Go to the documentation of this file.
11 #include "MeshGenerator.h"
13 #include <memory>
14 #include <numeric>
16 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Hex.h"
17 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Line.h"
19 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Quad.h"
20 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Tet.h"
21 #include "MeshLib/Elements/Tri.h"
24 #include "MeshLib/Node.h"
26 namespace MeshLib
27 {
28 std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> MeshGenerator::generateRegularNodes(
29  const std::vector<const std::vector<double>*>& vec_xyz_coords,
30  const MathLib::Point3d& origin)
31 {
32  auto const shift_coordinates =
33  [](auto const& in, auto& out, auto const& shift)
34  {
35  std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(), std::back_inserter(out),
36  [&shift](auto const& v) { return v + shift; });
37  };
38  std::array<std::vector<double>, 3> coords;
39  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
40  {
41  coords[i].reserve(vec_xyz_coords[i]->size());
42  shift_coordinates(*vec_xyz_coords[i], coords[i], origin[i]);
43  }
45  std::vector<Node*> nodes;
46  nodes.reserve(coords[0].size() * coords[1].size() * coords[2].size());
48  for (auto const z : coords[2])
49  {
50  for (auto const y : coords[1])
51  {
52  std::transform(
53  coords[0].begin(), coords[0].end(), std::back_inserter(nodes),
54  [&y, &z](double const& x) { return new Node(x, y, z); });
55  }
56  }
57  return nodes;
58 }
60 std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> MeshGenerator::generateRegularNodes(
61  const std::vector<double>& vec_x_coords, const MathLib::Point3d& origin)
62 {
63  std::vector<const std::vector<double>*> vec_xyz_coords;
64  vec_xyz_coords.push_back(&vec_x_coords);
65  std::vector<double> dummy(1, 0.0);
66  for (unsigned i = vec_xyz_coords.size() - 1; i < 3u; i++)
67  {
68  vec_xyz_coords.push_back(&dummy);
69  }
70  return generateRegularNodes(vec_xyz_coords, origin);
71 }
73 std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> MeshGenerator::generateRegularNodes(
74  std::vector<double>& vec_x_coords,
75  std::vector<double>& vec_y_coords,
76  const MathLib::Point3d& origin)
77 {
78  std::vector<const std::vector<double>*> vec_xyz_coords;
79  vec_xyz_coords.push_back(&vec_x_coords);
80  vec_xyz_coords.push_back(&vec_y_coords);
81  std::vector<double> dummy(1, 0.0);
82  for (unsigned i = vec_xyz_coords.size() - 1; i < 3u; i++)
83  {
84  vec_xyz_coords.push_back(&dummy);
85  }
86  return generateRegularNodes(vec_xyz_coords, origin);
87 }
89 std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> MeshGenerator::generateRegularNodes(
90  std::vector<double>& vec_x_coords,
91  std::vector<double>& vec_y_coords,
92  std::vector<double>& vec_z_coords,
93  const MathLib::Point3d& origin)
94 {
95  std::vector<const std::vector<double>*> vec_xyz_coords;
96  vec_xyz_coords.push_back(&vec_x_coords);
97  vec_xyz_coords.push_back(&vec_y_coords);
98  vec_xyz_coords.push_back(&vec_z_coords);
99  return generateRegularNodes(vec_xyz_coords, origin);
100 }
102 std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> MeshGenerator::generateRegularNodes(
103  const std::array<unsigned, 3>& n_cells,
104  const std::array<double, 3>& cell_size,
105  const MathLib::Point3d& origin)
106 {
107  std::vector<Node*> nodes;
108  nodes.reserve((n_cells[0] + 1) * (n_cells[1] + 1) * (n_cells[2] + 1));
110  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n_cells[2] + 1; i++)
111  {
112  const double z(origin[2] + cell_size[2] * i);
113  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n_cells[1] + 1; j++)
114  {
115  const double y(origin[1] + cell_size[1] * j);
116  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n_cells[0] + 1; k++)
117  {
118  nodes.push_back(new Node(origin[0] + cell_size[0] * k, y, z));
119  }
120  }
121  }
122  return nodes;
123 }
125 namespace MeshGenerator
126 {
127 std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> generateRegularPyramidTopNodes(
128  std::vector<double> const& x_coords,
129  std::vector<double> const& y_coords,
130  std::vector<double> const& z_coords,
131  const MathLib::Point3d& origin)
132 {
133  std::vector<Node*> nodes;
134  nodes.reserve((x_coords.size() - 1) * (y_coords.size() - 1) *
135  (z_coords.size() - 1));
137  auto const n_x_coords = x_coords.size() - 1;
138  auto const n_y_coords = y_coords.size() - 1;
