);
76 assert(end <= array.size());
77 assert(perm.size() == array.size());
79 quicksort(array.data(), beg, end, perm.data());

References quicksort().

◆ quicksort() [5/5]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 = std::size_t>
void BaseLib::quicksort ( T1 * array,
std::size_t beg,
std::size_t end,
T2 * perm )
{end<=array.size() and perm.size()==array.size()}

Definition at line 64 of file quicksort.h.

66 assert(beg <= end);
68 quicksort(array + beg, array + end, perm + beg);

References quicksort().

◆ randomString()

std::string BaseLib::randomString ( std::size_t const length)

Returns a random string of the given length containing just a-z,A-Z,0-9.

Definition at line 103 of file StringTools.cpp.

105 static constexpr char charset[] =
106 "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
108 static const auto seed = static_cast<std::mt19937::result_type>(
109 std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
110 static std::mt19937 generator{seed};
111 static std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned short> distribution(
112 0, sizeof(charset) - 2);
114 std::string s(length, 0);
115 std::generate_n(begin(s), length,
116 [&]() { return charset[distribution(generator)]; });
118 return s;

Referenced by FileIO::createSurface().

◆ readAndPatchPrj()

void BaseLib::readAndPatchPrj ( std::stringstream & prj_stream,
std::string & prj_file,
std::vector< std::string > & patch_files )

Definition at line 272 of file PrjProcessing.cpp.

275 // Extract base project file path if an xml (patch) file is given as prj
276 // file and it contains the base_file attribute.
277 if (BaseLib::getFileExtension(prj_file) == ".xml")
278 {
279 if (!patch_files.empty())
280 {
282 "It is not allowed to specify additional patch files "
283 "if a patch file was already specified as the "
284 "prj-file.");
285 }
286 auto patch = xmlReadFile(prj_file.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
287 auto node = xmlDocGetRootElement(patch);
288 xmlChar const base_file_string[] = "base_file";
289 auto base_file = xmlGetProp(node, base_file_string);
290 if (base_file == nullptr)
291 {
293 "Error reading base prj file (base_file attribute) in given "
294 "patch file {:s}.",
295 prj_file);
296 }
297 patch_files = {prj_file};
298 std::stringstream ss;
299 ss << base_file;
300 prj_file = BaseLib::joinPaths(BaseLib::extractPath(prj_file), ss.str());
301 }
303 // read base prj file into stream
304 if (std::ifstream file(prj_file); file)
305 {
306 prj_stream << file.rdbuf();
307 }
308 else
309 {
310 if (!BaseLib::IsFileExisting(prj_file))
311 {
312 ERR("File {:s} does not exist.", prj_file);
313 }
314 DBUG("Stream state flags: {:s}.", iostateToString(file.rdstate()));
315 OGS_FATAL("Could not open project file '{:s}' for reading.", prj_file);
316 }
318 // apply xml patches to stream
319 for (const auto& patch_file : patch_files)
320 {
321 patchStream(patch_file, prj_stream);
322 }
void ERR(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:45
std::string extractPath(std::string const &pathname)
bool IsFileExisting(const std::string &strFilename)
Returns true if given file exists.
Definition FileTools.cpp:50
std::string joinPaths(std::string const &pathA, std::string const &pathB)
std::string iostateToString(std::ios_base::iostate const state)

References DBUG(), ERR(), extractPath(), getFileExtension(), IsFileExisting(), joinPaths(), OGS_FATAL, and patchStream().

Referenced by prepareProjectFile().

◆ readBinaryValue()

template<typename T >
T BaseLib::readBinaryValue ( std::istream & in)

Definition at line 299 of file FileTools.cpp.

301 T v;
302 in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&v), sizeof(T));
303 return v;

◆ readBinaryValue< double >()

template double BaseLib::readBinaryValue< double > ( std::istream & )

◆ readBinaryValue< float >()

template float BaseLib::readBinaryValue< float > ( std::istream & )

◆ readBinaryVector()

template<typename T >
std::vector< T > BaseLib::readBinaryVector ( std::string const & filename,
std::size_t const start_element,
std::size_t const num_elements )

Definition at line 311 of file FileTools.cpp.

