Go to the documentation of this file.
11 #pragma once
18 namespace ProcessLib
19 {
20 namespace LIE
21 {
22 namespace HydroMechanics
23 {
24 template <int GlobalDim, typename RotationMatrix>
25 Eigen::Matrix<double, GlobalDim, GlobalDim> createRotatedTensor(
26  RotationMatrix const& R, double const value)
27 {
28  using M = Eigen::Matrix<double, GlobalDim, GlobalDim>;
29  M tensor = M::Zero();
30  tensor.diagonal().head(GlobalDim - 1).setConstant(value);
31  return (R.transpose() * tensor * R).eval();
32 }
34 template <typename ShapeFunctionDisplacement, typename ShapeFunctionPressure,
35  typename IntegrationMethod, int GlobalDim>
36 HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerFracture<ShapeFunctionDisplacement,
37  ShapeFunctionPressure, IntegrationMethod,
38  GlobalDim>::
39  HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerFracture(
40  MeshLib::Element const& e,
41  std::size_t const /*local_matrix_size*/,
42  std::vector<unsigned> const& dofIndex_to_localIndex,
43  bool const is_axially_symmetric,
44  unsigned const integration_order,
47  e, is_axially_symmetric,
48  ShapeFunctionDisplacement::NPOINTS * GlobalDim +
49  ShapeFunctionPressure::NPOINTS,
50  dofIndex_to_localIndex),
51  _process_data(process_data)
52 {
53  assert(e.getDimension() == GlobalDim - 1);
55  IntegrationMethod integration_method(integration_order);
56  unsigned const n_integration_points =
57  integration_method.getNumberOfPoints();
59  _ip_data.reserve(n_integration_points);
61  auto const shape_matrices_u =
62  NumLib::initShapeMatrices<ShapeFunctionDisplacement,
64  e, is_axially_symmetric, integration_method);
66  auto const shape_matrices_p =
67  NumLib::initShapeMatrices<ShapeFunctionPressure,
68  ShapeMatricesTypePressure, GlobalDim>(
69  e, is_axially_symmetric, integration_method);
71  auto const& frac_prop = *_process_data.fracture_property;
73  // Get element nodes for aperture0 interpolation from nodes to integration
74  // point. The aperture0 parameter is time-independent.
76  aperture0_node_values = frac_prop.aperture0.getNodalValuesOnElement(
77  e, /*time independent*/ 0);
80  x_position.setElementID(e.getID());
81  for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ip++)
82  {
83  x_position.setIntegrationPoint(ip);
85  _ip_data.emplace_back(*_process_data.fracture_model);
86  auto const& sm_u = shape_matrices_u[ip];
87  auto const& sm_p = shape_matrices_p[ip];
88  auto& ip_data = _ip_data[ip];
89  ip_data.integration_weight =
90  sm_u.detJ * sm_u.integralMeasure *
91  integration_method.getWeightedPoint(ip).getWeight();
93  ip_data.H_u.setZero(GlobalDim,
94  ShapeFunctionDisplacement::NPOINTS * GlobalDim);
96  GlobalDim, ShapeFunctionDisplacement::NPOINTS,
98  HMatrixType>(sm_u.N, ip_data.H_u);
99  ip_data.N_p = sm_p.N;
100  ip_data.dNdx_p = sm_p.dNdx;
102  // Initialize current time step values
103  ip_data.w.setZero(GlobalDim);
104  ip_data.sigma_eff.setZero(GlobalDim);
106  // Previous time step values are not initialized and are set later.
