BinaryToPVTU.cpp File Reference

Detailed Description

A tool for debugging the mesh partitioning.

Definition in file BinaryToPVTU.cpp.

#include <mpi.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
#include <vtkMPIController.h>
#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include "BaseLib/CPUTime.h"
#include "BaseLib/FileTools.h"
#include "BaseLib/RunTime.h"
#include "InfoLib/GitInfo.h"
#include "MeshLib/IO/MPI_IO/NodePartitionedMeshReader.h"
#include "MeshLib/IO/VtkIO/VtuInterface.h"
#include "MeshLib/IO/readMeshFromFile.h"
#include "MeshLib/NodePartitionedMesh.h"
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int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 28 of file BinaryToPVTU.cpp.

29 {
30  TCLAP::CmdLine cmd(
31  "Reads the binary mesh format and writes the data as vtus/pvtu.\n"
32  "OpenGeoSys-6 software, version " +
34  ".\n"
35  "Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community "
36  "(http://www.opengeosys.org)",
38  TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> mesh_input(
39  "i", "mesh-input-file-base",
40  "the base name of the files containing the input mesh, i.e., the file "
41  "name without the string beginning with '_partitioned' and ending with "
42  "'.bin'",
43  true, "", "base_file_name_of_input_mesh");
44  cmd.add(mesh_input);
46  TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> output_directory_arg(
47  "o", "output",
48  "output directory name and output base file name without extensions",
49  true, "", "directory/base_file_name_without_extensions");
50  cmd.add(output_directory_arg);
52  TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> log_level_arg(
53  "l", "log-level",
54  "the verbosity of logging messages: none, error, warn, info, debug, "
55  "all",
56  false,
57 #ifdef NDEBUG
58  "info",
59 #else
60  "all",
61 #endif
62  "LOG_LEVEL");
63  cmd.add(log_level_arg);
65  cmd.parse(argc, argv);
67  BaseLib::setConsoleLogLevel(log_level_arg.getValue());
68  spdlog::set_pattern("%^%l:%$ %v");
69  spdlog::set_error_handler(
70  [](const std::string& msg)
71  {
72  std::cerr << "spdlog error: " << msg << std::endl;
73  OGS_FATAL("spdlog logger error occurred.");
74  });
76  // init MPI
77  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
79  // start the timer
80  BaseLib::RunTime run_timer;
81  run_timer.start();
82  BaseLib::CPUTime CPU_timer;
83  CPU_timer.start();
85  // add mpi_rank to logger output
86  int mpi_rank;
87  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
88  spdlog::set_pattern(fmt::format("[{}] %^%l:%$ %v", mpi_rank));
90  // init vtkMPI
91  vtkSmartPointer<vtkMPIController> controller =
92  vtkSmartPointer<vtkMPIController>::New();
93  controller->Initialize(&argc, &argv, 1);
94  vtkMPIController::SetGlobalController(controller);
97  dynamic_cast<MeshLib::NodePartitionedMesh*>(
98  MeshLib::IO::readMeshFromFile(mesh_input.getValue()));
99  INFO("Mesh '{:s}' read: {:d} nodes, {:d} elements.",
100  mesh->getName(),
101  mesh->getNumberOfNodes(),
102  mesh->getNumberOfElements());
103  INFO("Mesh read runtime: {:g} s.", run_timer.elapsed());
104  INFO("Mesh read CPU time: {:g} s.", CPU_timer.elapsed());
106  // Write output file
107  auto const file_name = output_directory_arg.getValue() + ".vtu";
108  DBUG("Writing output to '{:s}'.", file_name);
110  MeshLib::IO::VtuInterface vtu_interface(mesh);
111  vtu_interface.writeToFile(file_name);
113  INFO("Total runtime: {:g} s.", run_timer.elapsed());
114  INFO("Total CPU time: {:g} s.", CPU_timer.elapsed());
116  MPI_Finalize();
118  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
119 }
#define OGS_FATAL(...)
Definition: Error.h:26
void INFO(char const *fmt, Args const &... args)
Definition: Logging.h:32
void DBUG(char const *fmt, Args const &... args)
Definition: Logging.h:27
Count CPU time.
Definition: CPUTime.h:23
void start()
Start the timer.
Definition: CPUTime.h:26
double elapsed() const
Get the elapsed time after started.
Definition: CPUTime.h:29
Count the running time.
Definition: RunTime.h:29
double elapsed() const
Get the elapsed time in seconds.
Definition: RunTime.h:42
void start()
Start the timer.
Definition: RunTime.h:32
Reads and writes VtkXMLUnstructuredGrid-files (vtu) to and from OGS data structures....
Definition: VtuInterface.h:38
const std::string getName() const
Get name of the mesh.
Definition: Mesh.h:92
std::size_t getNumberOfNodes() const
Get the number of nodes.
Definition: Mesh.h:89
std::size_t getNumberOfElements() const
Get the number of elements.
Definition: Mesh.h:86
void setConsoleLogLevel(std::string const &level_string)
Definition: Logging.cpp:34
std::string format(const char *format_str,...)
Definition: StringTools.cpp:85
GITINFOLIB_EXPORT const std::string ogs_version
MeshLib::Mesh * readMeshFromFile(const std::string &file_name)

References DBUG(), BaseLib::CPUTime::elapsed(), BaseLib::RunTime::elapsed(), BaseLib::format(), MeshLib::Mesh::getName(), MeshLib::Mesh::getNumberOfElements(), MeshLib::Mesh::getNumberOfNodes(), INFO(), OGS_FATAL, GitInfoLib::GitInfo::ogs_version, MeshLib::IO::readMeshFromFile(), BaseLib::setConsoleLogLevel(), BaseLib::CPUTime::start(), BaseLib::RunTime::start(), and MeshLib::IO::VtuInterface::writeToFile().