Go to the documentation of this file.
15// ** INCLUDES **
16#include "VtkVisPointSetItem.h"
18#include <vtkActor.h>
19#include <vtkCellData.h>
20#include <vtkDataSetMapper.h>
21#include <vtkImageAlgorithm.h>
22#include <vtkLookupTable.h>
23#include <vtkPointData.h>
24#include <vtkProperty.h>
25#include <vtkRenderer.h>
26#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
27#include <vtkTransform.h>
28#include <vtkTransformFilter.h>
30#include <QObject>
31#include <QRegExp>
32#include <QSettings>
33#include <QStringList>
34#include <limits>
36#include "BaseLib/FileTools.h"
37#include "BaseLib/Logging.h"
39#include "QVtkDataSetMapper.h"
42#include "VtkCompositeFilter.h"
45// export test
46#include <vtkDataSetAttributes.h>
47#include <vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h>
48#include <vtkTriangleFilter.h>
49#include <vtkTubeFilter.h>
50#include <vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm.h>
51#include <vtkXMLPolyDataWriter.h>
52#include <vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter.h>
55 vtkAlgorithm* algorithm, TreeItem* parentItem,
56 const QList<QVariant> data /*= QList<QVariant>()*/)
57 : VtkVisPipelineItem(algorithm, parentItem, data),
58 _mapper(nullptr),
59 _transformFilter(nullptr),
60 _onPointData(true),
61 _activeArrayName("")
63 auto* visParentItem = dynamic_cast<VtkVisPipelineItem*>(parentItem);
65 {
66 // special case if parent is image but child is not (e.g.
67 // Image2BarChartFilter)
68 if (dynamic_cast<vtkImageAlgorithm*>(visParentItem->algorithm()))
69 {
70 _algorithm->SetInputConnection(
71 visParentItem->algorithm()->GetOutputPort());
72 }
73 else
74 {
75 auto* pointSetItem = dynamic_cast<VtkVisPointSetItem*>(parentItem);
76 if (pointSetItem)
77 {
78 _algorithm->SetInputConnection(
79 pointSetItem->transformFilter()->GetOutputPort());
80 }
81 }
82 }
86 VtkCompositeFilter* compositeFilter, TreeItem* parentItem,
87 const QList<QVariant> data /*= QList<QVariant>()*/)
88 : VtkVisPipelineItem(compositeFilter, parentItem, data),
89 _mapper(nullptr),
90 _transformFilter(nullptr),
91 _onPointData(true),
92 _activeArrayName("")
106void VtkVisPointSetItem::Initialize(vtkRenderer* renderer)
108 // TODO vtkTransformFilter creates a new copy of the point coordinates which
109 // conflicts with VtkMappedMeshSource. Find a workaround!
110 _transformFilter = vtkTransformFilter::New();
111 vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> transform =
112 vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
113 transform->Identity();
114 _transformFilter->SetTransform(transform);
116 _transformFilter->SetInputConnection(_algorithm->GetOutputPort());
117 _transformFilter->Update();
119 _renderer = renderer;
121 _mapper->InterpolateScalarsBeforeMappingOff();
122 _mapper->SetColorModeToMapScalars();
124 _mapper->SetInputConnection(_transformFilter->GetOutputPort());
125 _actor = vtkActor::New();
126 static_cast<vtkActor*>(_actor)->SetMapper(_mapper);
127 _renderer->AddActor(_actor);
129 // Determine the right pre-set properties
130 // Order is: _algorithm, _compositeFilter, create a new one with props
131 // copied from parent
132 auto* vtkProps = dynamic_cast<VtkAlgorithmProperties*>(_algorithm);
133 if (!vtkProps)
134 {
135 vtkProps = dynamic_cast<VtkAlgorithmProperties*>(_compositeFilter);
137 // Copy properties from parent or create a new VtkAlgorithmProperties
138 if (!vtkProps)
139 {
140 auto* parentItem =
141 dynamic_cast<VtkVisPipelineItem*>(this->parentItem());
142 while (parentItem)
143 {
144 VtkAlgorithmProperties* parentProps = nullptr;
145 if (dynamic_cast<VtkVisPointSetItem*>(parentItem))
146 {
147 parentProps = dynamic_cast<VtkVisPointSetItem*>(parentItem)
149 }
150 if (parentProps)
151 {
152 vtkProps =
153 new VtkAlgorithmProperties(); // TODO memory leak?
