This is the complete list of members for MathLib::EigenMatrix, including all inherited members.
add(IndexType row, IndexType col, double val) | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
add(std::vector< IndexType > const &row_pos, const T_DENSE_MATRIX &sub_matrix, double fkt=1.0) | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
add(RowColumnIndices< IndexType > const &indices, const T_DENSE_MATRIX &sub_matrix, double fkt=1.0) | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
add(std::vector< IndexType > const &row_pos, std::vector< IndexType > const &col_pos, const T_DENSE_MATRIX &sub_matrix, double fkt=1.0) | MathLib::EigenMatrix | |
EigenMatrix(IndexType const n, IndexType const n_nonzero_columns=0) | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inlineexplicit |
get(IndexType row, IndexType col) const | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
getNumberOfColumns() const | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
getNumberOfRows() const | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
getRangeBegin() | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inlinestatic |
getRangeEnd() const | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
getRawMatrix() | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
getRawMatrix() const | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
IndexType typedef | MathLib::EigenMatrix | |
isAssembled() | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inlinestatic |
mat_ | MathLib::EigenMatrix | protected |
RawMatrixType typedef | MathLib::EigenMatrix | |
setValue(IndexType row, IndexType col, double val) | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
setZero() | MathLib::EigenMatrix | inline |
write(const std::string &filename) const | MathLib::EigenMatrix | |
write(std::ostream &os) const | MathLib::EigenMatrix |