Go to the documentation of this file.
15 #include "ElementTreeModel.h"
17 #include "Base/TreeItem.h"
18 #include "GeoLib/AABB.h"
20 #include "MeshLib/Mesh.h"
22 #include "MeshLib/Node.h"
25 namespace
26 {
27 template <typename PropertyType>
28 QList<QVariant> propertyBounds(PropertyType const& property)
29 {
30  auto const bounds = MeshLib::MeshInformation::getValueBounds(property);
31  if (bounds.has_value())
32  {
33  return {"[" + QString::number(bounds->first) + ",",
34  QString::number(bounds->second) + "]"};
35  }
36  // Makeup the same structure of output as in the valid case above.
37  return {"[empty,", "empty]"};
38 }
39 } // namespace
45 {
46  QList<QVariant> rootData;
47  delete _rootItem;
48  rootData << "Name"
49  << "Type"
50  << ""
51  << "";
52  _rootItem = new TreeItem(rootData, nullptr);
53 }
58  vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm const* const grid, const unsigned elem_index)
59 {
60  beginResetModel();
62  _mesh_source = grid;
63  this->clearView();
65  auto const* const source =
66  dynamic_cast<MeshLib::VtkMappedMeshSource const* const>(grid);
68  if (!source)
69  {
70  return;
71  }
73  const MeshLib::Mesh* mesh = source->GetMesh();
74  const MeshLib::Element* elem = mesh->getElement(elem_index);
76  QList<QVariant> elemData;
77  elemData << "Element " + QString::number(elem_index) << ""
78  << ""
79  << "";
80  auto* elemItem = new TreeItem(elemData, _rootItem);
81  _rootItem->appendChild(elemItem);
83  QList<QVariant> typeData;
84  typeData << "Element Type: "
85  << QString::fromStdString(
87  auto* typeItem = new TreeItem(typeData, elemItem);
88  elemItem->appendChild(typeItem);
90  auto const mat_ids = materialIDs(*mesh);
91  QString matIdString = !mat_ids ? QString("not defined")
92  : QString::number((*mat_ids)[elem->getID()]);
93  QList<QVariant> materialData;
94  materialData << "MaterialID: " << matIdString;
95  auto* matItem = new TreeItem(materialData, elemItem);
96  elemItem->appendChild(matItem);
98  QList<QVariant> volData;
99  volData << "Area/Volume: "
100  << QString::number(mesh->getElement(elem_index)->getContent());
101  auto* volItem = new TreeItem(volData, elemItem);
102  elemItem->appendChild(volItem);
104  QList<QVariant> nodeListData;
105  nodeListData << "Nodes"
106  << ""
107  << ""
108  << "";
109  auto* nodeListItem = new TreeItem(nodeListData, elemItem);
110  elemItem->appendChild(nodeListItem);
112  // const std::vector<MeshLib::Node*> nodes_vec = grid->getNodes();
113  std::size_t nElemNodes = elem->getNumberOfBaseNodes();
114  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nElemNodes; i++)
115  {
116  const MeshLib::Node* node = elem->getNode(i);
117  QList<QVariant> nodeData;
118  nodeData << "Node " + QString::number(node->getID())
119  << QString::number((*node)[0], 'f', 6)
120  << QString::number((*node)[1], 'f', 6)
121  << QString::number((*node)[2], 'f', 6);
122  auto* nodeItem = new TreeItem(nodeData, nodeListItem);
123  nodeListItem->appendChild(nodeItem);
124  }
125  endResetModel();
126 }
129 {
130  beginResetModel();
132  endResetModel();
133 }
136 {
137  beginResetModel();
139  this->clearView();
141  QList<QVariant> mesh_name;
142  mesh_name << "Name:" << QString::fromStdString(mesh.getName()) << ""
143  << ""
144  << "";
145  auto* name_item = new TreeItem(mesh_name, _rootItem);
146  _rootItem->appendChild(name_item);
148  QList<QVariant> nodes_number;
149  nodes_number << "#Nodes: " << QString::number(mesh.getNumberOfNodes()) << ""
150  << "";
151  auto* nodes_item = new TreeItem(nodes_number, _rootItem);
152  _rootItem->appendChild(nodes_item);
154  QList<QVariant> elements_number;
155  elements_number << "#Elements: "
156  << QString::number(mesh.getNumberOfElements()) << ""
157  << "";
158  auto* elements_item = new TreeItem(elements_number, _rootItem);
159  _rootItem->appendChild(elements_item);
161  auto const& n_element_types =
163  for (auto entry : n_element_types)
164  {
165  QList<QVariant> number_of_element_types;
166  number_of_element_types
167  << QString::fromStdString(
169  static_cast<MeshLib::MeshElemType>(entry.first)) +
170  "s:")
171  << QString::number(entry.second) << ""
172  << "";
173  auto* type_item = new TreeItem(number_of_element_types, elements_item);
174  elements_item->appendChild(type_item);
175  }
177  QList<QVariant> bounding_box;
178  bounding_box << "Bounding Box"
179  << ""
180  << ""
181  << "";
182  auto* aabb_item = new TreeItem(bounding_box, _rootItem);
183  _rootItem->appendChild(aabb_item);
186  auto const& min = aabb.getMinPoint();
187  auto const& max = aabb.getMaxPoint();
189  QList<QVariant> min_aabb;
190  min_aabb << "Min:" << QString::number(min[0], 'f')
191  << QString::number(min[1], 'f') << QString::number(min[2], 'f');
192  auto* min_item = new TreeItem(min_aabb, aabb_item);
193  aabb_item->appendChild(min_item);
195  QList<QVariant> max_aabb;
196  max_aabb << "Max:" << QString::number(max[0], 'f')
197  << QString::number(max[1], 'f') << QString::number(max[2], 'f');
198  auto* max_item = new TreeItem(max_aabb, aabb_item);
199  aabb_item->appendChild(max_item);
201  QList<QVariant> edges;
202  edges << "Edge Length: "
203  << "[" + QString::number(mesh.getMinEdgeLength(), 'f') + ","
204  << QString::number(mesh.getMaxEdgeLength(), 'f') + "]"
205  << "";