139  auto const n_z_coords = z_coords.size() - 1;
141  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n_z_coords; i++)
142  {
143  const double z((z_coords[i] + z_coords[i + 1]) / 2 + origin[2]);
144  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n_y_coords; j++)
145  {
146  const double y((y_coords[j] + y_coords[j + 1]) / 2 + origin[1]);
147  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n_x_coords; k++)
148  {
149  const double x((x_coords[k] + x_coords[k + 1]) / 2 + origin[0]);
150  nodes.push_back(new Node(x, y, z));
151  }
152  }
153  }
154  return nodes;
155 }
156 } // end namespace MeshGenerator
159  const std::size_t subdivision,
160  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
161  std::string const& mesh_name)
162 {
163  return generateLineMesh(subdivision, length / subdivision, origin,
164  mesh_name);
165 }
167 Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateLineMesh(const unsigned n_cells,
168  const double cell_size,
169  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
170  std::string const& mesh_name)
171 {
172  return generateLineMesh(
173  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_cells * cell_size, n_cells), origin,
174  mesh_name);
175 }
178  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
179  std::string const& mesh_name)
180 {
181  const std::vector<double> vec_x(div());
182  std::vector<Node*> nodes(generateRegularNodes(vec_x, origin));
184  // elements
185  const std::size_t n_cells = nodes.size() - 1;
186  std::vector<Element*> elements;
187  elements.reserve(n_cells);
189  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n_cells; i++)
190  {
191  elements.push_back(new Line({nodes[i], nodes[i + 1]}));
192  }
194  return new Mesh(mesh_name, nodes, elements);
195 }
198  const std::size_t subdivision,
199  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
200  std::string const& mesh_name)
201 {
202  return generateRegularQuadMesh(subdivision, subdivision,
203  length / subdivision, length / subdivision,
204  origin, mesh_name);
205 }
208  const double y_length,
209  const std::size_t x_subdivision,
210  const std::size_t y_subdivision,
211  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
212  std::string const& mesh_name)
213 {
214  return generateRegularQuadMesh(x_subdivision, y_subdivision,
215  x_length / x_subdivision,
216  y_length / y_subdivision, origin, mesh_name);
217 }
220  const unsigned n_y_cells,
221  const double cell_size,
222  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
223  std::string const& mesh_name)
224 {
225  return generateRegularQuadMesh(n_x_cells, n_y_cells, cell_size, cell_size,
226  origin, mesh_name);
227 }
230  const unsigned n_y_cells,
231  const double cell_size_x,
232  const double cell_size_y,
233  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
234  std::string const& mesh_name)
235 {
237  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_x_cells * cell_size_x, n_x_cells),
238  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_y_cells * cell_size_y, n_y_cells), origin,
239  mesh_name);
240 }
243  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_y,
244  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
245  std::string const& mesh_name)
246 {
247  std::vector<double> vec_x(div_x());
248  std::vector<double> vec_y(div_y());
249  std::vector<Node*> nodes(generateRegularNodes(vec_x, vec_y, origin));
250  const unsigned n_x_nodes(vec_x.size());
252  // elements
253  std::vector<Element*> elements;
254  const unsigned n_x_cells(vec_x.size() - 1);
255  const unsigned n_y_cells(vec_y.size() - 1);
256  elements.reserve(n_x_cells * n_y_cells);
258  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n_y_cells; j++)
259  {
260  const std::size_t offset_y1 = j * n_x_nodes;
261  const std::size_t offset_y2 = (j + 1) * n_x_nodes;
262  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n_x_cells; k++)
263  {
264  elements.push_back(
265  new Quad({nodes[offset_y1 + k], nodes[offset_y1 + k + 1],
266  nodes[offset_y2 + k + 1], nodes[offset_y2 + k]}));
267  }
268  }
270  return new Mesh(mesh_name, nodes, elements);
271 }
274  const std::size_t subdivision,
275  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
276  std::string const& mesh_name)
277 {
279  subdivision, subdivision, subdivision, length / subdivision, origin,
280  mesh_name);
281 }
284  const double y_length,
285  const double z_length,
286  const std::size_t x_subdivision,