107  ip_data.w_prev.resize(GlobalDim);
108  ip_data.sigma_eff_prev.resize(GlobalDim);
110  ip_data.C.resize(GlobalDim, GlobalDim);
112  ip_data.aperture0 = aperture0_node_values.dot(sm_u.N);
113  ip_data.aperture = ip_data.aperture0;
115  ip_data.permeability_state =
116  frac_prop.permeability_model->getNewState();
118  auto const initial_effective_stress =
119  _process_data.initial_fracture_effective_stress(0, x_position);
120  for (int i = 0; i < GlobalDim; i++)
121  {
122  ip_data.sigma_eff[i] = initial_effective_stress[i];
123  ip_data.sigma_eff_prev[i] = initial_effective_stress[i];
124  }
125  }
126 }
128 template <typename ShapeFunctionDisplacement, typename ShapeFunctionPressure,
129  typename IntegrationMethod, int GlobalDim>
131  ShapeFunctionDisplacement, ShapeFunctionPressure, IntegrationMethod,
132  GlobalDim>::assembleWithJacobianConcrete(double const t, double const dt,
133  Eigen::VectorXd const& local_x,
134  Eigen::VectorXd const& local_xdot,
135  Eigen::VectorXd& local_b,
136  Eigen::MatrixXd& local_J)
137 {
138  auto const p = local_x.segment(pressure_index, pressure_size);
139  auto const p_dot = local_xdot.segment(pressure_index, pressure_size);
140  auto const g = local_x.segment(displacement_index, displacement_size);
141  auto const g_dot =
142  local_xdot.segment(displacement_index, displacement_size);
144  auto rhs_p = local_b.segment(pressure_index, pressure_size);
145  auto rhs_g = local_b.segment(displacement_index, displacement_size);
146  auto J_pp = local_J.block(pressure_index, pressure_index, pressure_size,
147  pressure_size);
148  auto J_pg = local_J.block(pressure_index, displacement_index, pressure_size,
149  displacement_size);
150  auto J_gp = local_J.block(displacement_index, pressure_index,
151  displacement_size, pressure_size);
152  auto J_gg = local_J.block(displacement_index, displacement_index,
153  displacement_size, displacement_size);
155  assembleBlockMatricesWithJacobian(t, dt, p, p_dot, g, g_dot, rhs_p, rhs_g,
156  J_pp, J_pg, J_gg, J_gp);
157 }
159 template <typename ShapeFunctionDisplacement, typename ShapeFunctionPressure,
160  typename IntegrationMethod, int GlobalDim>
161 void HydroMechanicsLocalAssemblerFracture<ShapeFunctionDisplacement,
162  ShapeFunctionPressure,
163  IntegrationMethod, GlobalDim>::
164  assembleBlockMatricesWithJacobian(
165  double const t, double const dt,
166  Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const& p,
167  Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const& p_dot,
168  Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const& g,
169  Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const& g_dot,
170  Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> rhs_p, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> rhs_g,
171  Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> J_pp, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> J_pg,
172  Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> J_gg, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> J_gp)
173 {
174  auto const& frac_prop = *_process_data.fracture_property;
175  auto const& R = frac_prop.R;
177  // the index of a normal (normal to a fracture plane) component
178  // in a displacement vector
179  auto constexpr index_normal = GlobalDim - 1;
181  typename ShapeMatricesTypePressure::NodalMatrixType laplace_p =
182  ShapeMatricesTypePressure::NodalMatrixType::Zero(pressure_size,
183  pressure_size);
185  typename ShapeMatricesTypePressure::NodalMatrixType storage_p =
186  ShapeMatricesTypePressure::NodalMatrixType::Zero(pressure_size,
187  pressure_size);
189  typename ShapeMatricesTypeDisplacement::template MatrixType<
190  displacement_size, pressure_size>
191  Kgp = ShapeMatricesTypeDisplacement::template MatrixType<
192  displacement_size, pressure_size>::Zero(displacement_size,
193  pressure_size);
195  // Projection of the body force vector at the element.
196  Eigen::MatrixXd const global2local_rotation =
197  R.template topLeftCorner<ShapeFunctionPressure::DIM, GlobalDim>();
199  DimVectorType const gravity_vec =
200  global2local_rotation * _process_data.specific_body_force;
203  x_position.setElementID(_element.getID());
205  unsigned const n_integration_points = _ip_data.size();
206  for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ip++)
207  {
208  x_position.setIntegrationPoint(ip);
210  auto& ip_data = _ip_data[ip];
211  auto const& ip_w = ip_data.integration_weight;
212  auto const& N_p = ip_data.N_p;
213  auto const& dNdx_p = ip_data.dNdx_p;
214  auto const& H_g = ip_data.H_u;
215  auto const& identity2 =
218  auto& mat = ip_data.fracture_material;
219  auto& effective_stress = ip_data.sigma_eff;
220  auto const& effective_stress_prev = ip_data.sigma_eff_prev;
221  auto& w = ip_data.w;
222  auto const& w_prev = ip_data.w_prev;
223  auto& C = ip_data.C;
224  auto& state = *ip_data.material_state_variables;
225  auto& b_m = ip_data.aperture;
227  double const S = frac_prop.specific_storage(t, x_position)[0];
228  double const mu = _process_data.fluid_viscosity(t, x_position)[0];
229  auto const alpha = frac_prop.biot_coefficient(t, x_position)[0];
230  auto const rho_fr = _process_data.fluid_density(t, x_position)[0];
232  // displacement jumps in local coordinates
233  w.noalias() = R * H_g * g;
235  // aperture
236  b_m = ip_data.aperture0 + w[index_normal];
237  if (b_m < 0.0)
238  {
239  DBUG(
240  "Element {:d}, gp {:d}: Fracture aperture is {:g}, but it must "
241  "be "
242  "non-negative. Setting it to zero.",
243  _element.getID(), ip, b_m);
244  b_m = 0;
245  }
247  auto const initial_effective_stress =
248  _process_data.initial_fracture_effective_stress(0, x_position);
250  Eigen::Map<typename HMatricesType::ForceVectorType const> const stress0(
251  initial_effective_stress.data(), initial_effective_stress.size());
253  // local C, local stress
254  mat.computeConstitutiveRelation(
255  t, x_position, ip_data.aperture0, stress0, w_prev, w,
256  effective_stress_prev, effective_stress, C, state);
258  auto& k = ip_data.permeability;
259  k = frac_prop.permeability_model->permeability(
260  ip_data.permeability_state.get(), ip_data.aperture0, b_m);
262  // derivative of permeability respect to aperture
263  double const local_dk_db =
264  frac_prop.permeability_model->dpermeability_daperture(
265  ip_data.permeability_state.get(), ip_data.aperture0, b_m);
267  //
268  // displacement equation, displacement jump part
269  //
270  rhs_g.noalias() -=
271  H_g.transpose() * R.transpose() * effective_stress * ip_w;
272  J_gg.noalias() += H_g.transpose() * R.transpose() * C * R * H_g * ip_w;
274  //
275  // displacement equation, pressure part
276  //
277  Kgp.noalias() +=
278  H_g.transpose() * R.transpose() * alpha * identity2 * N_p * ip_w;
280  //
281  // pressure equation, pressure part.