154 vtkProps->SetScalarVisibility(
155 parentProps->GetScalarVisibility());
156 vtkProps->SetTexture(parentProps->GetTexture());
157 vtkProps->SetActiveAttribute(
158 parentProps->GetActiveAttribute());
159 parentItem = nullptr;
160 }
161 else
162 {
163 parentItem = dynamic_cast<VtkVisPipelineItem*>(
165 }
166 }
168 // Has no parents
169 if (!vtkProps)
170 {
171 vtkProps = new VtkAlgorithmProperties(); // TODO memory leak?
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 _vtkProps = vtkProps;
177 if (vtkProps->GetActiveAttribute().length() == 0)
178 {
179 // Get first scalar and set it to active
180 QStringList arrayNames = this->getScalarArrayNames();
181 if (arrayNames.length() > 0)
182 {
183 vtkProps->SetActiveAttribute(arrayNames[0]);
184 }
185 else
186 {
187 vtkProps->SetActiveAttribute("Solid Color");
188 }
189 }
190 this->setVtkProperties(vtkProps);
191 this->SetActiveAttribute(vtkProps->GetActiveAttribute());
193 // Set global backface culling
194 QSettings settings;
195 bool backfaceCulling = settings.value("globalCullBackfaces", 0).toBool();
196 this->setBackfaceCulling(backfaceCulling);
198 // Set the correct threshold range
199 if (dynamic_cast<VtkCompositeThresholdFilter*>(this->_compositeFilter))
200 {
201 double range[2];
202 this->GetRangeForActiveAttribute(range);
203 QList<QVariant> thresholdRangeList;
204 thresholdRangeList.push_back(range[0]);
205 thresholdRangeList.push_back(range[1]);
206 dynamic_cast<VtkCompositeFilter*>(this->_compositeFilter)
207 ->SetUserVectorProperty("Range", thresholdRangeList);
208 }
210 // Show edges on meshes
211 if (dynamic_cast<MeshLib::VtkMappedMeshSource*>(this->_algorithm))
212 {
213 _vtkProps->GetProperties()->SetEdgeVisibility(1);
214 }
224 QObject::connect(vtkProps, SIGNAL(ScalarVisibilityChanged(bool)), _mapper,
225 SLOT(SetScalarVisibility(bool)));
227 auto* actor = dynamic_cast<vtkActor*>(_actor);
228 if (actor)
229 {
230 if (vtkProps->GetTexture() != nullptr)
231 {
232 vtkProps->SetScalarVisibility(false);
233 actor->GetProperty()->SetColor(1, 1, 1); // don't colorise textures
234 actor->SetTexture(vtkProps->GetTexture());
235 }
236 else
237 {
238 vtkSmartPointer<vtkProperty> itemProperty =
239 vtkProps->GetProperties();
240 actor->SetProperty(itemProperty);
241 }
243 if (!vtkProps->GetScalarVisibility())
244 {
245 vtkProps->SetScalarVisibility(false);
246 }
247 }
250int VtkVisPointSetItem::callVTKWriter(vtkAlgorithm* algorithm,
251 const std::string& filename) const
253 std::string file_name_cpy(filename);
254 auto* algPD = dynamic_cast<vtkPolyDataAlgorithm*>(algorithm);
255 if (algPD)
256 {
257 vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPolyDataWriter> pdWriter =
258 vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPolyDataWriter>::New();
259 pdWriter->SetInputData(algPD->GetOutputDataObject(0));
260 if (BaseLib::getFileExtension(filename) != ".vtp")
261 {
262 file_name_cpy.append(".vtp");
263 }
264 pdWriter->SetFileName(file_name_cpy.c_str());
265 return pdWriter->Write();
266 }
268 auto* algUG = dynamic_cast<vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm*>(algorithm);
269 if (algUG)
270 {
271 vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> ugWriter =
272 vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();
273 ugWriter->SetInputData(algUG->GetOutputDataObject(0));
274 if (BaseLib::getFileExtension(filename) != ".vtu")
275 {
276 file_name_cpy.append(".vtu");
277 }
278 ugWriter->SetFileName(file_name_cpy.c_str());
279 return ugWriter->Write();
280 }
282 WARN("VtkVisPipelineItem::writeToFile(): Unknown data type.");
283 return 0;
288 // Get type by identifier
289 if (name.contains(QRegExp("^P-")))
290 {
291 _onPointData = true;
292 }
293 else if (name.contains(QRegExp("^C-")))
294 {
295 _onPointData = false;
296 }
297 else if (name.contains("Solid Color"))
298 {
299 _vtkProps->SetActiveAttribute("Solid Color");