287  const std::size_t y_subdivision,
288  const std::size_t z_subdivision,
289  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
290  std::string const& mesh_name)
291 {
293  x_subdivision, y_subdivision, z_subdivision, x_length / x_subdivision,
294  y_length / y_subdivision, z_length / z_subdivision, origin, mesh_name);
295 }
297 Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularHexMesh(const unsigned n_x_cells,
298  const unsigned n_y_cells,
299  const unsigned n_z_cells,
300  const double cell_size,
301  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
302  std::string const& mesh_name)
303 {
305  n_x_cells, n_y_cells, n_z_cells, cell_size, cell_size, cell_size,
306  origin, mesh_name);
307 }
309 Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularHexMesh(const unsigned n_x_cells,
310  const unsigned n_y_cells,
311  const unsigned n_z_cells,
312  const double cell_size_x,
313  const double cell_size_y,
314  const double cell_size_z,
315  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
316  std::string const& mesh_name)
317 {
318  return generateRegularHexMesh(
319  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_x_cells * cell_size_x, n_x_cells),
320  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_y_cells * cell_size_y, n_y_cells),
321  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_z_cells * cell_size_z, n_z_cells), origin,
322  mesh_name);
323 }
326  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_y,
327  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_z,
328  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
329  std::string const& mesh_name)
330 {
331  std::vector<double> vec_x(div_x());
332  std::vector<double> vec_y(div_y());
333  std::vector<double> vec_z(div_z());
334  std::vector<Node*> nodes(generateRegularNodes(vec_x, vec_y, vec_z, origin));
336  const unsigned n_x_nodes(vec_x.size());
337  const unsigned n_y_nodes(vec_y.size());
338  const unsigned n_x_cells(vec_x.size() - 1);
339  const unsigned n_y_cells(vec_y.size() - 1);
340  const unsigned n_z_cells(vec_z.size() - 1);
342  // elements
343  std::vector<Element*> elements;
344  elements.reserve(n_x_cells * n_y_cells * n_z_cells);
346  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n_z_cells; i++)
347  {
348  const std::size_t offset_z1 = i * n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes; // bottom
349  const std::size_t offset_z2 = (i + 1) * n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes; // top
350  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n_y_cells; j++)
351  {
352  const std::size_t offset_y1 = j * n_x_nodes;
353  const std::size_t offset_y2 = (j + 1) * n_x_nodes;
354  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n_x_cells; k++)
355  {
356  elements.push_back(
357  new Hex({// bottom
358  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k],
359  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
360  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
361  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k],
362  // top
363  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k],
364  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
365  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
366  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k]}));
367  }
368  }
369  }
371  return new Mesh(mesh_name, nodes, elements);
372 }
375  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_x,
376  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_y,
377  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_z,
378  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
379  std::string const& mesh_name)
380 {
381  std::vector<double> vec_x(div_x());
382  std::vector<double> vec_y(div_y());
383  std::vector<double> vec_z(div_z());
384  std::vector<Node*> nodes(generateRegularNodes(vec_x, vec_y, vec_z, origin));
385  std::vector<Node*> const top_nodes(
386  generateRegularPyramidTopNodes(vec_x, vec_y, vec_z, origin));
388  nodes.insert(nodes.end(), top_nodes.begin(), top_nodes.end());
390  const unsigned n_x_nodes(vec_x.size());
391  const unsigned n_y_nodes(vec_y.size());
392  const unsigned n_z_nodes(vec_z.size());
393  const unsigned n_x_cells(vec_x.size() - 1);
394  const unsigned n_y_cells(vec_y.size() - 1);
395  const unsigned n_z_cells(vec_z.size() - 1);
397  // elements
398  std::vector<Element*> elements;