315 if (!IsFileExisting(filename))
316 {
317 OGS_FATAL("File {:s} not found", filename);
318 }
320 // Determine file size
321 std::uintmax_t file_size = std::filesystem::file_size(filename);
322 std::size_t total_elements = file_size / sizeof(T);
324 if (start_element >= total_elements)
325 {
326 OGS_FATAL("Start element is beyond file size");
327 }
329 // Calculate the number of elements to read
330 std::size_t const elements_to_read =
331 std::min(num_elements, total_elements - start_element);
333 // Calculate offset and size to map
334 std::size_t const offset = start_element * sizeof(T);
335 std::size_t const size_to_map = elements_to_read * sizeof(T);
337 // Create a file mapping
338 boost::interprocess::file_mapping file(filename.c_str(),
339 boost::interprocess::read_only);
341 // Map the specified region
342 boost::interprocess::mapped_region region(
343 file, boost::interprocess::read_only, offset, size_to_map);
345 // Get the address of the mapped region
346 auto* addr = region.get_address();
348 // Create vector and copy data
349 std::vector<T> result(elements_to_read);
350 std::memcpy(result.data(), addr, size_to_map);
352 if constexpr (std::endian::native != std::endian::little)
353 {
354 boost::endian::endian_reverse_inplace(result);
355 }
357 return result;

References IsFileExisting(), and OGS_FATAL.

◆ readBinaryVector< double >()

template std::vector< double > BaseLib::readBinaryVector< double > ( std::string const & ,
std::size_t const ,
std::size_t const  )

◆ readBinaryVector< float >()

template std::vector< float > BaseLib::readBinaryVector< float > ( std::string const & ,
std::size_t const ,
std::size_t const  )

◆ readDoublesFromBinaryFile()

std::vector< double > BaseLib::readDoublesFromBinaryFile ( const std::string & filename)

Definition at line 283 of file FileTools.cpp.

285 auto prj_dir = BaseLib::getProjectDirectory();
286 std::string path_to_file = BaseLib::joinPaths(prj_dir, filename);
287 std::string file_extension = BaseLib::getFileExtension(filename);
288 if (file_extension != ".bin")
289 {
291 "Currently only binary files with extension '.bin' supported. The "
292 "specified file has extension {:s}.",
293 file_extension)
294 }
295 return BaseLib::readBinaryVector<double>(path_to_file);
std::string const & getProjectDirectory()
Returns the directory where the prj file resides.
template std::vector< double > readBinaryVector< double >(std::string const &, std::size_t const, std::size_t const)

References getFileExtension(), getProjectDirectory(), joinPaths(), OGS_FATAL, and readBinaryVector< double >().

Referenced by ProcessLib::createOutputConfig(), and MathLib::parsePiecewiseLinearCurveConfig().

◆ removeFile()

void BaseLib::removeFile ( std::string const & filename)

Removes a file. If a file does not exist nothing will happen, other errors lead to OGS_FATAL call.

Definition at line 244 of file FileTools.cpp.

246 bool const success =
247 std::filesystem::remove(std::filesystem::path(filename));
248 if (success)
249 {
250 DBUG("Removed '{:s}'", filename);
251 }

References DBUG().

Referenced by MainWindow::callGMSH(), consolidateGeometry(), main(), and removeFiles().

◆ removeFiles()

void BaseLib::removeFiles ( std::vector< std::string > const & files)

Remove files. If a file does not exist nothing will happen, other errors lead to OGS_FATAL call.

Definition at line 254 of file FileTools.cpp.

256 for (auto const& file : files)
257 {
258 removeFile(file);
259 }
void removeFile(std::string const &filename)

References removeFile().

Referenced by Simulation::initializeDataStructures().

◆ reorderVector()

template<typename ValueType , typename IndexType >
void BaseLib::reorderVector ( std::vector< ValueType > & v,
std::vector< IndexType > const & order )

Reorder a vector by a given index vector.

Note: It is good enough in performance for medium size vectors.

Definition at line 203 of file Algorithm.h.

206 std::vector<ValueType> temp_v(v.size());
207 temp_v.swap(v);
209 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < order.size(); i++)
210 {
211 std::swap(v[i], temp_v[order[i]]);
212 }

Referenced by MaterialLib::PorousMedium::createPorousMediaProperties(), and ProcessLib::TwoPhaseFlowWithPrho::createTwoPhaseFlowPrhoMaterialProperties().

◆ replaceIncludes()

void BaseLib::replaceIncludes ( std::stringstream & prj_stream,
std::filesystem::path const & prj_dir )

Definition at line 149 of file PrjProcessing.cpp.