300 _mapper->ScalarVisibilityOff();
301 return;
302 }
303 else
304 {
305 return;
306 }
308 // Remove type identifier
309 _activeArrayName = QString(name).remove(0, 2).toStdString();
311 vtkDataSet* dataSet =
312 vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast(this->_algorithm->GetOutputDataObject(0));
313 if (!dataSet)
314 {
315 return;
316 }
318 double range[2];
320 if (_onPointData)
321 {
322 vtkPointData* pointData = dataSet->GetPointData();
323 if (pointData)
324 {
325 _algorithm->SetInputArrayToProcess(
326 0, 0, 0, vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS,
327 _activeArrayName.c_str());
328 _mapper->SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData();
329 }
330 }
331 else
332 {
333 vtkCellData* cellData = dataSet->GetCellData();
334 if (cellData)
335 {
336 _algorithm->SetInputArrayToProcess(
337 0, 0, 0, vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS,
338 _activeArrayName.c_str());
339 _mapper->SetScalarModeToUseCellFieldData();
340 }
341 }
345 _mapper->ScalarVisibilityOn();
346 _mapper->UseLookupTableScalarRangeOn();
348 auto* mapper = dynamic_cast<QVtkDataSetMapper*>(_mapper);
349 if (mapper)
350 {
351 // Create a default color table when there is no lookup table for this
352 // attribute
353 vtkLookupTable* lut = _vtkProps->GetLookupTable(name);
354 if (lut == nullptr)
355 {
356 // std::cout << "Creating new lookup table for: " <<
357 // name.toStdString() << std::endl;
358 lut = vtkLookupTable::New(); // is not a memory leak, gets deleted
359 // in VtkAlgorithmProperties
360 lut->SetTableRange(range);
361 _vtkProps->SetLookUpTable(name, lut);
362 }
363 _mapper->SetLookupTable(lut);
364 }
365 _mapper->SelectColorArray(_activeArrayName.c_str());
368bool VtkVisPointSetItem::activeAttributeExists(vtkDataSetAttributes* data,
369 std::string& name)
371 bool arrayFound = false;
372 for (int i = 0; i < data->GetNumberOfArrays() && !arrayFound; i++)
373 {
374 std::string arrayName = data->GetArrayName(i);
375 if (arrayName == name)
376 {
377 arrayFound = true;
378 }
379 }
380 if (arrayFound)
381 {
382 // TODO Necessary? Currently this function is not called
383 data->SetActiveAttribute(name.c_str(), vtkDataSetAttributes::SCALARS);
384 return true;
385 }
387 return false;
390void VtkVisPointSetItem::setScale(double x, double y, double z) const
392 if (this->transformFilter())
393 {
394 auto* transform =
395 static_cast<vtkTransform*>(this->_transformFilter->GetTransform());
396 double* trans = transform->GetPosition();
397 transform->Identity();
398 transform->Scale(x, y, z);
399 transform->Translate(trans[0] / x, trans[1] / y, trans[2] / z);
400 this->transformFilter()->Modified();
401 }
404void VtkVisPointSetItem::setTranslation(double x, double y, double z) const
406 if (this->transformFilter())
407 {
408 auto* transform =
409 static_cast<vtkTransform*>(this->_transformFilter->GetTransform());
410 double* scale = transform->GetScale();
411 transform->Identity();
412 transform->Scale(scale);
413 transform->Translate(x, y, z);
414 this->transformFilter()->Modified();
415 }
420 return _transformFilter;
425 static_cast<vtkActor*>(this->_actor)
426 ->GetProperty()
427 ->SetBackfaceCulling(static_cast<int>(enable));
432 vtkDataSet* dataSet =
433 vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast(this->_algorithm->GetOutputDataObject(0));
434 if (dataSet && _activeArrayName.length() > 0)
435 {
436 if (_onPointData)
437 {
438 vtkPointData* pointData = dataSet->GetPointData();
439 if (pointData)
440 {
441 pointData->GetArray(_activeArrayName.c_str())->GetRange(range);
442 }
443 }
444 else
445 {
446 vtkCellData* cellData = dataSet->GetCellData();
447 cellData->GetArray(_activeArrayName.c_str())->GetRange(range);
448 }
449 }
Filename manipulation routines.
void WARN(fmt::format_string< Args... > fmt, Args &&... args)
Definition Logging.h:40
Definition of the QVtkDataSetMapper class.