282  //
283  storage_p.noalias() += N_p.transpose() * b_m * S * N_p * ip_w;
284  laplace_p.noalias() +=
285  dNdx_p.transpose() * b_m * k / mu * dNdx_p * ip_w;
286  rhs_p.noalias() +=
287  dNdx_p.transpose() * b_m * k / mu * rho_fr * gravity_vec * ip_w;
289  //
290  // pressure equation, displacement jump part.
291  //
292  auto const grad_head_over_mu =
293  ((dNdx_p * p + rho_fr * gravity_vec) / mu).eval();
294  Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, displacement_size> const mT_R_Hg =
295  identity2.transpose() * R * H_g;
296  // velocity in global coordinates
297  ip_data.darcy_velocity =
298  -global2local_rotation.transpose() * k * grad_head_over_mu;
299  J_pg.noalias() += N_p.transpose() * S * N_p * p_dot * mT_R_Hg * ip_w;
300  J_pg.noalias() +=
301  dNdx_p.transpose() * k * grad_head_over_mu * mT_R_Hg * ip_w;
302  J_pg.noalias() += dNdx_p.transpose() * b_m * local_dk_db *
303  grad_head_over_mu * mT_R_Hg * ip_w;
304  }
306  // displacement equation, pressure part
307  J_gp.noalias() -= Kgp;
309  // pressure equation, pressure part.
310  J_pp.noalias() += laplace_p + storage_p / dt;
312  // pressure equation, displacement jump part.
313  J_pg.noalias() += Kgp.transpose() / dt;
315  // pressure equation
316  rhs_p.noalias() -=
317  laplace_p * p + storage_p * p_dot + Kgp.transpose() * g_dot;
319  // displacement equation
320  rhs_g.noalias() -= -Kgp * p;
321 }
323 template <typename ShapeFunctionDisplacement, typename ShapeFunctionPressure,
324  typename IntegrationMethod, int GlobalDim>
326  ShapeFunctionDisplacement, ShapeFunctionPressure, IntegrationMethod,
327  GlobalDim>::postTimestepConcreteWithVector(const double t,
328  double const /*dt*/,
329  Eigen::VectorXd const& local_x)
330 {
331  auto const nodal_g = local_x.segment(displacement_index, displacement_size);
333  auto const& frac_prop = *_process_data.fracture_property;
334  auto const& R = frac_prop.R;
335  // the index of a normal (normal to a fracture plane) component
336  // in a displacement vector
337  auto constexpr index_normal = GlobalDim - 1;
340  x_position.setElementID(_element.getID());
342  unsigned const n_integration_points = _ip_data.size();
343  for (unsigned ip = 0; ip < n_integration_points; ip++)
344  {
345  x_position.setIntegrationPoint(ip);
347  auto& ip_data = _ip_data[ip];
348  auto const& H_g = ip_data.H_u;
349  auto& mat = ip_data.fracture_material;
350  auto& effective_stress = ip_data.sigma_eff;
351  auto const& effective_stress_prev = ip_data.sigma_eff_prev;
352  auto& w = ip_data.w;
353  auto const& w_prev = ip_data.w_prev;
354  auto& C = ip_data.C;
355  auto& state = *ip_data.material_state_variables;
356  auto& b_m = ip_data.aperture;
358  // displacement jumps in local coordinates
359  w.noalias() = R * H_g * nodal_g;
361  // aperture
362  b_m = ip_data.aperture0 + w[index_normal];
363  if (b_m < 0.0)
364  {
365  DBUG(
366  "Element {:d}, gp {:d}: Fracture aperture is {:g}, but it is "
367  "expected to be non-negative.",
368  _element.getID(), ip, b_m);
369  }
371  auto const initial_effective_stress =
372  _process_data.initial_fracture_effective_stress(0, x_position);
374  Eigen::Map<typename HMatricesType::ForceVectorType const> const stress0(
375  initial_effective_stress.data(), initial_effective_stress.size());
377  // local C, local stress
378  mat.computeConstitutiveRelation(
379  t, x_position, ip_data.aperture0, stress0, w_prev, w,
380  effective_stress_prev, effective_stress, C, state);
381  }
383  double ele_b = 0;
384  double ele_k = 0;
385  typename HMatricesType::ForceVectorType ele_sigma_eff =
386  HMatricesType::ForceVectorType::Zero(GlobalDim);