399  auto const top_node_offset(n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes * n_z_nodes);
400  elements.reserve(n_x_cells * n_y_cells * n_z_cells);
402  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n_z_cells; i++)
403  {
404  const std::size_t offset_z1 = i * n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes; // bottom
405  const std::size_t offset_z2 = (i + 1) * n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes; // top
406  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n_y_cells; j++)
407  {
408  const std::size_t offset_y1 = j * n_x_nodes;
409  const std::size_t offset_y2 = (j + 1) * n_x_nodes;
410  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n_x_cells; k++)
411  {
412  // generate 6 pyramids within the virtual hexahedron cell
413  int const pyramid_top_index(i * n_x_cells * n_y_cells +
414  j * n_x_cells + k +
415  top_node_offset);
416  elements.push_back(
417  new Pyramid{{// bottom 'hexahedron' face
418  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k],
419  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
420  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
421  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k],
422  // top
423  nodes[pyramid_top_index]}});
424  elements.push_back(
425  new Pyramid{{// top 'hexahedron' face
426  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
427  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k],
428  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k],
429  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
430  // top of pyramid directed towards the bottom
431  nodes[pyramid_top_index]}});
432  elements.push_back(
433  new Pyramid{{// right 'hexahedron' face
434  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
435  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
436  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
437  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
438  // top of pyramid directed towards the bottom
439  nodes[pyramid_top_index]}});
440  elements.push_back(
441  new Pyramid{{// left 'hexahedron' face
442  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k],
443  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k],
444  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k],
445  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k],
446  // top of pyramid directed towards the bottom
447  nodes[pyramid_top_index]}});
448  elements.push_back(
449  new Pyramid{{// front 'hexahedron' face
450  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k],
451  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
452  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
453  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k],
454  // top of pyramid directed towards the bottom
455  nodes[pyramid_top_index]}});
456  elements.push_back(
457  new Pyramid{{// back 'hexahedron' face
458  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k],
459  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
460  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
461  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k],
462  // top of pyramid directed towards the bottom
463  nodes[pyramid_top_index]}});
464  }
465  }
466  }
467  return new Mesh(mesh_name, nodes, elements);
468 }
471  const std::size_t subdivision,
472  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
473  std::string const& mesh_name)
474 {
475  return generateRegularTriMesh(subdivision, subdivision,
476  length / subdivision, origin, mesh_name);
477 }
480  const double y_length,
481  const std::size_t x_subdivision,
482  const std::size_t y_subdivision,
483  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
484  std::string const& mesh_name)
485 {
486  return generateRegularTriMesh(x_subdivision, y_subdivision,
487  x_length / x_subdivision,
488  y_length / y_subdivision, origin, mesh_name);
489 }
491 Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularTriMesh(const unsigned n_x_cells,
492  const unsigned n_y_cells,
493  const double cell_size,
494  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
495  std::string const& mesh_name)
496 {
497  return generateRegularTriMesh(n_x_cells, n_y_cells, cell_size, cell_size,
498  origin, mesh_name);
499 }
501 Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularTriMesh(const unsigned n_x_cells,
502  const unsigned n_y_cells,
503  const double cell_size_x,
504  const double cell_size_y,