Definition of the VtkAlgorithmProperties class.
Definition of the VtkCompositeContourFilter class.
Definition of the VtkCompositeFilter class.
Definition of the VtkCompositeThresholdFilter class.
VtkMappedMeshSource is a source class to transform OGS meshes into complete vtkUnstructuredGrids....
Definition of the VtkVisPointSetItem class.
Simply wraps vtkDataSetMapper as a Qt object to enable slot connections.
static QVtkDataSetMapper * New()
Create new objects with New() because of VTKs reference counting.
virtual void SetScalarVisibility(bool on)
Sets the scalar visibility on this mapper.
Objects nodes for the TreeModel.
Definition TreeItem.h:28
TreeItem * parentItem() const
Definition TreeItem.cpp:115
Contains properties for the visualization of objects as VtkVisPipelineItems.
vtkLookupTable * GetLookupTable(const QString &array_name)
Returns the colour lookup table (if one has been assigned).
void SetActiveAttribute(QString name)
Set the active attribute.
bool GetScalarVisibility() const
Returns the scalar visibility.
void SetScalarVisibility(bool on)
Sets the scalar visibility.
vtkTexture * GetTexture()
Returns a texture (if one has been assigned).
QString GetActiveAttribute() const
Returns the desired active attribute.
void SetLookUpTable(const QString &array_name, vtkLookupTable *lut)
Sets a colour lookup table for the given scalar array of the VtkVisPipelineItem.
vtkProperty * GetProperties() const
Returns the vtk properties.
Is used to combine several filter in one VtkVisPipelineItem. You can use vtk filter and custom filter...
Visualises only parts of meshes that are above/below/within given thresholds. In init() the threshold...
An item in the VtkVisPipeline containing a graphic object to be visualized.
vtkProp3D * actor() const
Returns the actor as vtkProp3D.
QStringList getScalarArrayNames() const
Returns a list of array names prefixed with P- or C- for point and cell data.
vtkAlgorithm * algorithm() const
Returns the algorithm object.
VtkAlgorithmProperties * _vtkProps
The active VtkAlgorithmProperties. From algorithm, compositeFilter, or copied from parent.
vtkAlgorithm * _algorithm
VtkCompositeFilter * _compositeFilter
VtkAlgorithmProperties * getVtkProperties() const
Returns the VtkAlgorithmProperties.
QVariant data(int column) const override
An item in the VtkVisPipeline containing a point set object to be visualized.
void setTranslation(double x, double y, double z) const override
Translates the item in visualisation-space.
void GetRangeForActiveAttribute(double range[2]) const
Get the scalar range for the active attribute.
VtkVisPointSetItem(vtkAlgorithm *algorithm, TreeItem *parentItem, const QList< QVariant > data=QList< QVariant >())
Constructor for a source/filter object.
void SetActiveAttribute(const QString &name) override
Sets the selected attribute array for the visualisation of the data set.
bool activeAttributeExists(vtkDataSetAttributes *data, std::string &name)
Checks if the selected attribute actually exists for the data set.
int callVTKWriter(vtkAlgorithm *algorithm, const std::string &filename) const override
Selects the appropriate VTK-Writer object and writes the object to a file with the given name.
void SetScalarVisibility(bool on)
void setVtkProperties(VtkAlgorithmProperties *vtkProps)
Sets pre-set properties on vtkActor and on vtkMapper.
void setBackfaceCulling(bool enable) const override
Enables / disables backface culling.
QVtkDataSetMapper * _mapper
void setScale(double x, double y, double z) const override
Scales the data in visualisation-space.
QString GetActiveAttribute() const override
Gets the last selected attribute.
vtkTransformFilter * _transformFilter
vtkAlgorithm * transformFilter() const override
void Initialize(vtkRenderer *renderer) override
Initializes vtkMapper and vtkActor necessary for visualization of the item and sets the item's proper...
std::string getFileExtension(const std::string &path)