152 // Parsing the XML triggers floating point exceptions. Because we are not
153 // debugging libxml2 (or other libraries) at this point, the floating point
154 // exceptions are temporarily disabled and are restored at the end of the
155 // function.
156 [[maybe_unused]] DisableFPE disable_fpe;
158 auto doc = xmlReadMemory(prj_stream.str().c_str(), prj_stream.str().size(),
159 nullptr, nullptr, 0);
160 if (doc == nullptr)
161 {
162 OGS_FATAL("Error reading project file from memory.");
163 }
165 auto root_node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
166 traverseIncludes(doc, root_node, prj_dir);
168 xmlChar* xmlbuff;
169 int buffersize;
170 xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize);
171 prj_stream.str(""); // Empty stream
172 prj_stream << xmlbuff;
174 xmlFree(xmlbuff);
175 xmlFreeDoc(doc);

References OGS_FATAL, and traverseIncludes().

Referenced by prepareProjectFile().

◆ replaceString()

std::string BaseLib::replaceString ( const std::string & searchString,
const std::string & replaceString,
std::string stringToReplace )

Replaces a substring with another in a string

searchStringSearch for this string
replaceStringReplace with this string
stringToReplaceSearch and replace in this string
The modified string

Definition at line 51 of file StringTools.cpp.

55 boost::replace_all(stringToReplace, searchString, replaceString);
56 return stringToReplace;

References replaceString().

Referenced by GeoLib::Station::createStation(), FileIO::FEFLOWMeshInterface::getIndexList(), FileIO::readDoubleFromStream(), DiagramList::readList(), and replaceString().

◆ setConsoleLogLevel()

void BaseLib::setConsoleLogLevel ( std::string const & level_string)

Definition at line 37 of file Logging.cpp.

39 using namespace spdlog::level;
40 std::map<std::string, level_enum> string_to_log_level = {
41 {"none", off}, {"critical", critical}, {"error", err}, {"warn", warn},
42 {"info", info}, {"debug", debug}, {"all", trace}};
44 auto const level = string_to_log_level.find(level_string);
45 if (level == string_to_log_level.end())
46 {
47 ERR("'{:s}' is not a valid log level!", level_string);
48 OGS_FATAL("Wrong log level string.");
49 }
50 console->set_level(level->second);
51 spdlog::set_default_logger(console);
std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > console
Definition Logging.cpp:32

References console, ERR(), and OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by initOGSLogger(), and main().

◆ setProjectDirectory()

void BaseLib::setProjectDirectory ( std::string const & dir)

Sets the project directory.

Definition at line 226 of file FileTools.cpp.

229 {
230 OGS_FATAL("The project directory has already been set.");
231 }
232 // TODO Remove these global vars. They are a possible source of errors when
233 // invoking OGS from Python multiple times within a single session.
234 project_directory = dir;

References OGS_FATAL.

Referenced by parseCommandLineArguments().

◆ simplify()

void BaseLib::simplify ( std::string & str)

Removes multiple whitespaces (or other characters) from within a string. Equivalent functionality to Qt::QString::simplify().

Definition at line 77 of file StringTools.cpp.

79 trim(str);
80 str.erase(std::unique(str.begin(),
81 str.end(),
82 [](char a, char b) { return a == ' ' && b == ' '; }),
83 str.end());
void trim(std::string &str, char ch)

References trim().

Referenced by FileIO::TetGenInterface::getNFacets(), FileIO::TetGenInterface::parseSmeshFacets(), FileIO::TetGenInterface::readElementsFromStream(), and FileIO::TetGenInterface::readNodesFromStream().

◆ sizesToOffsets()

template<ranges::range R>
requires std::is_integral_v<ranges::range_value_t<R>>
std::vector< ranges::range_value_t< R > > BaseLib::sizesToOffsets ( R const & sizes)

Converts range of sizes to a vector of offsets. First offset is 0 and the resulting vector size is the size of the input range plus one.

Definition at line 283 of file Algorithm.h.

285 return ranges::views::concat(
286 ranges::views::single(ranges::range_value_t<R>{0}),
287 ranges::views::partial_sum(sizes)) |
288 ranges::to<std::vector<ranges::range_value_t<R>>>();

Referenced by BaseLib::MPI::allgatherv(), MeshLib::computeNumberOfRegularBaseNodesAtRank(), MeshLib::computeNumberOfRegularHigherOrderNodesAtRank(), MeshLib::computeRegularBaseNodeGlobalNodeIDsOfSubDomainPartition(), getMergedNodesVector(), MeshLib::IO::getPartitionInfo(), and MeshLib::IO::NodePartitionedMeshReader::newMesh().