505  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
506  std::string const& mesh_name)
507 {
508  return generateRegularTriMesh(
509  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_x_cells * cell_size_x, n_x_cells),
510  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_y_cells * cell_size_y, n_y_cells), origin,
511  mesh_name);
512 }
515  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_y,
516  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
517  std::string const& mesh_name)
518 {
519  std::vector<double> vec_x(div_x());
520  std::vector<double> vec_y(div_y());
521  std::vector<Node*> nodes(generateRegularNodes(vec_x, vec_y, origin));
522  const unsigned n_x_nodes(vec_x.size());
523  const unsigned n_x_cells(vec_x.size() - 1);
524  const unsigned n_y_cells(vec_y.size() - 1);
526  // elements
527  std::vector<Element*> elements;
528  elements.reserve(n_x_cells * n_y_cells * 2);
530  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n_y_cells; j++)
531  {
532  const std::size_t offset_y1 = j * n_x_nodes;
533  const std::size_t offset_y2 = (j + 1) * n_x_nodes;
534  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n_x_cells; k++)
535  {
536  elements.push_back(
537  new Tri({nodes[offset_y1 + k], nodes[offset_y2 + k + 1],
538  nodes[offset_y2 + k]}));
540  elements.push_back(
541  new Tri({nodes[offset_y1 + k], nodes[offset_y1 + k + 1],
542  nodes[offset_y2 + k + 1]}));
543  }
544  }
546  return new Mesh(mesh_name, nodes, elements);
547 }
550  const double y_length,
551  const double z_length,
552  const std::size_t x_subdivision,
553  const std::size_t y_subdivision,
554  const std::size_t z_subdivision,
555  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
556  std::string const& mesh_name)
557 {
559  x_subdivision, y_subdivision, z_subdivision, x_length / x_subdivision,
560  y_length / y_subdivision, z_length / z_subdivision, origin, mesh_name);
561 }
564  const unsigned n_y_cells,
565  const unsigned n_z_cells,
566  const double cell_size,
567  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
568  std::string const& mesh_name)
569 {
570  return generateRegularPrismMesh(n_x_cells, n_y_cells, n_z_cells, cell_size,
571  cell_size, cell_size, origin, mesh_name);
572 }
575  const unsigned n_y_cells,
576  const unsigned n_z_cells,
577  const double cell_size_x,
578  const double cell_size_y,
579  const double cell_size_z,
580  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
581  std::string const& mesh_name)
582 {
583  std::unique_ptr<MeshLib::Mesh> mesh(generateRegularTriMesh(
584  n_x_cells, n_y_cells, cell_size_x, cell_size_y, origin, mesh_name));
585  std::size_t const n_tris(mesh->getNumberOfElements());
586  bool const copy_material_ids = false;
587  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n_z_cells; ++i)
588  {
589  mesh.reset(MeshLib::addLayerToMesh(*mesh, cell_size_z, mesh_name, true,
590  copy_material_ids));
591  }
592  std::vector<std::size_t> elem_ids(n_tris);
593  std::iota(elem_ids.begin(), elem_ids.end(), 0);
594  return MeshLib::removeElements(*mesh, elem_ids, mesh_name);
595 }
598  const double y_length,
599  const double z_length,
600  const std::size_t x_subdivision,
601  const std::size_t y_subdivision,
602  const std::size_t z_subdivision,
603  const MathLib::Point3d& origin,
604  std::string const& mesh_name)
605 {
606  return generateRegularTetMesh(
607  x_subdivision, y_subdivision, z_subdivision, x_length / x_subdivision,
608  y_length / y_subdivision, z_length / z_subdivision, origin, mesh_name);
609 }
611 Mesh* MeshGenerator::generateRegularTetMesh(const unsigned n_x_cells,
612  const unsigned n_y_cells,
613  const unsigned n_z_cells,
614  const double cell_size_x,
615  const double cell_size_y,
616  const double cell_size_z,
617  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
618  std::string const& mesh_name)
619 {
620  return generateRegularTetMesh(
621  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_x_cells * cell_size_x, n_x_cells),
622  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_y_cells * cell_size_y, n_y_cells),
623  BaseLib::UniformSubdivision(n_z_cells * cell_size_z, n_z_cells), origin,
624  mesh_name);
625 }
628  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_y,
629  const BaseLib::ISubdivision& div_z,
630  MathLib::Point3d const& origin,
631  std::string const& mesh_name)
632 {
633  std::vector<double> vec_x(div_x());
634  std::vector<double> vec_y(div_y());