387  typename HMatricesType::ForceVectorType ele_w =
388  HMatricesType::ForceVectorType::Zero(GlobalDim);
389  double ele_Fs = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
390  GlobalDimVector ele_velocity = GlobalDimVector::Zero();
391  for (auto const& ip : _ip_data)
392  {
393  ele_b += ip.aperture;
394  ele_k += ip.permeability;
395  ele_w += ip.w;
396  ele_sigma_eff += ip.sigma_eff;
397  ele_Fs = std::max(
398  ele_Fs, ip.material_state_variables->getShearYieldFunctionValue());
399  ele_velocity += ip.darcy_velocity;
400  }
401  ele_b /= static_cast<double>(n_integration_points);
402  ele_k /= static_cast<double>(n_integration_points);
403  ele_w /= static_cast<double>(n_integration_points);
404  ele_sigma_eff /= static_cast<double>(n_integration_points);
405  ele_velocity /= static_cast<double>(n_integration_points);
406  auto const element_id = _element.getID();
407  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_b)[element_id] = ele_b;
408  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_k_f)[element_id] = ele_k;
409  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_w_n)[element_id] = ele_w[index_normal];
410  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_w_s)[element_id] = ele_w[0];
411  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_fracture_stress_normal)[element_id] =
412  ele_sigma_eff[index_normal];
413  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_fracture_stress_shear)[element_id] =
414  ele_sigma_eff[0];
415  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_fracture_shear_failure)[element_id] = ele_Fs;
417  if (GlobalDim == 3)
418  {
419  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_w_s2)[element_id] = ele_w[1];
420  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_fracture_stress_shear2)[element_id] =
421  ele_sigma_eff[1];
422  }
424  for (unsigned i = 0; i < GlobalDim; i++)
425  {
426  (*_process_data.mesh_prop_velocity)[element_id * GlobalDim + i] =
427  ele_velocity[i];
428  }
429 }
431 } // namespace HydroMechanics
432 } // namespace LIE
433 } // namespace ProcessLib
void DBUG(char const *fmt, Args const &... args)
Definition: Logging.h:27
virtual constexpr unsigned getDimension() const =0
Get dimension of the mesh element.
virtual std::size_t getID() const final
Returns the ID of the element.
Definition: Element.h:82
void setElementID(std::size_t element_id)
void setIntegrationPoint(unsigned integration_point)
VectorType< DisplacementDim > ForceVectorType
Definition: HMatrixUtils.h:45
ShapeMatrixPolicyType< ShapeFunctionPressure, ShapeFunctionPressure::DIM > ShapeMatricesTypePressure
std::vector< IntegrationPointDataType, Eigen::aligned_allocator< IntegrationPointDataType > > _ip_data
ShapeMatrixPolicyType< ShapeFunctionDisplacement, ShapeFunctionDisplacement::DIM > ShapeMatricesTypeDisplacement
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3u, 3u, Eigen::RowMajor > RotationMatrix
std::vector< typename ShapeMatricesType::ShapeMatrices, Eigen::aligned_allocator< typename ShapeMatricesType::ShapeMatrices > > initShapeMatrices(MeshLib::Element const &e, bool const is_axially_symmetric, IntegrationMethod const &integration_method)
Eigen::Matrix< double, GlobalDim, GlobalDim > createRotatedTensor(RotationMatrix const &R, double const value)
void computeHMatrix(N_Type const &N, HMatrixType &H)
Fills a H-matrix based on given shape function.
Definition: HMatrixUtils.h:53
MatrixType< ShapeFunction::NPOINTS, ShapeFunction::NPOINTS > NodalMatrixType
VectorType< ShapeFunction::NPOINTS > NodalVectorType
RowVectorType< ShapeFunction::NPOINTS > NodalRowVectorType