Go to the documentation of this file.
15 #include "MeshEnums.h"
17 #include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
19 namespace MeshLib
20 {
21 std::string MeshElemType2String(const MeshElemType t)
22 {
23  if (t == MeshElemType::POINT)
24  {
25  return "Point";
26  }
27  if (t == MeshElemType::LINE)
28  {
29  return "Line";
30  }
31  if (t == MeshElemType::QUAD)
32  {
33  return "Quad";
34  }
35  if (t == MeshElemType::HEXAHEDRON)
36  {
37  return "Hexahedron";
38  }
39  if (t == MeshElemType::TRIANGLE)
40  {
41  return "Triangle";
42  }
44  {
45  return "Tetrahedron";
46  }
47  if (t == MeshElemType::PRISM)
48  {
49  return "Prism";
50  }
51  if (t == MeshElemType::PYRAMID)
52  {
53  return "Pyramid";
54  }
55  return "none";
56 }
59 {
60  if (t == MeshElemType::POINT)
61  {
62  return "point";
63  }
64  if (t == MeshElemType::LINE)
65  {
66  return "line";
67  }
68  if (t == MeshElemType::QUAD)
69  {
70  return "quad";
71  }
72  if (t == MeshElemType::HEXAHEDRON)
73  {
74  return "hex";
75  }
76  if (t == MeshElemType::TRIANGLE)
77  {
78  return "tri";
79  }
81  {
82  return "tet";
83  }
84  if (t == MeshElemType::PRISM)
85  {
86  return "pris";
87  }
88  if (t == MeshElemType::PYRAMID)
89  {
90  return "pyra";
91  }
92  return "none";
93 }
95 MeshElemType String2MeshElemType(const std::string& s)
96 {
97  if (boost::iequals(s, "point"))
98  {
99  return MeshElemType::POINT;
100  }
101  if (boost::iequals(s, "line"))
102  {
103  return MeshElemType::LINE;
104  }
105  if (boost::iequals(s, "quad") || boost::iequals(s, "Quadrilateral"))
106  {
107  return MeshElemType::QUAD;
108  }
109  if (boost::iequals(s, "hex") || boost::iequals(s, "Hexahedron"))
110  {
112  }
113  if (boost::iequals(s, "tri") || boost::iequals(s, "Triangle"))
114  {
115  return MeshElemType::TRIANGLE;
116  }
117  if (boost::iequals(s, "tet") || boost::iequals(s, "Tetrahedron"))
118  {
120  }
121  if (boost::iequals(s, "pris") || boost::iequals(s, "Prism"))
122  {
123  return MeshElemType::PRISM;
124  }
125  if (boost::iequals(s, "pyra") || boost::iequals(s, "Pyramid"))
126  {
127  return MeshElemType::PYRAMID;
128  }
129  return MeshElemType::INVALID;
130 }
132 std::vector<MeshElemType> getMeshElemTypes()
133 {
134  std::vector<MeshElemType> vec;
135  vec.push_back(MeshElemType::POINT);
136  vec.push_back(MeshElemType::LINE);
137  vec.push_back(MeshElemType::QUAD);
138  vec.push_back(MeshElemType::HEXAHEDRON);
139  vec.push_back(MeshElemType::TRIANGLE);
140  vec.push_back(MeshElemType::TETRAHEDRON);
141  vec.push_back(MeshElemType::PRISM);
142  vec.push_back(MeshElemType::PYRAMID);
143  return vec;
144 }
146 std::vector<std::string> getMeshElemTypeStringsShort()
147 {
148  std::vector<std::string> vec;
149  auto const& mesh_elem_types = getMeshElemTypes();
150  std::transform(mesh_elem_types.begin(), mesh_elem_types.end(),
151  std::back_inserter(vec),
152  [](auto const& element_type)
153  { return MeshElemType2StringShort(element_type); });
154  return vec;
155 }
157 std::string CellType2String(const CellType t)
158 {
159 #define RETURN_CELL_TYPE_STR(t, type) \
160  if ((t) == CellType::type) \
161  return #type;
181  return "none";
184 }
187 {
189  {
190  return "ElementSize";
191  }
193  {
194  return "EdgeRatio";
195  }
197  {
198  return "EquiAngleSkew";
199  }
201  {
202  return "RadiusEdgeRatio";
203  }
205  {
206  return "SizeDifference";
207  }
208  return "none";
209 }
212 {
213  if (boost::iequals(s, "ElementSize"))
214  {
216  }
217  if (boost::iequals(s, "EdgeRatio"))
218  {
220  }
221  if (boost::iequals(s, "EquiAngleSkew"))
222  {
224  }
225  if (boost::iequals(s, "RadiusEdgeRatio"))
226  {
228  }
229  if (boost::iequals(s, "SizeDifference"))
230  {
232  }
234 }
236 } // namespace MeshLib
#define RETURN_CELL_TYPE_STR(t, type)
Definition of mesh-related Enumerations.
MeshElemType String2MeshElemType(const std::string &s)
Given a string of the shortened name of the element type, this returns the corresponding MeshElemType...
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:95
Types of mesh elements supported by OpenGeoSys.
Definition: MeshEnums.h:43
MeshLib::MeshQualityType String2MeshQualityType(std::string const &s)
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:211
std::string MeshElemType2String(const MeshElemType t)
Given a MeshElemType this returns the appropriate string.
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:21
Describes a mesh quality metric.
Definition: MeshEnums.h:70
std::vector< MeshElemType > getMeshElemTypes()
Returns a vector of all mesh element types.
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:132
std::string MeshElemType2StringShort(const MeshElemType t)
Given a MeshElemType this returns the appropriate string with a short name.
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:58
std::vector< std::string > getMeshElemTypeStringsShort()
Returns a vector of strings of mesh element types.
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:146
std::string CellType2String(const CellType t)
Given a MeshElemType this returns the appropriate string.
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:157
std::string MeshQualityType2String(const MeshQualityType t)
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:186
Types of mesh elements supported by OpenGeoSys. Values are from VTKCellType enum.
Definition: MeshEnums.h:27