635  std::vector<double> vec_z(div_z());
636  std::vector<Node*> nodes(generateRegularNodes(vec_x, vec_y, vec_z, origin));
638  const unsigned n_x_nodes(vec_x.size());
639  const unsigned n_y_nodes(vec_y.size());
640  const unsigned n_x_cells(vec_x.size() - 1);
641  const unsigned n_y_cells(vec_y.size() - 1);
642  const unsigned n_z_cells(vec_z.size() - 1);
644  // elements
645  std::vector<Element*> elements;
646  elements.reserve(n_x_cells * n_y_cells * n_z_cells * 6);
648  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n_z_cells; i++)
649  {
650  const std::size_t offset_z1 = i * n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes; // bottom
651  const std::size_t offset_z2 = (i + 1) * n_x_nodes * n_y_nodes; // top
652  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n_y_cells; j++)
653  {
654  const std::size_t offset_y1 = j * n_x_nodes;
655  const std::size_t offset_y2 = (j + 1) * n_x_nodes;
656  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < n_x_cells; k++)
657  {
658  // tet 1
659  elements.push_back(
660  new Tet({// bottom
661  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k],
662  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
663  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k],
664  // top
665  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k]}));
666  // tet 2
667  elements.push_back(
668  new Tet({// bottom
669  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
670  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k],
671  // top
672  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k],
673  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1]}));
674  // tet 3
675  elements.push_back(
676  new Tet({// bottom
677  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k],
678  // top
679  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k],
680  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
681  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k]}));
682  // tet 4
683  elements.push_back(
684  new Tet({// bottom
685  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k],
686  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
687  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
688  // top
689  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1]}));
690  // tet 5
691  elements.push_back(
692  new Tet({// bottom
693  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y1 + k],
694  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
695  // top
696  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k],
697  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1]}));
698  // tet 6
699  elements.push_back(
700  new Tet({// bottom
701  nodes[offset_z1 + offset_y2 + k + 1],
702  // top
703  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k],
704  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y1 + k + 1],
705  nodes[offset_z2 + offset_y2 + k + 1]}));
706  }
707  }
708  }
710  return new Mesh(mesh_name, nodes, elements);
711 }
714  std::string const& mesh_name, MathLib::Point3d const& ll,
715  MathLib::Point3d const& ur, std::array<std::size_t, 2> const& n_steps,
716  const std::function<double(double, double)>& f)
717 {
718  std::array<double, 2> step_size{{(ur[0] - ll[0]) / (n_steps[0] - 1),
719  (ur[1] - ll[1]) / (n_steps[1] - 1)}};
721  std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> nodes;
722  for (std::size_t j(0); j < n_steps[1]; ++j)
723  {
724  for (std::size_t i(0); i < n_steps[0]; ++i)
725  {
726  std::size_t const id = i + j * n_steps[1];
727  double const x = ll[0] + i * step_size[0];
728  double const y = ll[1] + j * step_size[1];
730  nodes.push_back(new MeshLib::Node({x, y, f(x, y)}, id));
731  }
732  }
734  std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> sfc_eles;
735  for (std::size_t j(0); j < n_steps[1] - 1; ++j)
736  {
737  for (std::size_t i(0); i < n_steps[0] - 1; ++i)
738  {
739  std::size_t id_ll(i + j * n_steps[0]);
740  std::size_t id_lr(i + 1 + j * n_steps[0]);
741  std::size_t id_ul(i + (j + 1) * n_steps[0]);
742  std::size_t id_ur(i + 1 + (j + 1) * n_steps[0]);
743  sfc_eles.push_back(
744  new MeshLib::Tri({nodes[id_ll], nodes[id_lr], nodes[id_ur]}));
745  sfc_eles.push_back(
746  new MeshLib::Tri({nodes[id_ll], nodes[id_ur], nodes[id_ul]}));
747  }
748  }
750  return new MeshLib::Mesh(mesh_name, nodes, sfc_eles);
751 }
753 } // namespace MeshLib
Definition of AddLayerToMesh class.