206  auto* edge_item = new TreeItem(edges, _rootItem);
207  _rootItem->appendChild(edge_item);
209  for (auto [name, property] : mesh.getProperties())
210  {
211  QList<QVariant> array_info{QString::fromStdString(name) + ": "};
213  if (auto p = dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<double>*>(property))
214  {
215  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
216  }
217  else if (auto p =
218  dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<float>*>(property))
219  {
220  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
221  }
222  else if (auto p = dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<int>*>(property))
223  {
224  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
225  }
226  else if (auto p =
227  dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<unsigned>*>(property))
228  {
229  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
230  }
231  else if (auto p =
232  dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<long>*>(property))
233  {
234  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
235  }
236  else if (auto p = dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<long long>*>(
237  property))
238  {
239  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
240  }
241  else if (auto p = dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<unsigned long>*>(
242  property))
243  {
244  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
245  }
246  else if (auto p =
248  property))
249  {
250  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
251  }
252  else if (auto p = dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<std::size_t>*>(
253  property))
254  {
255  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
256  }
257  else if (auto p =
258  dynamic_cast<MeshLib::PropertyVector<char>*>(property))
259  {
260  array_info.append(propertyBounds(*p));
261  }
262  else
263  { // Unhandled property vector type.
264  array_info << "[ ?"
265  << "? ]"
266  << "";
267  }
268  _rootItem->appendChild(new TreeItem(array_info, _rootItem));
269  }
271  endResetModel();
272 }
Definition of the AABB class.
Definition of the ElementTreeModel class.
Definition of the Element class.
Definition of the MeshInformation class.
Definition of the Mesh class.
Definition of the Node class.
Definition of the TreeItem class.
VtkMappedMeshSource is a source class to transform OGS meshes into complete vtkUnstructuredGrids....
void setElement(vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm const *const grid, const unsigned elem_index)
Displays information of the element with the given index from the given grid.
~ElementTreeModel() override
vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm const * _mesh_source
void clearView()
Clears the tree.
ElementTreeModel(QObject *parent=nullptr)
void setMesh(MeshLib::Mesh const &mesh)
Displays information of the given mesh.
Class AABB is an axis aligned bounding box around a given set of geometric points of (template) type ...
Definition: AABB.h:49
Eigen::Vector3d const & getMinPoint() const
Definition: AABB.h:174
Eigen::Vector3d const & getMaxPoint() const
Definition: AABB.h:181
std::size_t getID() const
Definition: Point3dWithID.h:62
virtual MeshElemType getGeomType() const =0
virtual const Node * getNode(unsigned idx) const =0
virtual double getContent() const =0
Returns the length, area or volume of a 1D, 2D or 3D element.
virtual unsigned getNumberOfBaseNodes() const =0
virtual std::size_t getID() const final
Returns the ID of the element.
Definition: Element.h:82
static std::map< MeshElemType, unsigned > getNumberOfElementTypes(const MeshLib::Mesh &mesh)
static std::optional< std::pair< T, T > > const getValueBounds(PropertyVector< T > const &property)
static GeoLib::AABB getBoundingBox(const MeshLib::Mesh &mesh)
Returns the bounding box of the mesh.
double getMaxEdgeLength() const
Get the maximum edge length over all elements of the mesh.
Definition: Mesh.h:83
double getMinEdgeLength() const
Get the minimum edge length over all elements of the mesh.
Definition: Mesh.h:80
const std::string getName() const
Get name of the mesh.
Definition: Mesh.h:92
Properties & getProperties()
Definition: Mesh.h:123
std::size_t getNumberOfNodes() const
Get the number of nodes.
Definition: Mesh.h:89
const Element * getElement(std::size_t idx) const
Get the element with the given index.
Definition: Mesh.h:77
std::size_t getNumberOfElements() const
Get the number of elements.
Definition: Mesh.h:86
Objects nodes for the TreeModel.
Definition: TreeItem.h:28
virtual int childCount() const
Definition: TreeItem.cpp:65
void appendChild(TreeItem *item)
Definition: TreeItem.cpp:42
bool removeChildren(int position, int count)
Definition: TreeItem.cpp:124
A hierarchical model for a tree implemented as a double-linked list.
Definition: TreeModel.h:30
TreeItem * _rootItem
Definition: TreeModel.h:58
static const double p
std::string MeshElemType2String(const MeshElemType t)
Given a MeshElemType this returns the appropriate string.
Definition: MeshEnums.cpp:21
PropertyVector< int > const * materialIDs(Mesh const &mesh)
Definition: Mesh.cpp:258
Types of mesh elements supported by OpenGeoSys. Values are from VTKCellType enum.
Definition: MeshEnums.h:27
QList< QVariant > propertyBounds(PropertyType const &property)