◆ splitString() [1/2]

std::list< std::string > BaseLib::splitString ( const std::string & str,
char delim )

Splits a string into a list of strings.

strString to be split
delimCharacter indicating that the string should be split
List of strings

Definition at line 39 of file StringTools.cpp.

41 std::list<std::string> strList;
42 std::stringstream ss(str);
43 std::string item;
44 while (std::getline(ss, item, delim))
45 {
46 strList.push_back(item);
47 }
48 return strList;

◆ splitString() [2/2]

std::vector< std::string > BaseLib::splitString ( std::string const & str)

Splits a string into a vector of strings. This method only works for string separation recognised by the std::stringstream iterator such as ' ' or '\t'.

strString to be split
Vector of strings

Definition at line 29 of file StringTools.cpp.

31 std::istringstream str_stream(str);
32 std::vector<std::string> items;
33 std::copy(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(str_stream),
34 std::istream_iterator<std::string>(),
35 std::back_inserter(items));
36 return items;

Referenced by FileIO::SwmmInterface::addPointElevation(), FileIO::SwmmInterface::addRainGaugeTimeSeriesLocations(), GeoLib::Station::createStation(), FileIO::CsvInterface::findColumn(), FileIO::CsvInterface::getColumnNames(), FileIO::FEFLOWMeshInterface::getIndexList(), FileIO::TetGenInterface::getNFacets(), FileIO::Gocad::GocadAsciiReader::parseLine(), FileIO::Gocad::GocadAsciiReader::parseNodes(), FileIO::TetGenInterface::parseNodesFileHeader(), FileIO::Gocad::GocadAsciiReader::parseProperties(), FileIO::TetGenInterface::parseSmeshFacets(), FileIO::Gocad::GocadAsciiReader::parseSurface(), FileIO::Gocad::GocadAsciiReader::propertyCheck(), FileIO::GMSInterface::readBoreholesFromGMS(), FileIO::CsvInterface::readColumn(), FileIO::SwmmInterface::readCoordinates(), FileIO::Gocad::GocadAsciiReader::readData(), SensorData::readDataFromFile(), FileIO::FEFLOWMeshInterface::readElevation(), anonymous_namespace{NetCDFRasterReader.cpp}::readHeaderFromNetCDF(), FileIO::SwmmInterface::readLineElements(), FileIO::SwmmInterface::readLinksAsPolylines(), FileIO::SwmmInterface::readNodeData(), FileIO::CsvInterface::readPoints(), FileIO::CsvInterface::readPoints(), FileIO::SwmmInterface::readPollutants(), FileIO::SwmmInterface::readPolygons(), FileIO::SwmmInterface::readSubcatchments(), FileIO::split(), and MaterialLib::splitMaterialIdString().

◆ str2number()

◆ strDate2int()

int BaseLib::strDate2int ( const std::string & s)

Converts a string containing a date into a double. Note: It is not really checked if the date actually makes sense.

sString containing the date, the expected format is "dd.mm.yyyy".
A number representing the date as dd.mm.yyyy.

Definition at line 102 of file DateTools.cpp.

104 std::string str(s);
105 if (s.length() > 10)
106 {
107 str = s.substr(0, 10);
108 }
109 std::size_t sep(str.find('.', 0));
110 int d(atoi(str.substr(0, sep).c_str()));
111 std::size_t sep2(str.find('.', sep + 1));
112 int m(atoi(str.substr(sep + 1, sep2 - (sep + 1)).c_str()));
113 int y(atoi(str.substr(sep2 + 1, s.length() - (sep2 + 1)).c_str()));
114 return date2int(y, m, d);

References date2int().

Referenced by SensorData::readDataFromFile().

◆ substituteKeyword()

template<typename T >
bool BaseLib::substituteKeyword ( std::string & result,
std::string const & parenthesized_string,
std::string::size_type const begin,
std::string::size_type const end,
std::string const & keyword,
T & data )

Definition at line 89 of file FileTools.cpp.

