48 explicit Station(
double x = 0.0,
double y = 0.0,
double z = 0.0,
49 std::string
name =
Definition of the SensorData class.
A Station (observation site) is basically a Point with some additional information.
Station(double x=0.0, double y=0.0, double z=0.0, std::string name="")
void addSensorDataFromCSV(const std::string &file_name)
Allows to add sensor data from a CSV file to the observation site.
const SensorData * getSensorData() const
Returns all the sensor data for this observation site.
std::unique_ptr< SensorData > _sensor_data
double getStationValue() const
Returns the specific value for this station.
std::string const & getName() const
Returns the name of the station.
void setName(std::string const &name)
static Station * createStation(const std::string &line)
Creates a Station-object from information contained in a string (assuming the string has the right fo...
void setStationValue(double station_value)
Allows to set a specific value for this station (e.g. for classification)
A container for sensor data at an observation site. The class stores a number of time series and has ...
bool isStation(GeoLib::Point const *pnt)