Definition of the Hex class.
Definition of the Line class.
Definition of the Node class.
Definition of the Pyramid class.
Definition of the Quad class.
Definition of the Tet class.
Definition of the Tri class.
MeshLib::Mesh * createSurfaceMesh(std::string const &mesh_name, MathLib::Point3d const &ll, MathLib::Point3d const &ur, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > const &n_steps, const std::function< double(double, double)> &f)
Mesh * generateRegularPrismMesh(const double x_length, const double y_length, const double z_length, const std::size_t x_subdivision, const std::size_t y_subdivision, const std::size_t z_subdivision, MathLib::Point3d const &origin=MathLib::ORIGIN, std::string const &mesh_name="mesh")
std::vector< MeshLib::Node * > generateRegularPyramidTopNodes(std::vector< double > const &x_coords, std::vector< double > const &y_coords, std::vector< double > const &z_coords, const MathLib::Point3d &origin)
std::vector< MeshLib::Node * > generateRegularNodes(const std::vector< const std::vector< double > * > &vec_xyz_coords, const MathLib::Point3d &origin=MathLib::ORIGIN)
Mesh * generateLineMesh(const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div, MathLib::Point3d const &origin=MathLib::ORIGIN, std::string const &mesh_name="mesh")
Mesh * generateRegularTriMesh(const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_x, const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_y, MathLib::Point3d const &origin=MathLib::ORIGIN, std::string const &mesh_name="mesh")
Mesh * generateRegularQuadMesh(const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_x, const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_y, MathLib::Point3d const &origin=MathLib::ORIGIN, std::string const &mesh_name="mesh")
Mesh * generateRegularPyramidMesh(const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_x, const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_y, const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_z, MathLib::Point3d const &origin=MathLib::ORIGIN, std::string const &mesh_name="mesh")
Mesh * generateRegularTetMesh(const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_x, const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_y, const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_z, MathLib::Point3d const &origin=MathLib::ORIGIN, std::string const &mesh_name="mesh")
Mesh * generateRegularHexMesh(const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_x, const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_y, const BaseLib::ISubdivision &div_z, MathLib::Point3d const &origin=MathLib::ORIGIN, std::string const &mesh_name="mesh")
MeshLib::Mesh * removeElements(const MeshLib::Mesh &mesh, const std::vector< std::size_t > &removed_element_ids, const std::string &new_mesh_name)
TemplateElement< MeshLib::TetRule4 > Tet
Definition: Tet.h:25
TemplateElement< MeshLib::LineRule2 > Line
Definition: Line.h:25
TemplateElement< MeshLib::TriRule3 > Tri
Definition: Tri.h:26
MeshLib::Mesh * addLayerToMesh(MeshLib::Mesh const &mesh, double thickness, std::string const &name, bool on_top, bool copy_material_ids)
TemplateElement< MeshLib::HexRule8 > Hex
Definition: Hex.h:25
TemplateElement< MeshLib::QuadRule4 > Quad
Definition: Quad.h:28