95 std::string precision_specification =
96 containsKeyword(parenthesized_string, keyword);
98 if (precision_specification.empty())
99 {
100 return false;
101 }
103 std::unordered_map<std::type_index, char> type_specification;
104 type_specification[std::type_index(typeid(int))] = 'd';
105 type_specification[std::type_index(typeid(double))] = 'f'; // default
106 type_specification[std::type_index(typeid(std::string))] = 's';
108 auto const& b = precision_specification.back();
109 // see https://fmt.dev/latest/syntax/#format-specification-mini-language
110 if (b == 'e' || b == 'E' || b == 'f' || b == 'F' || b == 'g' || b == 'G')
111 {
112 type_specification[std::type_index(typeid(double))] = b;
113 precision_specification.pop_back();
114 }
116 std::string const generated_fmt_string =
117 "{" + precision_specification +
118 type_specification[std::type_index(typeid(data))] + "}";
119 result.replace(
120 begin, end - begin + 1,
121 fmt::vformat(generated_fmt_string, fmt::make_format_args(data)));
123 return true;
std::string containsKeyword(std::string const &str, std::string const &keyword)
Definition FileTools.cpp:78

References containsKeyword().

Referenced by constructFormattedFileName().

◆ swapEndianness() [1/2]

double BaseLib::swapEndianness ( double const & v)

Definition at line 157 of file FileTools.cpp.

159 union
160 {
161 double v;
162 char c[sizeof(double)];
163 } a{}, b{};
165 a.v = v;
166 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < sizeof(double) / 2; i++)
167 {
168 b.c[i] = a.c[sizeof(double) / 2 - i - 1];
169 }
171 for (unsigned short i = sizeof(double) / 2; i < sizeof(double); i++)
172 {
173 b.c[i] = a.c[sizeof(double) + sizeof(double) / 2 - i - 1];
174 }
176 return b.v;

Referenced by FileIO::Gocad::GocadSGridReader::readNodesBinary().

◆ swapEndianness() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T BaseLib::swapEndianness ( T const & v)

Definition at line 69 of file FileTools.h.

71 union
72 {
73 T v;
74 char c[sizeof(T)];
75 } a, b;
77 a.v = v;
78 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < sizeof(T); i++)
79 {
80 b.c[i] = a.c[sizeof(T) - i - 1];
81 }
83 return b.v;

◆ to_underlying()

◆ traverseIncludes()

void BaseLib::traverseIncludes ( xmlDoc * doc,
xmlNode * node,
std::filesystem::path const & prj_dir )

Definition at line 64 of file PrjProcessing.cpp.

67 xmlNode* cur_node = nullptr;
68 for (cur_node = node; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next)
69 {
70 if (cur_node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
71 {
72 continue;
73 }
74 if (xmlStrEqual(cur_node->name, xmlCharStrdup("include")))
75 {
76 auto include_file_char_pointer =
77 xmlGetProp(cur_node, xmlCharStrdup("file"));
78 if (include_file_char_pointer == nullptr)
79 {
81 "Error while processing includes in prj file. Error in "
82 "element '{:s}' on line {:d}: no file attribute given!",
83 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cur_node->name),
84 cur_node->line);
85 }
86 auto filename_length = xmlStrlen(include_file_char_pointer);
87 std::string filename(
88 reinterpret_cast<char*>(include_file_char_pointer),
89 filename_length);
90 if (auto const filepath = std::filesystem::path(filename);
91 filepath.is_relative())
92 {
93 filename = (prj_dir / filepath).string();
94 }
96 if (!std::filesystem::exists(filename))
97 {
99 "Error while processing includes in prj file. Error in "
100 "element '{:s}' on line {:d}: Include file is not "
101 "existing: "
102 "{:s}!",
103 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cur_node->name),
104 cur_node->line,
105 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(include_file_char_pointer));
106 }
107 INFO("Including {:s} into project file.", filename);
109 const std::ifstream input_stream(filename, std::ios_base::binary);
110 if (input_stream.fail())
111 {
112 OGS_FATAL("Failed to open file {}!", filename);
113 }
114 std::stringstream buffer;
115 buffer << input_stream.rdbuf();
116 const std::string xml = buffer.str();
118 // Replace lines containing <?xml ... ?>
119 std::regex xmlDeclaration("<\\?xml.*?>");
120 const std::string xml_filtered =
121 std::regex_replace(xml, xmlDeclaration, "");
123 xmlNodePtr pNewNode = nullptr;
124 xmlParseInNodeContext(cur_node->parent, xml_filtered.c_str(),
125 (int)xml_filtered.length(), 0, &pNewNode);
126 if (pNewNode != nullptr)
127 {
128 // add new xml node to parent
129 xmlNode* pChild = pNewNode;
130 while (pChild != nullptr)
131 {
132 xmlAddChild(cur_node->parent, xmlCopyNode(pChild, 1));
133 pChild = pChild->next;
134 }
135 xmlFreeNode(pNewNode);
136 }
138 // Cleanup and continue on next node
139 auto next_node = cur_node->next;
140 xmlUnlinkNode(cur_node);
141 xmlFreeNode(cur_node);
142 cur_node = next_node;
143 }
144 traverseIncludes(doc, cur_node->children, prj_dir);
145 }
146 xmlFreeNode(cur_node);
void traverseIncludes(xmlDoc *doc, xmlNode *node, std::filesystem::path const &prj_dir)

References INFO(), OGS_FATAL, and traverseIncludes().

Referenced by replaceIncludes(), and traverseIncludes().

◆ trim()

void BaseLib::trim ( std::string & str,
char ch = ' ' )

Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string. Equivalent functionality to Qt::QString::trim().

Definition at line 59 of file StringTools.cpp.

61 std::string::size_type pos = str.find_last_not_of(ch);
62 if (pos != std::string::npos)
63 {
64 str.erase(pos + 1);
65 pos = str.find_first_not_of(ch);
66 if (pos != std::string::npos)
67 {
68 str.erase(0, pos);
69 }
70 }
71 else
72 {
73 str.erase(str.begin(), str.end());
74 }

Referenced by FileIO::FEFLOWMeshInterface::getIndexList(), anonymous_namespace{ParallelVectorMatrixAssembler.cpp}::getNumberOfThreads(), getValue(), getVariables(), MeshLib::IO::Legacy::MeshIO::loadMeshFromFile(), FileIO::Gocad::parseGocadPropertyMetaData(), FileIO::Gocad::GocadAsciiReader::parseHeader(), FileIO::FEFLOWMeshInterface::readELEMENTALSETS(), FileIO::FEFLOWMeshInterface::readElevation(), BaseLib::IO::readStringListFromFile(), FileIO::FEFLOWGeoInterface::readSuperMesh(), and simplify().

◆ uniquePushBack()

template<typename Container >
void BaseLib::uniquePushBack ( Container & container,
typename Container::value_type const & element )

Definition at line 216 of file Algorithm.h.

219 if (std::find(container.begin(), container.end(), element) ==
220 container.end())
221 {
222 container.push_back(element);
223 }

Referenced by GeoLib::EarClippingTriangulation::clipEars().

◆ unsetProjectDirectory()

void BaseLib::unsetProjectDirectory ( )

Unsets the project directory.

Definition at line 238 of file FileTools.cpp.

240 project_directory.clear();

Referenced by finalize().

◆ writeValueBinary()

template<typename T >
void BaseLib::writeValueBinary ( std::ostream & out,
T const & val )

write value as binary into the given output stream

Template Parameters
Tdata type of the value
outoutput stream, have to be opened in binary mode

Definition at line 369 of file FileTools.cpp.

371 out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&val), sizeof(T));

Referenced by ApplicationUtils::writeProperties().

◆ writeValueBinary< std::size_t >()

template void BaseLib::writeValueBinary< std::size_t > ( std::ostream & ,
std::size_t const &  )

◆ xmlDate2int()

int BaseLib::xmlDate2int ( const std::string & s)

Converts a string containing a date into a double. Note: It is not really checked if the date actually makes sense.

sString containing the date, the expected format is conform to the xml date type, i.e. "yyyy-mm-dd".
A number representing the date as yyyymmdd.

Definition at line 117 of file DateTools.cpp.

119 if (s.length() == 10)
120 {
121 int d = atoi(s.substr(8, 2).c_str());
122 if (d < 1 || d > 31)
123 {
124 WARN("xmlDate2double(): day not in [1:31].");
125 }
126 int m = atoi(s.substr(5, 2).c_str());
127 if (m < 1 || m > 12)
128 {
129 WARN("xmlDate2double(): month not in [1:12].");
130 }
131 int y = atoi(s.substr(0, 4).c_str());
132 return date2int(y, m, d);
133 }
134 return 0;
int date2int(int y, int m, int d)
Definition DateTools.cpp:26

References date2int(), and WARN().

Referenced by GeoLib::StationBorehole::createStation().

Variable Documentation

◆ console

BASELIB_EXPORT std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > BaseLib::console = spdlog::stdout_color_mt("ogs")

Definition at line 32 of file Logging.cpp.

Referenced by CRITICAL(), DBUG(), ERR(), INFO(), setConsoleLogLevel(), and WARN().